Sunday, June 30, 2019

Update-ALERT: Strawberries from China, USSR, Egypt, USA, etc.

Yardain - Egypt w/ Chug must be pureed to a liquid.
K'halacha- Under the Hashgocha of Putin/USSR.
Dole & Birdseye- some claim they only have 2 whole insects per 70 after cleaning, washing, freezing. Was muchzuk bi'toloyim prior to the cleaning, washing, freezing. Ask your Rav.

There are frozen strawberries originating from China that was rejected due to infestation.

Another Hashgocha decided to accept it and are certifying them. They were removed for a while, they recently resurfaced.

We were notified by qualified mashgichim that "none of the Chinese" Strawberries are clean from infestation and should not be used unless pureed & cooked, etc.
[muchzuk bi'toiloyim not permitted to blend] ALL CHINESE STRAWBERRIES ARE INFESTED AT THIS TIME.

All fresh/frozen raspberries, blackberries, etc. from are to be considered infested and may not be blended, cooked.


  1. Are u going to give us a brand name or keep us in suspense?

  2. Perhaps you can post for the general uneducated as to why one cannot blend something that is muchzik until the chazaka is released

    1. I thought blending helps either way?

  3. You FEEL or you know?
    Are you a holy Rebbe Shlit”a?
    I forgot to add: Kevod Kedishas..... sorry.

  4. You FEEL or you know?
    Are you a holy Rebbe Shlit”a?
    I forgot to add: Kevod Kedishas..... sorry.

  5. What are you

  6. I thought blending helps either way?

    Once blended its MAYBE mutar - but you may not blend it l'chatchila and if you did blend it with the intention to use it its probably osur (at least for the "blender" or for the one belnded for).

  7. B'gan came out with strawberries from CHINA NOT GREENHOUSE GROWN are they infested as well or b'gan is different ?????????????

  8. Auerbach claims there some clean strawberries.
    Which are they???

  9. Auerbach claims ...

    If they are peeled.

    Of course it's always shayach to have an odd batch somewhere that never got infested but there is no guarantee of a repeat.

    Otherwise he sounds like the late fellow at a certain hashgocho who used to hock a tcheinik that he has a source for uninfested raisins.
