Sunday, November 12, 2023

אם ראית דור שצרות רבות באות עליו - צא ובדוק בדייני ישראל. שכל פורענות שבאה לעולם לא באה אלא בשביל דייני ישראל, שבת קל"ט - א

תלמוד בבלי מסכת שבת דף קלט עמוד א
תניא, רבי יוסי בן אלישע אומר
 אם ראית דור שצרות רבות באות עליו - צא ובדוק בדייני ישראל. שכל פורענות שבאה לעולם לא באה אלא בשביל דייני ישראל,

שנאמר שמעו נא זאת ראשי בית יעקב וקציני בית ישראל המתעבים משפט ואת כל הישרה יעקשו בנה ציון בדמים וירושלים בעולה ראשיה בשחד ישפטו וכהניה במחיר יורו ונביאיה בכסף יקסמו ועל ה' ישענו וגו' רשעים הן, אלא שתלו בטחונם במי שאמר והיה העולם. 

לפיכך מביא הקדוש ברוך הוא עליהן שלש פורעניות כנגד שלש עבירות שבידם. שנאמר לכן בגללכם ציון שדה תחרש וירושלים עיין תהיה והר הבית לבמות יער. 

ואין הקדוש ברוך הוא משרה שכינתו על ישראל עד שיכלו שופטים ושוטרים רעים מישראל

שנאמר ואשיבה ידי עליך ואצרף כבר סגיך, ואסירה כל בדיליך ואשיבה שפטיך כבראשונה ויעציך כבתחלה וגו'.


  1. And the Erev Rav hijacking yeshivosSun Dec 15, 07:36:00 PM 2019

    al pi the Chazal brought by 3 gedolei Achronim

    In this week's Yated there is a Yiddishe mamma suffering shtark agmus nefesh who writes a letter to the editor about the behaymishkeit of administrators at Monsey yeshivos ketanos, that not only they don't give a hoot about the large numbers of kids with nowhere to go but they pile on with cruel, hurtful innuendo in lobbing verbal digs at the victimized mishpochos

    R' Pinchos, yasher koyach for having the courage to do the right thing to expose those gangsters by printing that letter.

    The oylam should know that a huge scam at Monsey yeshivos is appointing a Rabbonishe Board in addition to the baal habatish one. It is calculated to dupe parents & donors into thinking that they actually give a darn about Daas Torah. You can't even count how many times the gangsters have totally ignored, feifed on, and even made major choyzek & bizyonos from the gedolim & senior rabbonim whose names they fraudulently affix to themselves. I don't understand why the rabbonim haven't quit. Some of the rabbonim have confided to me several instances where they gave shtark musser to the gangsters after they did the opposite of what they were told they are mechuyev to do. I once witnessed a cheder menahel & his children being very disrespectful befarhesya to a rosh yeshiva who is not only very senior in rank but who has also done them tremendous toyvos. I was shocked and asked the rosh yeshiva how he could even look at them again after what they just did to him. Because he is an adam gadol meod in aneevus, he replied like a shepsela that he doesn't bear grudges. Ober laaniyas daati & according to the daas of those much greater than ani hakotton, it is time to stand up for kovod haTorah & to put these gangsters in their places - even remove them from chinuch - after all the destruction they cause while ignoring all gedolim in both America & Eretz Yisroel!

  2. See the letter below. Take note of the date and the fact that Rabbi Levin pens that Hgaon Reb Elyashiv ztkl instructed him to take action.

  3. Sun Dec 15, 07:36:00 PM 2019

    Hope you fell a lot better now.

  4. i saw the public mayseh with that menahel who the shvantz was only in that place because the rosh yeshiva he disgraced was doing him a big favor at the time. the menahel's kids were not there but there was a connected episode where they made a shmatta out of the rosh yeshiva via telephone.

    not much later, an adam gadol contacted the menahel over the same inyan where the menahel was already behaving badly. this time the menahel used polite words & body language but every word he said was a lie. unless the adam gadol is a novi he probably would not know bshaas mayseh he was being lied to. but Hashem sees all and would not simply stand by while the shvantz continues to make a joke out of the princes of klal yisroel. within days there was a surprise government raid by the menahel who they got him into a lot of trouble. one of the things that emerged from the raid is that the menahel had lied to the adam gadol. the menahel tried to make chilul Hashem quietly but he was exposed bfarhesyah!

