Sunday, October 20, 2019

Grama based mechanisim for Shabbos / Yom Tov

It seems that the GRAMA based appliances by Tzomet and Star-K are based on the same principals, and they are not acceptable for Shabbos / Yom Tov by the contemporary Poiskim, only in case of a life threatening situation.   


  1. ...Only in life threatening situations....
    Happens to be that Zomet was in constant contact with Reb Shlomo Zalman Zatzal and here is one of his many pesokim:
    “ This status means that under certain conditions rabbinical decrees are not in effect, especially when using the principle of gramma (indirect action) as explained below.”

    And that is exactly why Zomet was started.
    Just because Horav Yudel is anti this innovation does not mean that all contemporary poskim are against it. Maybe some poskim ( after being threatened by some terroristic activist in the name of non exsisting benai Torah) are now frowning on it but that does not mean that this is their final psak.
    Just another day at Yudel’s place.

  2. Reb Shlomo Zalmen assered everything from Tzomet.
    Reb Moshe Shternbuch, assered everything from Tzomet, Star-K, etc.

  3. Reb Moshe assered Tzomet inventions of fake grama.

  4. You can fool all the people some of the time.
    You can fool some people all the time.
    But you can not fool all the people all the time.

    Where is the letter from Reb Shlomo Zalman Zatzal who is the subject of these comments ?????

  5. Yudel Shain met personally with the head of Zomet (Rabbi Rosen), Rozen told YS that Rav Shlomo Zalman does not approve of his Grama appliances, etc.

  6. Thats not what Zomet says.
    Thats what Yudels says.

  7. Interesting.
    Why don't you promote the OU more?
    I think they work with GE or something like that so they don't rely on Star-k or Grama
    At least let people to know where to go if they want to be frum 1!!

  8. Fri Oct 25, 03:53:00 PM 2019

    The wheels were not lubricated as of yet.
    Not by the Star-K (obviously) and not by the GE/OU incorporation.
