Saturday, February 16, 2019

Some kosher certified apple juice is commonly filtered with beef gelatin filters

Kashrus question;

I have an apple juice with a Heimish Hashgocha and a Halal certification, can I be comfortable that they do not use beef gelatin filters because it does have the Halal certification?  The Halal certifiers do have chemists on staff, they would never allow beef gelatin filters. The Heimish one? We don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Nu.
    The Heimisheh hashgoochis always relied on others. So how much of a problem is it if they rely on a Hallel hashgoocheh?
    ‘Voos kehn zahn besser bee ah zoh heilgeh hashgoocheh vos reeft zich Hallel’.
    Of course its good especially if it involves yiddishe parnooseh.