  5. I wonder if that's the guy & his rebbitzen who have treated many Monsey mishpochos like dirt. (Despite whatever chesed they have shown to a select group of other mishpochos). Then the chickens came home to roost & no one in Lakewood would take in their aineklach, even after both R' Malkiel & R' Yeruchim intervened & practically got down on their hands & knees to beg rachmonnus from the mosdos. And he is certainly full of sick delusions when he says out loud he is "on the zelba madraiga as the gedolei Eretz Yisroel"

  6. It was takka courageous of Pinny Lipschutz. When he earlier dared on his Matzav website to take on the handful of shyster developers that are intertwined in corruption with the Monsey chadorim, wow did they ever retaliate against him! And this was real mafia protocol, not some lame heimishe bluff. All Pinny did was post an ikkul beis din against them. Two days later a hitman appeared in his Olympia driveway who was seconds away from choking his wife to death when a shaliach from Shomayim stumbled across them & spooked the killer to run away.

  7. No, it was not the dynamic duo vos er lernt nisht & vos er zitz dort a gantz tog being bossed around by his significant other.

    It was the guy who had the big dilemma with criminal charges and was being led to complete ruin from Philly with their Agudah style daas baal habatim. Was he ever lucky he finally spoke to Rav Shteinman ztl who told him to ignore those amateurs with an agenda that only seeks to benefit the Agudah, period, and who cares if one of their own henchmen gets messed up by the bad advice. Had he not heard from the gadol hador he would have been locked up for many years after the Agudah chaloymos went poof. Those chaloymos being to fight any & all indictments for shmutzikeh crimes no matter how bleak that option looks. Just like they had their mouthpiece Shafran blather many times to the appalled public, that etlicher inyanim (that takkeh exist) just don't exist!

  8. sad irony that after many years of savagely beating kids he was ultimately arrested & convicted for an even dirtier crime which he never intended to commit but accidentally happened to meet a criteria for it that is bgeder loi ploog

    and although the aitza of r' yehuda leib ztvkl was the much better route for him i hear he's been kvetching he's not tzefreeden with it either because he didn't know a change was coming to federal law that is a huge busha vcherpa to him. now if he has to leave the country he has a whole special focus on him in the airport from border patrol agents. and soon another change is coming that even at the dmv for his driver's license he will be getting a lot of unwanted attention, branded as a menuvol

  9. Dem vos lernt nisht - He loves to do BIG investigations on parents who apply. But one day he was really slipping up. I heard he took in someone's kid and then found out after the fact they are Chabadskers so he made their life a living H***



  11. "All of our SERIOUS problems are the direct cause of the Botei Dinim and their Toi'anim."

    Maybe all the Botei dinim and toi'anim issues are caused by us????? (ain mikrah yoitzay miday peshootoy.


    Please share the LinkedIn post above. There is strength in numbers. Mr. Rubashkin suffered immeasurably as the Judge wouldn't recuse herself.

  13. Thanks to Rabbi Knopfler , Bais Din Vaad Hadayonim is out of Commission. Thank You Rabbi Knopfler the whole Lakewood owes you a Debt of Gratitude to standing up to these people and exposing them. Good Riddence

  14. Vaad Hadayonim used to tell people we do not accept Toanim. Now that Vaad Hadayonim fell apart , Avrohom Gutman who supposedly was a Dayan on the Bais Din became a Toen Rabbani after trying to join other Botei Din in Lakewood without Success

  15. And the master of corruption, Ephraim Birenbaum, etc.

    The Haughtiness (גאוה) of these Dayonim are baffling to every erlicher yid.

  16. YSV the Root of All EvilSun Nov 21, 10:13:00 AM 2021

    Erev Rav is right! And the sinister Dingalings at Yeshiva of Spring Valley are the WORST of the Monsey bunch!

