Saturday, August 04, 2018

KCL -encourages the intermarriage crisis, by allowing Barkan wines-thanks KCL

STOP- Don't use Barkan wines, Don't add to the intermarriage crisis.

The Eidah Jerusalem refused to grant their certification, due to the Ethiopians working there .
According to all Poiskim, the Ethiopians require a conversion aka "Geirus ki'halacha" .

Therefore, everyone stopped drinking the Barkan Wines and are disposing of what they have already purchased. KCL allows Barkan and encourages "Intermarriage".


See following article;

Is Barkan Wine Kosher?


  1. the barkan importer in a country that is not the united states is a back stabber kapo type which not everyone realizes when they see him give tzedokah (but only where he gets kuved for it)

  2. I davka will bought Barkan last week after the story broke. I will continue to buy Barkan.

    Rav Ovadia Yosef ZT"L paskened that the Ethiopians do not need geirut k'halacha. Rav Ovadia is a bigger posek than anyone on the Eidah chareidi-maifia will ever be.

  3. Did the sword give Vorpal a lobotomy?

    Rav Ovadya is a daas yochid against R' Moishe & everyone else.

    Everyone is entitled to make at least one mistake.

    How does Rav Ovadya know what those darkies were doing for centuries & who they were marrying?

  4. National Association for the Advancement of Colored TroybenThu Jul 19, 02:27:00 PM 2018

    The big machala afflicting the modern orthodox right now as admitted by a rabbi from Ramaz Manhattan is at least 90% of their youth are putting Liberal social concepts of what's "correct" before the Torah, no matter if it's kefira mamash. This even applies to toyavah so avadda they don't care about any halachos if someone not Jewish with dark skin pigment might get offended.

    Someone who learned in Lakewood recently figured out a very interesting point. There was a gigantic sonei Torah known as Shmarya, a one time half baked baal teshuva who blogged poison for 12 years on a very busy website. Rechnitz paid a large sum to retire him. Shmarya claimed the reason he went out from klal Amisecha is because he was angry at the Lubavitcher Rebbe for not accepting Falashas as is. What Shmarya did not disclose, as recently discovered, is that Shmarya's sister has shvartz children either from marrying one or through adoption.

  5. The gist of the OK/Yudel conversation is that Reb Yudel Shlit'a did not want to hear what they have to say, all he wanted is to tell them what he determined is the Halacha. And then have some more fodder his Holy Holy web site.

  6. Yudel, you are off the wall completely.
    KCL allows non-mevushal wines with goyishe waiters and goiyshe guests.

    and you asking about barkan wines, milchig in fleishig oven, just some bossur biholv issues.

    Did the caterer pay his hashgocha fee?, that what you should be asking.

  7. You can Fool Some of the peopleThu Jul 19, 03:30:00 PM 2018

    the above 2:41 pm in a nutshell

    The gist of the corrupt 'establishment' hashgocho personalities who are terrified of Yudel exposing them is to muddle the blog with personal attacks & mockery to drown out what Yudel has to say.

  8. Update on Barkan from Eretz Yisroel.
    1-The Eidah has been certifying Barkan for a year without realizing the issue.
    2- The main manager at the actual wine production is an Ethiopian.
    3- The manager and the three Ethiopians refuse to do a geirus, they are there for five years.
    4- I don't know what the Eidah will do with everything done for the past year.
    5- The Eidah does produce on one line now, none of the Ethiopians are involved in that line.
    6- The Rabanut is laying low, as it's a legal issue as well at this time.

  9. Why doesnt the eida simply go to kedem or anya other company if they arent happy with barkan?
    Aldo , the eida is not the only hechsher around for barkan.

  10. Affirmative AktzionFri Jul 20, 10:16:00 AM 2018

    Can Mr. Update clarify how the Edah is back after the following happened?

    The CEO of Barkan initially said "business is business" so whatever difference of opinion he might have with the Edah, he will continue to cater to their clientele as it adds significantly to the company's $ bottom line.

    The Left Wing Liberals starting screaming for blood when they heard that & started trying to get the CEO removed.

    The CEO backtracked like a scared little ketzela, intimating that since the Edah are 'racist' he is throwing them out.

    Some hard core Liberals are still trying to remove the CEO for his 'unforgivable sin' of initially being pareve about the Edah.

    Are you saying the CEO is lying and has quietly snuck the Edah back in?

