Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Sacho Clothiers Crown Heights "Kapotahs, Frocks", etc.certified Shatnez free by International Shatnez Testers Organization

The prevalence of shatnez issues are unfortunately all too common even in Jewish owned stores. (For example, a black men’s woolen sweater purchased in Borough Park has just been found with shatnez! It was from the same sweater manufacturer where shatnez has been found a few years ago.) Coupled with the fact that numerous people are unaware of the basic requirement to test garments for shatnez, many are unknowingly wearing shatnez.

Responding to this serious shatnez issue is R' Mendel Sacho, a Crown Heights resident and owner of Sacho Clothiers, a renowned Crown Heights kapota manufacturer. R’ Mendel brought trained shatnez bodkim from the International Professional Shatnez Testers, Organization. (pictured below) to professionally test his kapotas for shatnez.

Many kapotas have been verified to be free of shatnez. (See picture below of the labels that were put into the pre-tested kapotas.)

 Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez maintain, that garment wholesalers and retailers should offer for sale pre-tested garments. It prevents the seller from being מכשיל את הרבים, and enables the buyer not having to run the risk of trying-on shatnez, which is prohibited by many authorities. 

 Vaad L’Mishmeres Shatnez has been informed by Sacho Clothiers, that they have adopted a new shatnez policy named, “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY”; as only kapotas that are pre-tested and verified to be free of shatnez are available for sale.

R’ Mendel Sacho and Sacho Clothiers of Crown Heights are commended for offering for sale pre-tested garments and adopting the “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY”!

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