Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Kashrus alert

The Shinovah Ruv, refused to send us the Kashrus alert to publicize.


  1. To those that inquired from re: the alert.
    The Kashrus certifier refused to forward to us the serious kashrus alert, we had to obtain it from other sources.

  2. Does the Shinover know metziussen in commercial / industrial kashrus? A chassidishe yungerman in Monsey who knows kashrus tells me he does not.

    And I once met the Shinover's son who works as field mashgiach & questioned him about their anisakis shita. He told me they start checking at the fish's mouth going down that after a small measurement if they didn't find worms they pronounce it kusher. Is this practiced by other hashgochos? Is it sufficient or laughably inadequate?

    I might be able to guess one reason why the rav hamachshir won't cooperate with you. Someone was complaining years ago on this blog about strawberries under him. Whoever complained didn't know what he was saying because even you would hold it was no problem as they were a half-decent hashgocho frozen brand (non-Sachdis) which were then cooked. The account was surprised & disappointed when the Shinover came in one day & assered him from using the strawberries again. Seems the Shinover was very sensitive about being criticized and didn't want or know how to defend himself.

  3. The Kashrus Certifier was not wrong !!!!!!!

  4. As you can see Comment 2 Justifies comment 1.

  5. At least this time it was from a correct source.
