Friday, March 22, 2019

Keebler product infested- purchased in paperific store in Borough Park


  1. The odds of it getting infested in the purchasers home are greater then getting infested at the seller. Stores get checked by the City - and they always are looking to get you.
    Homes are never checked and thus the infestation issue easily could have been a 'shalom bayis' issue. Easily.

  2. Horiffic Whore ifficSat Mar 23, 10:49:00 PM 2019

    Paperiffic always seems to be at the scene of the crime.

    Ashkenazy's treifenna fleish from Ave J that Kehilla Ca$hru$ covered up.

    Burich Teitelbaum's repackaging

    Someone in management in a Paperiffic location who was involved in very shmutzika maissos. The achzor once squeezed one of the most charif peppers on Earth into the eye of a young bochur who was forced from the tzaar gadol & sakonas nefoshos to run & find a mikva to run into with his clothing on. He was also caught in a scandal where he stole credit cards to call telephone zoynos which he was placing the calls from a yeshiva of all places.

  3. Keebler is NOT pas Yisroel.
    הלעיטהו לר........

  4. very shmutzika is exactly right, mamash tumah

    He was in his 20s in a yeshiva where he wasn't learning a word kimat but his father wanted him there for appearances. The yeshiva itself was also corrupt so he was allowed to stay despite those incidents after his father paid a very large "knass" which most would call a bribe. You could see him placing the calls through a window in a room where he locked the door. He was always red in the face during the calls which were always during seder. When chevra asked him what was wrong he said he's being meyayetz his "sister" who has a lot of tzorus. One of the victims of the credit card theft wanted to make problems for him but his father told him not to do it because he was with the menuvol's father in RJJ.

  5. For your information whore guy.

    Paperific was the one and ONLY store that refunded each and every customer that bought the meat - even if you did not bring in a receipt. It cost them thousands of dollars which was not refunded to them and Paperific took the lose. Again. The one and only store.

    So tell me who is the zoinah - ben niddah over here? You or Paperific? Yea. Tell us.

  6. Just because the owner refunded money which is his chiyuv, how does that negate anything an employee may have done wrong in his private life?

    But al kol ponim why was Paperiffic selling shady stuff to begin with?

  7. " an employee may have done wrong in his private life? "

    Is that your complaint? What someone MAY have done in his private life????

    And if: " refunded money which is his chiyuv" how come you keep quiet about all the stores with "Fine private lives history" employees who did NOT give refunds which you claim is a chiyuv???

    Maybe you got a ongoing, endless grudge against certain people/establishments....Maybe?????
