Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Reb Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz's vision and foresight of BMG's KCL- AKA Kehilas Chareidim - Lakewood- "The same bluff"

 KCL, said for 15 years, that the Manalapan kosher chinese express (treif) is recommended!! Now they will lie about it!  thanks KCL"

"Going off the derech is always caused by a lack of kashrus"

The author of the basic following article was the great gaon and tzaddik Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz OB”M, founder of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas.  Re: KCL;

And if I say: ‘I will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name’ then there is in my heart a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I weary myself to hold it in, but cannot. (Jeremiah 20:9)

I use the above prophetic words as a preface to my article concerning kashrus, because this article will not bring honor to me. On the contrary, I will be attacked with ridicule from many sides. But what can I do? A fire is burning within me and hopefully within thousands of Jews like me…A fire, which cannot be extinguished.

The Kashrus question has recently been discussed in the Yiddish press, but only one side of the question, viz. concerning unscrupulous purveyors & butchers who sell treifos or questionable products without a reliable hechsher or with a false one.

The religious press is silent about this problem, perhaps because of the honor of the Rabbis, or, perhaps, because of other …. reasons. The honor of the Rabbis is dear to me too. But, the honor of the Torah which is lying in the garbage, and the honor of the truth, which is trodden under foot, is dearer to me. Where there is Chilul-Hashem we do not impart honor to a Rabbi, I, therefore come forward with an accusation.

I Accuse!

I accuse many Rabbis, Kosher certifiers & their Rabbis, who grant hechsherim, who knowingly or otherwise, or out of neglect, permit insects & non-kosher meat & other allegedly kosher products to be processed & sold under their stamp of approval both wholesale & retail; the seller is an unscrupulous person with a Torah sanction.

I accuse!
Many Rabbis & Roshei Yeshiva, who although they themselves have no part in the hechsherim, nevertheless, know about them & still remain silent, at times may even be indirectly sanctioning them. There is a sort of mutual reciprocal agreement to keep quiet & sanction each other including their false hechsherim. Perhaps it’s because they wish to avoid Chilul-Hashem. They forget that where there is Chilul-hashem we do not impart honor to a Rabbi etc.

I accuse!
The very great Rabbis, Roshei Yeshiva, the leaders of our people, because of internal strife. These disputes are not for the sake of heaven; if one says something is prohibited the other must say it is permissible, if one says something is contaminated the other must say it is pure (vidu’y Erev Yom Kippur). It is impossible to bring order & reliability to the chaotic kashrus situation, especially & including the kashrus standards of infestation checking, meat and poultry.

I accuse!
The Rabbis, Roshei Yeshiva etc. because of whose negligence; the laws of chalav- akum have virtually been forgotten. I know that there were (not any more, due to chalav treifa) various heterim for this, but they apply only when it is i m p o s i b l e to obtain chalav-yisroel. In our situation, however, with a little concerned effort of the individuals, order could be brought to this chaos, and “if one can be good, why should he be bad?”

I accuse!
Our orthodoxy, for sleeping the sleep of Choni Ha’Maagil, who slept seventy years. They are completely unaware of what is happening around then and how our strongest ramparts are being smashed by our internal foes. They are unaware that all our holy traditions & takanos are being trampled underfoot, that our three thousand year old heritage has all but completely disappeared. Yet, Orthodoxy sleeps, but how much longer?

I accuse!
Our orthodoxy, do you know that all of the fortresses of Judaism, which have heretofore protected us from destruction, the only one left is kashrus, that other mitzvos are observed very laxly even in orthodox homes? And now kashrus too is being smashed!? Yet we sleep, but how much longer?

I accuse!
The very great Rabbis, Roshei Yeshiva, Rabei-im & Menhalim etc. don’t you see what has become of your youth? Don’t you know that Jewish children have become tramps, gamblers, gangsters, candidates for the electric chair, and all kinds of “ist’s” only because they have been raised on insects, neveilos & treifos R”L, yet you sleep, but how much longer?

Don’t you know that going to the mikvah every day to purify yourself will be to no avail? Not even all the waters in the world can help, with a sheretz-tamei (a carcass of a creeping thing), not in your hand, but inside of you! And when you daven every morning and evening, or when you learn your daily shiur or seder, don’t you know that the breath that emanates from your mouth is the breath of sin? Because it reeks of insects, neveilos & treifos!

Yet you sleep, but how much longer? When you wash your hands for bread, or when you make Kiddush on Shabbos, and your table is bedecked with all sorts of delicacies, and you say with each bite, “in honor of the Shabbos”, you are angering hashem when you break bread. Yet you sleep, but how much longer?

I know that you will reply, “ Jacob is small & poor”. But look what Jacob’s brother on East Broadway has accomplished, how he erected a fortress through the poor laborers, a fortress against Judaism, because he has united forces. Yet you sleep & do nothing, but how much longer?

Gentleman! Do a little soul searching and see how far you have strayed; remember that our parents have sacrificed their lives for Kiddush hashem; they allowed themselves to be burned in order to uphold our holy Torah, whereas you are not required to make any sacrifices; with but a handful you can save the situation and our youth, Yet you sleep, but how much longer?

Fellow Jews, have you no fear for the great and terrible Day of Judgment? In that day you will no longer be able to come up with excuses (I didn’t know) or with a shrug of the shoulder.
(R’ Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz Z”L)

And I ask you “how much longer?” And I say, “you sleepers, awaken from your slumber!”

