Friday, February 15, 2019

UGG slippers, Unrealistic to check, do not wear.

In order to check the UGG slippers for shatnez, it must be completely destroyed.

Therefore it's unpractical to check, do not wear them.

Eventually the International Shatnez Testers, Org. will get a batch for testing, and will publish the results.


  1. What about the boots? Because the reply says all products

    I've given many different pairs of Ugg boots to numerous checkers over the years who I believe are all affiliates that R' Yudel approves of.

    Every one of them said no linen was present!

  2. There are different kinds of uggs. Some are gine and some aren't

  3. Send another letter to the company asking if there is any wool.
    If they say no then Hapeh shehAsaar hapeh shehHitter.
    If they say yes then there is no issue - you can’t wear it.
