Monday, July 13, 2020

Alert: The ORB (A popular Florida's kosher Certifier) "allows NON-GLATT" in their facilities

Holy Smokes BBQ and Grill Food Truck (by Chef Aryeh) is now under ORB supervision. That's no good, eat at home.

Chef Aryeh Commissary, 1850 NE 164 St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162, is no longer under ORB supervision.


  1. אשריכם בנות ישראל הצנועות! והנה עצה לכל בת מלך מלכי המלכים הקב"ה. נא תכבדי את עצמך, וגם הסביבה תכבד אותך יותר!!! איך אני יודעת שהצניעות צריך שיפור? בגלל כשאני הולכת ברחוב ורואה את כל הפאות המסולסלות, ואת הבגדים הצמודים והפרוצים ביותר, וכל חלקי הגוף בולטים!! כן אני יכולה להעיד שאני רואה "כל" חלקי הגוף בולטות, אפילו מרוב נשי החרדים! אז מה אם הגוף מכוסה..

    איפה הצניעות!
    איפה רבונו של עולם?
    איפה הלב שלנו?
    איפה ההרגש שלנו?
    איפה היראת שמים שלנו?
    איפה שרה באוהל?
    איפה הצניעות של יראת ד'?
    איפה שקר החן והבל היופי?

    זה מזעזע!!!

    תגידו לי, איך השם יתברך יכול לראות ולסבול את זה, ועוד מי דורש מהנשים להתלבש בפריצות? מי דורש? הנשים תמימות, שטוענות "אני עושה את זה בשביל בעלי" ועל זה ד' מאוד כועס עכשיו, זה הבושה הכי גדולה לחרדים שהבעל לא שומר את העינים שלו ומסתכל ברחוב בנשים פרוצות, ורוצה שאשתו תתלבש יפה (דהיינו שהיא תתלבש כ-ז-ו-נ-ה כשאר נשי חרדים, עם חצאיות מיני חולצות צמודות) שמושכת העין של בחורי חמד ואברכים, בושה!!! אלף אלפי פעם!!! אני פשוט מזועזעת... שהשם ישמור את כל עם ישראל וכולם יזכו לעשות תשובה שלמה באהבה ובשמחה.

  2. The was true for Lakewood years ago.

  3. "הדור לא מוסר נפשו על הצניעות" "דווקא היום שהפריצות עולה על כל גדותיה, אולי יותר מדור המבול... בטוח שאילולי שבועת הקב"ה היה בימינו עוד מבול וזה נכנס גם לתוך מחננו, שנשים הולכות לבושות בצורה איומה אפילו בבתים שמקפידים על המסורה. ובס"ד עוד יש כמה נשים שהולכות ועוטות על עצמן בגדים כדורות העבר ואולי אף יותר. "בגמרא כתוב, למה בעבר התפללו ונענו, ואנו לא נענים? כי לא מוסרים נפשנו על הצניעות

  4. Something was suspicious when Agudah affiliated camps (who are pressuring parents to add to the pile on of pestering State Governors) made a vague mention that they are also working with a non-Jewish camp association.

    I smelled a rat & investigated to find out that unzerra greedy Fresser camp owners are referring to the YMCA's camp association, roshei taivos for the Young Men's Christian Association - made famous in the Disco music era by the open homosexual music band "The Village People"

    picture Avi Shafran in cowboy hat & Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky in Indian Chief headdress

    This is the particlar Notzri shita of the YMCA founders that carries on until today, that it is a religious duty to Yoshke to keep building your physical stamina & physique / body attributes - in other words, summer camp must go on to arrive at these neo-Hellenist goals.

    My oh my, how the Agudah constantly evolves from Chaim Dovid Zweibel rubbing shoulders with galochim (adorned with oversize Crosses) to plot joint Vatican-Agudah sabotage of legislation against child molesters, to conspiring with these Yevonim how to kill off kids with a virus as if they are Cuomo dealing with the elderly population.

    The study the YMCA commissioned to falsely claim it is "safe" to open overnight camps was authored by Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc.

    The President of this company is a fellow named McCarthy who is a paid consultant to the pro-Communist China "World Health Organization" who jointly, initially tried to convince the world that the virus does not spread between humans and fought to stop US efforts to safeguard against the virus. President Trump has cut all US funding to this vile organization.