 Thanks   KCL! For enlightening us to the world of kashrus through your eyes.
2.      Milchig ice-cream after fleishig meal? "oops" Sh-h-h, it's under  KCL. Thanks  
3.  Milchig Danishes at a fleishig (cholent) Kiddush? "oops!" Sh-h־h. it's under   KCL. Thanks  
4.      Jewish Waiters' michalelei Shabbos driving to & from jobs on Shabbos and no Mashgiach on jobs in houses, shuls & catering halls? Sh-h-h, it's under the   KCL, Thanks
5.  Caterers arange for their own mashgichiml (why not?) Sh-h-h-h, it's under   KCL Thanks
6.      Catering in a private house without a Mashgiach! "oops" Sh-h-h, it's under  KCL. Thanks
7.      Unplugging crock-pot on Shabbos & plugging in elsewhere? Sh-h-h. it's under  KCL, Thanks
8.      KCL-Giving a hashgocha to Foremost -A michalel Shabbos that married a shiksa, " nu-nu"! Thanks
9.      Kashrus Administrator of  KCL wanted to borrow crock-pots from one of their  KCL fleishig takeouts for his Bar Mitzvah. "sorry Rabbi, they are all rented out to private people for a Kiddush in their homes".
10.   KCL crock-pots b-e-i-n-g  u-s-e-d by p-r-i-v-a־t-e people? "nu־nu", sh-h-h, it's under   KCL, Thanks
11. The acceptability of hangouts & the pritzus of  KCL bar stools etc? (a shiksa volt zich ge-shemt), (Lakewood, unfortunately, experienced the inevitable from relationships that originated there.) Sh-h-h. it ‘s under   KCL, Thanks
12.  Attempted to impose the pritzus   KCL bar-stools in a Restaurant not under   KCL, The manager's wife rightfully threw them out for even suggesting such pritzus, Thanks
13.  Sub-station and other hangouts is ruining our youth! Sh-h-h. it's under the   KCL, Thanks
14.   The RITA'S Freeze bar Piritzous acceptability? Thanks
17.   KCL’s Administrator can remain on all programs as long as all of the income is properly laundered.
18.  A caterer in a non-kosher facility puts their boiling hot pots on treif grease. & allowing cooking on stove next to treif pots cooking, "nisht azoi ge-ferlich ", Sh-h-h-h, it's under   KCL, Thanks 

19.  All hours and after hours allowing goyim access to the kashrus seals & tape, even keeping some rolls in their cars. Sh-h-h-. it's  KCL. Thanks
20. After hours allowing goyim access to items that require seals, sh-h-h, it's   KCL, Thanks
21.  Ignoring the facts that the same knife is being used by the bakery to cut the parve & dairy cakes, & that some of the cake decorations aren't kosher , sh-h-h. it's   KCL. Thanks
22.  Chikys & others - Bossur sheh’nisalem, only goi’yim
23.  R' Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz Z"L, writes - I ACCUSE the very great Rabbis. Roshei Yeshiva, Rabei-im
24.  J Accuse etc. don't you see what has become of your youth? Don’t you know that Jewish children have become tramps, gamblers, gangsters, candidates for the electric chair, etc only because they have been raised on neveilos & treifos R"I..." stabbing in West Gate! Attributable to  KCL

25.  Fellow Jews, have you no fear for the great and terrible Day of Judgment? In that day you will no longer be able to come up with excuses (e.g. "oh! 1 didn't know") or with a   "s-h-r-u-g of the shoulder".


  1. Who actually owns KCL? Is it BMG? Is it R Gissinger? Someone else?

  2. y'hee zichroy boruchFri May 29, 02:33:00 PM 2015

    Wow. What a great shtikel with all kindsof inside info.
    When more trouble starts in many a city to come we shall list Reb Yudel along side of Reb Shragah Feivel for Yudels namesake, as a 'seer' who predicted all our troubles years before.

  3. You mean if all these hang outs were not available all lakewood children would be zaadeekim! Who give the hashgacha for the Lake? KCL under the Yeshivah????

  4. I beg to differ Mr. Shain. We are loosing our kids because of guys like you who only care about aveiros shebein adam lamakon (and of those only in public but not in private), but have total disregard to aveiros shebien adam lamakom shein Yom kipur michaper. I myself am notifying you that I will never be mochel you. You couldn't care less, and even if you did, you hurt so many people you would never be able to know who I am...yes one of thousands, huh?

  5. welcome to the world of dishonesty and corruption.

    just give me money & I will pass your kashrus or inspection or zoning etc...

    its a disastrous world we are living in today & I must say I am embarrassed to be in this world. I'm a businessman also but HONESTY IS MY TOP PRIORITY & I have stopped dealing with anyone that has a touch of dishonesty in them. I have fored employees of mine over being dishonest over a tiny $5 but not because of the stealing but bec. of their dishonesty.

  6. Yudel, do you have a list or any hashkachas that you trust? Thanks.

  7. I saw the video that the Lakewood "shababnakim" made on Shabbos when the oylam tried to be mashpia with the Chofetz Chaim type parade.

    I am sick to my stomach! That the kids reacted with such obscene azus must mean that there are even worse KCL kashrus scandals that R' Yudel has not yet uncovered.

  8. There goes BMG's KCL and their "hanky-panky".

    What's going on with the new Bais Eliyahu building aka levin, klein, hertzka empty building?

    Bmg's enrollment is falling, the kolel fellows are leaving the confines of the kolel earlier, even though bmg is starting the 'loi-yechratz" checks earlier.

    They were going to close carey st bais medrash in order fill the former bais eliyahu building. Ely kleinman is livid.

    What else is new?

  9. They hope they could keep going and no one will realize that humpty dumpty is falling down.

  10. Did Daas Torah say that yeshiva kids should have joined the adults on the Lakewood Shabbos parade? This was not like walking on Kings Highway in Brooklyn to convince alter freya Russians. Dach zich there were things by the lake that kinder should not have seen.

  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humpty_Dumpty

    And all of the CEO's ferds and all of the CEO's henchmen couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again

  12. We have enough shvache hashgochos in Monsey without KCL trying to push $$ into our town now too with a caterer. Maybe Direnfeld is reliable on his own, veiss Ich nisht, but if you have to come on to KCL to make him reliable ...

