Sunday, November 17, 2019

Going to Bais Din- some of the pitfalls, what are your options?

A Bais-Din that encourages "Toi'anim".

A Bais Din that Does not allow "Toi'anim", but do allow lawyers members of the bar.

A Bais that charges by the hour or part thereof.

A bais Din that charges a flat fee, or does not charge at all.

A Bais Din that has a review process, where it sent to another outside, i.e. Eretz Yisroel  Bais Din for review (We are not refereeing to a "Ni'talis Yu'dayim" Botei-Dinim"- where one hand washes the other).

A Bais Din that does not allow for review and will not agree to a "Ba'meh-dan'tuni".
In the USA, a Toen needs no credentials, just a shingle and "chutzpah", doesn't even have to know the code of Jewish law. Their motto is "if you can't convince them, just confuse them with …"

Most all American insist on using a Toen,  because they bring the cases to the Botei Dinim, they draw out the hours, the unneeded multiple sessions.

And no Appeal process by another Bais Din nor a peer review.

These days you have to be wealthy to go to a Din Torah.

There are some reputable, qualified Botei Dinim that charge a minimum, e.g. $500.00 for a choshen Mishpat case, no "toe'anim", peer review by an Israeli Bais din or they'll give you "ba'meh-Dan'tuni".

viable options;

Shaar Hamishpat, Monsey, NY
Bais Din of America, NY, NY.

Be aware that all of the Toen driven Bais Dins will say that these Botei Din are not an acceptable Bais Din. (all in the spirit of ingrained corruption). Therefore when writing any contract, specify that the arbitration must be only by one of the above listed Botei-Dinim.


  1. How could you recommend the OU's modern orthodox or perhaps open orthodox Beit Din of America???? Hayitochen????

    They are the mamzer inducing collaborators of ORA, the Philly Kaminetzkys, Nota Greenblatt & even gangster Mendel Epstein!

    BDA dayanim backed all the outrages of hazoynah Tamar Epstein whose husband was kidnapped & beaten by goons from Mendel Epstein and Belsky. (The FBI spent an entire day emptying Belsky's house of documents to build a case against him but he was niftar shortly afterward.)

    BDA dayanim sign that they back ORA even as ORA facilitates fake bittul for that zoynah & others.

    And the FBI entrapped BDA directly as part of the Mendel Epstein sting with the fake agunah. Read the FBI documents that prosecutors introduced in Mendel's criminal trial.

    BDA pretends to be more frum than Rackman & IBD only because the openly open orthodox are competition in fake bittul kiddushin to the officially modern orthodox who fort utilize anti-Torah practices borrowed from the open orthodox.

    BDA subscribes to the Women's Liberation Movement before the Torah to always side with the women when there is a dispute in sholom bayis. Always putting women first is Halacha leMorris miYU

  2. Is Vaad Hadayanim (Gormerly R Gavriel Finkel)Bais Din in Lakewood still in Existance?

  3. .... peer review by an Israeli Bais din.....

    Who "peer reviews" the batai dinim in Israel ??????


  5. Vaad Hadayanim heChodoshWed Nov 20, 12:28:00 AM 2019

    Actually I'd like to restart this family tradition. Ich mein, it would be hard to make it more controversial than it already was.

    Moish Finkel
    Safra d'Dayna

    Currently scouting out two locations, one in Puerto Rico (it's always good to stick with places I'm bakant with), and one in the new shul in Lakewood of Pinny Lipschutz who was my chavrusa in Monsey until the day it was time to go into hiding.

  6. Ever since Bais Din Vaad Hadayinim fell apart a few years ago R Gavriel Finkels Dayan Avrohom Gutman had been trying for a long time to get onto other Botei Dinim like Meysharim and Bais Havaad without success so now he became a Toen Rabani he recently worked as a Toen at a Din Torah at R Knopfler Bais Din Badatz of Lakewood

  7. Der Mizbayach VeintWed Nov 20, 04:14:00 PM 2019

    This is dangerous but Pinny Lipschutz fell for it & allows this fellow to farkoyf himself in both the Yated classifieds and in a propaganda piece he wrote for

    A rabbi who people 'think' is Right Wing Modern Orthodox farkoyfs himself as a divorce mediator.

