Thursday, February 28, 2019

POTUS- Donald Trump, Mr. Kushner, Mr. Bolton, Netanyhu, Katz, et al

From an Email to me;

Re: Israel / Palestinian issues to be settled by a realistic, fair, secure, for all parties.

Locate a very large uninhabited area in a Country, and take the 25 Billion dollars to construct a 

Palestinian free election self governed entity. 


  1. Looks like a master plan that the corrupt heimisher developers would love to implement in Monsey if they could get away with it. But there aren't too many local officials left who haven't been taken away in handcuffs yet for taking shoichad to push through zoning violations.

  2. אשריכם אנשי הפלג!!!! חזק חזק ונתחזק בעוז ובאומץ, על דרך הפסוק 'ויגבה לבו בדרכי ד''. אשריכם אנשי הפלג!!!! שזכיתם לתת כבוד למלכות שמים, שלא לתת שום מקום כלל וכלל להיכנס תחת עול של אנשים חופשיים, פורקי עול תורה ומצוות, שכל חייהם בנוי על שווא שקר וזימה וכפירה בקב"ה ובתורתינו הקדושה - ועל פליטיקה

  3. Rockland can say the same thing about Lakewood except that when the Yated merely hinted at it altz the traffic problems created, Pinny & Avromi got called in to the CEO for a stern warning that he'd better not read something like that in the Yated again.

    Avromi grada wrote last week complaining about corruption like this in certain heimishe towns without naming the towns.

    I hope for Avromi's sake that even unassigned grumbling is not too much for the CEO that that's also verboten in case anyone with half a brain puts two & two together.

  4. The tachlis of a Yid is to come back to the madraiga of Adam koidem hachait durch Torah umitzvos. This was accomplished by the Avos and by the Dor Deah until the Erev Rav ruined it.

    Chazal said the Erev Rav would still be around in our tzeiten in the form of improper roshei mosdos (have you ever had a run in with some of the ainam hagunim running chadorim these days?) and in the form of rich dudes. This Chazal is brought by the Gr"a, the Toldos Yaakov Yosef & the Tzanzer.

    I'm sure I don't have to point out that the small handful of developers who manipulate to their benefit the entire electoral landscape in Rockland County - including through threats & harsh, effective retaliation against critics - are not exactly poor.

    Do you see where I'm going with this? The Erev Rav's idea of "shlaymus" was to make wealth, ie gold, into an avoyda zara alein. Fast forward to Ramapo Township of the 21st Century. Do you know how rich someone gets when they make sure everything is built up like Migdal Bovel without any parkland chalila, even the size of a postage stamp? You don't exactly have to murder Chur. But you can come close by sending a thug to strangle Pinny's rebbitzen in her own driveway after an anti-developer ikkul beis din was published on his Matzav website and also to strangle a 16 year old girl connected to a blogger who did the same thing. And of course if the spooks overhear any yungerman criticizing the developers by Maariv, the chadorim who are shtupped with some of the revach immediately call to threaten the continued enrollment of the kinder.

  5. Yeshiva of Bling ValleySat Mar 02, 08:29:00 PM 2019

    Over 90% of the anti-Semitism in greater Monsey is caused by that tiny handful of corrupt developers, between the inappropriate eyesores they build & the criminal puppets that they install in elected offices. YSV like many other mosdos in the mutually beneficial arrangement, encourages the parent body to vote for the puppets. They did tone down the language they used at one point which was legally problematic for a tax exempt entity. But they are still just as slimy with the phony scaremongering they issue before elections.

    YSV is also the worst of the Monsey offenders, the most arrogant & heartless, of those mosdos who refuse to take in kids with no yeshiva.

    Besides all their old garbage like feifing on gedolim, claiming "we are a privatta moisad" (after they stole it from the mishpocho of R' Shraga Feivel ztl), one of their more recent howlers is that "we don't take any Tuna Beigels" as if Yiddishe kinder do not deserve a Torah chinuch because their fathers shave or trim beards like all other YSV fathers already do, except that they might have a slight accent when speaking.
