Wednesday, November 07, 2018

The Dave Elliot poultry

We recently visited and inspected the Dave Elliot poultry plant in Scranton, PA.

It's a relatively small operation. Reliable kashrus standards are in place and adhered to.
Very clean finished product.
The kashrus standards are superior to some other sold in the USA. 


  1. The shochtim zeinen nisht Meshichistim?

  2. Yes, WE.
    The Shoichtim, Boidkim are not meshichistim.

  3. החופר קברים אברהם ייפרח שר''י הגיע ללאס אנדזעלעס באיצטליתא דרבנן, כל מי שיש לו איזהו קשר בלאס אנדזעלעס יודיע לשם, להתחנן לו להפסיק תיכף ומיד החילול בית החיים הנורא רח''ל בעיר אומאן.

  4. Price just went up.
    SOMEONE had to pay for the VISIT.

  5. Rav Eliyashev, OB'M defined very clear the status of meshichistim and other Lubavitchers.

    Only the meshichistim are an issue.

    1. Not true !!! He was asked if all Lubavitchers are meshichistim. He answered back “ not yet “
      And remember, this is going back many years. Nowadays, have you ever stepped into 770 ?

  6. I sent a personal shliach to Rav Eliyashev, and I know what he answered me.
    Only the meshichistim is an issue, none of the crew at DE are mishichistim.

  7. How can any of them be a mishichist if they have no idea who or what Mashgiach is???

  8. I heard from some that the dave eliot kashrus is much better that agri, aaron, rubashkin and all that make at empire, including empire, mealmart, kaj, belz.

  9. You are self rightous phonys. Some of you would be mechalel shabbos and worse before some of these chasidim would be leniant on cholov Yisroel etc.or trim their beards etc. they are yirim Vishleimim. You are worried about Meshichistim? Tol Korei Mbein Einecha....

  10. Harav Hagoan Rav Menachem Meir Weismandel, Shlita-Nitra Ruv

    Say that by his shechitas, his wine and all of his hashgochas he has no issue or problem in using the Lubavitcher meshichistim as mashgichim, shoichtim, boidkim, etc.

    If any has a problem with meshichistim, then Rav Weismandel hashgochas on wine and shechitas is not for you.

    We want Moshiach Now!

  11. Yes only the Meshichistim are the issue but do you mean to tell us you don't know about the huge number of Lubavs who are "closet Meshichistim" who know it's bad for fundraising or are otherwise embarrassed to admit they believe der Rebbe lebt noch?

    An adam gadol told me the ones in the closet are in such great numbers that he generally doesn't trust Lubavitch period.

    The only Lubavitcher shnit that it's klor are not Meshichist are the so called Liozners from Boro Park. Liozna is one of the towns where the Baal Hatanya lived. But perhaps because they are so anti-Meshichist, even the Kotlarsky establishment can't stand them & try to discredit them. When R' Malkiel & the Skulener Rebbe wanted to confer with Chabad they met with the rov of the Liozners which rank & file Lubavs were angry & baleidikt over.
