Monday, November 18, 2019

Israeli election solution

The Chareidim would be extemly sucessful in AI, Israel is in the fore front but does have the numbers.
Give up on the Military service for the chareidim, put them into AI-all problems solved.


  1. I had a discussion with rabbonim about this about 8 years ago, with the following feedback:

    Many yeshivos will still discourage it or will certainly not encourage anything outside of klei koydesh.

    Mitzad the companies, many have a za sinah of bnei Torah that they would hire autistic / idiot savant types but would still exclude bnei Torah from hiring to punish them for not having previously sought employment.

  2. Yeshiva students make bad workers.
    Time off for mincha, shiur, chol haMied, Chanukah afternoons, wife giving birth, wife can't take kids to doctor, etc.
    Same excuses wife has from her employer, except that it's a given once wife has children, she stops working full time.

  3. Bishvili nivra HaoylamWed Nov 20, 11:11:00 PM 2019

    mimedinat hayam talks just like the anti-Semitten in greater NYC who violate State & Federal labor laws in excluding religious people instead of providing accomodation & by discriminating against pregnant women

    you should be ashamed of yourself and it's because of your mindset that there are also employers from unzerra who make terrible chilul Hashem with selfishness & outright greed

    one of the most villified employers in the newspapers right now altz his sickening selfishness & greed in mistreating employees is nebich a BMG alumnus. there have been public protests against him that are joined by elected officials. it's difficult to pin him down though when he's running around with the Agudah Fressers in Washington to be mechanef Senators & zuch kuved far zich

  4. I think it was a talmid of Rav Paler who brilliantly teitched up the mindset of unzerrer greedy employers as "Chas vesholom that I should share any of the revach"

    I told this over to a major rosh yeshiva who feels the upteitch unfortunately hits the nail on the head.

  5. Maternity MalcontentsFri Nov 22, 10:50:00 AM 2019

    One rov calls Lakewood a "mini Mexico" for the disgusting, illegal "minhag" to only hire veiber al tnye that they quit before they have a baby.

  6. it's lav davka easy for agudah "fressers" (good one!) to access the politicians on those outings depending on who exactly went on the particular trip. have you ever seen ralph zucker hogging senator bob menendez & others so that the other fressers can't get their paws on them?

  7. Yeshiva Chaim Berlin also violated labor laws & owes back pay to the Mashgiach Ruchni Rav Carlebach.

    To counter a false rumor started by Fruchthandler that the psak beis din became bottul, R' Dovid Feinstein announced the psak of his father ztl still stands.

  8. Dinner honoree shortlist for Agudah and Torah TemimahMon Nov 25, 04:51:00 PM 2019

    What is it about the nursing home industry that they have the highest rate of check bouncers & all around grubba crooks?

  9. Veisst men doch how the Board of Yeshiva of Spring Valley is populated mit slippery Nursing home operators like Orzel & Koenig. They are tummeling on UOJ about the latest shtikel from Koenig, covering up a legionella bacteria outbreak.

    Never a dull moment at YSV. If it's not Finkel hoodwinking everyone on treif, it's the latest batch of shysters. Oh yes, avadda, everything with the Board "elections" is "kosher" & being monitored by a big accounting firm in the City. The firm should be called Rubberstamp LLP because no one is allowed to run in the "election" unless the corrupt old boys network handpicked you!

    Sorry for interrupting YSV in their "holy" work of keeping kids without yeshivos on the street because they nebich can't inconvenience themselves to free up their empty space.

  10. To the specific nursing home machers who intimidated people into taking down the information about you pasted from government websites that was on this page until very recently ...

    If you keep up your bad behavior of stealing from Yidden & non-Yidden alike, we have found some new bloggers who are not scared of you because they are either wealthy themselves or blog from countries where it is very difficult for you to pursue them.

    This is your final warning. Pay the victims you ganveh from or you will be exposed again, this time for good.

    What a shanda that you are scared of being exposed by basar v'dam but you are not afraid of HKBH who sees everything!
