Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Kosher scandal- ORB Florida Kosher

1-      None of the current Glatt shechita’s certifiers allow non- broiled poultry hearts or livers to be sold to the retail market.
2-      At the Aroma kosher supermarket in Boca Raton, Florida, kosher certified by the ORB of Florida they do sell non-broiled chicken hearts (we did not check about non-broiled livers).
3-      The package on the shelf states that it’s OU-Glatt. The OU says that is unauthorized, as they do not allow any non-broiled hearts or livers to be sold in the retail market.
4-      The package states “must be kashered”. To an average consumer that means, soaking, salting, rinse.
5-      Hearts must be “Broiled”, so standard Kashering is unacceptable.
6-      The pack date box is blank, the sell by date is 5/08/2020. We were there on the 5/7/2020. Therefore, it was there more than 3 days, so the package should have also indicated, “should not be cooked after broiling”.
7-      We don’t know if the hearts were from any kosher certifier as the Aroma super-market, when questioned, management said they don’t know the brand nor the Hashgocha of the hearts.
8-      We wanted to talk to the Mashgiach (if there is one). The Aroma store will not reveal the contact information for their Mashgiach. If there is a mashgiach, he’s definitely not in charge and his competency is questionable at best.
9-      The ORB kosher certifier only responded that after the OU contacted the ORB, they notified all stores that they can’t sell any raw Hearts or livers on the retail market.
10-   The distributor says they haven’t had any poultry hearts from before pesach (April 1, 2020).
11-   The Hearts at Aroma on May 7th were very fresh looking to me, not 6+ weeks old. Where did Aroma get those hearts?
12-   I question the source of the hearts at Aroma as there was no blood leakage at all in package, which is usually an indicator of a non-kosher kill which electrocutes prior to kill.
13-   We also asked the ORB (by email) for more information re: above issues, they refuse to respond.
14-   We also asked, “what are the ORB standards re: checking for infestation”, the ORB refused to respond.
15-   We did observe many of the produce items that were certified by the ORB as clean from infestation. We were very dissatisfied with the end result of the ORB certified pre-checked produce. More on this another time.
16-   There is no longer a “kosher enforcement bureau” in Florida, we tried reaching out to the Consumer fraud division.
I think that if we would ask the ORB “what is the RED-LINE in kashrus that they will not cross”? they will respond “we are color-blind” so there are no red lines. All for the Franklins.
We may have brewing another Shevach/Finkel, Doheny, Netzach, King David, Gough in Manchester & Liverpool (Europe), Queens and Flatbush situations.
When a store or a hashgocha refuses to respond to serious questions,  standards, mashgiach, etc. we know we have serious kashrus issues.
At this time, we would not rely on the Florida ORB in their butcher departments and their pre-checked produce. What about their other hashgochas? It’s Russian Roulette.
I remain,
Kosher Consumers Union, Inc.
Yehuda Shain
PS there is more to the above, read between the lines.
Why are the other Florida Hashgochas sleeping?
Did Rabbi Pesach Weitz leave ORB for kashrus violations, or was he just pushed out before it’s revealed what ORB is for the Educated kosher consumer.


  1. 1. Unkoshered livers are widely available in retail outlets with the marking on it "must be broiled". Maybe a OU Retail store policy does not allow it but that does NOT mean that raw OU livers are available. Probably the same for hearts.

    6. There are some who allow cooking livers after broiling AFTER 3 days as is the fact with MOST chopped liver in many outlets. Check it out.

    7.The fact that people do not respond to you - Reb Yudel Shlit'a - is standard today. Most Hashgachas will not give you the time of day. It has nothing to do with Kashrus. It has to do with you and lets leave it at that.

    10. There are many distributor. Did you speak to all of them ???

    11. & 12. & 15 We thank you for your opinion about facts but that still does not give you the right to just about establish that a place is Not Kosher or close to it....

    13 & 14 see # 7.

