Tuesday, December 14, 2021

A must watch video-ושמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם וכו'



  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/619734/

  2. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/

  3. https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/the-development-of-mrna-vaccines-was-a-collaborative-effort-robert-malone-contributed-to-their-development-but-he-is-not-their-inventor/

  4. Is it different for adults

  5. Letting you kid get Covid is also pretty irreversible in some cases.

  6. COVID rapid tests contain a cancer-causing chemical
    (NaturalHealth365) One of the major stipulations of the White House’s federal COVID mandate – a sweeping and unconstitutional demand that the president formally claimed he never would impose on Americans, and one with which he insists businesses comply even though a federal court recently blocked the mandate until further notice – is that employees who don’t get the COVID shot must undergo weekly testing.

    But while many say routine testing is a reasonable accommodation for people who decline the mRNA injection, others are raising concern over the safety of these tests.

    COVID rapid tests contain a cancer-causing chemical
    In late October, a Cyprus-based union group named Isotita (Equality) called for the suspension of a COVID rapid test after it was found that both PCR and rapid test nasal swabs contained trace amounts of a “toxic and hazardous” substance called ethylene oxide.

    Ethylene oxide is a liquefied gas used in the medical industry for decades as a sterilizing agent, especially on heat or moisture intolerant supplies. Ethylene oxide has been banned by the European Union in food production – although it does allow in some foreign products containing the compound – while other countries use it to combat bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.

    In fact, this past summer, the European Commission issued a statement reiterating that law (General Food Law COM 178/2002) stipulates that ethylene oxide has “no safe level of exposure for consumers,” and that “any level consumers may be exposed to, presents a potential risk.”

    According to EU Regulation No 215/868, the maximum residue level of ethylene oxide is 0.05 mg/kg—but the Cyprus union claims that the rapid swab tests are contaminated with 0.36 mg/kg of ethylene oxide, more than seven times the maximum amount permitted by the EU.

    Do NOT ignore the health dangers linked to toxic indoor air. These chemicals - the 'off-gassing' of paints, mattresses, carpets and other home/office building materials - increase your risk of nasal congestion, fatigue, poor sleep, skin issues plus many other health issues.

    For example: On October 5, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Class I recall of more than 2 million COVID-19 home tests – manufactured between February 24 to August 11 and distributed from April 13 to August 26 – from a company named Ellume, due to the tests’ alarming rates of false-positive test results.

    A false positive means that a test suggests a person is infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 even though they do not actually have it.

    The FDA defines a Class I recall as “a situation in which there is a reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.”

    We remember, of course, that COVID tests are being used to determine who can continue working, who can access public and private spaces, who can travel, when and whether lockdowns can be issued, and more. To think that an unknown number of individuals are suffering the consequences of false positives only adds to the damaging effects of this pandemic.

    Sources for this article include:
    OHSA.gov Airgas.com Foodwatch.org Europa.eu FDA.gov and more

  7. Shoyn! The rapid tests are now another angle to keep Philly-Agudah busy. Chief chemist Rebbitzen K must be also worried that the vitamin c supplements taken by those trying to ward off covid is from a rare batch of chometz she'ovar alav hapesach when most citric acid is non-chometz.

  8. It’s always about Rebbitzen with 7:54.
    Take it from there….

  9. It was the Philly Rebbitzen who started the anti-vaxx meshugass and got her husband & son to follow along like lemelach. This has been the topic of much head shaking among rabbonim. Then again, the Philly robot who's attacking an honest messenger in the previous comment is only interested in character assassination of anyone who knows too much, which in this case too much is one single fact.

  10. You can call yourself a messenger but honest ?
    You have no clue what that means…
