Sunday, June 26, 2022

Statements of late from Roshei Yeshiva to their Talmidim

 One can not be Mechanech children al pi derech Torah in the Five Towns, take a job out of town.


  1. How about Queens?

  2. Qveens is kal vachoimer, ben bnoi shel kal vachoimer!

    The Queens Vaad of "mehadrin" non-kosher infamy, if that timtum wasn't enough, stick their collective snouts into the running of all the Borough chinuch places. Some of them are co-ed.

  3. Mon Jun 27, 11:47:00 AM 2022

    Thank you CCRC for your lovely comments.

    Now we may stop eating in queens.

    Hope you don't vomit after you add to your fress all that left over food which will now be free for you and you only. On Erev "Saturday" and the rest of the week.

  4. What does CooCooRiCoo mean?

  5. Cuckoo Clock Clucking of an OU MashgiachMon Jun 27, 09:11:00 PM 2022

    "What does CooCooRiCoo mean?"

    It's quite simple! The multiple times in each 24 hour period that the OU mashgiach in Queens jumps out to start clucking like a cuckoo clock against "Shain" & "Paul" and 100s of his other enemies, both real & imagined, one of the unintelligible sounds he makes is CooCooRiCoo, other times it's barking vee a heent, other times braying vee a chamoir, etc, etc, etc

  6. Mon Jun 27, 09:11:00 PM 2022

    Didn't know CCRC uses and looks in the mirror while trying to respond to all possible FREE FRESS opportunities.

  7. "looks in the mirror"

    OU mashgiach, you are confusing Avrohom Shpiegel, the HEIMISHE ex-KG resident. Kishmoi kein hu.

  8. You must be before you fress session and you seeing yourself in the shpiegel hoisen. aye thats you your seeing and describing.
