Sunday, May 26, 2019

"BINGO"- "KCL"- KA$HRU$ ALERT - -don't buy any dairy items at BINGO

Bingo started selling "treif-dairy"items- KCL?. According to אג"מ יו"ד א''סימן כ', ר' י.ש. אלישיב, ר' שמואל וואזנר, ר' שלמה זלמן וכו' all non חלב ישראל in the USA, is to be considered חלב טריפה 

KCL says, as long as "no Israeli flag" Bingo could sell treif.


  1. Can you make a post explaining the ou and all the others that give a hechsher for treif milk products

  2. Can you elaborate as to what tye are selling that is Treif?

  3. יש שמועה רעה: -זעם בבית שר התורה ר' חיים קנייבסקי שליט"א מדוע ר' גרשון איידלשטיין שליט"א מיישר קו עם האדמו"ר הצדיק והקדוש הרבי מגור שליט"א בענין חוק הגיוס - בבית ר' חיים קנייבסקי סבורים שצריך לקבל את תכתיב האפיקורס ליברמן שר"י להכנע ולהצביע בעד חוק הגיוס רח"ל. להכנע ולהצביע בעד חוק הגיוס רח"ל. להכנע ולהצביע בעד חוק הגיוס רח"ל.
    האמת של הכפירה ברח' רשב"ם, ע"י הגבאים והמשמשים והנכדים יוצא לאור רח"ל.
    כפשוטו הם מסיתים ומדיחיחים רח"ל, מסיונרים ממש

  4. Rav Moshe permits it - we don't go by foreign poskim against the local ones

  5. Reb Moshe in Igros Moshe says that the operated cows milk are "treif". Since those operations there is not any cholov-stam in the USA according to Reb Moshe. Germany, still has cholov stam according to Reb Moshe.

  6. This comes from Yudel $HAIN

  7. Almost every store in Lakewood has some non-Cholov Yisroel dairy products. They also carry other 'unacceptable' products. Shopping in a 'frum' store does not exempt you from paying attention to what you buy!

  8. Why if a store sells something that you think is treif can't you buy other things that you know is Kosher.
    The headline here reads: ...don't buy any dairy items at BINGO".

    So lets just say that Yudel is right and the cholov stam is cholov treif why can't you buy 'golden Flow' or 'Pride of the farm' milk ? Or some nice Mehadrin Cottage Cheese ?

    The truth is using when applying "rest-of-the-story" logic things don't have to make sense.

  9. I and others have seen numerous veiber buying cholov treif items at Bingo. When it was pointed out to them, they said OI Vei ! I did not realize it.
