Thursday, November 21, 2019

UPDATE: Bingo wholesale- Reb Usher Ekstein hashgocha NO-MORE.

[How much business  "Season's lose when Weismandel left? "NONE!" ]

How much business will Bingo lose if they don't have Ekstein? "none".
How much business will Bingo or Seasons, etc. lose if they don't have KCL?, "None"

Which kashrus violations made him remove his hashgocha?
FYI-In General, Heimish Hashgochas rarely remove their hashgocha for kashrus violations.
Was it because he didn't get paid (enough)?


  1. Who would know better then Yudelstake about not getting paid enough?

  2. FYI, Rabbi Eckstein never gave an hashgacha on bingo boro park in general, nor was it on their products!!! check it out and get your facts straight!!!

  3. Just wait until the hashgochos start using that goyishe FACTS payment company that many yeshivos have now sicced on the parents.

    Because of the slow payers and non-payers everyone has to suffer with those goyim adding fees for paying by credit card. And if the deadbeats start playing FACTS they are immediately put in collection.

  4. On which part of Bingo?

  5. eckstein is making enough with his new bogus hechsher on wigs

    1. Eckstein is not much of a hechsher anyway. ..

  6. Melech Greenback veRabbeinuSun Nov 24, 11:30:00 PM 2019

    Someone recently wrote about the new dor in Lubavitch being maysis for rich members to drive to the Chabad houses on Shabbos.

    The Meshichist are even worse. They get their rich members and everyone else to forget about learning Shas & halacha. The freya membership are given total immersion in sifrei Kabbolah like the Berg scam & told that it's ok to not follow "every little detail" like shmiras Shabbos (!) as long as you are a good Jew (translation of good Jew in the Meshichist's mind: you give lots of your money to my unofficial Chabad house that's not even recognized by 770). The Meshichist lunacy is kept quiet while they are reeling in Wall St executives & other smart people with high secular education.
