Thursday, June 23, 2022

Please be a partner in this worthy cause.


We all know him as a tremendous Talmud Chacham Who’s Simchas HaTorah and Hasmada is infectious and radiates the entire Beis Medrash.

Rav Mordechai Shlita gave his Lev V’Nefesh for the Rosh HaYeshiva Ztzl all the years.

On a personal level, in Yeshiva and now in his Kollel he was and is, always there for us. Worrying  about everyone’s ruchniyos and gashmiyos.
Now let’s help him enjoy his beautiful Simche Bezras Hashem
May all the Zechusim stand by you and your family L’Netzach

Or our 24 hour donation hotline 7186506045 with my unique team code 70950

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