  13. Until I saw that sickening video - recorded on Shabbos! - I was wondering why heintiggeh yungerleit are moving out of Lakewood & vaguely commenting that there are things in shtot that their children shouldn't be exposed to. The extent of OTD Lakewood kids in my days was they kept under the radar except when they came at 3 am to steal the mail of BMG bochurim. I have never seen such sick behavior by OTD kids like on that video. I have seen the OTD kids in Yerushalayim, Brooklyn, Monsey & 5 Towns but they all pale in comparison to these Lakewood mechutzofim who act like they are on steroids.

  14. Now that KCL has arrived on the scene, have they figured out the logistics if I want to borrow one of their crockpots for Shabbos? Does Steinfeld still send his packages to Boro Park with the rides from Legion? Maybe KCL can factor out to him wrapping crock pots in brown paper and sending to Monsey the same way!

  15. The problem in Lakewood has been brewing for 20+ years. They. Tried real hard sweeping it under the rug and now they no longer can. All of a sudden they are outraged.

  16. You see, KCL are such gomlei chasodim with their crockpots yet all Yudel can do is criticize them.

  17. The lake scene is definitely a challenge. In the old days when the yeshiva needed the meshugoyim to be thrown out on their heads from the Irvington, they could sent the giborim & enforcers like Berel Leifer to take care of business. But it's not like you can beat up girls. Even those teenage boys who scream like sissies are nisht poshut.

    Yudel are you sure it's just the kashrus and there is also not something in the water?


    The Lakewood rachmonus cases shrey louder than Howard Dean

  18. The Mashgiach seems to have made a huge mistake when he announced at an Agudah fresser convention that molester Yudi Kolko should be swept under the carpet. The next thing you know, the chickens come home to roost. Lakewood has it's own Kolko and then everything blows up on North Lake Dr

    When this letter was sent to the Mashgiach 9 years ago he refused to read it. He wouldn't even read it when one of his gabboyim brought it to him



    In your speech you made a point of declaring your lack of cowardice in dealing with the issue of sexual abuse by rabbeim in yeshiva and insisted that keeping your efforts discreet or as you put it to “sweep under the carpet,” is a choice you make to protect human dignity. Whose dignity are you referring to? The dignity of those few victims courageous enough to step forward and confront these powerful monsters or the dignity of these monsters and their poor families? I respectfully suggest that by concerning yourself with the dignity of the pedophile and sweeping his heinous acts under the carpet, you subject his victims to another round of abuse at the hands of the community while enabling the predator to continue his reign of terror on unsuspecting victims.

  19. When Federal agents came down about them stealing the mail at 3 am, Shake-a-Leg-ski told them not to arrest anyone, I am Captain of Lakewood PD and I will take care of it. All that happened is that the BMG bochurim were all inconvenienced. You could no longer receive a credit card at 617 6th St. And chevra like Burstzyn were busy screening mail & returning to sender anything that they thought might be 1% chance is a credit card or something else of value to steal.

    Seems like NOTHING was done to deal with the real problem except apply annoying bandaids to others.

    The Lake is a poyel yotzei fun dem

  20. SHEKER VECHUZEV mit Hungarian havuraMon Jun 01, 09:24:00 AM 2015

    BMG wouldn't allow a yeshiva in Sloatsburg to open, hours away from Lakewood in another State.

    But BMG accepted with open arms hamushchoss Margulies to open a yeshiva right in Lakewood when he should have been put in cherem. He is Chief cover upper of Kolko, a mesarev by Mechon Lehoyroah, Beis Din of America & even R' Shmuel Kaminetzky's beis din of the Agudah. He told R' Shmuel that he couldn't come until he finished being meyaetz with Rav Elyashev. He of course never spoke to Rav Elyashev.

    When 6 year old boys told Margulies that Kolko put his hands where they shouldn't go, he screamed "SHAKRAN!" and left red marks on their faces with powerful frasks. When rabbonim / askonim mentioned Kolko misbehaving he screamed "SHEKER VECHUZEV!"

    Margulies henchman Yankel Applegrad who told ABC News with a straight face that no one ever told him Kolko was molesting is now working under the CEO at BMG.

    "SHEKER VECHUZEV" is no longer just a slogan but has now also become the tzu gein of Lakewood oychet

  21. wrong place at the wrong timeMon Jun 01, 10:02:00 AM 2015

    when they were screening the mail in legion in that tkufa, they intercepted a package where some vilda bochur had ordered ammunition. whoever did it not use his real name. vaiss ich nit if he was using one of those funny aliases in use at the time like moishe rebbeinu, moishe puppick, etc, or if he impersonated another bochur. ainer fun der feer roshei yeshiva decided that the culprit had to be a certain europeyishe bochur who happened to be holding ott ott in a shidduch. when the shver called to ask about him he was bashmutzed about the ammunition and that was the end of the shidduch. then it was learned conclusively that he had nothing to do with the ammunition. the other 3 roshei yeshiva were in gantzen mevuyesh and bent over backwards to be extra nice & give him all kinds of accommodations. until this day if he crosses the path of the 4th rosh yeshiva er shtreit koylos uvrokim

  22. A Kerestirer vos macht zich an Ammerikanner can say sheker vechozov without Hungarian havoro

    Now everyone please fall in line and populate my building or my friend Aaron is coming after you

  23. Kashrus may have been the overwhelming gorem for off the derech kids in previous doros but all the maysim menuvolim against the kids in this dor has more to do with it.

    R' Shraga Feivel Zimmerman recently gave a shiur on this sugya in Gateshead. He said Rav Elyashev told him that the halacha for a dor porutz when there are many menuvolim out of control touching kids is you hit them if they lay one finger on a kid where the kid shouldn't be touched. This is because a dor porutz requires extra intervention and zogt Rav Elyashev this right now is a dor porutz.