    Did they ever kasher the kelim by the way at their simcha hall Valley Terrace? Or are they so arrogant that they won't be moydeh their hero Moish Finkel treifed it all up?

    1. If their kitchen is outright treif why would anyone send their kids there?? And why are they Reshoaim if they don’t accept your zaddik or zaddiket even if you throw cash at them??
      They are saving you from timtum halve.

  17. Ephraim Birenbaum is still a Dayan?

    Does Vaad Hadayonim still exist?

    Does anyone still go there?

    Have they had one Din Torah in the Past 5 years?

    Who are their Dayanim


    March 18, 2008

    Price hikes in many basic products may encourage manufacturers to cut corners on kashrut, said a field supervisor for the Orthodox Union.

    Rabbi Avrohom Stone warned an Edison audience that prices for basics — particularly flour — have “skyrocketed” in recent months because so much agriculture is being diverted into making ethanol as an alternative fuel.

    “Companies are looking to cut back,” said Stone, adding that he feared they may try to circumvent expensive kashering procedures.

    “Kashrus is all about money,” said Stone, founder and director of the community kollel in his hometown of West Orange. “Nobody is out there manufacturing and producing any type of food that is kosher with a hechsher unless they can make money.”

  19. Let us start the Malach hamooves list:
    Intermarriage = Not keeping Yudel standards of kashrut.
    Serious problems (undefined as of 11:20 Am) =
    Non approved by Yudel Batay dinin and non approved Toanim.
    What next ???

  20. "why are they Reshoaim if they don’t accept"

    Ask all the Yiddishe mammas who came to YSV crying rivers that their kids have no place. Frankel initially ignored them in gantzen with his stone cold eyes. Then he threatens them if they come back to cry again even the siblings already in will be thrown out. Aided & abetted by the other heartless monsters like Orzel, Stern, etc.

  21. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachSun Nov 21, 10:29:00 PM 2021

    This is so predictable, as usual, that the crazed OU mashgiach of Queens came on late this morning in a mad dash to object to every point of R' Yudel & supporters. 11:15 & 11:19 on this thread to push back criticism of YSV, Star K bishul akum, corrupt establishment orgs because the mashgiach is affiliated with some of them alein, and corrupt batei din (especially the one where the mashgiach's brother works). The other recent posts have more push back from the mashgiach as well

    1. It’s also very predicable that if the fress parties are not open to the professional free fresser that he blows his mind here on anybody and everybody.
      A farhingeteh neshoomeh. Nebach he has no other life or job or Kollel to vent there.


    After consulting da’as Torah, we have decided to halt the selling of Chaim Walder’s titles while current allegations are being investigated.


    In recognition of @MordyGetz's brave stand in taking Chaim Walder's books off Eichler's shelves, my shul in LA will be ordering all our Chanukah stuff at @EichlersBP - and I encourage you to do the same. This is a massive change from the denials and coverups of the past.

    1. Guess Eichlers was successful.
      Stopped item A so they can rake it in on all other item in their store from nuts especially from California the Rosh of gay and lesbian liberal laws.
      Instead of hocking just move out of that state as recommended by many true gedolim and poskim. Not the pick and choose Rabbis used by those LA shventz.


    They pulled both Chaim Walder's *and* Shmuel Waldman's books! This is a huge step for the chareidi world. Waldman was convicted in 2015, but Feldheim didn't react and kept selling his books. 2021 is no 2015, and the brave actions of good people like @MordyGetz is why.

  25. Isn't there a cherem D'rabbeinu Gershom to be me'arer on a get ??

  26. The OU mashgiach veisst duch that gedolei Eretz Yisroel said to sequester Walder's books & not read them, pending another psak to perhaps throw them out or burn them.

    Whenever there is a psak against the mashgiach's beloved molesters it makes him more angry & insane than he already is, dort in Queens & da Bronx.

    And in accordance with the mashgiach's corrupt, warped sense of reality, he picks & chooses to disqualify kaviyuchel any anti-molester gedolim. Who cares what the daas Torah is kaviyuchel when the mashgiach must protect mechuton Bryks & by extension all other molesters too so as to provide a protection cushion to Bryks!

