Thursday, July 11, 2019

Kashrus alert-Fish Grill Lakewood / Howell

Fish Grill Lakewood / Howell is serving leafy vegetables, the

Fish grill took this Hashgocha because;

They don't require checking for infestation.

FG can use fresh market produce, with no checking.

Even KCL wouldn't allow that@ 

Fress- insect protein;

Hashgocha does "NOT" allow a properly trained mashgiach to check for infestation.


  1. I wish you would speak to the communities consumption of farmed talapia. These fish are fed swine feces and the byproducts of swine slaughter.

  2. Is there a method to cut the fish disallowing the infested part to be consumed? Wasn't there an issue with white fish that was resolved similarly?

  3. Rabbi Shain,
    Please respond to the inquiries. I believe many charedim l'dvar Hashem seek clarification.
    Thanks in advance!

  4. Tilapia are often also raised in disgusting conditions in tanks in someone's basement. Questions have been raised about toxins in some salmon farms but what I've read about the tilapia industry sounds worse.

    Whitefish from one of the Great Lakes only has worms in the head which can be cut off & discarded.

  5. Are those locusts and if so are they the kosher ones