    16. Sorry that you could not 'get even' with them by reporting them to authorities for not responding to you etc. I'm sure your favorite Bais Din (Kno...) would approve of such action.

    Its strange how you lump together Shevach/Finkel with Flatbush & Queens. Here YOU crossed the line by demonstrating your inner hateful personality. What a shame that waste you great talents.

  2. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
    Hearts DO NOT have to be broiled! Ahl Pi Halacha if you cut open the heart and wash the blood off, you can kasher thru Milicha like any other piece.

  3. After 3 days, must be broiled.
    From Rubashkin/Aaron/Agri till Florida is more than 3 days.

  4. I doubt if they were from a shechita at all, Rubashkin/Agri/Aaron didn't have them from before Pesach. Kashering or broiling hearts from non-kosher kill does not make it kosher in my book.

  5. Which Qveens scandal of the many almost uncountable ones? You have to be very specific when it comes to what Chaimel Shvartz will cover up for his Modern Orthodox Masters.

    There grada were fresh butchered livers sold on Chaimel's watch at Mazur's in Little Neck, Queens, that stated on the package must be broiled. When a loyal reader of Yudelstake reported it here at the time, there was the usual confrontational grepsing in the comments from CS and/or his uncivilized knee-jerk apologist YR. Especially in Little Neck there is a significant percentage of customers who ended up fressing it without proper broiling. Thanks to Yudelstake it was another PR disaster that the Qveens Vaad were publicly exposed so they immediately stopped displaying those livers in the fridge case. Not much later a car crashed through Mazur's storefront. There's a shmuah that the shlemazal driver had a hundt in the back seat which is interressant altz lakelev tashlichun so who knows what other fleish besides the liver the mutt was coming to stake a claim that he is zoyche in dem!

    Boruch Hashem it wasn't much longer that the VHQ & it's shutef-client continued to be a source of michshol. Mazur started doing some grepsing of his own to the media that a chain supermarket opened up nearby. He was avadda upset because they offered the much better quality & kashrus shechita of Rav Miller on Teva which was also a fraction of Mazur's total rip off prices. So after a couple bouts of grepsing, Mazur just closed the place down.

  6. Over the past few decades, Rabbi Weitz has grown the ORB (Orthodox Rabbinical Board of Broward and Palm Beach Counties) to a leading kashrus organization in Florida. We owe him a tremendous debt of gratitude for his dedication and devotion to the ORB. Rabbi Weitz’s leadership and kashrus knowledge will be difficult to replace after his retirement.

    Upon Rabbi Weitz's notification of his intentions to retire and after an extensive search, we are happy to announce that we have hired Rabbi Levi Feigelstock to lead the ORB. We are confident that with his knowledge of kashrus and management experience, Rabbi Feigelstock will bring a level of professionalism that will ensure continued growth at the ORB. The ORB will continue to thrive upon the foundation Rabbi Weitz has layed. Rabbi Chesky Goldstein as administrative director has been a tremendous asset to the ORB. Under Rabbi Feigelstock’s leadership, with the support of our dedicated mashgichim and ORB staff we are confident kashrus will continue to flourish in South Florida for many years to come.

    ~ The ORB Kashrut Committee

  7. Where is Rabbi Feigelstock from?
    What's his background in Kashrus?

    Is this the best that the ORB with their new staff can produce? then we are in a lot of trouble R"L.

  8. FYI- Rabbi Pesach Weitz, was pushed out of the ORB.

    It seems that those in the know in Florida, say that the ORB is on a runaway locomotive going downhill.

  9. This Rabbi Levi Feigelstock is the OK's man in South Florida.

    It may be advisable for to go to the headquarters of the OK as they have major problems after the untimely passing of Rabbi Levy.

  10. Levi Feigelstock is cousin of the Long Beach rosh yeshiva and also of R' Dovid Schustal altz Chasam Sofer aynekel.

    He used to help his father run the BCK hashgocho in Vancouver.

