Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gershon - the Toen ,Borer, etc.

Are ALL "Toi'anim" categorized  "sharks" who are emotionless, detached, and just focused on the weakness of the opposition, blood leachers. 

Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva, Admorim, etc. are considering a total ban, (Cherem?) on anyone that uses Gershon  as their Rep., also on any Bais-Din that allows/encourages him to appear before them.

Any one that is familiar personally with his corrupt practices, etc. please send details to us at
If you prefer?, do not to put your name.

It's needed ASAP.  


  1. He is still a toen? Which beis din still lets him step foot to disrupt dinei Torah with his intensely high pressure antics?

  2. Free advertising

  3. His clients say he never won a din torah by saying the truth.
    He calls it "a distortion of the truth".

  4. Usually the one that hires him is really not interested in the truth.

  5. He's not even a good polished liar, but the bai$ din$ like him in order to bring them ca$e$.

    איך פארשטיי שון איינמאל.

  6. Is he from the Spiegel from the East side of Manahatan?

  7. Yes he is from the lower east side.
    How'd u guess?

    Cause he talks like straight from the lower east side Bowery.

  8. He makes so many sittings by bais din which accumulates many expensive hours, s the dayonim and toi'anim love him, he's a money cow for them.

  9. Barley Cholent with Cheek MeatThu May 04, 09:26:00 PM 2017

    I still remember him hocking in the old אוצר downstairs in BMG.

  10. Stay away from sholomo zalmen Kaufman another gangster..

  11. סאוואראנערFri May 05, 01:19:00 AM 2017

    Who is Shlomo Klein?
    Who is Shmiel Fried?
    Who is Simcha Roth?

    An expose on toianim may be overdue, but after the ridiculous post here about A & B fish I don't expect anything intelligent

  12. Who's a bigger ......Spiegel or Berger?
    Fried at least is a Talmud chuchom.

    1. What are the dinim of a talmid chochom mamzer?

  13. Simch roth, is not in the league of shvindlers, crooks, lkiars, etc

  14. Der "Romanisher Ruv"'s a zeen.

    There were articles in Manhattan community papers that when the tatte was niftar he sold the "Ershter Romanisher shul" for many millions of dollars without reshus of the mispallelim and while ignoring their shreys.

  15. At least the ramonasiher ruv treats everyone the same, Rabonim, gevirim, yeshiva leit, balai batim, etc.
    He treats em all like bowery bums.

  16. His last resort stunt when losing a din Torah is to claim he still doesn't have to listen to the psak because the dayanim cannot posken on "yashrus" or some other "excuse" that he pulls out of his hat.

  17. All of these guys are gangsters. But Mendel Epstein was a lemele compared to the head gangster Shmiel Fried.

    It all comes down to gelt. If you have enough gelt you can get your way by hiring one of these lowlifes.

  18. As a witness to a Din Torah, where the Toanim were Horav Shmuel Fried & Gershon Spiegel, I can definitely say that Horav Fried is a gentleman & Spiegel gives skunks & snakes a bad name.

    1. Everyone who has dealt with Shmiel Fried knows that he's a classless, shouting liar. Great at forging documents too. But, he's good at $hmeering $$ under the table. He also intimidates unqualified dayonim. Shmiel fried is a true lowlife, who learnt his trade from Yiddel Gruber. Shmuel may have been kosher 35 years-ago, but those days are looooong gone!

  19. QUOTE:
    Anonymous said...

    Stay away from sholomo zalmen Kaufman another gangster..

    Thu May 04, 11:09:00 PM 2017

    It seems like his crooked deeds finally caught up with him !

    The locks were changed and hi boxes were found on the porch
    the hundreds of Korbonois finally will get their Yoisher
    truth perseveres!!!!
    A true YOM TOV!!!!!!!

  20. Not true !
    Freid is the same crooked Wastebasket

  21. Koufman chased out of Flohrs Kollel
    Moshiachs times!!1

  22. Rabbi SHLOMO ZALMAN KAUFMAN His one sided approach and his cheating the simple temimousdiker young couples finally did him in,

    A day of Celebration for the whole frum world .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It was a Shonda for Monsey all the lame rabbonim couldn't lift pinky all these years while Yesomem were being produced daily and people were losing money to his tricky arbitration agreements they unknowingly signed.
    And his Friends the gangsters speigel and freid
    Rabbi Chaim Flohr What took you so long to act??????????
    Where is the Yoisher?
    Its at least as important as the Kevarim from 2000 years ago No?

