Sunday, November 17, 2019

Non-kosher [all] human hair wigs-Per Harav Moshe Shternbuch, Shlita-This wig/Sheitel HASHGOCHA is a complete FRAUD! [fake, fony]

SARY WIGS-                   " 
AYALA WIGS-                 "
Hashgocha on their wigs are a fraud-Return & get your money back!


  1. What did Rebbetzin Broyne say ?

  2. Do you mean to imply that ANY prominent poseik would accept such a "Hashgocha"? That is UTTER DECEPTION! Those who give it themselves admitted that "no kashrus establishment in the world would ever except such (lack of) "supervision"!
    When they presented their intended inspection procedure to Rav Elyashiv 15 years ago he flatly rejected it. Thereupon they continued "dreying him a kup" until he finally told them, "Do whatever you want!"

    Hashgocha you call it? It's a downright fraud!!!

  3. Guide to the PerplexedTue Jun 18, 08:00:00 PM 2019

    Surely there is a way that someone can source hair not from India & then the hashgocho will mean something.

    Can R' Yudel and anyone with a working knowledge of the shaytel industry explain why this hasn't happened?

  4. What did Reb Ahron think ???

  5. This Avrohom Schlesinger hijacked (for a fee) Rav Gross's hashgocha.
    Schlesinger says he can "smell" where the hair is from, if it's from India. He really could only smell the fresh ink on the money.

    The hair experts from numerous International agencies, laughed it off "smelling the hair" to detect the source. The industry experts, distributors all claim he's a fraud [and they even tested him, without him realizing it].

  6. What about the very popular Shevy's on Coney Island Ave?

    But even if the shaytels themselves are kosher, Shevy's husband zitz dort a gantz tog while the veiber are pulling the shaytelach off & on in full view of him that even Adas Koirach was nizhar from. Maybe that's why "Shevy" is also in the Toichocho.

  7. i wish the competitor hadn't massered that shevy's was operated illegally from her basement because moving to a very visible site makes all the women want to go there

    & who knows if eyeing married women with their hair uncovered is his only shortcoming. when her husband ilan was in arkoyos against an entity in the industry people tried asking him if he had first gone to beis din. he basically refused to answer the question


  8. There is a Chiloni Ferd with tattoos, der ershter nommen Ilan, der tzveiter nommen Wain, who is a big name in heimishe sheitelach.

    He was originally flying in from Los Angeles to a Boro Park salon & running a pop up store in Cedarhurst.

    As mentioned in a previous year on Yudelstake, it was a halbeh tzureh when the pop up windows were not covered so that the whole 5 Towns was watching while driving down Central Ave all the customers expose their hair when trying on the selections.

    Because at the Boro Park salon, Ilan was mechanef vee a noyef many of the heimishe veiber how they have such a "beautiful face" and are otherwise attractive.

    According to the baal tayvanik's Facebook page he is currently working with Flatbush sheitelmacher Kelly Levy at Ave I & East 26th and with a Chabad yenta at 599 Empire in Crown Heights.

    And if he wasn't already enough of a mechutzef, follow Facebook to his new website where he pretends to show deference to Rav Elyashev on the homepage & claims he sources all the hair in Uzbekistan. (You can probably trust him as far as Moish Finkel went to source his low sodium salt)

    He is currently also flying out to service clients as far away as London & Eretz Yisroel.

  9. Speaking of Finkel, one of his 'colleagues' was caught with treifenna fleish this week in Manchester & Liverpool.

    He was screaming for a couple of days that the rabbonim are liars & then was found dead.

  10. Thank you for calling attention to that stylist on Empire who's managed to stay under the radar as we have enough nisht kosher elements creeping into the neighborhood.

    I've also been reading some material here going back to Pesach and would like to comment on the topic of the 'sort of' Chabad controlled Pesach hotel that used to be a partnership with the Lakewood caterer. Let's just say that 'our' guy is not exactly old school Lubavitch. He is arguably a baal teshuva. And he still doesn't 'get' certain things. The crowd that he attracts is largely not the upstanding portion of Lubavitch. Many things that go on there are an embarrassment to Lubavitch. And personally speaking I think it's an outrage that the mainstream hashgocho respected both in Lubavitch & by the Litvisher hired a head mashgiach who has semicha from Shlomo Carlebach & is known to be not recommended when he certifies on his own. After Shlomo got Rav Kotler upset the Rebbe gave him a chance but that didn't work out very well either. How they are getting away with this at the hotel is a mystery.



    After the scandal of taking money unteren tish in Philly to kasher mamzerus it's no surprise that journalists have tracked down this source for most of the money funding the anti-vaxx insanity in heimishe kreizen.

    The meshuggener propagandist Del Bigtree (Grossbaum?) is an employee of hedge fund titan Bernard Selz born in France before the Nazis invaded, who has his Italian shiksa wife providing millions in expense money to fly Bigtree around to Monsey & Boro Park and this can explain who rented the Atrium & Ateres Chynka and paid for PEACH publications.