  11. Another Kashrus FarceThu May 21, 12:00:00 PM 2020

    Some naive rabbonim were saying for years that yes ORB was founded by the moderner but one of the meyasdim was Kenny Brander who is an "ehrliche" guy so you can trust him to eat. Brander then skipped town to head YU's Center for the Jewish "Future". A few years ago Brander's reputation crumbled like a stale Gelbstein's cookie when it emerged that he was among the primary villains in covering up YU's massive child molester scandal perpetrated by both rebbeyim and connected outsiders. After a while of hiding under his desk & refusing to answer questions, Brander escaped to Israel where Riskin made him one of the leaders of the Open Schmorthofraud movement. Riskin is also harboring one of the molesters Brander covered up for who was coming at night to the YU high school dorm to victimize the bochurim. That molester, named Richard Andron, learned in RJJ before switching to YU, and is a cousin of Rav Scheinberg. The most recent newspaper items about Andron report that the IDF has banned him from all military bases & other facilities after uncovering his latest scheme where he was "befriending" 18 year old soldiers.

    Dig a little and you will find kashrus scandals under ORB in Florida and especially in Pesach hotels out of State which Weitz KNEW about. One of the rosh mashgichim for hotels is an eccentric alter bochur, brother of a molester, who wants everyone to like him, so he allows goyishe staff to fress pizza when & where they want. They fress pizza in the kitchen & they fress pizza in one hand while they set up "Pesachdik" food on the tables with the other hand! The eccentric also makes up his own baloney policies as he goes along, like which items to "kasher" which no poskim allow and to leave wood dining tables sticky from chometz uncovered because some ferd avaryan caterer thinks the table cloths are ugly.

  12. Thu May 21, 03:01:00 AM 2020

    Forgot about the major MAJOR scandal in Queens that a store sold regular coffee beans or already ground which need no Hechsher to begin with BUT it had a 'Supervision" of a Rabbi who the 'Metro Mumcheh' declared as conservative. And to sell coffee like that is much MUCH worse then eating Non-Kosher, as per Metro Mumcheh.

    Thus Reb Yudel is right by including Queens/Flatbush and Shevach/Finkel in 'one breath'.

    If a Hashgacha states 'it must be broiled' and the customers, who only keep so called kosher at home but not outside, do not broil it is like saying one can't sell salami and cheese and bread or rolls in his grocery because some people buy and eat a Salami & cheese sandwich which they bought at this grocery and thus the vendor violates all kinds of 'Lavim'.

  13. VHQ Tzu Gein in Leben Cover Up Rinse RepeatThu May 21, 05:44:00 PM 2020

    You will never get the true story with the incriminating details from the administrator Chaim S., nor from the OU mashgiach Yanky who is the self-appointed argue-until-out-of-breath advocate for the Queens Vaad.

    So let's get the facts straight here about the coffee scandal that they just inserted into the thread.

    A coffee roasting company owned by goyim set up a coffee bar inside a Queens Vaad pizza restaurant around the corner from Long Island Jewish Hospital.

    The company makes flavored coffee besides the unflavored coffee.

    The equipment placed in the restaurant belongs to the goyim.

    The goyim have hashgocho from "Rabbi" Abraham Eckstein who was co-certifying the coffee bar alongside the Queens Vaad.

    The Queens Vaad - if they even bothered to ask - was taking Eckstein's word for it that either the flavorings are kosher or there was no cross-contamination of either the coffee batches or the equipment which who knows what was in it beforehand.

    Eckstein mounted on the wall a deceitful teudas kashrus he hand wrote in lashon koidesh identifying himself as a YU musmach while throwing around halachadik shprach in the nusach. Eckstein did not disclose that the second he left YU he took the offer of big bucks to become a life long groisseh knacker in the Conservative movement (similar to Chaim Schwartz chalashing to do any dirty work abee for the Queens Vaad's "living wage"). At the time of this teudah, Eckstein was already semi-retired, having stepped down from his half century run by the Conservative to take a part time shteller by the even 'lovelier' Reform movement at one of their temples in Great Neck.