    Better late then never Rav flohr you still must do teshuvah and penance for being goirim such pain.

    Shlomo Zalman Kaufman is kicked out!! a true YoimTov. Mazal Tov!!!!!!!!

  23. Shloma Zalman Kaufman earned it!!
    Yesh Din Viyesh Dayan!!!!

    What comes around goes around good riddance!!

  24. Ever see a Toein leave a Din Torah because his retainer was used up? I understand that Gershon Speigel does this regularly.

  25. The Kol Hatzibur daily paper today announced Today Monday Behar
    'Bais Horah' of Reb Chaim Flohr Kollel Shlomo zalman Kaufman is now closed and the number changed all questions to be asked elsewhere meanwhile until further notice.
    So I think that the story about Shlomo zalman Kaufman being pushed out is true.

  26. Why did you bring up this topic again?

  27. They should follow the money trail that Speigal has accumulated. He is a crook and pays off the other people on any bais din he's in so he should win!!!!!!

  28. Information about Zalman Gross?
    יקותיא-ל זלמן גראוס

  29. Knopfler the sly fox has most of the extensions at his Badatz disconnected. Anyone who gives the dude a real job will be mzakah the Rabim. Bathroom attendant may be suited for him as his experience is in sewer

  30. Reb Yisroel Arye Knopfler deserves a Yasher Koach from every individual in Lakewood for changing the entire Bais Din or lack of a Bai's Din system in Lakewood especially for Highlighting the Issues that were problematic with R Gavriel Finkel Bais Din Vaad Hadayonim and basically knocking his Bais Din and power off the Map Forever

  31. The Parashat Pinchas 5772

    Here are all the courts in Israel founded to do justice and justice and to make peace between one person and another man and wife and a cult stems from the holy Torah - to put religion on the wall.

    Unfortunately for the past ten years, the Zichron Menachem community opened a law in Monsey called Beit Midrash, headed by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman (Selmyn) Kaufman, and for a long time our ears had heard a shriek from broken houses. So we came to announce at the gates of many people to warn people not to fall in their nets and to prevent people from suffering and great harm greater than distortion of the law.

    Every behavior of the Beit Din is in a manner that does not have a wise spirit, and for example we will offer some things that we have heard from several jurists.

    1. He traps people with his tongue, to come to his court and promised each side that if they come to him he would win the law.

    2. His Letter of Oberitation is three pages in which he preserves himself and gives strange things that are not customary in any of all courts in Israel.

    3. Many of the cavalry killed the Gittin Ravio for the money. Advise women how to get rid of their husbands. And we have never heard that he will make lasting peace between spouses.

    4. He hears the arguments of the litigants not before the opposing party, whether before their deliberations or in the middle of the hearings.

    5. His heart is blasphemous in all matters, and he dares to confront other rabbis and frightens the public.


    Even in the body of the ruling things are written radically without any consideration whatsoever against the defeated until it seems that he wants to bury them alive. Even when he is asked by Dinim how he can discuss things that were not at all during their deliberations, his answer is that he has a lot of witnesses testify to these things and of course according to his words the testimony was taken not before the litigants.

    And anyone who sees the interpretation and hears his reaction is amazed at how such a perverse judgment came out. And when the litigant complains against him. He threatens him that he is a court-holder of the opposing party if he hears that he is being charged against him.

    Even in matters of Gittin, he does what is necessary for him, and he has no fear and fear if at last there will be a mistaken get or a get. As appropriate for every Gitin order.

    And, indeed, there should have been a Beit Din on all these things. But it really is known to all that it is a fatal tribunal. And the prohibition of walking in the courts is easy in his humble opinion, and there is a difference of law between the middle of the halakhic ruling and without any Torah law, all of which is forbidden according to halakha. Woe to the ears who hear such rumors and we find our opinion that every act of the court that they do and the court does not have a wise spirit of wisdom and listeners we warn. Protect your souls and do not enter his gates.