    The mother of Bernard Selz is a Steindecker who they are not just ayneklach of the Levush & other gedolim r"l but they go back in the Frankfurt kehilla over 500 years. Many of the big names in the KAJ kehilla are their cousins.

    We'd love to here which "posek" it was that Sholom Kaminetzky may have pulled out of his hat to whitewash this gelt from such a shmootzikeh mekor.

  13. Drexel Poisek ShoppingSun Jun 23, 07:04:00 PM 2019

    Once on "The Three Stooges", Moe needed to pull a name out of a hat. He reaches in and you hear a big ripping sound as he pulls his hand out. He reads "Stetson" & asks "Who's that?"

    In a case of life imitating fiction, Sholom K fumfering around for a poisek to sanitize mamzerim was not all that different than the comedy skit, except that it is tragic instead of funny. It was NG who gedolim like R' Chatzkel Roth have put out against him bichsav that all of his gittin & kiddushin are worthless.

  14. R Nissims kareltiz basis din says the same as R Moshe Sternbruch

  15. Der mentsh is noch toit mishiga

  16. Return to Yudel For your money back.

  17. ALL the gedolim say there is an issur of safek takruvus avoda zara including: Rav zilberstein Rav Nissims karelitzs beis din Rav Wasners beis din Rav Sternbruch Rav Eliyashev and at least 50 dayanim in the us who state only syntheyic without any human hair inside can be used. This is besides the modesty shaila of wigs bclall.Nisayon hdor hazeh.

  18. i grew up frum, yeshivish, all the way, so I get it.

    Yet somehow, this extreme obsession with minutiae(sp?) is very uninspiring to say the least. It has overtaken all other aspects of our beautiful religion, and I am begining to suspect its all תחבולות השטן

    במחילת כבוד תורתכם העצומה

  19. Re: "Lechuna"

    I really feel bad for you that you've been sent through the typical
    "frum" and "yeshivish" system which stresses only the external issues
    facing the Torah-committed yungeliet; while bypassing the clear and
    vital issues from within.

    Yesterday's nisyonos in America and Europe were mainly manifest in
    Shabbos observance and availability of kosher food; by contrast,
    today's nisyonos are almost exclusively manifested in our remaining
    apart from the deluge of immorality and denial of basic Torah
    principles - as is prevalent in the modern world. (Yes - the old
    issues still remain today at some point, but the critical fabric of
    Torah commitment is threatened today as never before, r"l with the
    mabul of licentiousness.)

    I don't know what constitues "minutiae" in your terms; I can only tell
    you that the two things that we find directly in the Torah the words
    "hate" and "disgust" associated with (from Above) are idolatry and
    sexual perversion. (See Breishis 6:6, Vayikra 20:23, D'vorim 4:24-25,
    6:15, 7:4, etc...)

    [According to the Gr"a the two are inter-related, and every single
    form of idol-worship in the world is correlated with sexual perversion
    in some way or other.]

    Were I to begin explaining the enormity of the way Torah life has been
    literally defaced - no exaggeration - DEFACED in our day through the
    proliferation of the wig industry - time would run out at the preface
    alone... The way "recognized roshei yeshiva" and even supposed
    "gedolim" encourage - literally - giluy arayos and mamzeirus bears
    witness to this. The Zohar HaKadosh teaches us that the beginning of
    giluy arayos is rooted in IMMODEST DRESS! (I know that many readers
    will be infuriated to hear all this, but I state with 100% clarity
    that this is because they're so entrenched in the system that they
    simply DON'T GRASP the issue. As Rav Avigdor Miller once said that
    "horses aren't disturbed by the effluvium of their own stables".)

    We're now in Parshas Chayei Sarah. We find here that as soon as Lavan
    recognized that Avraham's servant arrived he THREW OUT all of his
    idols, as he knew that this was the only way that he could extend to
    him any invitation. In addition - as soon as Rivkah was brought to
    Yitzchak she put on a kerchief - NOT a wig; and covered herself out of

    I really don't know what kind of "beautiful religion" exhorts people
    to overlook these crucial issues; and I'm certainly not looking to
    "chew anyone out" or to belittle anyone, chas v'shalom, but our TRUE
    mesorah will CLEARLY not overlook them - even in today's era of mass

    Clearly - I believe that this is the LAST nisayon before Mashiach
    Tzidkeinu, BB"A!

  20. The Kool-Aid is spiked with a strong element of "out-frummming" , and looking for problems where they don't exist, with most points scored for the most obscure and outrageous.

    Yes, I agree that shaitllech in general are a farce, subterfuge, and a travesty.

    As to your comment about "last nisayon". Reminds of a joke. Guy in a shtetel was a Lo Yitzlach, so they had to come up with a job for him. They built a high tower 10 miles away, his job was to scream and shout "חי וקיים " when Moshiach appears.

    After 20 years, they asked him how he liked the job. He said (better in Yiddish, of course) "the salary is not so great, but the work is very steady".

  21. we agree about connection between av"z and araiyos,

    לא עבדו עבודת כוכבים אלא להתיר להם עריות בפרהסיא :סנהדרין סג ב

    otherwise the long-standing attraction to av"z, especially בזמן המקדש is incomprehensible