    When rabbonim started complaining that this Queens Vaad upmach is completely inappropriate on multiple levels, Chaim k'darkoi b'fakerei, argued with a straight face az tze nito ken tayna oif der Queens Vaad. But as soon as Chaim realized that the word is getting around the oylam Hatorah - who were disgusted - he dispatched one of his shlock shamoshim to tear the teudah down while leaving the coffee bar in place. When this too was exposed he had the coffee equipment moved inside the kitchen to serve the coffee in less obvious fashion - but how sloppy can a cover up get as it was still visible from the front counter. When this too was publicized, Chaim had the coffee removed completely from sight.

    It's even more bizarre that Yanky added that blurb about a salami-cheese sandwich. Maybe he is a glutton for punishment who wants to start a discussion about a much bigger scandal that hits closer to home. You see, Yanky's fetter in Flatbush was the one farkoyfing food components in the 1970s to Leib Pinter who turned around & composed baloney-cheese sandwiches labeled as KOSHER when he had the contract to supply lunch for Jewish students in public schools. Pinter being machshil the rabim was investigated & verified by Congress, as reported in the NY Times.

    1. Again. Just to put things in prospective.
      Our Kashris mimcheh now arguing point blank that serving outright treif is just like serving coffee (even if it was flavored and checked out by queens rabbis) that a vendor decided to add a conservative/reform/retired reverend’s name on his store.
      When the local chasidish guy gives his rebbeleh parnooseh by hanging his name on the wall yet knows nothing about kashris ‘ but it’s ok for the none chasidisheh” that’s ok.
      In fact our kashris mimcheh will feed it to his family if their hungry. Don’t ask what he eats when he’s hungry.
      And shopping at stores without any hashgacha (not talking even about a semi hashgacha - nothing, no hashgacha period) is also a lechatchila for our mimcheh.
      Don’t forget his meats and poultry comes from there also.

  14. Not long after the ORB fiasco with the chometzy wood tables, that caterer was kicked out by his year round certifier the DC Vaad. I could never figure him out. He came from Monsey with a gartel but no hat. And while flattering all non-Orthodox clergy to get their temple accounts, prompts everyone to address him as "rabbi".

    Yet even after all this, the OU still took him under their wing while he mocked the DC Vaad that who needs them because he now has "upgraded" kashrus standards. Does the OU have any conscience to do the right thing? Actually, I think not. Because the victim of the Philadelphia mamzer scandal was prevented from davening in any shul in the Washington suburbs. Anywhere he went, which were only the more yeshivish shuls who initially welcomed him, he was followed by a wild mob of screaming feminists who threatened the rabbonim with violence against their buildings & against their persons. A top official in the OU political office signed a preposterous letter attacking the victim & encouraging these feminist terrorists to act up. If there was ever an image of non-ladylike women not behaving like bnos Yisroel! And if this wasn't bad enough, this is the rag tag crowd that the Kaminetzkys assure that the woman with two husbands in this controversy is doing nothing wrong, while at the same time the Kaminetzkys tell yeshivish people they are "listening" to the psak of Rav Dovid Feinstein that she can only be married to the victim.

    1. So the woman with two husbands did use the monsey caterer with a gartel???
      Is that what your saying???
      Or is did the Philadelphia manservant scandle start at a chometzy table?? In the Yeshivah or outside the Yeshivah???
      Did the DC caterer get kicked for the whole year because Reb Dovid paskened that way ??? Or did Reb Dovid get a brachah at that special wedding or did he just eat at the wedding?
      Did he sit next to some ORB rabbis or was it the Philadelphia feminist who sat next to him?
      Wow what a story!!!

  15. Dear ORB Organization,

    It would be advisable at this time and occasionally at other times to do some forensic reviews of any vendor that sold un-broiled hearts/livers, etc.
    Comparison of his purchase invoices V. their sales for the past 18 months.

