Friday, November 10, 2023

After a Bankruptcy, it's common to change the name, Why did KCL change their name, still without any basic kashrus reliability

 In other words, every agency, organization, and individual out there giving hashgacha should be doing a proper job.

Unfortunately, many are not, even to the point that one cannot eat at establishments that they certify or eat the products that they certify unless the kashrus system is independently verified.

Ubiquitous under-performance, even in bastions of holiness, does not make it more acceptable to do a sub-standard job, but it allows us to be more kind in considering that a deficient agency, organization, or individual is not a standout, but one of many.

The reasons vary: lack of expertise in kashrus systems, lack of management skills, lack of budget, lack of the community’s willingness to properly fund a top-notch, or even Halachically acceptable, kashrus program, misplaced compassion towards unqualified staff, turf wars, negligence, and sometimes even avarice and lack of yir’as Shamayim.

But the consequences are the same: a community unknowingly eats that which is Halachically prohibited, and the knowing of the community are left with no good options and are frowned upon by the unknowing.

May Hashem protect all His children and grant us all to eat properly kosher food.

The following article appeared in the past in KASHRUS Magazine (reprinted with some clarification.)

Catering Standards Questioned? Invited to an affair under the supervision of a Lakewood's yeshiva [ KCL] established  “Hashgocha” , but which was being held in a non-kosher facility, we went into the kitchen to look around and to compare notes with the Mashgiach. we were not prepared for what we found.
[ for copy of article- (subject line KCL article)]

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