  24. There were meshugoyim in the Irv back then?

    Who spread that rumor by the way that bullets were found when Yankel Pollock supervised the Poilishe emptying out our room? We had nothing to do with that package of ammunition either.

  25. Lets see.

    Not letting kids into yeshivahs had NOTHING to do with it.

    Not letting young teens not interested in learning get a job (or CHA V'SHALOM get a career training) had NOTHING to do with it.

    Not letting in good kids into schools because the parents WORKED had NOTHING to do with it.

    Only that the KCL didnot keep up to Reb Yeedle IMAGINED standards THATS what caused all these 'krainken'.

    Nebach on the town that falls for this garbage.

  26. Try to hit anybody in this country you'll do time.

    That why RSFZ is in Gateshead. He would never be matzliach in the USA (he tried & failed)

  27. What kind of dumb comment is that to mock Rav Zimmerman? Becoming the Gatesheader Rov is much more choshuv than some shul in Monsey.

    Who is that commenting? Some tried & failed OU mashgiach who has an axe to grind against rabbonim who are anti-molester because those kinds of rabbonim pose a probem to etliche in his extended mishpooche?

    We've got your number because last time someone mentioned Rav Zimmerman's name on this website a few years ago, you charged right in to belittle him then also.

    Rav Zimmerman seems to be doing nothing more than repeat what Rav Elyashev told him that in a dor porutz the halacha is you hit someone molesting. Rav Elyashev never meant that in all instances we can just go out & hit when there is a problem from the government.

    Certainly there are instances where this halacha is still nogeya even in America. For instance, Yehuda Kolko has been arrested for violently attacking & remolesting some of his child victims when they were adults. One of the adults then beat Kolko up. While in that case Kolko just ran away without calling the police. The police would not arrest him for reacting like that. The Police would also not arrest someone else who intervened to attack Kolko if they witnessed him bishas mayseh. There was a case just like this in the news recently in South Carolina I think. Someone witnessed a teenager being molested so he attacked the molester. Even though the molester was beaten so severely that he was almost unrecognizable, the Police would not press charges because the law allows to attack someone in the middle of molesting.

  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrrToSjv8a4

  29. I saw a transcription of the shiur in Gateshead. Rav Elyashev ztl is referring to very low level touching that even for that the predator should receive petch. For any davar chomur there is absolutely no difference between the predator & a full blown roidef, az vaisst men doch vos tut men tzum roidef.

  30. "There were meshugoyim in the Irv back then?"

    That's like asking if there are "know it alls" in the coffee room.

    Itche Meyer the former homeless panhandler was sent back to Grand Central Station from where he originally came after he assaulted R' Yisroel. When he ignored the deadline, he was physically thrown out and all his belongings were dumped on the sidewalk along Route 9.

    One modenna alter bochur who was not learning & always making trouble, the makka bapatish for him was when he said he is "not goress" R' Dovid. R' Dovid got very agitated and said "that's it, he's out of here!" The guy became a modern orthodox cantor. Or maybe that's what he really was all along.

  31. Dor Porutz is right.

    Have you noticed big shot OU & YU rabbi scandals fun der alleh zeiten? The most recent ones are that nut with the hidden cameras who was head of OU's beis din. And then this past erev Shabbos the big story in the NY Times about the rabbi who is married to the granddaughter of Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik.

    In both of these cases by the way the media provided extensive details on how the OU covered up for the bad guys.

  32. There's a lakewood caterer in Orlando now. Is he under KCL there? ?

  33. Greenwald is not under KCL when he leaves Lakewood. He's under kehilla.

  34. Im not sure if im correct on this-------however- I loudly ask the tzebur on why are stores restaurants eateries even Farmfresh as a grocery store are allowed to stay open till all hours at night ?--THERE IS NO REASON !! AND IT MUST STOP ! A True invitation to hang out like the goyim. Allowing the Children and semi adults to see a restaurant With the KCL Hechsher or any other Hechsher as an acceptable place to chill and yack and smoke and chill with also girls and boys together --in Pritzadica fashions------WHY IS IT ALLOWED ?? Your feeding the Hang outs exactly what they feed off---as the Non jew Hangs out past 10:00 at there bars. This fun houres past 10:00 Must end NOW. ALL stores And restaurants MUST be closed by no later than 10:00PM AND I would recommend Curfews---- Children under 18 shall not hang out past 10:00 And a fine to impose for those that do.

    1. Move to a place like new square. You will be much happier their. Its very much your shnit

  35. Tue Aug 18, 10:53:00 AM 2015

    If these stores are 100% kosher no damage can result from using these establishments.

  36. I agree the fressing should stop by an early hour. Just make sure that when you close off the food with a "mechitza" there should still be enough access to stick an arm underneath to grab a shtikel salami.

  37. Yudel if its so bad in Lakewood. MOVE.
    You wont beat BMG or KCL. JUST LEAVE !!!!

  38. Please don't say that Rabbi Shain is not worried about bain odom l'makom - there are countless people that consider Rabbi Shain their personal advisor when they need any kind of advice, and Rabbi Shain spends innumerable hours giving free help to many people that have complicated problems. Yes, he is vigilant about Kashrus but don't we all benefit when there is someone policing the standards? Kashrus is a high priority and his vigilance certainly keeps food suppliers/caterers to a certain level of responsibility for fear that they will be exposed if they don't keep to the acceptable standards. Perhaps his methods are not always so genteel, but somehow gentle rhetoric is not as effective in our world, as fear of vehement exposure and subsequent loss of credibility and income.

  39. Yudel if its so bad in Lakewood. MOVE.
    You wont beat BMG or KCL. JUST LEAVE !!!!

  40. According to Yudel ("Going off the derech is "always" caused by a lack of kashrus"), Rabbainu Gershom must of been nichshal.... (Chas v'sholom).
    As is well known Rabbainu Gershom sat shivah for his son (14 days !!!!).
    There were many many other Gedolim and known frum people (much much FRUMMER then yudel) who had (and have) otd children.
    So don't take things (Reb Shraga Faivel) out of context as you usually do.