    Please advise us of the results.

    Kosher Consumers Union, Inc.
    Yehuda Shain

    1. Hold your breadth just a while more they are putting together the facts just for you.

  16. The many Ugly Faces of the Queens VaadThu May 21, 11:52:00 PM 2020

    What sickening hypocrisy that the Queens Vaad had anything to do with Eckstein! The Queens Vaad has long been accused of taking forms of kickbacks like a bunch of wheeler dealers and sometimes even worse like that horrific scandal where they were mevazeh 1000s of meissim in cemeteries, dead yasomim actually, that netted them millions of dollars.

    The question is especially valid here that what was the Queens Vaad getting out of it that they allowed in some fifth rate shady coffee huckster that no one ever heard of?

    Why is this case so special? Because a rabbi very high up in the Queens Vaad was complaining for years that Abraham Eckstein, as the "rav" of a quartet of Queens hospitals: LIJ, Schneider's Childrens, Zucker Hillside (Mental) Hospital & Parker (Geriatric) was callously keeping kashrus at a low level, while creating difficulties & agmus nefesh for frumma Yidden trying to get a better standard.

    Do Chaim Schwartz & Schonfeld have any shame?

    1. Aye. Kashris mimcheh.
      You forgot about the Qveens vaad member who killed this guy who was getting the millions before the Qveens guys started to take over and Zero in on the guys territory.
      Let’s hear the details once again. Don’t forget the aerial photos.
      Did you make a movie if this non fiction yet???


    Play the video

    The larvae of fruit flies live on the surface of these fruits! They are very hard to see when stationary but they hate coming in contact with salt so put the fruit in salt water & you will see them start squirming away!

  18. that queens vaad place near l.i. jewish hospital was also selling ice cream that wasn't cholov yisroel

    & rabbi shain says that rabbi eisen talks a good game? when does the queens vaad ever outline standards that they actually stick to?

    oh right shoyn fargessen, that the outline is only a ploy to trick the kg & kgh crowds that there is some kind of kashrus standard. even by home base you can find the scandals if you know where to look. but once you get out to the outer reaches of queens vaad territory, anything goes

    it might be a weak basis but it was enough to propel executive director chaim schwartz from rav teitelbaum's shul robocalls to the leader of congregation "shor habor" where he poskens on devorim berumo shel oylam like which dietary supplements with no hashgocho that are rumored on conspiracy websites to be a magic potion against the virus can be eaten on pesach. hey chaim you can make another few extra bucks by teaming up with rosenblum's grocery to keep them stocked on the shelves

  19. ORB the hashgocho of HopeFri May 22, 10:35:00 AM 2020

    One of the most useless crews of Pesach hotel mashgichim that ever was were a bunch of Israeli bochurim who were so bad that even Zushe Blech was forced to fire the entire crew during Chol Hamoed (but only AFTER a big shot guest in the hotel who stopped eating, threatened him). The head mashgiach hangs out in an Open Orthodox place in Manhattan. Because he was getting farshmoozt with everyone he didn't even know what was going on in the kitchen or with the deliveries or that the workers were having feasts with chometz. The absentee organizer is Open Orthodox but hired a vilda chassidishe guy & a black hat YU guy to put a heimishe 'face' on things. The caterer was a modern orthodox shvantz from Elizabeth with no yiras Shomayim who cut all kinds of corners to score extra profit. The stam mashgichim zicher were lacking in yiras Shomayim. And it's not clear they did anything useful either. They were good at cracking prusta jokes, stealing ALL the expensive nosh from the tea room to hoard in their rooms & bullying guests who dared ask kashrus questions. There were even obvious taaruvos basar b'cholov of ben yomo in this hotel.

    But there is always hope when even Zusha Blech fires mashgichim because it was a cinch for a bunch of them to simply get on the ORB payroll.

    Bill Clinton was "the man from Hope" (a shtettl in Arkansas) and the ORB is the hashgocho of hope.

