Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Alert: United Airlines is using star-k certified not recomended meals-Therefore,

Therefore, one should provide their own food for the flight.


  1. What about other airlines you still have to be careful.about some of the things they serve

  2. They also have bes din tartikov

  3. That bes din adds nothing to the reliability for one that cares about kosher.

  4. Wed Feb 12, 02:46:00 PM 2020

    Wow. Thats two birds with one stone type of LH or MSR.

  5. Top Ruft der Kessel ShvartzWed Feb 12, 04:09:00 PM 2020

    How ironic because Star K tummeled to airlines against a caterer in the 1980s that it's kashrus is no good and managed to kill it's ability to score a single contract. The caterer was under a competing Vaad, the one in St Louis, when it was under a funny duck Chabadsker rabbi. And there were takka fishy kashrus things by that freya caterer. But look who was complaining!

    1. Power corrupted.
      At that point jeay have been sincere

  6. If Adam & Eve were Chinese, they would have eaten the snake first and they would have remained in "Gan-Eden".

  7. Chaim Schwartz must poshut hold a deal with the Nochosh was inevitable heyos there was no LIVING WAGE in Gan Eden regardless.

    So here we have the SHFIFOIN of kashrus Vaaden. In Queens they run a less than OU ship, which the further you get away from Kew Gardens the more it's in sync with Conservative rabbi standards. All the VHQ bunch of YU rabbis need is yener yeshivishe looking stooge who for a few bucks (***plus etlicher perks like renovations of his home***)will sell the public the "mehadrin" propaganda story!

  8. The Velt was just informed, by his own addmission, that the "Kranke foon Metropolitan Shchuna that the "Conservative rabbi standards" are pushut his standards with which he compares all other hashgachas.

    Also it seems the velt should make a collection far deh Krakeh's deera it should also be renovated. Deera could very well be the "home" to which he either stays at, visits, or should be at. We could tell him that its a gift from either his favorite VAAD or from his Conservative Rabbi friend.

    If you give us your mother's name we all can be mispallel for you in addition to submitting your name to the Vaad Hohir of your choice.

  9. Rockland Kosher is opening across the street from Young Israel of Passaic. Finally a reliable supply of fleish in town that is not a Rubashkin monopoly. Vaisst men R' Yudel is nisht tzefreeden with their slicing protocols in Monsey but in Passaic we have to take what we can get and it's better than the existing.

  10. The Bais Horah in Lakewood, fell off their.

    They are accepting the star-k's insects checking bluff as an acceptable bedikah-nebech.

  11. Good thing I only fly United. Hopefully I can get seconds on the meals.
    Hey Reb Yudel, *who" says they're not recommended. Let's see some actual names.

  12. After they quietly got rid of Auerbach, the new head of the Passaic-Clifton Vaad is Kreitman from Monsey. Any relation to the Monsey shaatnez "mumche"?

    The Rubashkin fleish monopoly is a shtarke heorah because between that & the treif scandal at the Chinese place, there are plenty of obvious outrages in bain adam lchaveiro from timtum in town similar to the plague in Monsey. Take a close look however & you will see that Passaic / Clifton temimim who don't fress in restaurants and who were careful which cuts of meat they got on Main St were not affected for that reason.

  13. Re: (U -) "Nighted" Vorpal Sword

    Sorry, you may have to wait for daylight to see the bugs.
    But you'd better hurry anyway to grab the food trays -
    before they crawl away on their own.

  14. Rockland Kosher denies they are the supermarket opening in Passaic, but you know how it is with "denials"
