Thursday, November 21, 2019

Kirkland Pistachio nuts have an infestation issue


  1. What's the country of origin? Different nut types from 3rd World Asian countries are notoriously infested, sometimes throughout the nut & sometimes with a single tiny bug in a small portion of the nut. Maybe the worst example is cashews that you must completely separate the two halves to be sure to find the bug. Even leaving a minute portion unhalved can mean you consumed a bug with it.

    This has been a huge problem with chain supermarkets & drug stores who economize to pad low profit margins as much as possible and hence specifically seek these low quality infested nuts.

    A Wegman's manager was once arguing with a ben Torah who returned the store brand cashews. The manager insisted as he doesn't like bugs either he had performed a cursory examination that did not yield any bugs. He had a hard time believing that you will find a single bug on a very small footprint of cashew.

    About 20 years ago a rov who is oisek in inyanei kashrus complained about 3rd World nuts to at least one major hashgocho who ended up doing absolutely nothing about it. Is it any surprise when kimat every chain store has their nut line under $$ "kosher supervision" $$ ?

  2. The Living Wage NutThu Nov 21, 01:28:00 PM 2019

    Was it pistachio flavor ice cream that a Queens Vaad parlor was falsely advertising as cholov Yisroel?

    But no matter the facts, Shoinfeld & his puppet Schwartz have one tzu gein in leben, which is DENY, DENY, DENY, COVER UP, REPEAT.