  5. The only difference between our Fresser model and Rabbi Chaim Dovid is pretty straight forward.
    Fresser champion wakes up up to fress and goes to sleep dressing. Maybe with a Bracha maybe not - Achilah gahsoh issues -.
    Reb Chaim Dovid does everything according to Daas Torah. Unfortunally he does not consult with our fresser daas balleh boss.
    The are many more differences as an example our lead Fresser knows a lot about “oisoy ish”.
    It’s like he went to catholic school or something pretty close to that.
    He’ll say he studied Catholic studies to know how to respond to G-d knows who...But he has not justified all that bitul Torah involved ( assuming he is born a Jew vs a addition to the Jewish community )

  6. Meanwhile the reckless Agudah in a press release is telling the men to go minyan & veiber to go to mikva. The Kaminetzky magicians are applying shluchei mitzva in just about all instances. Things already worked out "well" for them when they pushed everyone to keep infecting yener in shuls & yeshivos.

    Most of the looters and rioters arrested by the NYPD over the past several days are immediately released as a direct result of New York’s new bail-reform law, New York City police chief Terrence Monahan told the New York Post on Tuesday.

    While the city police made over 650 arrests on Monday night alone, Monahan said that “just about all of them” will be released without bail.

    “We had some arrests in Brooklyn where they had guns, [and] hopefully [Brooklyn district attorney] Eric Gonzalez will keep them in, [but] I can’t guarantee that’ll happen,” Monahan said. “But when it comes to a burglary [at] a commercial store, which is looting, they’re back out. . . . Because of bail reform, you’re back out on the street the next day. You cannot be held on any sort of bail. I spoke to [Manhattan district attorney] Cy Vance about that, he told me there’s nothing he can do.”

  7. The global ad firm McCann Erickson produced a commercial for the Israel market in 2007 to farkoyf "HD" high definition video technology. Because the commercial made letzonus of the Gaavad, suggesting he would incite the Edah oylam to make hafgonos against HD, there were cries of anti-Charedi racism and the commercial was pulled off the air.

    Rabbi Adlerstein raised a lot of eyebrows in the yeshivishe velt when he commented on it at the Agudah-backed Cross-Currents website that he thought the commercial was "hilariously funny". While many people may have been thinking the same thing, the establishment was not thrilled that he actually said it out loud.

    I mention this because the commercial was based on a parody of that YMCA shtikel


  8. Just follow the money. The aguda owns camps and make alot of money on them.

  9. The Agudahs "chaim Aruchim" is a strictly money making cow for Agudah. Chaim Aruchim has all of these big constant front page ads for chaim aruchim, it's a money cow for them.

    When someone signs up to chaim aruchim, have the family get together to say their final fair-well to the person.

    Oh!, you are too gullible to figure out how they are milking that money cow.

    Don't sign nothing with them, right Chaim Dovid?

  10. Agudas Wrong Side of Every Issue in AmericaWed Jun 03, 10:11:00 AM 2020

    I was standing there when someone came to an adam gadol to ask about his father who was on his death bed. The gadol specifically warned the son to NOT go to the Agudah's Chaim "Aruchim"!

    In response to the Ferd loosing his cool that the Agudah camp scam has been exposed, he misses the whole point. Yes, Zweibel was "just vollowing orders" from the Agudah, but the Agudah in this dor are not daas Torah. The gedolei Eretz Yisroel said they had no recht al pi Hatorah to fight the NY State law dealing with child molesters. And the gedolim have been moyche on multiple fronts against the pro-mamzerus anti-vaxx mad scientist Kaminetzkys who like to create fake frumma shtick like a taanis during a pandemic which is against the bfeirush halacha in Shulchan Aruch. Yeah vaisst men doch it's not the only shtick they've been using to cover up for all the choylim & niftarim they created when they fought to keep all the mosdos open.


  11. Wed Jun 03, 12:46:00 AM 2020

    Meanwhile the reckless Agudah in a press release is telling the men to go minyan & veiber to go to mikva....

    Sounds like this guys veible never heard of a mikvah and that would make a lotto sense considering his agenda and his comments.

    In fact since they dont know or dont want to know about the veibeh mikvah that should answer many questions about this guy and his mishpoocheh.

  12. Chronicles of an OU mashgiachWed Jun 03, 01:59:00 PM 2020

    While it's true that Yanky in KG just gets his kicks from mocking anything that he thinks R' Yudel agrees with, if you take a closer look at his mucketty muck comments, you will see he also has personal negios each time he starts typing away like a madman.

    His wife runs a summer camp for maydelach & because they don't want to lose the profit, they are planning on opening this summer. Who cares how many medical experts & gedolim believe it is sakonas nefoshos? He wants those tuition fees just like his fairweather friend Chaim Schwartz wants that living wage from the Queens Vaad!

    And who needs distancing when people like him are selfish (and big) & want to hog as much space as possible? Ok, so people will get infected which all the gedolim since the Chasam Sofer have called such selfish people roitzchim. In his corrupt mindset, who cares? It's not likely either that his phony "kollel" believes in it as the Rebbela dort is affiliated with Chassidussen who are notorious for feifing on the virus takonos.

