Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Please learn, say tihilim, do chesed for a refuah shlaimh

All are asked to daven for Rav Ozer Yonah Kushner, who is in critical condition.

Rav Kushner, a resident of Lakewood, NJ, served for many years as a R”M at Mesivta of Long Beach, being marbitz Torah to generations of talmidim.

All are asked to daven for Rav Ozer Yonah ben Gruna.


  1. Does the Bais Din Linyanai 'Techayles' have any Chashivoos with our Dear Reb Yudel?? Shlit'a ??

  2. Did you make it to the Fresserfest?

  3. We owe Dr. Zev immense hakaras ha Tov for all that he did on behalf of the prat and klal.

    He must have saved blee guzma 1000’s of people during the first Covid stage.

    Many people that listened to him saw tremendous yeshuoius. He thought out of the box and was voice of reason. We are forever grateful. His immense Siyata Dishmaya and humbleness guided so many people to recovery.

    Chazak v’ematz. His zechusim are vast but he needs our Tefillos.

    Thank you so much Reb Yudel for notifying us so we can Daven for him