  20. Rosenblum's is another perfect example of how two faced the Queens Vaad is. The Vaad rabbis are always bristling that the oylam should not patronize any stores that don't pay to go under the Vaad, they are poresh min hatzibur, etc. Even if they pay for another hashgocho they are still shlechter for not paying us because we are the community.

    But the second a place like Rosenblum's that never had any hashgocho comes along with billigeh preizen, gufa because they don't pay the Vaad fees, Chaim Schwartz & a bunch of his overlords, all hypocrites, are the first ones waiting in line!

    This is like when Communist dictators say everyone is equal but it's really only for the masses while they are megashem themselves.

    1. Bilegeh prizen always was a sign of a kosher store. Even though non kosher products especially meats and chicken are always bilegeh then kosher products.
      Remember, it’s bilegeh because they don’t pay hashgacha fees NOT because bilegeh prizen usually is a sign of questionable source for products. That’s the Kashris mimcheh psak haloocheh. Auch in vay.

  21. קבלת התורה.....

    מסופר על ר' אליעזר גורדון זצ"ל כאשר היה אברך צעיר, ישב והגה בתורה כשחמיו תומך בו לכל צרכיו. באחד הימים הגיע אליו מכתב הזמנה לשמש ברבנות באחת העיירות הסמוכות. כשראה החותן את ההזמנה, אמר לחתנו "לשם מה עליך ליטול את עול הרבנות, המשך לשבת אצלי ואני אמשיך לתמוך בך".

    חלפו שנים ופרנסתו של החותן הייתה דחוקה, החותנת דאגה למצב הכלכלי של הבית ואמרה לבעלה שאולי כדאי לשחרר את החתן לדרכו "עד מתי ישב אצלנו? הוא יכול להתפרנס מעצמו ולא תחסר לו פרנסה, ואף כל הזמן שולחים לו כתבי מינוי לתפקידים רבניים שונים..." אמר לה בעלה "איני יודע מי מחזיק את מי, אני אותו או הוא אותי...?!"

    העניין חזר ונשנה כך כמה וכמה פעמים, עד שלבסוף נכנע החותן ופנה לחתנו הגדול ורמז לו שכדאי מכאן ואילך לקבל תפקיד של רבנות עיר ולהתמחות בשאלות מעשיות, באופן כזה יתקדם יותר, וברגע שיגיע המינוי הראשון יענה בחיוב לשליחים. ואכן לא ארכו הימים, כתב המינוי לרבנות בעיר טלז הגיע, ור' אליעזר גורדון ענה בחיוב להצעה.

    ביום שעזב את העיר לכיוון טלז, השיג אותו שליח מהיר אשר בא לבשר לו כי החותן שלו נפטר, ועליו לחזור מיד לצורך ההלוויה... בשעת ההלוויה, החותנת בכתה וביקשה את סליחת בעלה כי אכן צדקו דבריו, אין הם ידעו מי מחזיק את מי--- על האדם לדעת שבמשך החיים הוא חושב שהוא עושה, פועל ושומר... אך אינו יודע שאדרבה בגלל תמיכתו בתלמיד חכם, זו הסיבה לכך שהוא עדיין חי ונושם, אלא שרק כלפי חוץ הוא נראה כעוזר ותומך, ויותר מאשר עושה בעל הבית עם העני, העני עושה עם בעל הבית...

    זה מה שאומרת הגמ' ביומא [עא.] על הפסוק [משלי ח', ד'] "אליכם אישים אקרא" - 'אלו תלמידי חכמים שדומים לנשים ועושים גבורה כאנשים' שהתלמידי חכמים דומים לנשים שהן חלשות יותר, בו בזמן שהם עושים גבורה כאנשים והם המשפעים האמתיים על אחרים. יוצא שתלמידי חכמים אף שהם נתמכים ומקבלים מהמחזיקים אותם, בכל אופן הם אלו אשר מחזיקים את התומכים! וכאשר התומך בתלמיד חכם יודע ומכיר בכך, הוא זוכה בברכה והצלחה בכל ענייניו...