    Molesters & tevilos are also very touchy topics for Yanky being that the molester mechuton was put in charge of the Kew Gardens veiber mikva by the Queens Vaad which many askonim made a big tummel against it.

    Yanky's obsession with casting suspicion on other people's yichus is the sign of a very sick man. Quit your nasty yapping already & worry about your own convicted mishpooche who you all had to escape to Israel altz your father's embezzling.

  13. If the Kashrut at the OU is as true and valid as this OU Chronkeh they are oif geh'hakteh Tzooris.
    In all Chasidishe shcinahs all the Dayoonim and Rebbehs over there including the chasidish doctoirim (usually "ingehrisheh odeh Chekoslovakia" descent) were for keeping everythng open. The OUnik may not of like it - maybe because his $$$$$ Parnooseh - just like his arch enemy deh Roov, deh Daf Yomi Zoogeh, deh Kashris Mmimcheh, Deh Shaineh Yid dort in CooGardin.
    The pretty much survived and the people didnt make it even if they never again walked into ah beis medrosh and never left deh heim proved to them that dei'ah gezairis kooshis were not the make it or break it.
    The OUnikehs are not in a sheel and efsheh efsheh they are "praying" in a porch minyan with onlt 'kohm ah minyan'. all in the name of the doktoirim voz zehnen machmir oif this unknown karnkeit but for everything else they know every heter and non-heter in the book (odeh ouzenveinig)

    Nu. deh OUnik has to play gooor frim and miz zoogin ah sach ah sach deious and has to sit and dig (almost 6 ft down) to find some looshin horeh on every one and anything. If its a relative or a mechitin iz goor git but its not meakev.
    Here is the classic picture of kol hapoisel.....

  14. Yanky above 4:05 pm doth too much call the kettle black!

    Until you were outed one day, it was YOU who was bashmutzing on the internet dozens of rabbonim & baal habatim you don't like! It's just like you to project your own chesronos on others!

    Now stop blogging shtussim on your cell phone & get back to your OU "job" and "learning" in that so called "kollel"

  15. Wed Jun 03, 08:33:00 PM 2020

    The CooCooGardneh must of run out of stuff. he is just repeating what they classified
    him as.
    And the Kollel shtikel... oh hes burning up to the core that he was not zocheh to a "kollel" shteleh like his imaginary friend.
    What a coocoogardeneh.

  16. "If its a relative or a mechitin iz goor git"

    Not stam a molester the mechuton Queens Vaad mikva gabbai. He's also son of a molester & eidim of a molester. Hachut hameshulash ...

    And the mechuton is also mechuton of another type of child abuser, the one with the one eye who torments babies with his barbaric Gomco clamp.

    Vehamayvin yishmor atzmo!

  17. Ok guys and gals no Mikveh.
    JBAC has an important agenda.
    Like everyone related in any way to any Mikveh is a molester.
    They got lots of ‘poof’.
    Queens,Washington, just a few is OK if you don’t do the Mikveh (c”v)

  18. Because 8:52 pm aka Yanky insists on constantly flooding the comments with childish lies to distract as many readers as possible, let's set the record straight.

    Yes there were two molesters running mikvos and they were takka in Kew Gardens, Queens & Washington DC.

    "Like everyone related in any way to any mikva is a molester" is your latest immature outburst to distract. No one else said it.

    Kew Gardens mikva is / was under your father's mechuton, the infamous molester Bryks who was placed there with the full protection of the Queens Vaad because Bryks is shvogger of Paysach Krohn and mechuton of busybody Faskowitz. (Your father might halt zich chushev but the Vaad is not really machshiv him on par with the other two.) Because you insist on covering up every time, I will state for the record that Bryks is wanted for questioning by police in Canada. Bryks was forced out of his OU / RCA membership after the OU forced him out of teaching in any yeshivos ketanos. The YU Mashgiach Ruchni Rav Yosef Blau publicly warns in writing that Bryks is a danger to adult women including married ones. Bryks was coconspirator in various shakedowns with Mendel Epstein & Belsky. Bryks's father was a known molester in Denver who was me'abaid atzmoi al hadaas. Bryks's shver Lipa Brenner was convicted of raping a child inside a Boro Park shul AND of embezzling $82 million. Bryks's long molestation career was the topic of a lengthy news special aired by all the major networks. When Bryks sued them for "slander" his lawsuit was thrown out of court because the Federal shomer Shabbos Judge who later became President Bush's Attorney General ruled there is so much reason to believe that Bryks is indeed a molester that he cannot sue anyone who says it.

