Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Alert: Unauthorized + Tartikuv Hashgocha

Infestation issues!

Tartikuv Beis Din has 2 different English logos.
One logo was advertised in the Hamodia last week. It said that if that logo or the hebrew logo are different, they don't take responsibilty.

The Logo on all varities of the Galil's
Turkish Berries are therefore not authorized.

Or one logo is used when there was a masgiach at the production, and the logo on the Galil Turkish Delights are used when there was no mashgiach at the production and they relied on their in house information.
Yes, it's confusing to say the least. They said they will publish a Re-call, we didn't see any re-calls published.


  1. That Galil stuff we never let into the house from day one because it's made in a MUSLIM country that is crawling with terrorists from al Qaeda, ISIS, and other groups. And the place is crawling with undercover spies & operatives from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. The country itself is viciously anti-Semitic. Do you think such fresserei is safe?

  2. Reb yudel Shlit'a

    You old ex-friends at the Bais Horoh came out with a psak about Quinoa ehich you will not be happy with.
    However, the had written part of your ex-hero Rabbi Miller Shlit'ais right up your alley.

  3. Reb Yudel,
    Can you please elaborate on this post?
    can you show the logo's in concern and any info behind this issue?