    Elder Rabbi Moshe Green shelit"a

    Rosh Yeshivat

    Yeshiva of Monsey

    Rabbi Chaim HaCohen Schabes shelit"a Rabbi of Congregation Kenesses Yisroel

    Rabbi Pinchos Eliyahu Rabinowitz shelit"a

    Rabbi Gavriel Dov Webster shelit"a

    Rabbi Yosef Weingarten shelit"a

    Stamped by

    Rabbinical Court Ezer Mishpot

    Monsey, NY

    Rabbi Shamuel Eliezer Stern shlit"a

    Member of Badatz Daman Hagarash Wazner zt "l

    Rosh Yeshivat Chug Chatam Sofer Rav W. Bnei Brak

    Rabbi Shreiel Rosenberg shlit"a

    Head of Beit Din Bnei Berak

    Rabbi of Ramat David neighborhood

    Rabbi Moshe Shaul Klein shlita Member of Badatz Daman Hagarash Wazner zt "l Rav of the Or HaChaim neighborhood of Bnei Brak

    I also join this mitzva Rabbi Chaim Meir HaLevi Wozner shlit "a His substitute and Av Beit Din of Dasman Hagarash Vasner zt" l

    I, too, join the above-mentioned words;

    Rabbi Yaakov Meir Stern shelit"a of the rabbinical court of the rabbinical court of Dumran, the gaon Rabbi Wazner zt "l and member of the" Badatz "

  32. The Parashat Pinchas 5772

    Here are all the courts in Israel founded to do justice and justice and to make peace between one person and another man and wife and a cult stems from the holy Torah - to put religion on the wall.

    Unfortunately for the past ten years, the Zichron Menachem community opened a law in Monsey called Beit Midrash, headed by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman (Selmyn) Kaufman, and for a long time our ears had heard a shriek from broken houses. So we came to announce at the gates of many people to warn people not to fall in their nets and to prevent people from suffering and great harm greater than distortion of the law.

    Every behavior of the Beit Din is in a manner that does not have a wise spirit, and for example we will offer some things that we have heard from several jurists.

    1. He traps people with his tongue,  to come to his court and promised each side that if they come to him he would win the law.

    2. His Letter of Oberitation is three pages in which he preserves himself and gives strange things that are not customary in any of all courts in Israel.

    3. Many of the cavalry killed the Gittin Ravio for the money. Advise women how to get rid of their husbands. And we have never heard that he will make lasting peace between spouses.

    4. He hears the arguments of the litigants not before the opposing party, whether before their deliberations or in the middle of the hearings.

    5. His heart is blasphemous in all matters, and he dares to confront other rabbis and frightens the public.


    Even in the body of the ruling things are written radically without any consideration whatsoever against the defeated until it seems that he wants to bury them alive. Even when he is asked by Dinim how he can discuss things that were not at all during their deliberations, his answer is that he has a lot of witnesses testify to these things and of course according to his words the testimony was taken not before the litigants.

    And anyone who sees the interpretation and hears his reaction is amazed at how such a perverse judgment came out. And when the litigant complains against him. He threatens him that he is a court-holder of the opposing party if he hears that he is being charged against him.

    Even in matters of Gittin, he does what is necessary for him, and he has no fear and fear if at last there will be a mistaken get or a get. As appropriate for every Gitin order.

    And, indeed, there should have been a Beit Din on all these things. But it really is known to all that it is a fatal tribunal. And the prohibition of walking in the courts is easy in his humble opinion, and there is a difference of law between the middle of the halakhic ruling and without any Torah law, all of which is forbidden according to halakha. Woe to the ears who hear such rumors and we find our opinion that every act of the court that they do and the court does not have a wise spirit of wisdom and listeners we warn. Protect your souls and do not enter his gates.

    Elder Rabbi Moshe Green shelit"a

    Rosh Yeshivat 

    Yeshiva of Monsey

    Rabbi Chaim HaCohen Schabes shelit"a Rabbi of Congregation Kenesses Yisroel

    Rabbi Pinchos Eliyahu Rabinowitz shelit"a

    Rabbi Gavriel Dov Webster shelit"a

    Rabbi Yosef Weingarten shelit"a

    Stamped by 

    Rabbinical Court Ezer Mishpot

    Monsey, NY 

    Rabbi Shamuel Eliezer Stern shlit"a

    Member of Badatz Daman Hagarash Wazner zt "l 

    Rosh Yeshivat Chug Chatam Sofer Rav W. Bnei Brak

    Rabbi Shreiel Rosenberg shlit"a 

    Head of Beit Din Bnei Berak

    Rabbi of Ramat David neighborhood

    Rabbi Moshe Shaul Klein shlita Member of Badatz Daman Hagarash Wazner zt "l Rav of the Or HaChaim neighborhood of Bnei Brak

    I also join this mitzva Rabbi Chaim Meir HaLevi Wozner shlit "a His substitute and Av Beit Din of Dasman Hagarash Vasner zt" l

