Thursday, October 17, 2019

alert:Jan, 2020 & December 30th, 2020- Heckers flour bugs found- must be sifted

Flour bugs found in Heckers flour, purchased in a numerous tri-state (NY/NJ) stores.
Dated December 30th 2020
Unknown, how long in stores storage.

Consumer Services

Ph: 866-866-8627


  1. For more info, contact


  2. Bs"d

    While I basically agree with most (but not all) of your posts, I
    cannot by any means go along with any post which denigrates proper
    Talmidei Chachomim. Without citing exact names, I will tell you -
    based on Bi'ur HaGR"A on Mishlei 21:1-2 - that there is a situation
    where a Talmid Chacham will be misled - EVEN FROM SHAMAYIM - into
    giving a slanted inquirer the "psak" he is looking for. This,
    according to the GR"A, is based upon the principle that "In the way a
    man wishes to go he is led". [Ultimately though, says the GR"A, he
    will pay the price.]

    Today is the yahrtzeit of the Chazon Ish, zatza"l. He wrote once in a
    letter regarding a heated machlokes around the appointment of someone
    in the local rabbinate that "to be victorious in this instance is
    worse that to be subdued".Politics is "avi avos hatum'ah", and
    whomever makes contact with it - for whatever "good" reason - becomes
    "tamei". Even where it would become theoretically necessary to do so -
    there is still a hefty price involved.

    To me it is unthinkable to endorse to the city council anybody who
    would not stubbornly resist the enormous sacrilege to the Holy city by
    refusing - even under the threat of impeachment and/or imprisonment -
    to endorse the Sodom atrocity parade. And I remain unconvinced that
    any "chareid" candidate would stand up to this challenge where
    Lupoliansky failed miserably.

    Look at what became progressively of Moghabi, - sorry, Mo Gafni's
    platform after being 30 years in the wolf's den - I do not wish
    anything similar to anyone else - not to my enemies, and certainly not
    to any of my friends.

    No - I have no intention of voting in the upcoming mayoral elections.
    Not "shas", not "degel haterror", not "gimel", not even "aitz".

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Wed Oct 24, 09:05:00 AM 2018


    We still have "Chazoin Eesh" nikehs around.
    As well as "Grah" nikehs.

    WOW. BoooooRooooooCH HaShem.

  5. No idea what all the comments have to do with bugs in Heckers flour, but if Rabbi Shain wants to make every posting that he writes into a potpourri - then he can. It's his blog.

    This is something like me asking my wife what is the brocha on pretzels and she tells me that plastic cutting boards have to have a reliable hashgocha because the plastic could have been recycled from a treif contained and could be nosain taam to a hot piece of meat. Makes no sense to me.

  6. Gevaldig! That's another opportunity to make a brocho on besomim!

  7. When Yair Hoffman, who is employed not just by an OU crony but works directly for the OU itself part time, discussed R' Yudel in one of his columns he did not really want to be critical but fort had to be altz who he works for. So he wrote that people like R' Yudel are needed on some level to keep everyone in check, even though they are like the horrible smelling ingredient in the Ketores Hasamim.

  8. 10:37:00

    Not so far from the truth. Especially according to Reb Shragah Faivel Z’L in that infamous 1923 newspaper teshuvah.

  9. חייבים להדגיש שכל הפעולות בחוצות העיר, דהיינו כל המחאות שנעשה נגד השמד והזימה, הם נעשו על פי הוראת כל גדולי ישראל, ע"פ מרנן ורבנן, ע"פ מנהיגי הדור האחרון לפני המשיח, 100% רק ע"פ כל צדיקי הדור שליטא, אשר הם מורים לנו את הדרך אשר נלך בה. ומחאות המתקיימת נגד גיוס השמד הם בהחלט בהוראת הרבנים של ציבור בני תורה, מוסרי הנפש נגד השמד והזימה, במדינת השמד


  11. I am pretty sure that the OU gave petch to Rabbi Hoffman that even that was too supportive of Rabbi Shain in their eyes.

    The company stance they prefer is the hatchet job that Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel did in a Flatbush publication to not even mention Rabbi Shain by name thus noting absolute contempt and then dismissing him as a non-entity after hinting who is being smeared.

    That hatchet job was so "poetic". No wonder why the OU felt the big tzoirech to hire a PhD in English literature as their rosh hashochtim. And to leave him in place despite all the evidence that emerged as to his personal frumkeit, or rather lack thereof.

    When you wear OU colored glasses it's Rabbi Shain who is the villain.

    This is as credible as when OJ Simpson huffed that we have got to find the real killers.

  12. Why did NY State Agriculture sue Kyo Monsey, the infamous restaurant with the "history" on Route 59?

    Was this altz Kashrus Enforcement or altz health hazard?

    Are Rabbis Gissinger / Steinmetz / etc hiding something from the public?

    Albany Supreme Court
    Index Number: 902265-17
    CMS Index Number: 0902265/2017
    Case Name: (Commissioner) Ball vs. Glatt Kyo Corp.
    Case Type: OTHER
    Track: Standard
    RJI Filed: 01/25/2018
    RJI Number: 01-18-127083
    Date NOI Due:
    NOI Filed:
    Disposition Date: 03/09/2018
    Calendar Number:
    Jury Status:
    Justice Name: DAVID A. WEINSTEIN

    Attorney/Firm For Plaintiff:
    NYS Dept. Of Agriculture Attorney Type: Retained Atty. Status: Active
    10B Airline Drive
    Albany, NY 12235-0001

    Attorney/Firm For Defendant:
    Glatt Kyo Corp. Attorney Type: Retained Atty. Status: Active
    419 Route 59
    Monsey, NY 10952