  41. Rabbenu gershon's son was captured by bchristians, didn't go OTD. He might have sat shiva, but not a 'timtum haLev' matter.

  42. Rabbeinu Gershons son did go off the derech Roshai taivos OTD OTD OTD.
    Captured or not the ONLY way one goes off the derech OTD OTD is via lack of kashrus - Rebbeinu Yudel said so and that Gds word.

    B'H Seems like you got the message - Yudel loves to take things out of contex.t

  43. Missed the lchayim & tikkin you sponsored today lchovod your hero Reb Shraageh Fahvil ZY'A.
    Where was it?

  44. Major Kabolas Panim In Meah Shearim For Released Prisoner on Thursday evening 2 Elul, as Avreich Reb. Binyamin Friedman returned home after being released from prison after eight months... This event was one of the biggest events of Kiddush Hashem in many years in the heart of Yerushalayim in Kikar HaShabbos. Along with the blessings of all leading Gedolai Yisroel !!! who are the true leaders of Klall Yisroel. Dancing around a real Tzadik was fabulous uplifting and feeling closer to Hashem Yisboruch.

    Hopefully this will send a clear message to the Israeli government of שמד that the Orthodox Charadi Yidden who live in Eretz Yisroel are united and strong, at all times they are ready to fight to the very end, making sure that they are going to be allowed to keep all the Mitzvos of the Torah even if they get thrown into jail. WE MUST KEEP ON ASKING HASHEM FOR HELP and let our voices be heard LOUD AND CLEAR. This is what Yiddishkit is about, to be strong ready to fight for Heshems honor at all times.
    לא יתבייש מפני בני אדם המלעיגים עליו בעבודת השי”ת

    It was packed. Stand room only!!!
    Estimated about 40 Thousand people attended the gathering of Kiddush Shaim Shoyamim.
    There would have been tens of thousands more if it was not held on Thursday evening.

    Lets remember that Zionism is idol worship!!! This kabbolas Ponim is a beautiful expression of Achdus and Mesirus Nefesh for Avodas Hashem!

  45. The Queens Vaad is not goress R' Shraga Feivel ztl.


    Why let an adam gadol get in the way of their kashrus "standards" and protecting the molester who is in charge of their Kew Gardens mikva?

  46. Aye. Kranke. You lost your job again???!!!
    It was nice and quiet until now.

  47. Rabbi Shain, can you entertain the possibility that OTD children r'l are pushed away by their witnessing inconsistency in their parents home? Possibly they are makpid on yoshen and all of Zeev Rotscheild chumros however speak loshen horah, sheker, and motzei shem ra unfettered?!

  48. Very descriptive blog, I enjoyed that a lot.
    Will there be a part 2?

  49. Rabbi Shain entertained that possibility, it's nice in theory, but in fact it doesn't stand up to the truth in fact, nice try.

  50. Aye. Your Pauly (not Paulzy) already memorialized Reb Shragah Faivel's Shitous (at least according to his reform views).
    There is no need for you to 'Fake' the shitous that the einikle claims to be correct.

  51. Aye, Friday the 13th 12:12 pm gets really tzetummeled over the RSFM shita because he has to protect zein molester mechuton in Kew Gardens at all cost.

    Too bad Friday the 13th can't get away with smearing the aynekel as Reform because the aynekel publicized a copy of the Zhurnal Licht from 1923 that contains the teshuva spelling all this out that was written by R' Shraga Feivel himself.

  52. You have been accusing Rabbis for many years and nothing changed. Keep up the good work.

  53. For every piece of "PIG" potentially caused to be eaten by the KCL special effects, Reb Yudel Shlit'a saves the day by allowing some more gezunteh Loshon Horah etc on his site and thus saves the day because the great Yetzer Horah is now not satisfied with just a piece of "PIG' and cancels the potential treif show. He now wants a Yeshivisheh intermarriage etc.
    So on the end it all evens out. They cancel each other out and we are back where we started.

    You also have to remember the in Reb Shragah Feivels day Kashrus was a real issue not like today where they worry if the was a treif pot is somewhere in the kitchen or in the building
    Or if the poor cut onion was left overnight past the first shkiah, the second, 72m or maybe ah achtel. According to one person its only Alos 72m another said alos 16.1 degrees. So we have plenty of stuff to use on anyone we want depending how they respond or dont respond.

    Does the above make any sense? No. But on this site a lot of stuff makes no sense yet its a pretty successful site.

  54. Which Vodka Brands Are Made From Grapes?
    1.1 1. Thompsons
    1.2 2. Ciroc
    1.3 3. Cobalt
    1.4 4. Veuve Capet
    1.5 5. Guillotine
    1.6 6. La Grappe De Montellier

  55. Grey Goose
    Grey Goose is one of the most classic vodka brands and one of the most popular. Grey Goose vodka is made with French winter wheat and water from the Cognac region. The classic finish is ripe with hints of spice and is perfect on its own or with a mixer of your choice. The French vodka was one of the first premium vodkas to hit the market.

    Water from the Cognac area is just like cognac itself - apparently.

  56. Svedka Rose (Vodka), a delicious blend of wine and vodka.

  57. Chronicles of an OU Baal DimyonWed Dec 15, 05:12:00 PM 2021

    That lokshen at 2:26 pm today is once again - drumroll - the OU mashgiach from Queens who as far as kashrus, foremost covers up for scandals at the OU & Queens Vaad and then for all the other establishment hashgochos. But even more important to the mashgiach than covering up kashrus scandals is covering up for any kind of molester, crook, and garden variety lowlife, so as to provide a comfort cushion to his own mishpooche's molesters, crooks & lowlives. So the mashgiach keeps regurgitating his phony moralizations az darfen men shveigen - even when Shulchan Aruch is mechayev lefarsem, which at least most of the pirsumim on this blog fall in that category, to the great dismay of the mashgiach.

