Monday, July 08, 2019

Another reason WHY- MARVID IS SO CHEAP. Tyson & Perdue are even cheaper. .

Belz & KCL approve of Marvid chicken-

זרקו שוחט בגלל עופות לא שחוטות

Kashrus cost money, cut your kashrus and your chicken is cheap.

הרב המכשיר המרכזי של 'התאחדות הרנבים' של סאטמאר הרב הלל ווייינבערגער פיטר שוחט בשבוע שעבר בגלל שבשרשרת השחיטה עבר עוף לא שחוט

מתברר כי ממהרים מאוד להספיק מה שיותר וככה מתפספסים עופות לא שחוטות והציבור לא יודע כי הוא אכל עופות לא שחוטות בהכשר של סאטמאר

במשחטה התפתחו האשמות בין השוחטים לעובדים מי אשם במצב הזה, העובדים הגויים אומרים כי דוחפים אותם לעבוד מהר ולהספיק יותר ולכן יכול לקרות דברים כאלו

וכמובן לזה קוראים 'גלאט כשר'!!!

Marvid has some serious issues. This was found a few times recently. Some hashgochas are therefore not allowing the Marvid poultry. Belz still allows it.


  1. Is this eckstein that allowes bugs and worms


  3. Is that a picture of a "Gornish Hen"?

  4. מרבדים עששה לה שש וארגמן לבושה


  5. TORONTO — Marvid Poultry is likely to fill the void that was created with the closing of Chai Kosher Poultry after 25 years. Marvid did the same when Mehadrin Poultry, which has since reopened, closed its doors in the US. Sources quoted Moishe Friedman, president of Marvid Poultry in Montreal, as saying that he already supplies many kosher retailers in Toronto and has the ability to increase his company’s capacity to 200,000 kosher chickens a week if necessary.

    “Consumers will have as many chickens as they need. There will be no shortage or price increase,” he said. Charles Weinberg, owner of Chai Poultry, which was said at one point to be producing 50,000 kosher chickens a week, denied reports that he had sold the plant to either real estate developers or to a halal business. With a state-of-the-art plant, Marvid has been steadily growing, capturing significant market share in the lucrative US market

  6. Marvid produces more than 100,000 trays a week

  7. U עם הארץ .its בטל ברוב

  8. 1- dovur she'bi'minyan is not botul.

    2- dovur she'yesh-loi-matirim (sachdus) is not botul.

    3- chaticha hariua-lihischabed is not botul even when it still has feathers.

    4- kesef is mi'taher mamzeirim, so it could definitely good for making it kusher as well.

    5- Sachdus says "Hefsed gudol" to sachdus.

    zei nisht ken letz

  9. Rubashkin Truck DriverWed Dec 12, 11:47:00 PM 2018

    I hope in their big hurry they also aren't having crashes & overturned trucks with nefulos galore before the chickens even get to the shlachthoiz! That would be just like old times before the Yated made Sholom Mordechai into a martyr. Did you see the full page ad this week making Sholom Mordechai into the "Baal Haness"? Lipschutz is so high on something that he is now collaborating to make Sholom Mordechai on par with ancient Baalei Ness like the Tanna Rebbi Meir & the Rov of Brisk in the time of Rishonim, Rabbeinu Klonymus.

  10. Pinny says that Sholom Mutcha is the second coming of the Rebbe Yichi…..

    Pinny is holding to the tail of the donkey.

  11. Hust gehert that Tarnopol is allowing Breadberry to use Star K shechita which is making the OU nervous & inclined to not allow Breadberry fresserei in their accounts?

  12. Belz in both Montreal & Brooklyn is owned by the same guy who lives in Montreal - could he be getting his chickens from his landsman Marvid? Belz al kol ponim does have one supposed maylah in kashrus I've heard of that's an improvement over Satmar.

  13. If you do not have to pay kickbacks in order to put your product on the “Yes” list you prices will automatically be lower.

  14. Someone once massered on the Montreal poultry producers for selling in NY at uninflated prices. The oylam was wondering who the greedy profiteer moyser was who prompted Federal agents to start seizing the shipments. Then one day the Commerce Dept put documents on their website identifying the moyser as none other than Sholom Rubashkin. This was before the FBI raid on Agri.

    But you see, Mr. Tzvaiter Coming of the Messiah gets a free pass for any behavior imaginable as long as he's useful to Pinny Lipschutz to sell more newspapers & to get billigeh wholesale preizen for fleish at Seasons.

  15. Philly Yeshiva 2, Public Safety 0Sun Mar 31, 12:29:00 PM 2019

    The holistic gang of goyim who showed up for an anti-vaxx civil disobedience sit in at the Palisades Mall were joined by some idiots with yarmulkas. And if that wasn't enough of a chilul Hashem, the Rockland County Health Dept is complaining that some of the heimishe who they even caught with the measles are completely uncooperative, they will not even divulge which shuls & fress gesheften they visited so that others can be protected.

  16. Belz does not like to take from any shechita with Satmar involvement so what changed that they look the other way when it comes to Marvid?

    And the Rebbe told the dayanim to avoid Meshichist shochtim & bodkim. But doesn't Marvid have Chabadskers working there?