    I, too, join the above-mentioned words;

    Rabbi Yaakov Meir Stern shelit"a of the rabbinical court of the rabbinical court of Dumran, the gaon Rabbi Wazner zt "l and member of the" Badatz "

  33. early 1990s Gershon smashed into a car legally parked in the BMG parking lot but refused to pay

  34. Demanding furiously to please please be Oiver many many Lavin ASAP.

    That really takes the cake for Kevod Kedishas Reb Yudel Shlit”a

  35. 7:47 pm will be dismantled Bryk by BrykSun Nov 24, 09:56:00 PM 2019

    kvoid tumas Yanky likes it when gangsters like Spiegel get away with it because the molester mechuton in KG has been running a similar "toyen" racket with grushos that he tries to be oyver aveyros with on the side

    see the warning letters against the molester from YU Mashgiach Rabbi Blau & Mrs Malky Wigder from Monsey

  36. Sun Nov 24, 09:56:00 PM 2019

    Yesh lo Bah'yot.


    What your mother's name so the oilom can have you in mind by "reFoh'ainee"

  37. from the Mashgiach Ruchni of Yeshiva R' Yitzchak Elchanan:

    Ephrayim Bryks has become a rabbinic marriage counselor. The term marriage counselor or life coach can be used by anyone. He is not the only "rabbi" suspected of sexual abuse using one of these titles to access vulnerable individuals or couples both here and in Israel. Consulting actual professionals is expensive and unless the community publicly warns against going to these charlatans (often worse) many innocents will continue to be hurt.

    Rabbi Yosef Blau


    the Chabadsker from Philly on this list, a long time friend of the zoyna's mishpocho, was tzuzamen with the the Philly mamzer manufacturers, including being involved with the Mendel Epstein beating of the victim husband & he later massered on Mendel to get out of prison himself

    some unrelated observations ...

    Mendel Epstein's puppet Hershel Kurzrock at Iggud Haganovim pulls that shtick of pretending you didn't answer the hazmonos or ask for zabla so he can put out a fake siruv. So R' Kalman Krohn ah advised me to answer them with a device that proves your fax was received by them.

    I'm being told that after the petira of the alter Rav Abraham at Berditchev, his son in Willy who is the big talmid chochom is not involved in the beis din now so while it is not really corrupt per se in it's current form, it is still no longer a serious beis din

    The Rabbanut goes even more bananas than the corrupt American batei din when anyone goes to Berditchev or Dayan Gestetner, warning & howling that the Medina will always refuse to recognize anything from them

    Gershon Spiegel in his history has even been disrespectful of the BMG hanhala while he was still in kollel! Ken zein he was one impetus for R' Dovid to start cracking down in the mid-1990s on rebellious mechutzofim like the modenna bochur who was thrown out at past age 30 when smugly stating that he is "not goress the roshei yeshiva". R' Dovid had cited unspecified outrages when commencing the crackdown veil genug iz genug.




  42. I thought the oylam would find this interesting.
    I received an email today that's been going around. There is a corrupt toain, Gershon Spiegel, who among other things is involved a huge financial scandal on the Lower East Side and who has been supporting Mordechai Tendler.
    He's been invloved in a complex set of lawsuits that are tricky to sort out but one of them is a real hoot.

    Mechon Lehoraah was started as an alternative to all the corrupt beis dins and are the only ones who tell him to shut the hell up when he starts his slimy presentations. Spiegel has apparently sued the beis din.

    Mechon is only trying to fool the gullible people about Spiegel, they really kiss his...big time, maybe not like the Nivardok bais din.

  43. Gershon Spiegel was trying to sell his father's "Ershte Romanisher Shul" on the Lower East Side without consent of the members. Does anyone know if that is in the courts or what happened?

  44. An enabler of Mordechai Tendler, Gershon Spiegel of the Romanian shul on the Lower East Side is currently embroiled in a lawsuit. He is accused of trying to sell the shul where his father was the rov for $15 to keep the profit.

    Gershon Spiegel is probably the slimiest in the toain beis din profession, which is a slimy bunch to begin with.

  45. Fraud or No Fraud , Lakewood Deserves and Needs such type of People to play Dirty and Gangta some of the Gangstas that have power in Lakewood and the Botei Dinim . So I say Rabbi Gershon Spiegel is Good for Lakewood , as Most people are afraid to take on the Powers to be

