Monday, October 12, 2020

Re: Star-K Shaklee vitamins?

We  and others in the field of kashrus have not seen any improvements in the Star-K's standards that would give anyone any level of comfort re: their kashrus standards on their Shechitas and vitamins, on the contrary, they have gone further south in any reliability.

The OU, OK, KOF-K, CRC among others do not accept Star-K ingredients carte-blanche.
NEW! The International Major kosher certifiers, do not accept "anymore" ingredients  under the Star-K


  1. Lol your'e not in the field of kashrus.
    You are in the field of motsei Shen ra. In fact you are the master in your field, keep up the excellent work

  2. Everything else under the Star-K does get you approval. Thank you. Let me stuff my face now.

  3. Does the StarK milk farm separate the cows that had their stomachs pierced?

  4. The fast of chof sivan

  5. Sorry guys.

    No such animal as:

    International Major Kosher Certifiers.

    Calling the Bluff.

    Waiting for OU cronicals to add to the bluff.

  6. Should read: Chronicles

    Best regards,

    Queens Vaad overseer - Metropolitan Area.

  7. International Major certifiers include, the OU, OK, Kof-K, CRC Chicago, etc.

  8. There is a webcast from David Lichtenstein where he discusses with various masghgichim from other agencies whether they trust the Star K, and then he allows the StarK to respond.
    Unfortunately their response made me trust them only less, not more. The most important thing I took out of it is that Rav Heineman is not involved in any practical way anymore, and many shailos are paskened without his input. That is from the starK direct.

  9. Dovid Lichtenstein let the star-k's Dr. Pollack & Holland give their pack of lies without so much as being challenged by "Dovid Lichtenstein", why?

    Because the Star-K's threatened Dovid Lichtenstein that he'll be sued by the Star-K if there is any negative statements re: star-k on his program, So, Dovid wet his pants.

  10. All this because the Star-K di not offer a glass of water to Horav Yudel Shlit'a when they got together for the infamous 'non-meeting'. Whew. The Chofetz Chayim is VERY proud of this "non-Ahavas-Chesed' actions.

  11. Tales of the wise men of ChelmMon Oct 12, 05:12:00 PM 2020

    According to establishment trolls like 1:36 pm - who leave out the entire section of the Chofetz Chaim ztl mechayev lashon horah letoyeles - there is never anything R' Yudel has said or done that doesn't have a sinister motivation. AND the major hashgochos are malachei elyon who never do anything wrong, not even by accident.

  12. YSV the Root of All EvilMon Oct 12, 05:15:00 PM 2020

    Although Yeshiva of Spring Valley lucked out that both of their buildings are just outside Monsey's Red zone, they are still in the Yellow zone that requires testing. That's why their chieftan R' Shmuel Kaminetzky is allowing them to stay closed this week while putting on an act that they care about public health. The real reason for the 'voluntary' closure you see is because Cuomo wasn't too bright when requiring only 20% of students be tested. So this is part of the Agudah "regrouping", that YSV needs a little time to figure out how to game the tests to hide infections.

    A newspaper already published an internal YSV letter intimidating parents to hiding infections from doctors who are mandated reporters to the State.

  13. Major Rebuke of Fressers-PhillyMon Oct 12, 06:28:00 PM 2020

    Due to the District Court Judge denying the Agudah an emergency injunction regarding religious restrictions in New York State, Yeshiva Derech Ayson of Far Rockaway will have no minyanim this Shemini Atzeres-Simchas Torah.

    The announcement was made by the rosh yeshiva, Rav Yechiel Yitzchok Perr.

    As reported earlier, Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv, in Lawrence, will likewise be closed.

    Rav Perr, in making his announcement, remarked, “***Those individuals whose shortsightedness brought us to this sad turn of events should understand that if they continue, they will cause the indefinite shutdown of the yeshivos in our community. This will be a tragedy far greater than the one we are experiencing now.”

    The mitzvah of simchas Yom Tov, Rav Perr said, still applies, and everyone is “mechuyov to find ways of being joyful at this time.”

    *** those individuals being the Philly-led Agudah Fressers & their partners in crime the Satmar-led non-Agudah Hungarians.

  14. Anonymous said...
    All this because the Star-K di not offer a glass of water to Horav Yudel Shlit'a when they got together for the infamous 'non-meeting'. Whew. The Chofetz Chayim is VERY proud of this "non-Ahavas-Chesed' actions.
    Mon Oct 12, 01:36:00 PM 2020

    See how the Torah addresses
    על אשר לא קדמו אתכם במים
    I think R' Yudel is proving a very valid אפ טייטש on the Star-K in general.
    It's not a kashah, it's another ראיה

  15. Very disappointing how the Fressers have activated R' Sruly Reisman as the lead for a new propaganda video together with R' Elya Brudny & R' Moshe Tuvya Lieff.