    He used to be a Young Israel rabbi. Today he not only supports the mamzer manufacturers at ORA but is also tzuzamen with the Open Orthodox.

    When he comes to Pinny he uses his Yiddishe first name which is a joke because everyone knows him by a not Yiddishe name. His name is the English version of a Latin name that was popular in the Roman Empire because it derives from the name of the Roman god of war. It remained popular through Xtianity due to famous galochim who had the name.

    If people chalila have irreconcilable sholom bayis problems they can be referred to a proper mediator if need be through a rov.

    But this guy is pathetically sniffing around for customers in a way that attracts clients who may have never gotten divorced if he didn't dangle the option in their faces. There is a similar money grubbing yenta in the 5 Towns who also goes fishing for clients like that.

    With a straight face, the slick guy who duped Pinny also puts on a goodwill ambassador act in infamous cases of sholom bayis breakdown, offering to "help". This gets him in the spotlight on blogs & even some media which is exactly what he intended and then he starts pumping out his own self-advertisements (for free) that he is a divorce mediator.

  8. Is it possible the "low infestation" (sic) KCL raisins were coming on the same Puerto Rican shipments as the "low sodium" (sic) treif chicken?

  9. in the case of the vile woman in Philly with the two husbands, that "mediator" of course jumped at it without being asked, the $$$ opportunist what he is

    she of course refused to cooperate with him because all she wanted was for Sholom K to find her a phony posek for fake bittul kiddushin

    kedarkoi, the opportunist mediator was writing a gantze megillah to get published wherever he could about the vile woman & her victim real husband but the megillah was lukshin because he takes his "points" that can be made in a very short blurb and stretches it out into an over the top arichus full of fluffy vocabulary

  10. Lies told to the Gedolei Eretz YisroelThu Nov 21, 01:01:00 PM 2019

    Sholom & his father are mumchim at talking out both sides of their mouths.

    After they "capitulated" to the Gedolim (only for the purpose of making a devious end run around being put in cherem), they continue to tell the Modern Orthodox oylam that they stand by the zoynah voinen mit a fremdeh mann. And if you prefer not to require anti-vomit elixir, then stay away from the ugly sight at the annual dinner of the Philly Community Kollel where these Kaminetzkys sit down & get chummy with the noyef at his table.

    Now a big round of "applause" for Pinny Lipschutz who was the brains behind this big fraud of centerfold pictures of R' Shmuel smiling with the gedolim while Lipschutz was running around to practically sit on the heads of various roshei yeshiva who didn't end up adding their signatures to the threatened cherem.

    Pinny, nice charade there 2 weeks ago when you published the picture of R' Avrohom Yehoshua standing with you when you were a chosson. Grow a backbone and do what's right. (For anyone not bakant, R' AY spoke out forcefully in shiur in Brisk against this Philly mamzerus to be scandal.)

  11. Based on the doktor rabbiner mediator's resume from before he slipped down the Open "Orthodox" slope, his wife got an important job in a heimishe girls school. Her hashkofos are POISON and she formed & personally operates a "support" group for girls from broken homes. Could that be another way how to fish for paying clients? Besides inherent sakonos in ruchniyos when you consider who the baalei davar are, in the velt arein that would be considered a major conflict of interest.

  12. Drexel ShpielWed Nov 20, 11:00:00 PM 2019 &
    Lies told to the Gedolei Eretz YisroelThu Nov 21, 01:01:00 PM 2019 &
    AnonymousFri Nov 22, 11:07:00 AM 2019

    Are the picture perfect Models of why the Chofetz Chayim wrote his Shmiras Haloshon.

    Nothing here is letoeles, and nothing there fits ALL the conditions for allowing such kind of communication.

