Wednesday, June 19, 2019

איך נותנים השגחה בכשרות

איך נותנים השגחה בכשרות?
חשדהו , וחשדהו ורק אח"כ כבדהו
וצריכין להחליף המשגיח מפעם לפעם


  1. Also change the hashgacha from time to time.

    Or is that digging to deep into the haashgacha business?????


    there is apparently a section in the Philly yeshiva training guide that if someone yells FIRE! in a crowded beis medrash with theater seats, he should then give stern musser to those who start running

  3. Riddle:

    Q:The Torah says you can't have a Judge who takes bribes. If so, how can there be Batei Din?!

    A: For money you can buy anything!

    I know, it's not funny, it's satire😂


    This pro-toyevah article in the OU's Tradition journal quotes from several rabbis, most of whom are in the Open Orthodox camp, including one with seemingly Charedi credentials who later joined YCT.

    Chaim Rapoport
    Rascal Lookstein
    Yuval Cherlow
    Ronen Lubitch
    Steve Greenberg
    Asher Lopatin
    Jonathan Sacks
    Todd Berman
    Reuven Bulka
    Avi Weiss

  5. The Holy Zaddik of the Century is at it once again. Collecting points for the next world (if he believes in that. - I doubt it).

  6. Holes in his holy theoryThu Jun 20, 07:04:00 PM 2019

    If 1:26 pm was around in a previous dor, the egomaniac would have pashtus attacked the Chasam Sofer ztl as well for being lochem against people who were even more outwardly frum than the above list of bums, but Reformers in disguise nonetheless.


  8. You owe the "Heiligeh" Chasam sofer an apology if that is possible since you insulted a Zaddik that is no longer with us and Kaparah may not be possible at all.

    Paullie and the Chas...Sof... in the same sentence !!!!!!!

    Paullie will never ever be the dirt that the CS stepped on even in the bai hakisay.

    That Bum ? Doing things on his own ? Is that what the CS did?

    How could you?

    It just proves who you are.

  9. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSun Jun 23, 10:18:00 AM 2019

    There was no mention of "Paul" otherwise known as R' Feivy until the mashgiach dragged his name in during his incoherent rant of erev Shabbos 4:48 pm.

    The mashgiach's level of anger may mean he now hates R' Feivy as much as he hates R' Yudel.

  10. You mean Paul the Baal T'shoovah who supposedly promised NEVER eve to be mevaazeh Gedloim againm but just comes back to his Apikoorsis Vomit again and again - K'Kelev Chozer ahl Kee'ou ?????????

    So we now confirm once again who you hang out with. Lamah Holach HaZarzir atzel HoOrev....

  11. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachTue Jun 25, 02:22:00 PM 2019

    The "BT" who is grandson of R' Shraga Feivel ztl who Rav Olshin recently said in public that RSFM was the yesod even for all of Lakewood's spreading Torah around America. That's a 'good one' that ess passt the warped thinking of the mashgiach would come up with it. The grandson goes with the zayde's shita from a 1923 published teshuva that there is a chiyuv to be mefarsem on the fakers who are begeder where there is chilul Hashem, ain cholkin kovod leRav.

    Meanwhile der grester zarzir mit zein OU ID card is hanging out with alla sort criminals, embezzlers / disbarred lawyers (ahem!), molesters (der mechuton), etc. Even the sadistic butcher with the Gomco clamp who poses as a mohel (der mechuton's shvugger)

  12. What does Paul's Grandfather have to with him? ZERO.
    What does Paul have to do with Rav Olshin saying something about his Grandfather? ZERO.
    What does Paul have to do with his Grandfather's Shita about anything? ZERO.

    I can't believe that the Grandfather allowed Nivul Peh under any circumstances.
    I can't believe that the Grandfather allowed such Grobeh language against any Godol.
    I can't believe that the Grandfather Badmouthed anyone because he didnot agree to his shita.
    I can't believe that anyone would Mention the Grandfather and Paul in one sentence.
    I can't believe that Paul has forced his Grandfather to turn over in his Kever multiple times.

    No one can believe that you dig out all the history about someone, mostly concocted, and use it for the sole purpose to denigrate them even if the issues have ZERO to do with what you THINK may be against your interpretation of that issue.

    It demonstrates your Midos and your corrupt motives.

  13. Der OU Akteeveest doth protest tzu feelFri Jun 28, 11:26:00 AM 2019

    The BIG misguided baal shita from Kew Gardens should shut his mouth already (as difficult as that may for him) as he is from the last who should be criticizing Paul-Feivy or anyone else.

    There is a tayna that Feivy used some language that is aina nekiya. His motives at least were lshem Shomayim. As he wrote, he felt that it was the only way in concert with his other tactics to stop the roitzchim from destroying Yiddishe kinder. And he was matzliach to remove the menuvol on Ocean Pkwy & others. As one rosh yeshiva said he does not davka agree with the language but avadda what Feivy tooed oif is in gantzen oisgehalten. Several gedolim had sent askonim since the 1980s to do the same thing but none of them got results until Feivy appeared on the scene.

    What does it say about the BIG baal shita from KG that because he is mishpocho with Bryks he has spent years slandering on the internet all the anti-menuvol askonim from Feivy to Lipner to even the Gatesheader Rov? And his attacks from Queens & the Bronx - while he slacks off on the job(!) - are not limited to protecting molesters as he always tries to needle R' Yudel with silly shtochs & arguments on his own website & has tried to make choizek from countless others who simply have a different opinion from him. And he has the nerve to cast aspersions on people's middos & mumble about "corrupt"?

    Stop lying that Feivy "concocts" stories. That's just you trying to deny the truth about Bryks whom the frum NY State Supreme Court Judge who later became Attorney General under President Bush threw Bryks out of Court when Bryks tried to sue all the major news networks for reporting he is a molester.

