Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Beware: Treif again:

Man Posing As Chareidi Selling Treif Meat In Antwerp, Liverpool, Manchester, Monsey, Los Angeles, Flatbush, 
It happened, therefore it can happen again
this is the core of what we have to say. 
It can happen, and it can happen everywhere.”

Treif de ja vu- 

It happened in our time, in  Monsey, Los Angeles, Flatbush, Passaic, Antwerp, Hungary, Austria, etc.  Can it happen in Lakewood? With Lakewood's KCL type of hashgocha-YES!

Lakewood kashrus report available kashrusy@aol.com

הלם באירופה - במשחטת עופות המשרתת קהילות בהונגריה ואוסטריה התגלה כי מנהל המפעל זייף את סימון הכשרות שפג תוקפו, והוא חשוד שצירף לחבילות אלו טריפות ונבלות, בכך הכשיל יהודים שומרי כשרות. באנטוורפן ציוה הרב לכל הציבור שקנה מהם להכשיר את הכלים


  1. What do you mean " can it happen in Lakewood"...Its already happening according to Horav Reb Yudel Shlit'a.

  2. It happened in Flatbush more than once.

    The first time was in the 1970s.


    I should know! Because the whole "Bnai Torah" scam fell apart thanks to Congresswoman Holtzmann discovering the treif, which the yenta is now bragging about in her book!

  3. The oylam in University Heights is too soft. Although no one talks to him, the lowlife who fed treifenna fleish to the whole neighborhood was not even kicked out of shul.

  4. http://www.israel613.com/books/THE_CITY_OF_CRAKOW-E.pdf

    you forgot about Krakow

  5. It should be noted that Krakow was the only city in Europe where the Nazi beasts even exhumed deceased Yidden to burn to ashes like they did to the living Yidden Hy"d.

    Could this be altz kappora for the scandal where the entire city consumed treif for years?

    Mr. Schindler zachur latoiv who famously used up his fortune to save as many Yidden as he could, was mayid that once when he had to meet with the sadistic Kommandant of Krakow Amon Gothe yms, he had to go to a mass grave being dug up under Gothe's supervision to burn all the bodies. Gothe told Schindler that the SS in Berlin had given him specific orders to do so. It is not clear why this was the only location where the Nazis were obsessed even with the dead.

    It is also documented that when the Nazis destroyed the Yiddishe feld of Krakow there were only two kevorim remaining that they were then not able to desecrate due to non-stop obstructions from Allied air raids & other incidents orchestrated min haShomayim until the Nazis finally gave up. These were the kevorim of the Ramoh ztl & the tzaddik nistar known only as "Yagid alav rayehu" who was niftar in the tekufa that the Bach was rov of Krakow. The nistar was once forced to appear l'achar misaso at a din Torah by the Bach where the nistar won the case despite barely answering any questions. When the Bach demanded to know his identity based on two reasons in halacha, the nistar said he could not comply since they had assered him from the Elyonim to reveal who he is.

  6. What was the exact skandal with Finkel's zayde in Schweiz?

  7. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1978/02/28/flood-listed-funds-from-agency-he-is-accused-of-aiding/959dc5a1-a382-4099-853c-8267588305c2/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.5c09283ea19a

    Yenner mashgiach is quick to attack regarding certain kashrus scandals & even more quick with his imaginary scandals of supposed improprieties by R' Yudel.

    But it's klor this is one scandal where he will zicher NOT be on the attack.

    Vehamayvin yovin!

  8. Yossele fun KrackowFri Jun 14, 10:54:00 AM 2019

    The Chazal comes to mind that reshoyim gemurim will not do teshuva even at the pesach to Gehennem.

    Gothe was captured by the Allies & sentenced to death by hanging for crimes against humanity.

    His last words after the noose was tightened around his neck: "Heil Hitler!"

  9. Eppel nisht veit fun BoimFri Jun 14, 03:28:00 PM 2019

    There is a pre-war teshuva sefer from the Alter Heim that discusses the problem from Finkel's grandfather who was also in the fleish industry. The Mashgiach R' Matisyohu once mentioned it publicly when the Monsey scandal first broke.

    If my memory serves correct it was something to do with electric shocks & the shaylos were posed to the biggest Galitzianer posek, the Tarnopoler Rov, in Chavatzeles Hasharon Tinyana, starting at siman 24.

  10. A few years ago an old cable was discovered, also issued by the SS HQ in Berlin, but addressed to Gothe's boss, the Nazi Governor-General for all of Poilen. They told him to instruct the murderers under his command that although it is inevitable that some Jews will end up escaping, they should exert special effort to make sure to kill all of the "Talmud studenten" because those are the guys who can reconstitute Klal Yisroel even from a few survivors.
