Sunday, May 24, 2020

UPDATE: Re: Tarnogol chicken- one Must kasher utensils if you cooked the Tarnogol

Bishaim Rav Moshe Shternbuch & Reb Moshe Brandsdrfer, one must kasher keilim if they use the "Tarnogol breed".

Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z"L "assered" the Kabir chicken because of no Mesorah. His Talmidim say that he definitely without the slightest doubt would have "asered" the "Tarnogol".

FYI- The ones that are matir the non-kosher Tarnogol are the ones that sell their Neshoma for a few kopeks. R"L. 

-והראה ואת האיה וגו' היא ראה היא איה היא דיה - ולמה נקרא שמה ראה שרואה ביותר ולמה הזהירן בכל שמותיה שלא ליתן פתחון פה לבעל דין לחלוק שלא יהא האוסרה קורא
 אותה "ראה" והבא להתיר אומר זו "דיה" שמה או 
איה" שמה וזו לא אסר הכתוב


  1. Why do I have to kasher the keilim? Doesn't it have a MESORE?

  2. Look in Rash Devorim 14, posuk 13., one may call a bird by different names it's nonetheless still not kosher.

    The Tarnogol is not the "leghorn" breed (which there are 15 of them called leghorn).

    It's a straight harlot's off spring of a mamzer.

  3. Is one Yoitzay Kaparut if he uses this perverted Chicken ????


  4. Definitely not yoitzeh, it's lifnrei iveir to shecht and give to someone to eat.

    Send the tarnogol "Li'azuzel"

  5. Since when is Kiryas Yoel is using Tarnogol chickens?

  6. There is a big machlokesgedolim on the breakel chicken. R Moshe sternbruch landau and machphud assisrand R nissim karelitz rav klein and R ben tion Mustapha say it's kosher. Who can enter to decide on such a machlokess gedolim. Only one should stay away until the matter is clear by all.

  7. There is a big machlokesgedolim on the breakel chicken. R Moshe sternbruch landau and machphud assisrand R nissim karelitz rav klein and R ben tion Mustapha say it's kosher. Who can enter to decide on such a machlokess gedolim. Only one should stay away until the matter is clear by all.

  8. there goes the neighborhoodSun Nov 10, 01:44:00 PM 2019

    with all the shopping mall anchors closing up in Rockland County because the goyishe population is dwindling as greater Monsey expands by leaps & bounds, the heimishe can lease such real estate for billigeh preizen

    but unfortunately this has attracted BINGO who are opening a YUUUGGGE outlet

  9. Are they selling this tarnagol chicken anyware?

  10. Thank you for quoting the p’sakim of Reb Moshe S & Reb Moshe B.
    It seems others disagree or don’t follow their p’sak.