  27. Where did the post about the rishis done to MZ go?

  28. There is no Cherem on a Get Possul/Meusah, etc.

    There is also a halacha of מורידין ולא מעלין, be the first to do it.

  29. Is it true that certain posts were removed because you were threatened?

  30. cherem D'rabbeinu Gershom to be me'arer on a get ?

    If it's a falshe irur then it's cherem d'Rabbeinu Tam

  31. When the Bayonne Mashgiach R' Mayer Birnbaum had his hilchos Shabbos sefer published by Feldheim, he wrote a big shkoyich in it to his 'good friend' hamenuvol Shmuel Waldman. The most recent mahadura has that cringeworthy line deleted.

    Waldman was Mashgiach of "Split Beach".

    The zog that R' Malkiel told the Brisker oylam about Oratz applies to Waldman & Walder too, az tze nisht stam menuvolkeit, tze doch mamash meeuss

  32. Ess passt that the sick cult personality yeshiva that was mevazeh Rav Schach & told all their robot talmidim to lawyer up to protect the murderer of the Weiss boy - who police now know was an INSIDE JOB - are trying to contain another explosive revealation

    a bochur who was molested in the Long Beach dorm has filed a complaint under the Child Victim Act.

    Long Beach is protecting the molester, especially because the molester's father is a macher from Lakewood's Zichron Shneur who gives the yeshiva a sach $$$$.

    We know the identity of the molester because in the Court's shvache attempt to keep him anonymous, the papers were served at a Flatbush home owned by the molester's shver, where the molester lives

  33. After reading all this BS from these anti Yeshivah commentators it’s time to close all Yeshivas down and send your kids to Public School. At least they won’t get molested there and if they decide to be frum as in deciding to be a molester they can nominate the Einikel to be their Rosh HaYeshiva with his perfect immune Rebbitzenwho will undo and heal that that tayvah from you.
    Again absolutely no molesting in that place and you will graduate with a special einikel degree to prove that molesting is not in your system and thus frum.
    As a bonus they also shop for a shidduch for you, they have a enormous supply

  34. Just as Coocooricoo predicted, the OU mashgiach has gotten soooo angry that molesters are being exposed (a chiyuv l'halacha) that he is using roshei taivos for nivul peh from the goyishe street and illogically raving that because some yeshiva (that was always weird & a laughing stock in Brisk and elsewhere in the oylam HaToyrah) is a bastion of cover ups for molesters and other roitzchim, just send your kids to public school already. Where did that idea come from? Did cousin Shiya send his kids to free public school? Maybe too karg to splurge on Solomon Schlechter despite raking in $300,000+ from his overtime shtick at NYC OME + all the extra gravy from those Conservative Cantor gigs at frey temples and his screenwriting for the "Law & Order" television show where he makes a bizayon of the mashgiach's zeidy in naming a character after him!

    1. Boruch haboo CooCooRiCoo.
      Did he say something logical or true?
      Or is he still surfing the net and knows nothing about it only to plapple what he can apply to others about others?
      He became pretty talkative since there is lots of room in his pisk due to the lack of fressing.
      Wonder how he survives just on free be Blumees.

  35. The bleeding heart Cuomo administration (before the menuvol resigned in disgrace) made it harder to pass around shmutz from the Courts, so links are disabled shortly after they are generated.

    do a search for (misspelled) "Mesivtha" & you will see Mesivta of Long Beach being sued by a "John Doe"

  36. Efraim Birnbaum was involved in the Latest Forced 24 Hour Get in Lakewood

    This man is not a Dayan

    R Finkels hired him to be a Secretary for Vaad Hadayonim not a Dayan

    Or as Finkels would tell people when asked

    That "I use him as a Thug when Necessary"
    Due to his large Size

    1. You don’t need a large size to be a thug. All you need is a rotten to the core head and this blog.

    2. You don’t need a large size to be a thug. All you need is a rotten to the core head and this blog.

  37. Dokter Yukel and Mr Hyde?Wed Nov 24, 07:58:00 AM 2021

    When Efraim Birnbaum appeared before Jackson Township Council to farkoif the girls school you never saw someone look more intimidated. He certainly didn't look like he could intimidate anyone back.

