Wednesday, July 10, 2019

checking cherries / grapes- Rav Moshe Vaye


  1. American cherries are presumed safe. Let's identify another unnecessary chumrah immediately! How about.......

    If one has wax in their ear, is it an issue of carrying on Shabbos?

    If yes,

    How much wax is considered an issue?

  2. Wow! What a tzebissenna person, nebich, who gets all snarky & calls worms in fruit at 5 lavin a pop, a "chumra"!

  3. When Lakewood at large tries to be Yerushalayim in particular and Israel - I mean Eretz Yisroel - in General then yes. You must assume that there ARE bugs, insects, Larva and kol davr asur in all fruit and veggies if not checked.
    Unless ah yiddisheh Parnooseh is involved.

    Chumrah Indeed.