    Rabbi Reisman starts off with the usual unhinged Agudah Fresser shprach to level insults at Cuomo. Then the 3 Musketeers put a new spin on twisting everyone's arms who is negative from high antibody count to run out & get tested. The Fressers have stopped admitting out loud their sick motivation is to artificially skewer the City infection rates to trend down. Now they are trying to maintain a straight face while telling you that not only it's for your own good, but that you need to keep getting tested over & over AND over.

    To accommodate this scam, the Fressers have set up testing around town at shuls & yeshivos. They show people strolling in unannounced to Zucker's yeshiva in Marine Park which is a branch of Chaim Berlin partnered with Seton Hall University to give MBA degrees.

    1. No one was disappointed with Rabbi Reisman. Or any of the other local popular Rabbonim other then the western unorthodox Jews with a branch on the East coast.
      They really had to ‘Deray deh Grubbeh finger’a few consecutive drays in order to post another “dray Kupp” comment which their specialty.

  16. Like the commenter commented:

    The Chofetz Chayim is VERY proud of this "non-Ahavas-Chesed' actions.

    Obviously the CC also thought it was a raiyeh....Duh.

  17. Yudel's whole site is 'avegeshtelt' on Loshon Horah Letoeles.
    The Rambam's and the Chofetz Chayim dream. Who can turn any and all loshon Horah into Toeles and thus get a free pass to Gan Eden.

  18. Its a good thing they did not offer Reb Yudel even Water. He would of drunk it anyway, that
    was the potential topic of the the meeting. Reb Yudel NEVER EVER would of allowed anything from them even if 'Klapay Shemayah' it good.

    1. I do have a question why Reb Yudel did not offer them some water? That is his forte in Lakewood. (maybe Star K was the guest (b'nai Yisroel) and Reb Yudel was the host (as in Moav - C"V)? Its not like the Israelites in the dessert had a potential meeting with the moabites or Vise versa. (see commentaries there)

    2. You conveniently forgot the end of the pasuk ....V'asher Sachar...L'kalelechah.
    To pay for years for the up keep of website that legalizes LH via Toeles loophole (and loophole it is - they don't follow ALL the prerequisites to make it 'Toeles') is pretty close to the moabites actions.
    3. You also Conveniently omitted the Ramban (if you ever heard of This Rishon) who asks many questions on your simplistic interpretation and concludes that moav had a special obligation to go 'pro active' and offer the Israelites Bread and water. Ain Sham.

  19. Plenty of disappointment with Rabbi Reisman & the other guilty parties, as this new fangled Agudah shita to act tough to the goyim is total krumkeit, and dangerous, something that Klal Yisroel never did in the golus!

    Rav Pam ztl & the roshei yeshiva that preceded him in YTV certainly never behaved that way either!

    But the Agudah is preaching to the choir, their miniscule shnit of 350 mishpochos who pay the annual dues so they can stuff their faces with all the taanugim every Thanksgiving weekend.

    What do the Agudah care that they've awakened the sleeping baal nekoma in Albany who is now angry at alleh Yidden? Let's just fight for the recent kindish agendas, 'who cares' that the baal nekoma is caaling all of us out to the outside hamon am who have nasty thoughts going through their minds against the Shepsela that's not in the minyan of 70? A bee meh frresst!

  20. The "Let the Pope Paulie fress all he wants" and "Let Paulie's worshippers eat all the Pope and the raiderette can't manage to fress" Rabonim.
    The 'Sisachdis' the favorite group of Rabbonim right here on Yudels.
    The Pope's favorites Rabbonim from the special 5T schechina.

    All Rabbonim from all walks of life finally agreed to a certain 'unprecedented' route to follow in these unprecedented times and along comes some phoney know it all and all he has to offer is what he claims Rabbonim from another generation used other routes whuch todays Rabbonim are not aware of. The phoney 'raishBhag' also has his own 'bible' for all his phoney sources.
    Go play football instead of posting here and wasting peoples time - they are already tired of your "Popee" bikeeis.

  21. 13th Ave Riots filling Agudah VoidFri Oct 16, 02:05:00 PM 2020

    Fool 12:30 pm, gedolei Eretz Yisroel & Rav Perr in Far Rockaway have publicly blasted the Agudah's bad behavior on the pandemic. Many other rabbonim are quietly distressed.

    So yeah, keep banging on your kitchen pots like they are bongos to drum up support for your fake Daas Torah

    That's some "leadership" you've got there. Agudah was using Tischler for months to conduct their guerilla war and then not saying a word against his historic chilul Hashem - 'unprecedented' takka - when 13th Ave was his new headquarters to become completely out of control.