  38. That was sweet Justice for Efraim Birnbaum
    It showed him the Goyim are not your Friends
    You can watch You Tube Videos of Efraim Birnbaum sitting in Jackson Municipal Building with surrounded By Hundreds of Goyim Laughing and Jeeering Him and making fun of Him

    Hashgacha Protis Arranged that out of the Hundreds of Mosdos in Lakewood he should be the only one to apply at the time to open a school in Jackson

    So that he should learn this valuable lesson and get paid back for all the Mesira he caused by encouraging every who came to his Bais Din to Go to Courts and Police and have other Frum Yidden arrested over the silliest of Nonsense and as a tool of revenge

  39. "lots of room in his pisk due to the lack of fressing"

    The OU mashgiach must have about 10 suitcases ready while he itches to attend the imminent Agudah Fresser Convention. Nine & a half of the suitcases are empty, to bring back shirayim from the fleish carving stanzia & the Viener zeese tish. Tze cost gelt for a room so he probably twisted the arm of his Agudah Kuved Zucher big brother to crash on the floor in his room.

    If you've never seen the HINGRIK mashgiach in action, get out of the way when he charges the essen like a crazed, starving hippopotamus!

    1. Yes indeed. Nisht nein rentzlach but around 35 rentzlach. So that we can supply CooCooRiCoo and his chevrah with toiamaihoi each day in preparation for the double giant weekend fress feast or Saturday in his head)
      That equals to 30 rentzlach one for each fress day plus pi shnayim for the Erez Shabbos toiamaihoi fress in conjunction with his extra special “Saturday” fress.
      If I’m able to “schnor some raw fress I’ll get it for the fress BBQ. But first CCRC gotto teach us how to schnor professionally which he is a expert at.

  40. Allegedly:
    Mrs zeines consulted with Ephraim Birenbaum re: Moshe zeines.

    Ephraim Birenbaum conned her into demanding a get, and coached her in what to say to the Beis Din, etc.

    The Bais Havaad used Ephraim Birenbaum as one of the Dayonim for the Get.

    Bais Havaad deserves an extra turkey for that one.

  41. "an extra turkey"

    Birenbaum zet oiss takkeh vee an overshtupped, treifenah Butterball!

    And Rav Hutner & anderra are choilek on R' Moishe. They hold Thanksgiving is avoidah zarah.

    1. I the fress feast specialist in gantz Qveens and everywhere else are mevatel my Turkey avoideh zarah totally.
      I devour it with takruvos of cranberry sauce.

  42. "Not the pick and choose Rabbis used by those LA shventz"
    Well put

  43. Efraim Birenbaum is a bigger avoda zorah, only a goy could be mivatel him once and for all.

  44. "rotten to the core"

    Haynu the most 'sterling' middah of the OU mashgiach alein (which he likes to deflectively project on everyone who he disagrees with, which is most people!)

    cf Kiddushin 70b: Kol ha...

    "and this blog"

    Last but not least, here the mashgiach takes one of his countless miserable swipes to put down R' Yudel. The sinah that the mashgiach has for R' Yudel is so hot & explosive that it may be a remnant from what the meforshim in perek Chelek say about the volcanic eruptions during the Mabul.

    Is this a case of the metaphoric "water water everywhere but not a drop to drink"?. The mashgiach could maybe take out some of his frustration by fressing whole salamis at a time at West Side Kosher. We certainly hope they are not being oiver on Loi Sachsoim Shor Bedishoi. Besides that depriving him of his favorite, crude kind of Fressing will make him even more unproductive & tzebissen than he already is!

  45. This Girl who received the Get was a Student at Efraim Birnbaums Oreos Chocolate Chip Factory school

  46. Jacob Ribouski only lies for Shalom.
    He is a אוהב שלום ורודף שלום
    Oh, so he's a chronic liar.
    The OU should be aware of his qualifications.

  47. This ou Jacob mashgiach at west-side kosher walks off with so much product, contrary to ou's policy.

  48. Is the OU aware of this breach in kashrus mashgiach?

    How could anyone rely on such a mashgiach?