    It's interesting that all the 'holier than thou' self-appointed militants against Feivy display not just the same behaviors they criticize but are mamash from the bottom of the barrel in middos themselves. Not just the tiresome grogger on two feet who constantly acts up here.

    The hypocrite Doctor behind the anti-Feivy blog who himself has allowed all kinds of nivul peh there. And the rabbi whom he claims told him to start the blog has also been accused of using nivul peh & certainly everyone has seen his nasty temper.

    The gangsters on Ocean Pkwy who are mesarvim by numerous batei din trying to look into the child abuse. Just as R' Yaakov ztl predicted, their own moisad "vos is geboit oif sheker & genaivos" collapsed this past year so they were forced out by the Board who chotch let them keep their names on the letterhead to pathetically 'save face'

    The gangster shul rabbi G who writes for Artscroll. He spent years publicly attacking & smearing various yungerleit who he suspected were UOJ. But when Feivy outed himself at the end, that gangster never asked mechila for bashmutzing anyone.

  14. Fri Jun 28, 11:26:00 AM 2019

    Does anyone understand what he's saying?

    Voos zoogt ehr ???

    Does he himself know what he is saying or posting ???

    Ehr Vept shoin. (He always vepped but now its obvious.)

    Please post his name and his mother's name so we can say a kapital T'hillim on his behave.

    HaShem yerachem Oolov. Ah Refeeah Shlaimah.

  15. Genug mit der CharadeWed Jul 03, 06:20:00 PM 2019

    Mon Jul 01, 12:38:00 PM 2019

    Truly clueless or just pretending he has no clue when it suits him to protect the worst menuvolim imaginable who the beis din of Rav Wosner ztl recently reminded the oylam of the halacha that roidfim to molest children are equal to murderers mamash?

    It is widely known who the chief mesarev ledin on Ocean Parkway is & in fact the halacha in Shulchan Aruch is there is a chiyuv to be mefarsem on such a person who has a din of mecharef, magadef & mayrim yad against Toras Moishe. (But not a peep from the Kew Gardens ruckus maker who is usually quick to falsely cry out bekol rom that all kinds of nekiyim in the way of his twisted politics are "apikorsim")

    Margulies was mesarev against Mechon Lehoyroah. Then the Agudah hastily convened an ad hoc beis din hoping they could stop Margulies before the scandal blew up in the goyishe media but he gave them some kind of mumbo jumbo that he needed to confer with Rav Elyashev first, which the mechutzef of course never made any effort to speak to the gadol hador. Even after the chilul Hashem spun out of control from his akshonus, Margulies & his agents continued to attack & torment all kinds of victims & advocates. This prompted the choshuveh yungerman R' Eli Greenwald to be mazmin Margulies & his mercenary Belsky to Beis Din of America. Again, no response to the hazmonos.

    None of this sits very well with the OU mashgiach in KG dorten & his pathetic cohort who were likewise waging a dying battle to protect the mechuton Bryks from being expelled from the Queens Vaad after the OU had already moved to throw him out of their rabbonishe organization.

  16. Thank Gut for Pauli.
    Otherwise this yenta would be outta business klapping and hocking about what he claims really happened.
    Today Pauli is still using his only method he knows and is expert at which is straight nivul peh plus other Kedayshah stuff that can be mentioned only on his heiligeh site.
    He follows his zaideh derech just in reverse.
    But following nevertheless.
    And Boruch HaShem he has at least one Gabbi rooting for him.
    It got to remind you of koirach and company.
    They had reasons, taynes, proofs, logic plus a whole fan club with many gabooim.
    They also claimed to follow the zaidehs.
    And they ended up in their made to order club aad hayom hazel.
    Lots of luck on your oldy ventures

  17. mi haOU baal haChaloymos hazeh?Sun Jul 07, 01:36:00 AM 2019

    "klapping and hocking about what he claims really happened"

    Look who's talking! Oib tziz nisht der mashgiach alein!

    Go back to your so called kollel in Eastern Queens where you are the only yungerman & preach to the daled koslos.

    What exactly in those scandals happened different than what the media plus many bnei Torah involved reported on Margulies? Than what the courts oversaw Margulies paying out settlements to 5 victims who sued? From what OU rabbis told the newspapers about Bryks? And how your Queens Vaad cronies dragged their feet for 2 years to even let Bryks's membership expire while your old misnagdim from JBAC were sitting on the head of your tayereh chaverim leading the cover up, Shonfeld & Dr. Rabbi Richard Weiss?

    Veisst men that you will say anything to cover up.

    There was also that dumb as a doorknob excuse that one of your associates was floating that we asked the son of the Margulies vegen dem & zogt er az tziz nisht emes! There you have it from the ferd's mouth as the expression goes, so what Margulies is saying must be true!

    Try not to get confused with facts but it was around 1970 that R' Yaakov Kaminetzky angrily called YTT a yeshiva geboit oif sheker & genaivos.

  18. Using secular media and 50 year old tales makes bubbeh maysehs all true and authentic.
    Would not work even for a current and modern Korach.
    These are the basis for a old yentah with a computer following the current Apikores einikle.
    If the grandfather would of known about this “Zaddik” offspring he would of banned him from associating with his name just as Yaakov Avinu did with the old Korach.

  19. Ben Akshan-Shakran LeploniSun Jul 07, 07:48:00 PM 2019

    What a shidduch! The OU has this mashgiach who just like them will never admit he is wrong!

  20. B'H no one eats from this Anon - Ben Akshan-Shkran-ben Niddah hashgacha. You can imagine what he would feed you.
    B'H the OU has the highest standards in the Catering/Restaurant business. But that would put others out of business so they studied Loshon horah loophole rules and employ them better then anyone else.