    את זה אנו רואים בנשיאתו של ארון הקודש שהיו בתוכו הלוחות, למרות שהיו בו את הבדים לשאת בהם את ארון הקודש, בפועל הארון נשא את נושאיו. גילוי נס זה ארע לעיני כל ישראל בעת חציית הירדן, שהרים הארון את נושאיו והעבירם מעל הירדן. כך הוא ההסכם שבין יששכר לזבולון שלמרות שנדמה שזבולון הוא התומך ביששכר והוא המחזיק בו, אך האמת היא שיששכר הוא אשר מחזיק בזבולון ומאפשר לו חיים גם בעולם הזה וגם בעולם הבא... יהי רצון שנזכה להעריך את תלמידי החכמים ולכבדם בכבוד הראוי להם

  22. Has anyone ever heard of Horav Avrohom Atkin? That's what Torah Umesorah calls him when they distribute textbooks he authored because they don't want you know his background. He is usually known as Dokter Rabbiner Abraham Atkin, a modern orthodox Boro Park resident who was headmaster at a few well known co-ed schools.

    He is also father of one of the most infamous characters in the kashrus industry, the YU guy Benji Atkin, who first whetted his appetite for scams while ORB was COVERING UP for him!

    Atkin ran ORBS's 2002 Pesach program in Sanibel Island. ORB didn't hesitate to go for the jugular of anyone raising the alarm of what Atkin was accused of by some mashgichim & guests because most of ORB's mashgichim acted just as bad as Atkin himself.

    The ORB mashgichim rarely did their job. They preferred to read newspapers far away from the kitchen, or at least when they weren't off site touring the Everglades while the kitchen was in full operation. They didn't know the difference between milk and meat dishes and they allowed dairy cream, butter to be served for fleish meals on dairy dishes. A bagel was found on Pesachdik kelim. ORB would not rescind the hashgocho & fired anyone who dared complain!

    At a later year Pesach, Atkin ran out of food somewhere & got into fistfights with the guests.

    Atkin caught the attention of the newspapers for these scandals, more recently in 2019 & back in 2003.

  23. Queens Vaad Cover Up Rinse RepeatSun May 24, 01:18:00 AM 2020

    It's so easy to pick off one by one all the dishonest Queens Vaad cover up attempts.

    - Fri May 22, 6:01 PM

    "flavored and checked out by queens rabbis"

    The Queens Vaad actually at first denied that the manufacturer had any product that might be a kashrus problem. Not that Chaim Schwartz vesiyato had any real information about anything regardless being that they were relying on yener Reformer rabbiner who poses as a haymishe rov.

    "local chasidish guy gives his rebbeleh parnooseh by hanging his name on the wall yet knows nothing about kashris"

    Let's reinforce your own point! So Chaim Schwartz knows more Yoreh Deah than some Chassidishe am haaratzim and memeila he is the 'good' guy when he bemayzid goes lower than standards in halacha like when he is wholesale allowing fleish gesheften to operate without a Shomer Shabbos Yid in sight? At least the heimishe gesheften (dach zich you often call them "heimishe kishke caterers") have an eid echod neemon beissurim.

    "shopping at stores without any hashgacha is lechatchila for our mimcheh ... his meats and poultry comes from there also"

    The Queens Vaad mafia doesn't get kickbacks interen tish from Teva which is why despite being a much higher level of kashrus it is viciously boycotted by the Queens Vaad & shunted off to the chain supermarkets. But there is a nary an honest word from your mouth so you try to scandalize anyone supporting the victim Rav Miller shlita while pretending like the SNAKE that you are that Teva's kashrus is compromised at the points of purchase. But avadda nothing could be further from the truth because Teva fleish comes factory sealed under Rav Miller's supervision.