    Must ban west-side kosher.

  49. "walks off with so much product, contrary to ou's policy"

    Then notice how the hypocrite OU mashgiach attacks people he doesn't like by accusing them of looking for free food to fress. Now we know where he got the idea for his favorite shtoch.

  50. Yudel, you should access to the OU Administration, let them know that the kashrus at west-side kosher is sverly compromised by the ou Mashgiach.

    Time for a change.

    Queens, could keep him employed till he gets a real job like mowing the lawn in a cemetery, he'll have hundreds of people under him.

    1. Yudel has so much clout at the that he posh it runs it. The proof is that Rabbi Genacks name hasn’t been mentioned here for years.
      Or maybe CCRC is just having a bad day and confusing West Side Kosher with Bloomies and confusing the OU with Pope Paulie.

  51. The Vaad to Expose the Queens VaadThu Nov 25, 12:27:00 PM 2021

    "Queens could keep him employed till he gets a real job like mowing the lawn in a cemetery, he'll have hundreds of people under him"

    The OU mashgiach thinks it's a big galachter how Elchonon Zohn & the Queens Vaad helped Jacobson destroy 1000s of kivrei yesomim from the 1800s to resell the plots to freya Russians for millions of dollars. And the mashgiach thinks it's a big joke how Zohn & the Queens Vaad were mevazeh Rav Elyashev ztl when he was moyche against them throwing the bones of the yesomim in the garbage.

    No suprise coming from this OU mashgiach whose mishpocho has a history of stealing money, molesting children & adultery. Whenever the mashgiach is not badmouthing Yudel & many other kashrus figures not connected to corrupt orgs, he is being matzdik his convicted criminal father & extended relatives like molester-adulterer Bryks & Gomco Monster Krohn, usually by slandering their opponents.

  52. Boruch HaShem the CooCooRiCoo must have fressed a few BBQ turkeys. He finally remembered his alteh bubba may sis with the yesoimim etc. but he forgot the chelemeh murder part.
    He be back in a while with that too.

  53. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachFri Nov 26, 11:45:00 AM 2021

    This is a vicious cycle. Every year or so the mashgiach denies over here all the shmutz on his mishpocho which is only mentioned because the hypocrite mashgiach won't stop slandering his opponents & imagined opponents. The shmutz is mostly recorded in court documents, newspaper articles & the like but he still denies it. After enough of his denials, the articles get posted again to shut him up. He is mamash the quintessential glutton for punishment how he keeps forcing that all the readers see the evidence of the shmutz on his father & extended mishpooche.

    Hey mashgiach, have you spoken to your fetter Georgie lately? You know, THAT fetter who sold Leib Pinter components to make those infamous TREIF BALONEY + CHEESE sandwiches that he was MACHSHIL THE RABIM with. The Shulchan Aruch grada poskens it's a chiyuv lefarsem on any such lowlife. I was thinking about you & fetter Georgie yesterday when former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzmann came out of retirement to criticize Cuomo for being a grubba goniv. That's the same member of Congress who got 100s of complaints that treif sandwiches were labeled "kosher" so she called Pinter to confront him. But because Pinter stole so much money (mayseh rav for the mashgiach's father & the shver of Bryks), the gelt unfortunately drew most of the attention away from the "kosher" treif.

  54. Georgie
    Star K
    These all serve non kosher
    The only only place that’s super kosher is Bloomies and he does not even have a hashgacha.

    A sample of CCRC pesokim and life style.

  55. The OU mashgiach is nuch a mohl hocking a tchynik with his silly lists instead of monitoring the integrity of the essen at West Side.

    What's conspicuously missing from his list however is cousin Shiya who is up to marriage #??? And mechuton Bryks, the marriage "counselor" noieff-wolf in shepsele levush, who has caused the breakup of marriages. - see the public warning letter from rabbonim. After covering all that up, the mashgiach has the nerve to mock R' Feivy that he had a sholom bayis issue way back in the 1980s. Boruch chelkoi, becauase if it weren't for him, lowlives like the mashgiach & much of the mishpocho would be unexposed & getting away with murder.

