Saturday, March 23, 2019

Paskesz products with Bdatz Mehadrin (Rav Rubin) are manufactured in Pakistan


  1. Could this in a way be a bigger Paskesz scandal than the Haribo treif?

    Paskesz purports that it's "Wowzers" sour fizz chews are under the hashgocho of R' Avrohom Rubin's Badatz.

    So you would think they are made in Israel, right?


    Paskesz is trying very hard to conceal the country of origin which I initially couldn't find on the label. Because it is a Federal offense to omit this information completely I kept looking & finally found a cryptic remez in a hidden spot. Paskesz tried to sneak it in where there is a mention, completely unrelated to it's manufacture, of Antwerpen. But unless you read it about 5 times while already figuring something is fishy, Paskesz did an excellent job of fooling you into thinking this is a Belgian product.

    Paskesz will only identify the mystery country as "IRP".

    Across various industries, that is an abbreviation which is hardly ever used by anyone so it took a lot of searching to figure out that IRP is the ISLAMIC Republic of PAKISTAN.

    Just one 'slight' problem with that which makes me wonder if this is a ziyuf of Rav Rubin's name & symbol.

    The last time that it was public knowledge that ANY hashgocho sent a mashgiach to Pakistan was several years ago when an OK mashgiach was detained by Federal police before reaching the food factory & expelled from the country FOR HIS OWN SAFETY before al Qaeda or Taliban terrorists closed in on him.

    Those roitzchim are crawling throughout that entire backwater country where any Yid would be a sitting duck

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    this is what happened the last time a Yid shpatzired around Pakistan

    since when does Rav Rubin offer a Halal certification?

  3. Is Pakistan a problem?

  4. Moshe.
    This site is created to create new problems.
    Some are soccesful some are not. But all unheard of issue begin here.
    So please relax and assume it is either a real issue or soon it will be a issue. Then you say I already heard about it.
    Don’t forget to thank Reb Yudel for his original innovations.

  5. is there any curry in the ingredients?

  6. More than one Hashgocho does productions there

  7. At the very least it is very foolish & reckless to do a Pakki production. And for what? To save a bucks over Bulgaria?

    The terrorists are itching to kidnap & behead any foreigners, not just Yidden.

    And keep in mind that a retired Army officer lobbied Congress very shtark to ban the import of the gum acacia ingredient which is 90% sourced in Muslim countries, 70% of which comes from companies with an al Qaeda affiliated ownership. Needless to say, they could c'v poison the food. But because of the heintigga avoida zara known as political correctness-ism that sends Barack Hussein Osama to the White House & Arab anteh-Semitten to Congress, the Army officer has not been matzliach.

  8. Even if Paskesz manufactured in Bin Laden's compound alein b'shaas malchusoi, BECAUSE it was mentioned by R' Yudel, you would still get all the 'shoot from the hip' comments dismissing the issue & deriding him personally.

    The kashrus industry shysters are the Never Yudels just like Leftist Democrats are Never Trumpers

  9. Philly Yeshiva 1, Public Safety 0Wed Mar 27, 07:19:00 AM 2019

    NBC News: Anyone found in violation of the declaration could spend 6 months in jail and/or a $500 fine

    ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY (WABC) Rockland County has declared a State of Emergency over the ongoing measles outbreak, with Executive Ed Day announcing non-vaccinated minors barred from public places. Effective midnight Wednesday, March 27, anyone under 18 years of age & not vaccinated against measles will be prohibited from public places until the declaration expires or they receive the MMR vaccine. Officials said if someone is found in violation, their case will be referred to the DA's office. Parents will be held accountable for their children if they are in violation. Officials say there are no religious exemptions & that they've been working with area rabbis who encourage their members to get vaccinated. According to the emergency declaration, public places are where more than 10 persons are intended to congregate for purposes such as civic, governmental, social, religious functions, or for recreation / shopping, food / drink consumption, awaiting transportation, or daycare / education, or medical treatment. There are currently 153 confirmed reported cases of measles in the County, according to officials. "As this outbreak continues, our inspectors have met resistance from those they're trying to protect," Day said. "They've been hung up on / told not to call again. They've been told, 'We're not discussing this, do not come back' when visiting homes of infected individuals as part of investigations. This response is unacceptable & irresponsible. It endangers the health & well-being of others & displays a shocking lack of responsibility & concern for others," Day said. "We must do everything in our power to end this outbreak & protect the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons & for children too young to be vaccinated." Day recognizes there are religious holidays coming up soon, but if people immediately comply with the state of emergency & vaccinate now, they'll still be able to enjoy Easter / Passover with friends & family. "We want people to celebrate," he said. "We don't want a repeat of this outbreak when people gathered together & fell ill last fall." Community leaders applaud the state's efforts but have real fears about this latest step. "Describe a B misdemeanor & someone can get arrested, that sounds very scary to me," said community activist Rivkie Feiner after conferring with participants of an infamous anti-vaccination conference call reportedly organized from Philadelphia. "I'm very concerned how people will be viewed & what'll happen when people go to the mall & Target or wherever to go shopping," said Gary Setzer of the Jewish Foundation of Rockland County. Meanwhile other leaders say the problem is the numbers. "This community has a boatload of children," said Yossi Gestetner of the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council. "To give you context, Manhattan less than 9% of the population is under age 10. New Square the Hasidic village, 40%." The Rockland County Dept of Health will host a free MMR vaccination clinic from 1 to 3 p.m. Wed on the 2nd floor of Building A, Robert Yeager Complex, 50 Sanatorium Rd, Pomona, NY. "We must not allow this outbreak to continue indefinitely," Day said. "We will not sit idly while children are at risk. This is a public health crisis, and it is time to sound the alarm, to ensure everyone takes proper action to protect themselves & their neighbors; for the health & safety of all of us." 