    - Fri May 22, 6:20 PM

    "Did you make a movie"

    Just recounting the facts. R' Moishe Handler from the Mirrer Kollel took all the evidence to Rav Elyashev ztl who had one of his talmidim be moyche bishmoi in a letter against the Queens Vaad. Lately the Queens Vaad liars claim that Rav Elyashev didn't really authorize the letter. That's odd considering that some shadow operatives from the Queens Vaad, Elchonon Zohn & his sidekicks, immediately flew to Israel to attempt to convince Rav Elyashev to be choizer on his psak against them. Three days in a row Rav Elyashev rejected their lies and asked them to leave. The entire scandal was documented in a Flatbush based magazine. And the major secular papers reported on the assassination of the genealogical historian 3 days before he was to testify against the Queens Vaad regarding the stolen kevorim at a special Tribunal of the NY State Attorney General. The NYPD called the murder a "professional execution style hit". There were millions of dollars at stake. R' Moishe Handler tells everyone that another Queens Vaad gangster, Peretz "the sheretz" Steinberg, screamed a threat at him to also have him killed by Italian mafia. Steinberg is a long time associate of Mendel Epstein & Belsky who sometimes farmed out their dirty work to mafia inductees. Who do you think fired the bullet in Boro Park that was surgically removed from an ex-Lakewood yungerman during a contentious get episode? And who do you think drowned Mr. Frank from Rav Landau's shul in the Gowanus Canal?

    1. So you do have a good movie script.
      Hollywood would be delighted with you.
      Don’t forget to throw in a couple of curve balls at the queens vaad including but not limited to Schwartz and Steinberg.
      It will get you a one way first class ticket to the up front in Gan Eden (if you ever heard of that)
      Bypassing any and all din vcheshbons.
      You may also get a free permanent plot in your favorite queens “vacation” land.
      Don’t forget it’s worth a lot since you’ll be there permanently. As in no techiyas hamaysim kind of situation. The freebie upfront Gan Eden seat will be so good you won’t want to leave.

  24. Yanky, don't you deserve a rest on Memorial Day weekend? You are so busy posting your bilbulim to defend not only Queens Vaad & OU scandals but now also in defense of ORB, the Philly mamzerus champions on Drexel Rd, and even shysters with gartels!

    We could understand the last two weeks when you were shilling in the comments for the greedy summer camp operators to open up with help from the Philly pro-virus roidfim organizing through their AJCO puppets the big pressure campaign on State Governors. That was mamash a no brainer heyos your rebbitzen is herself a summer camp operator for high school maydelach!

    But even now? Isn't there an old Queens Vaad minhag in Kew Gardens to make whenever there is any excuse to party, a BBQ with plenty of chicken wings & beer to go around?

  25. 12002 Audley in Kew GardensMon May 25, 01:10:00 PM 2020

    It's just like Chaim & Yanky to think there is a free pass for VHQ / OU to do kol davar assur, even be machshil the rabim, and whenever anyone calls attention to it just start screaming klalos at the critics to go to H***

    Be careful what nasty things you wish on others when just one of the sins of the Queens Vaad is stealing kivrei yesomim to resell to freya & goyishe Russians for millions of dollars. I don't need to threaten you for that sick behavior because Rabbeinu Bachya already warned that those who ba'avel yesomim are not pursued by the regular shluchei Shomayim, as HKBH comes after them personally.

  26. The minhag fardrei’er just fardreis another of the so called Qveens minhogim limited time Qveens haters only.
    Yes about the BBQ whenever possible (using only so called kosher Flemish from no- hashgacha stores) but the original minhag was only on Friday ‘ nooch chatzos’. But our good friend the Hater decided to expand the BBQ minhag to anytime.
    Don’t forget without a job and the obligation to feed the family (or else he has nowhere to sleep etc) you have be innovative far beyond just spewing lies about the qveens people ( in spite of the fact that he milks Qveens where ever he can).
    And let’s not forget what happens wher the Boss himself get farhingered