  56. Just because Paulie does whatever he wants using the Zaideh card on all his tayvos for ... and Koovid does not mean he is a hero. Yes he is a hero by the non-followers-of-Halacha and the dirty filthy derashos he gives and gave on his bona-fide loshon horah blog cursing out each and every Godol, Posek and Rosh HaYeshivah that did not lick his....
    Its on line. Its on the blog - embarrassing to quote let alone to repeat.
    Paulie also schlepped not only his 'Self created shalom Bayis Problem' partner to court ( after being mecharef and megedef all bnai torah why would he even think of going to a bais din which does not exsist for this Dirty hero) but he also schlepped his business parteners who he rooked out of who knows how much kesef.
    These are the heros that are constantly portrayed right here as models to follow:
    Follow your tayvas to the fullest and beyond, mow anyone in your way, pull some frummy card to try to legitimize yourself then post it right here and you'll go straight to H... on the first try.
    This site was once upon a time a great site. It gave people an awarness of Kashrus issues without mentioning names and without any personal venom. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown even to the host, this site made a 180 degree u-turn and is now only here to create machlokes and aid readers, who believe the stuff, to be oiver multitudes of isurim and avairos.
    Nu on Paulie is nisht kain Kashya but on our Monsey toisov Emiratis the kashya is gohr shver.

  57. It’s quite interesting that this sites host knows where to point his finger to and today recognized Gedolim have issues pointing fingers.

  58. They manage to fine-just amongst their own
    leaving comfortably everybody else in the lurch

  59. Why don’t you, Reb Yudel Shlit”a, become a Dayan and show all other Batay Dinim the CORRECT way so that all the Tzooris should just disappear instantly ????

    1. Agree.Except they'll wrestle him out of the way

  60. Talk is cheap, very cheap.
    Action cost blood, sweat and mucho Dinero. Here no one is looking to work unless it’s undercover and slimy

  61. "Here no one is looking to work unless it’s undercover and slimy"

    Speak for yourself. Your talk is the billigsteh of all, worthless actually.

    It's because of your corrupt slimeball chevra that terrorize people that many feel there is no choice except to work undercover. They know what kind of hezekim you & your chevra have in store for them

    1. Boy. The truth really hurts. He had to look in his mirror and post what he saw there. Calm down. You survived even if your a “honest” mafyozanick.


    Is the real Avi Schnall a Gary Schaer protege?

  63. Agudah Multiverse of MadnessMon Oct 16, 10:23:00 PM 2023

    "Don't worry", the Agudah Fressers will run interference to protect this gay agenda galloping ferd Schnall, just like they covered up for Yehiel Kalish when he ran as a Democrat in Woke Chicago. The Fressers even covered up the gay pedophile Kolkos, Yudi & Yossi.

    1. So did the Concert/Fressers kinyan convention goers.

  64. And the alleged Gay Gary Schaer, Agudahs man in Passaic, they honor him, etc.

  65. You mean the Kinayan musika at the Free music convention. But no fress there. They may introduce it if the boss makes noch ah bissel bakshish.

  66. Tzooris around the world is from non yudel approved Dayanim.
    Intermarriage especially in USA in from non yudel approved hashgooches.
    Can we get some more cause and effect results?
    What doer get from yes using yudel approved stuff ? Including but not limited yudel or yudel approved haddasim ?
    Whit yudel stuff do I have to do to win the lotto or own a nursing home?
    Does not wearing a non yudel approved gefluchteneh tooreh
    get me anywhere?

  67. I take it that Bob Menendez won't be banned from continuing to attend Agudah Fresser meetings but he may be precluded from attending anyway while overwhelmed preparing his legal defense

    The Agudah should hurry to invite another big shot Democrat to take Bob's place. Or else who is poor Ralph Zucker going to huddle with at the meetings?

  68. He is and was already banned from the kinyan musika events for a while.

  69. Nuch ah Zah graiseh tzaarah.
    Ay Schnall hut gevoonen
    Men darf raisen kreeah on sitzen oifen ehrd