  13. Big Dray Kop hanikra Anonymous Sat Nov 23, 06:45:00 PM 2019

    Please explain to us exactly how the Chofetz Chaim ztl is in favor of people with warped, non-Toradik hashkofos instigating divorces that would have never happened without their meddling & thus "not" toyeles

    Besides that people who are apikorsim (Open Orthodox) are not bichlal Amisecha so there are no tenoyim that even begin for the Chofetz Chaim, so please go back to Cheder & start learning the halachos from scratch.

  14. Maybe the dray kop was upset about the mediator being exposed but he could also a Philly robot as the Philly robots lose their cool everytime someone calls out bsheim the Gedolim against Sholom & his father's mamzerus pay for play scheme.

  15. What exactly is Toeles if you spread, read or know about a divorce (or no divorce)which is long over and may have been ( or may have not been) arranged by some Rosh HaYeshivah ( or Dude according to you) and nothing was done successfully to undo this act. Just stam “jibber jabber” and outright no Toeles here. No one is holding by following this act and no one is in the midst of contemplating if following this “mahseh rav”.
    Thus outright Loshon Horah.
    No one has classified him or them as apikorsim as in open orthodoxy.
    If not for your personal distain for these people ( who you may not know or ever met) you still would burn the Sefer Shmiras haloshin C”V.
    And we all know that.

  16. Where has that ostrich kop been sticking his head in the sand? Numerous gedolim signed that the Open Orthodox are not considered frumma. The Open Orthodox have been called out many times for such heretical beliefs as Sefer Devorim kaviyochel not coming from Sinai like the other 4 books in Chumash, for forming fake beis din with the Reform to be "megayer" without kabolas mitzvos, for embracing every deviant lifestyle like toyavah, etc

  17. Sholom K zogt Trrrust meSun Nov 24, 10:15:00 PM 2019

    Hisachdus Menahel Itzu Glick has written for public distribution that Satmar's beis din traditionally doesn't get involved outside it's own machaneh but these inyanei ervah are different since the Kaminetzkys somehow manage to gather respect from segments of the oylam as opposed to stam nobodies like Rackman. They are all lowlives but the stature of the Kaminetzkys is able to create pirtzos in the gantz Klal Yisroel that even heimishe Yidden are at risk of being duped that maybe there is no mamzerus after all heyos it was the handiwork of the Philly roshei yeshiva.

  18. Re: Sun. 8:07

    What do you mean that "the matter is over"? To denounce and dehumanize a man and then be mafkir his wife (after lying through one's teeth claiming falsely that the kiddushin was made "with a tnai") is to be "over" - sorry - OVAIR the most severe issurim in the Torah! "Apikorsus" is an understatement here -

    Kruminetzky was literally "megaleh ponim shelo k'halachah"; and, according to the eleventh perek in Sanhedrin - this is WORSE than apikorsus! If he will EVER get off his "high horse" and tell this Tamar the plain truth - that she must seperate from the stranger she is with - then we will hopefully be able to undo the scale of this mega-travesty! From what I'm told - Rav Dovid Feinstein said that if chas v'sholom any offspring comes out of this znus then he will declare it mamzeirus d'oraysah...

    It is likely that he quietly informed the younger Kaminetzky that he must sign a written letter of acceptance to his psak (which he did do at the time), but the older one simply sat back hoping that people would "forget" the whole issue with time. Only afterwards when he saw that this would NEVER be - did the older Kamenetzky ever agree to "relent". But the ongoing gilui arayos has YET TO STOP as he continues to duck the issue!

    Your comment on the Chafeitz Chaim's shmiras halashon is not at all new! When the infamous conflict over the rabbinut in Vilna erupted the mizrachi faction denied that the harsh words written against them by the Chafeitz Chaim himself were authentic.

    To them it was a totally anathemic that the writer of shmiras halashon himself would lambast them in such a matter... Until the Chafeitz Chaim himself got up and reclarified his words; - adding that he knew in advance that they would accuse him of such, and that he nonetheless dare not keep silent over the issue!


  19. There is a sub-group of the Open Orthodox calling themselves Orthoprax who do not believe that ANY chelek of the Torah hakedoshah is from Sinai!