  11. As per R' Shlomo Zalman ztl in Minchas Shlomo - Star K is a huge contributor to intermarriage by exercising fake loopholes in bishul Akum.

  12. היום חייל צה"ל נפצע (בדרום - בערש"ק חזון תשע"ח) וככל הנראה באורח קשה מירי במהלך הפרות הסדר האלימות בדרום רצועת עזה - וזה מהשמים רק בגלל שיש גזירת גיוס השמד והזימה. כבר מספיק להתעמר ולרדוף את עם ד' די!! די!! די!! די!! די!! די!! די!! די!! די!! די!! כל מי שלא תמים ולא בעל אינטרס יודע כבר היטב את המצב החשוך בענין גיוס השמד ובחינוך, יש בעיות כאן בארץ שמי שאומר את האמת עלול לקבל רדיפות וישר אומרים לו גם אתה מהפלג? ואז מתחילים להציק ולרדוף אותו ומשפחתו, די!! די!! די!! המצב חמור יותר אצל מנהיגי ורבני ארץ ישראל שחוששים להגיד את האמת על השמד שקורה בא"י, בנוסף משתמשים בסיסמא אתה נגד גדו''י וכו' בכדי לחפות ולהצדיק כאחד את מעשיהם הנ''ל. זו האמת ומאוד עצוב שצריך להוציא אותה לרה''ר. וידוע המצב הנורא השורר פה בארה"ק, אשר היהדות החרדית נמצאת בסכנה רוחנית גדולה לאין שיעור ד"י.

    והן ידוע המצב כאן בארץ ישראל, שמלחמת הסיטרא אחרא - וגונדא דיליה [ע"י חכי"ם חרדים בכנסת המינים - מיהדות התורה] הלוחמים בכל כוחם נגד התורה הקדושה, החמירה בזמן האחרון מאוד מאוד, שלוחמים בעוז ובגבורה, ובכל מיני התחכמות, וברוב ממון, לבטל את התורה הקדושה, והאמונה בהשם יתברך שמו, ולהוציא כל לומדי התורה מבית המדרש, ולהכניסם לתוך הצבא הטמא שלהם, לטמאם, לזהמם, ולערבם עם החפשים והחפשיות שלהם, בכח, בהסתה, ובפיתויים עד אין שיעור, וכל זה בגלוי ובהכרזה מפורשת שזה כל כוונתם שפועלים בכל כוחם לקלקל ולערב את בנינו ובנותינו ביחד עם החפשים והחפשיות לפרוץ כל המחיצות המבדילות.

    והמוחים נגדם והמסבירים את עוצם הסכנה והקלקול שיש בהצבא הטמא, נרדפים על ידי הפאליציי, המכים באכזריות נוראה וחוטפים אותם לבית אסורים, ועל כן עיני כל ישראל בארץ הקודש נשואות גם אל אחינו שבגולה להשמיע קול זעקה ומחאה קבל עם ועולם על חורבן הדת והתורה שנעשה כאן בארץ ישראל.

    האם ניתן להכחיש את הדברים ולכתוב במחי יד, 'אין כלום, 'הכל בסדר בדיוק כמו בשבעים שנה האחרונות? ע''כ יאמר לראשי הישיבות והאדמורים בארצינו הק' ולרבני חו''ל זו השעה שלכם כנראה, וכי כמה עסקנים וכמה בריונים [כמו יענקושי קניבסקי] וכו' ינהלונו השמד פה בא"י? כולם יודעים כאן היטב שכל רב/אדמו"ר/מנהיג וכו' בא''י ששומע את המצב ומקבל נתונים מהשטח, שותק מיד, ואם פיקח הוא שולך כמה עסקנים ובדרך כלל לא מועיל כלום, זו האמת, ממש כואב, מקווה שמישהו יקבל תועלת מהדברים ושיפעל ללא חת ומורא מהנהו .. וכל עצרת שהיא נגד הגיוס -השמד- היא קידוש שם שמים...

  13. Its good for business.

    By encouraging intermarriage they create some more 'siddur-kedushin' jobs and more opportunities to use more barkan wines for Chupahs and Shevah Brachots etc.

  14. Politically IncorrectFri Jul 20, 02:42:00 PM 2018

    I'm really shocked at Rav Ovadya who as someone very bakant in old seforim, how could he not know or keep in mind vos shteit in Rishonim / Early Achronim, that although Yidden are ok to marry gerim, it's exceedingly unlikely that it extends to bnei Chom. Yosef was on the madraigah of the Avos but was excluded from the other 3 in Shmoyneh Esrei because he was a gilgul of Eliezer. Altz yener klalah that even gilgul on top of gerus doesn't kasher, it would've been a kol shechain if Yosef wouldn't have been a Veisseh in physical metzius.