  22. Who ever heard of Rav Perr Shlit”a ( big Talmid chacham who is smart and keeps to himself at all times) outside of Far Rochaway?
    And who is going to ask American Shaylas to Israeli Poskim because they want to bash the American Gedolim. Besides, many Rabbonim in Israel agree to the American Rabbonim in spite of the fact that Pope Paulie , who already has his box seat in “Paradise”, is doing all kinds of “Broigez” dances in order to get some more worshippers to his Temple.

  23. Bezunder dumb methodology to belittle Rav Perr and to make up phantom Eretz Hakoidesh gedolim, spoken like a Brainwashed Philly boy or Agudanik Gourmand from the Convention tea room.

    How many heard of R' Zelig Epstein when he was the biggest in America (and constantly criticizing Agudah naarishkeiten)?

    How many heard of the Visker Iluy outside the Lower East Side?

    Or the fellow with the vegetable stand in Lublin who no one knew he was from the gedolei hador except the Maharshal?

    Oh but they must be 'possul' according to Mr. Brainwashed Gourmand because they are even bigger talmidei chochomim, even smarter & kept even more to themselves than Rav Perr!

    Who is backing US Agudah in EY except for their own cronies, a couple of roshei yeshiva & Rebbes driven by money-politics, and the adam 'gadol' Tischler big mouth + big boych?

    Kimat everyone is against the US Agudah virus insanity: Ponivizh, Slabodka, Brisk, R' Yitzchok Zilberstein, Sanz, Amshinov, Stolin

    The entire lineup of Sfardi gedolim signed the opposite of Agudah

  24. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSun Oct 18, 03:22:00 PM 2020

    Avadda the naysayer OU mashgiach cannot lose the argument in zein dimyonos, no matter that no facts exist to support him. He can't live with himself being wrong in any shita or argument. And bifrat if fressers are up'gefresst, he won't be able to sneak in on his brother's dime to fress to his stomach's delight at the annual conventions.

  25. 10:50
    Another Jew lover let alone gedolim respecter -except his ‘fake take’ on true gedolim.
    Go Paulie Go.
    You some very good big mouths representing you.

  26. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSun Oct 18, 10:32:00 PM 2020

    That sure is a lot of gedolim going back 500 years that the OU mashgiach 5:40 pm just dismissed as not being true gedolim.

    Zet men the OU mashgiach is another Tischler who has NO gedolim behind what he does.

    Actually, he's like Tischler in many ways.

    Both in ill fitting shirts.

    Both are like cartoon characters that think they are deyos to be reckoned with because some losers happen to listen to them.

    Both been involved in violence that's deserving of a prison sentence.

    Both are driven to the violence through muddled thought processes that arrive at krumma taynos.

    Both are from families known for making their money through fraud, ganvening & hurting all kinds of Yidden.

  27. Can wait for the 'Chronicles of an OU Mashgiach ' Book to be published By Paulie and Company.
    Vehr reht noch about the movie rights that Paulie specialize in mit the Raiderette shitef dortehn in Hollyvood (not to be confused with MonseyVood or LakeVood).

    He may even use deh Zaideh in the credits. Vehr vais mit Paulie'yoo.

  28. The Rebbe of Karlin-Stolin Hasidim, who has recovered from COVID, laments health violations among Haredim, while strongly urging to heed guidelines.

    Rabbi Baruch Meir Yaakov Shochet, 66, was hospitalized earlier this month with the virus. His Hassidut, which numbers several thousands, has strictly followed Health Ministry guidelines & was the first Hasidic community to shutter synagogues & ritual baths when the pandemic began.

    Speaking this week, Rabbi Shochet said: “It amazes me that particularly in the Haredi community there is such contempt for the lives of others. What happened to us? How did we get here?”

    “For G-d’s sake, we can't bend any rules under any circumstances. This is not child’s play, it’s life & death and the essence of the law.”

    Underlining Jewish law to safeguard life, Rabbi Shochet adds: “Can it be some forgot the simple law pikuah nefesh, which is the basis of Judaism? We all see so many people endure suffering & pain, are sick & dying. I understand it’s difficult, constant tension to observe the rules, but we must do it. This is the will of G-d & we should be happy for the opportunity we’ve been given to protect human life.”

    The virus has also infected some Haredi top leaders, including a head of Lithuanian non-Hasidim, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, 92, and the Rebbes of Belz & Sanz Hasidim.

    Since a 2nd lockdown began over the High Holidays, some Hasidic groups, including Belz & hardline groups in Mea Shearim, have openly flouted the rules. Others, like Ger, Sanz & Karlin-Stolin have adopted the health precautions & warned of the dangers of the virus.

  29. It’s whatever turns them on. No rhyme or reason for their decisions.