    It's a special sort gaaveh to insist on calling themselves Orthodox so that they can feel they are more choshuv than run of the mill Reform movement apikorsim.

    They once wrote on their website about a meeting they had. One member asks their "rabbi" how to handle Charedi Yidden not being goress them. The "rabbi" mutters a "pearl of wisdom", that "they act like we don't exist, so we will act like they don't exist."

    What a bunch of losers!


    What kind of brainwashed sick puppies did Philly yeshiva produce that when the gedolei hador were moyche for kvoid Shomayim, the talmidim sign a letter that how dare the gedolim criticize our Guru who is like a deity!

    The oylam haTorah was witness to the group perversion!

    PS, good luck getting your boys into Brisk!

  21. Anonymous Sholom K zogt Trrrust me said...

    Did you speak to Sholom K ??????

    That is the NO. ! condition of the Chofetz Chayim.

    And if you did ....... what did he say ???????

    And if you did not.... you have absolutely no defense.


    Sounds like the "heiligeh" JDL.

  23. Mon Nov 25, 02:28:00 PM 2019

    Here we finally got a Genuine Chofetz Chayim follower.
    Nay. A Genuine HALACHAH follower.

    Posts the issue. Explains the issue.
    No names. No personal vendetta. No loshon Horah. No Moitzee Shaim Rah. No Rechilus.
    what better can you ask for.

    Mazel Tov.
    Someone to be proud of.


    Sounds like the "heiligeh" JDL.

  25. I know a Dayan very well who is a big baal middos. The only time I have ever seen a look of disgust on his face is when Gershon Spiegel comes up.

    Gershon thinks he will always get his way like when he showed up uninvited & pushed himself into a seat a Brisk. He refused to leave when R' Avrohom Yehoshua told him he has no right to occupy it. According to dinei Shulchan Aruch it is outright gezeileh to take a seat like that.

    But if you dare taking on Gershon without reinforcements you will find him as ferocious as the anarchists from Occupy Wall Street!

  26. Occupy Brisk Seat

    I guess Spiegel is a true brisker now. He even had ah beinkel. WOW>

  27. Nisht ken galachterWed Nov 27, 11:38:00 AM 2019

    10 on the Richter Scale of Azus.

    Gershon actually laughed in the rosh yeshiva's face when he was told to get out of Brisk's beis medrash.

  28. Vos iz takka der chiluk tzuvishen Spiegel / Occupy Wall St / Antifa?

  29. The mediator rabbiner is a despicable man for many reasons. And everything he says is calculated with help from his law schooling to evade personal responsibility.

    When he lived here he was the paid mouthpiece for the specific rabbonim, both haymish & modern, who decided to protect child molesters.

    In an interview with the Chicago Sentinel, a Jewish newspaper which ceased operating years ago, he had the nerve to badmouth the victims & the askonim helping them as "judgemental" & full of "negativity". That was one of the many underhanded pressure tactics being applied to shut the victims up.

  30. If the mediator is so calculated & disciplined he should focus on controlling his 'social worker' wife who has started much turmoil at the girls school with her lies & desire for pointless machlokess that would not exist if she didn't initiate it to satisfy her bizarre geschmak for it. I know of over 20 families who have had big problems from her & warn their daughters to avoid her at all cost. Even though she lies to cover up, the higher ups still know there is a problem. So the million dollar question is who is using her as a tool and therefore ignores all her reckless behavior?

  31. Martin the mediator, or Menachem when he's trying to make inroads in black hat circles. Many years ago he was Executive Drecktor of cRc Chicago. Good thing it was before Rabbi Fishbain went on that silly yeshivish binge because fitting the mediator into a yeshivish equation would be like trying to jam a square peg into a round hole.

  32. Rabbi Marty R., JD, was also in Gedalya Schwartz's mamzer manufacturing facility otherwise known as the Chicago Beis Din.

    If you think that Nota Greenblatt & the Kaminetzkys are bad, you may not even be able to count how many "bittul" kiddushin Schwartz and his boys are responsible for to obliterate kedushas Am Yisroel. They've even been poretz outside the United States.