    Joel Shoinfeld once attacked R' Yudel in the Queens Vaad propaganda magazine that how dare he sputter lashon horah to criticize our VHQ kashrus because "kashrus was never from the yesodos of Yiddishkeit" (sic from that sicko). Joel is relying on most of Queens not being bakant with all the pre-War gedolim including R' Chaim Brisker who normally didn't sign things, signing farkert - and this kol koray was included in Achiezer chelek 4. The OU mashgiach is dealing with a much more learned crowd here so he tries to make a bilbul to confuse everyone that there supposedly aren't any real kashrus problems today. Tell it to the Marines! Queens Vaad ledugma, especially the further away you get from Main St KGH & "Mertropolitan" in Kew Gardens, does not have anything remotely near even a bedieved Modern Orthodox standard like the OU. But all the mashgiach does is deny, deny, deny, and in cahoots with Chaim Schwartz & some other scoundrels, hurls insults & motzee shem ra against all their critics & suspected critics. It's ok according to them to pump out non-stop lashon horah & motzee shem ra, as long as they are the ones doing it!

  58. From all those 25 items that Reb Yudel accused "others" in lieu of Reb Shrageh Faivel none of those items is what Reb SF was talking or eluding too.
    RSF was talking about outright tarfus. Treif meat sold as Kosher etc.
    Not about a 'highchair' in a restaurant, or a accidental ice cream served after meat.
    That happens to all of us. including Yudel himself. and if you deny this fact you either know nothing about real kashrus supervision or you lying to yourself. We know the real issues without you.
    Either come up with solid real tarfus or cut out the RSF theory speech from almost 100 years ago.

    Get real if you still want people to take you seriously.

  59. https://www.kashrut.com/Alerts/?alert=A7875

  60. @ Thu Dec 16, 11:40 AM

    Give it up already with your completely dishonest denials. R' Shraga Feivel's teshuva is klor that he intends things that are not just Moish Finkel. And it's klor there are many items on the laundry list compiled by Rav Shain where the KCL are guilty as per R' Shraga Feivel's taynos.

  61. Life as a fraudster? Is that what you see in the mirror???

  62. According to Reb Shraga Feivel Zatal if you used Lakewood Matzah Bakery your kids, some or all, will go OTD. When it happens just remember 'I told you so".
    According to Reb Shraga Feivel Zatal if you used Bodek Stuff your kids, some or all, will go OTD. When it happens just remember 'I told you so".
    According to Reb Shraga Feivel Zatal if you used Orange Juice *(Unfiltered with the fiter that we know who sells) your kids, some or all, will go OTD. When it happens just remember 'I told you so".
    According to Reb Shraga Feivel Zatal if you used any Star K products your kids, some or all, will go OTD. When it happpens just remember 'I told you so".
    According to Reb Shraga Feivel Zatal if you used KCL Hashgacha your kids, some or all, will go OTD. When it happpens just remember 'I told you so".
    According to Reb Shraga Feivel Zatal if you kids go or went to YSV your kids, some or all, will go OTD. When it happpens just remember 'I told you so".
    BTW: According to Reb Shraga Feivel Zatal if you used Queens kosher stuff ALL your kids will go OTD. When it happpens just remember 'I told you so".

  63. OTD poetry of an OU mashgiach who appointed himself Poet Laureate of the Queens Vaad and as the obsessed roidef of the grandson of Reb Shraga Feivel - "Zatal"

  64. Publicizing the ‘holy son’ einikel is a mitzvah at least as great as all your specialized Loshon Horah, Rechilus and Motzie Shem Rah Mitzvus you guys promote on this site. We can site the same Ramban, Gedalya ben Achikom, Chofetz Chaim and the Zeideh himself to cover ourselves just as is done to justify all the Avairos violated rite here.

  65. Chronicles of an OU Baal DimyonWed Apr 27, 03:07:00 PM 2022

    Mashgiach @ Tue Apr 26, 8:53 PM,

    First anyone's ever heard that Ramban, Chofetz Chaim, etc, supposedly sanction all the stealing of client funds, child molestation, neeuf, kefirah, etc, by your close relatives AND how you yourself have smeared countless rabbonim you don't like all over the internet. Your own MOTZEE SHEM RA on your 'favorite' targets is never mutter, while there are sometimes exceptions for lashon horah.

    1. Reading all your comments from the past seven years targeting all the OU mashgiach from queens comments it is clear that you outdid him in your Lashon Hara

  66. Whoever defends Paul and holds him great is himself a pervert.
    Don't say you weren't warned.
    We are here to protect.

  67. Reb Shraga Feivel’s predictions can be applied directly to Reb Yudel Shlit’a just as he applies it to the KCL.
    He really is no better then them in his own way.

  68. "is himself a pervert"

    Coming from one of the biggest perverts alein, haynu der OU mashgiach fin Qveens, who thinks in his feeble dimyonos that his reverse psychology will work.

    1. All these Menuvalim that can't stop thinking about Shmutz constantly remind themselves of others that accused of the same and can't stop talking about it for years.
      And then they read every article that explains in the most graphical terms what the authors tayvos are, all in the name of saving people, while we all know it's just another way for themselves to think more Shmutz and to learn how to do it themselves.

  69. Molesters engineered this exact same kind of childish attack (as Fri Apr 29, 2:20 PM) on R' Nuchem Rosenberg to retaliate that he exposed them.


    1. You can not disprove that Paul is a molester predator to keep away from, even with all the proof in the puddy, and all you can do is double down on your Mashgiach Mishpooooocha rants and continue defending perverts and apikorsim.
      Tekia Utrua Gedola Foy - Fech!

  70. I can't believe that they let this pro molester so called anti mashgiach fellow scribble on this blog defending molester Paul because he can't admit it and he nuch goes ahead and paints the whistleblowers as molesters. Reminds me of the ones that always defended molesters claiming they're really anti.