    What kind of Yidden, when over 700 years ago they knew episs in learning, would ever be maskim, on a large scale noch dem, to be meshadech with choshech?

  15. Politically Incorrect, you are truly a despicable person .
    The Torah does not differentiate betweem bnei chom and other goyim, besides עמון מואב מצרים and עמלק. Skin color is a non issue in Torah. Only the public school gedolim, who think right wing politics are Torah and supported Nixon and other crooks because they were right wingers, believe that racist trash of yours.

  16. The Torah does not differentiate?

    Ever heard of Arur Canaan eved lamo?

    And what's with the angry conflating of Republicans, racism & Watergate?

    Now go back to following Open Orthodox's secular 'messiah' Barack on Twitter.

    But first, who wants to see the Liberal get really bent out of shape?

    According to one of the Achronim there is a shtikl in Moreh Nevuchim that we don't currently have. Just like the venus fly trap is an in between darga from tzomayach to chai, those chevra who Ross Perot once offended by addressing them as 'you people' are in between chai & adam.

  17. Colored CommentatorSun Jul 29, 01:49:00 PM 2018

    'you people'

    R' Bob Grant hot amol gezogt that about once every 10 years they decide they want to be called something else and asser you from using the previous title as henceforth 'racist'.

    So it's just a matter of time until Episs-American is replaced with a new one.


  18. I spoke on Tuesday with the OK office in Israel. The conversation went more or less as follows:

    What was going on with the Ethiopian employees at Barkan?
    "Everyone who works at an OK winery in Israel has to bring a letter from the Rabbanut that he is Jewish and frum."
    Then what was the Badatz's problem?
    "They wanted the Ethiopians to have a geirus lechumra."
    You mean these workers had no geirus?
    "I don't know."
    What is the OK's policy? Do they require Ethiopians to undergo a geirus before working on wine?
    "We don't have a policy. We accepted the Rabbanut's letter."
    And what is the Rabbanut's policy? Do they require geirus?
    "I don't know. We are still investigating that. We should have the results in a few days."
    And what will the OK do if you find out that these workers had no geirus?
    "We will convene the OK rabbanim and decide if we will rely on Rav Ovadia or not."
    You mean you would rely on him although almost every other Posek disagrees?
    "Well, I think some Ethiopians don't need a geirus and some do."
    No, every Ethiopian needs a geirus according to most Poskim.
    "Oh, ok."

    I was incredulous

  19. Which intermarriage wedding did the KCL afficiate at?
    Who in Lakewood intermarried?
    What is the ‘cause & effect’ result of Rechilus, Lishon Horah, Motzey Shem Rah if for eating something kosher to most poskim but not all causes intermarriage?

    Just trying to learn and get frummer.

  20. Vos far a chutzpah!

    The Rebbe held like everyone else, not like Rav Ovadya.

    The Levys have to see about it????

    It was bad enough when OK introduced restaurants to the neighborhood with improperly dressed waitresses. Also not the Rebbe's shita. It's nobody's shita but it adds a few kopeks to the OK's bottom line.

  21. Reb Shlomo Zalman, Z"L, told to Reb Yudel "chazal say that wine touched by goyim is the cause of INTERMARRIAGE. That's where the KCL fits in.

    KCL also has on affairs allowed non-mevushal wines.

    The kcl mashgiach could have been dead drunk, nothing new.

  22. I can see it coming. Being candid on the phone call az zei veissen nisht was a rare aberration. The OK going forward will either get a "heter" from Belzer Eckstein / Nitra Weissmandl or they will pull a Shufra & deny, deny, deny, that they were not on top of the situation. Then the 'fun' starts as they are known to bully people who know the truth and go on record about it.

  23. The OK has the Lubavitch "koach-ha'dimyon", they aren't lying per se.

    But to non-Lubavitch, this koach-hadim'yon, is looked upon as an outright lie.

    So non-Lubavitch, should not rely on the OK for any kashrus matters.

    Where does mishachist v non-mishachist fall in this area?


    If they 'decide' to side with R' Ovadya, could this be the Progressive new face of the OK mashgiach in 2018?

  25. Mixed dancing Taaruvos at bais faiga wedding Thursday night under the KCL