  71. Yup, it's just like the OU mashgiach in Queens (who HATES R' Yudel & "Paul") to write nonsense in a way that confuses new readers.

    We all know why the mashgiach always fights to defend molesters by slandering the anti-molester askonim like "Paul".

    1. Paul Mendlowitz is a known molester. And you defend him. Like all pro molesters.

  72. Mendlowitz had many molesters thrown in jail. The nut attacking him sounds desperate like he is the next to be arrested

    1. Calling me a nut for exposing a Menuval won't get you too far.
      Keep on defending this Menuval and Apikores and you may end up like him.

  73. So this pro Zionist pro molester Paul doesn't know what to do with himself, so he goes on to Paul's blog and writes up all his Chalomos as fact and blows up on others according to his own DIMYONOS.
    It just proves once and for all that nothing as nothing he ever writes has any resemblance of truth and is one Shtick SHEKER.
    I am not that foe mashgiach of yours and never was, but because you decided something you go ahead and slander others because of it??? Shame on you!
    And btw it obvious that the issur of Hotaas Shem Ra is deleted from your Torah, which makes you no different than all those conservative kofrim.
    And the next you do is threaten to ban me from commenting on Google because I'm working to expose Menuvalim. Now thats a new low for someone that would be screaming against those protect and shush up all pro molesters.

  74. Yanky R the OU mashgiach is a very sick man. He can lie all he wants about what he did on Google+ after they banned him & deleted all his comments there because now you can no longer see what he did. Mendlowitz & others will confirm he was there protecting molesters and attacking Mendlowitz for helping the victims.

    1. I don't know who this enemy of yours that's officially named Yankel is. And I don't even know what Google+ is.
      One thing I do know very clearly is that reading Paul's blog it is very clear where his head is. All posts are other Niuf or Bizayon Talmidei Chachamim of all generations. Including pro Zionist and Open Orthodox so called "rabbis"s articles.
      Shame on you for defending this Apikores and Menuval !

  75. Paul sometimes uses a particular point from inappropriate mechabrim, which is a valid point, while disagreeing with the rest of the content. The Mishna tells us chochmo bagoyim taamin, so there is a mehalech how to do so. Even R' Yudel was once indirectly attacked by the OU for extracting a vichtig point from the only source available, who were improper people. The OU of course knew it was a valid point but milked how the source was improper as part of a political hit to discredit R' Yudel.

    So thank you Yanky the OU mashgiach for validating that you don't believe in the Mishna Avos. And thank you for validating that you don't believe in the Chazal to expose corrupt talmidei chochomim which nosei kelim on Shulchan Aruch say is the halacha. And thank you for validating that you don't believe in the befeirush halacha that noyafim must be exposed - you prefer to protect them.

    Did Paul behave properly in 100% of instances? No. But he pales in comparison to you, Mr. OU mashgiach, that almost every move you make is corrupt.

    1. I will not get tired of saying that I am Not the enemy of yours whatever his name is.
      You are a defender of Zionist Menuval Paul Mendlowitz.
      Don't play the game of exposer when all you can do is defend one of the biggest Mushchasim.

      All you can do is sit in Monsey Fressing cream cheese from Evergreen and fantasizing about Niuf, and fabricating a story a day.

  76. Wed May 04, 01:40:00 PM 2022

    Like Reb Yudel Shlit'a keeps on drilling into us:

    If there is no Mesorah you got to Kasher EVERYTHING.

    You and Paulie, after running by your ideas to the Genuine Gedolim & Poskim, Rebbes & Admorim in this generation, and were told that your ideas are against any Mesorah, You go and shower all these Genuine Gedolim & Poskim, Rebbes & Admorim with your meeoosteh Nivul peh that would never be uttered by a "chochmo bagoyim taamin" goy, then you claim that you follow the Shulchan Oorich. Your guys are the biggest fraud there is, and the biggest Resha'im, meenim & Apikirsim that ever existed in this generation. Not sure if Kashering your brain would be good. A kli Cheres - Shmitzigeh Kayli - never expels its meenis and Apikorsis ever.

  77. Jacob R has become completely unhinged. How would he know about Evergreen anyway? Does West Side Kosher ship there? Or do they have a hot food station with his favorite fattening taanugim like fried rice?

    1. Sir, I am not the fellow from queens that you hate.
      And I know about Evergreen because YOU posted all your anger dismanagement problems with them right here on this site.
      Who is the one with a Shvache Memory?

  78. "the biggest Resha'im, meenim & Apikirsim that ever existed in this generation"

    Numero Uno example of the OU mashgiach here, speaking in his usual shprach, instead of pretending he is that other personality that he invented.

    Yanky, we have to give credit where it's due. You have a much bigger imagination both in plain you and your alter egos than the other frauds out there who create fake online personalities, like Michael Broyde.

    1. Lo Sikom Nah Nah Kishkes

    2. Speaking his Shprach instead of.

      Sir the other guy is SOMEONE ELSE.

    3. Oi es shpigeled zich git
      Makeshift a nachas.

  79. All the accusing went unheeded except to the Apikoires, who is classified as such due to his venom vomitted out of his "loch" Einikel.

  80. Loch in Kop himselfTue Sep 20, 05:45:00 PM 2022

    The OU mashgiach in Queens (Tue Sep 20, 2:23 PM) has the nerve to kvetch about "apikorsis" & "venom"?

    He is the real apikoiress for maching avek all the halacha teshuvos from the gedolei Eretz Yisroel against molesters while he joins his Queens Vaad & Agudah Fresser buddies to cover up for his own molester relatives and to smear the victims & victim advocates.

  81. Did RSF consult Reb yudel or did Reb yudel consult RSF?

    Also did RSF discuss his options with RMS ??

  82. Thus Aish Dus must of failed because they not knowingly served trief . And BME must of eventually failed for the same reason.
    What a vision and forsight.

  83. https://nypost.com/2023/11/25/news/rabbi-jessica-rosenberg-becomes-darling-of-squad-israel-haters/

    Is it a coincidence that this loathsome narcissistic freak also named Rosenberg moved to Shmarya's hometown? He-she even bears a facial resemblance to Shmarya! Shmarya is the Kapo-Malshin who Rechnitz paid a reported $1 million for him to cease blogging against gantz Klal Yisroel. It was a bad investment. As soon as Shmarya got the money it didn't matter that Rechnitz now holds the original blog because Shmarya just restarted his bombardments on Twitter which might have an even bigger reach.

  84. Actually Shmarya has two FB sites one in Hebrew one in English.You need to catch up.

  85. I once was invited to a house kiddush there were waiters and other employees a shef a bar tender i saw the chef using the house oven taking out putting in food on shaabos . I asked the caterer wheres your mashgiach he said its considered to be a drop off no keilim from the caterers kitchen were brought to the job . I went to the bar there were non mevushal bottles of wine and sherry cask liquor. A car pulls up and the waiters go to the car and pull out sodaice and some baked goods not pas yisroel .There has to be more control over caterers

  86. "Control over caterers"????

    Lakewood Ihr Hatorah Roshei Yeshiva are the ones that are behind the KCL and they allow everything as long as the "protection money" is paid in advance (they want head checks).

    Treif is served, goiyim pour non-mevushal wine, shabbos mashgivchim constantly are drunk friday noght during the entire meal.

    The mashgichim use their phones on shabbos, only in the back room. Some park their car a few blocks away on shabbos morning.

    A large kcl caterer has an unmarked van go to all of his Shabbos jobs (on shabbos) to find out what they need and gets it from the commisary.

    But the "Pollack" Freezer will remain in place for the Bochurim.

    1. People when they sign a contract with a caterer are charged a mashgiach fee it usually 300 dollars plus and for shabbos 1000 dollars. It is so unfair for the host to pay this money and either the mashgiach never showed up or went home to his wife and kids to eat or if he is there he is in a room enjoying some friday night brisket with other good food . Whats even more embarrasing was once a child had a allergy reaction since the desert being served were dairy the child had to be sent to the hospital and wanted to sue the host ! Where are the rabonim amd i am not talking about the kcl i am sorry . Once we were coming out of shul shabbos morning there was a simcha downstairs a van pulls up two tuxedo dressed waiters come out with trays of hot food not taped and its on shabbos . When asked they said we ran out of food we picked it up from another party the caterer has 10 minutes away who was the mashgiach at the second location hiw could he allow the food to go out also how could the mashgiach in this location allow for this food to be accepted which he did .The mashgiach said its standard practice thye do it on their own without being asked they have been working with us for a long time

    2. Unfortunately this is a problem by other caterers not under the kcl . I was walking in the new york area one shabbos morning to shul a unmarked truck pulls up and parks a blick away from the shul . Some latinos get out of the truck and come off with pans of food and went and brought it into the shul . I immsediatly went to the rav of the shul and reported what i saw he thanked me and said he would take care of it what ever that meant!

  87. Its Even less Fair when the Mashgiach IS there And NO food comes ON Shabbos and...and....but he is accused of not doing his job and even worse when hes accused of serving tarfus..

  88. To every accusation there is some truth . Let us not forget a mashgiach on a shabbos job is making 700 dollars or more for the shabbos . Therefor there is no room for problems the mashgiach has to show he is actively working both in the kitchen and in the front of the house.

    1. Mashgiachs job is the back not the front other then a spin or 2 to check the drinks

  89. They don't take home $700.00 dollars, as the KCL skims off 100.00 per meal, the one that aranges for a mashgiach get 100.00.
    The Mashgichim therefore are the bottom of the barrel type, they get drunk friday night before the meal.

    In shabbos morning, most of them don't daven at all, they don't know any hilchos shabbods.

    The only criterea is, look & act frum in front of the guests, check the ice cream that it's parve-that's the kcl criterea.

    Check it out.

    1. Oisaik bemitzcah patur min davening. A shikkur is also patur from davening.
      In any event most posters and commentator on this blog are certified Drunks.

  90. Lots and lots of “I accuse”. It’s time you change to: “I defend” “I defend”.
    And last but not least you ain’t no Reb Shraga Feivel by a long shot.

    1. Different circumstances.Similar goal

    2. Different non gedolim telling us what they would have said in different circumstances.
      I’ll buy that Brooklyn Bridge.
      The goals are surly NOT the same.

  91. R' Shraga Feivel ztl's yortzeit is the 'favorite' time of the year for 'You Know Who' in Qveens. It bugs the heck out of him that RSFM wrote a halacha teshuva being mechayev lefarsem on corrupt shysters in zein mishpooche & at the orgs he covers up for. That's why every year around this time that R' Yudel references shitas RSFM, you see 'You Know Who' acting up & inappropriately mouthing off in the comments!

  92. For the true and genuine RSFM hashkafah, Teshuvous, Torah Songs and nushcaous one MUST contact our West Coast Pope Reverend Paulie. He has the exclusive on RSFM.

  93. For Hashems sake Reb Yudel open your own catering al zaad hayoter Tov.
    Instead of talking and hocking about all other caterers and people.

  94. RSFM was talking to his TV balleh batim.
    In BMG Reb Aron talked to them and he was happy with the Chicken they used there. RSFM had his I Accuse… list but that was for lower east side and Williamsburg.
    Not for Lakewood.
    This you can’t apply RSFM to Lakewood only to the lower East side and Willy.

  95. You got to laugh when this site keeps on quoting RSFM when his mishpoocheh rosh yeshivah SV was also the roov of the most Ingerisheh balleh batish shul in Monsey (a breakaway from BME - for good heimisheh logic)