    The molester modern orthodox rabbi Barry Freundel who ran the mikva in DC was actually just furloughed from jail because he was whining that he fears catching the virus. Freundel got away with it for so long because the President of the OU who was also President of the Lawrence shul of ex-Kew Gardens molester Rabbi Dovid Weinberger, covered up for both Freundel & Weinberger. Freundel was grada a rebbi in the 1970s at the co-ed YCQ which is under the jurisdiction of the Queens Vaad's chinuch arm.

    You know Yanky, for someone like yourself who constantly trashes every other person as apikorsim, menuvolim, not from Yiddishe yichus, vochulu, take a long hard look at yourself and then go crawl back in your hole. And if you keep up your denials and generally acting either foolish or nasty, I have no problem posting any kind of newspaper articles and court records to prove it all.

  19. Thank you for your ‘Lang vee the goolis’ sermon about every detail of every molester in this country.
    Of course ‘it takes one to know one‘ but that’s not the topic just yet (the way things are going it soon will be).
    The bottom line according to the Yenta is there are or were 2 known (known by the CooGar yenta but not by anyone else) cases of Mikvehs run by molesters of a whole Harem of molesters.
    So if a person wants to use a Mikveh he should take a ‘krankeh’ gamble that other Mikvehs are run by molesters that no one is aware of. Most people would so I’m not taking such a gamble.
    Thus when that other Yenta suggested that you are telling people especially women not to use a Mikvah he is correct. Thats what your saying and thats what you meant to say.
    It seems like you are the only one that knows about this since the Rabbonim did nothing about this in spite of your attempt to ‘enlighten’ them.
    Guess what they think about you ? A lot worse then I do.
    It’s like the ‘falsheh’ media is more reliable then established and Nina fife Rabbonim.
    It’s like the media is as honest as ‘Abe’ (noch ah meshugeneh) and every Rov is corrupt. Sorry that the Rabbonim just ignore you and you agenda.
    Again ‘it takes one to know one’. Let’s just leave it there. No one is interested in your Corrupt frimmeh shtick and your mayselach.

  20. Rav Pam ztl assered Lipa Brenner from stepping foot in the yeshiva.

    There was a huge scandal when Paysach Krohn portrayed Brenner in one of his Maggot, I mean Maggid books, as a tzaddik who was nunt with gedolim. It turned into an embarrassment for Artscroll who had to edit out Krohn's lies when they reprinted the book.

  21. Court records and newspaper articles is what makes or breaks the Emes.
    Batay Dinim are all outright frauds.
    I can’t believe I’m reading such a comment on a frum kashrus blog.

  22. ‘Lang vee the goolis’ ... ‘it takes one to know one‘

    Yes, YOUR molester mishpooche & associates takka prolong Moshiach tzidkeinee

    "the Rabbonim did nothing about this"

    When JBAC & other askonim complained how could an infamous molester vee Bryks be put in charge of the Vaad's veiber mikva, the Queens Vaad did what they do best which is try to cover up. They removed Bryks's name from their webpage on the mikva. The mostly Modern Orthodox YU rabbis on the Queens Vaad & their token 'yeshivishe' shik yingel Chaim Schwartz could not care less about what is the correct & moral thing to do, just like they handle kashrus & their multi-million dollar scheme with the kivrei yesomim.

    "Guess what they think about you ?"

    A badge of honor when meh redt veggen such ainam hagunim

    There are a handful of crazy kanuyi crackpots who insist that any court verdict by the goyim is always fraudulent regardless if they're correct, so they go running down to the prisons to fawn all over convicted child rapists like Weingarten & tell him he'll have a Rubashkin yesheeah one day. And it doesn't matter how many rabbunim also poskened he's guilty from Eretz Yisruel to the Satmar Antwerpen Dayan to America. This is all static to be drowned out with neurotic shreiarei because the agenda is to cover up for him. Hee Hadin Yanky bichlal vus er iz oichet a crazy kanuyi crackpot who will do anything to cover up for Bryks (+ other molesters to create an extra layer of protection for Bryks). It makes no difference to Yanky how many rabbunim (outside Queens) have poskened Bryks is a danger to society.

    Now, Mr. Crazy kanuyi Yanky in KG, don't you have to start making your Shabbos hachunnos? Do you still have your minhag from when you were in Eretz Yisruel to be meyached rocks before Shabbos to varf vee the violent lunatic vus dee bist by hafgunos? You can really chapp a rein now tzezamen mit the rioters for Floyd as you are all on the same page. They are violent, irrational & want to asser justice for criminals & so do you!

  23. ...And it doesn't matter how many rabbunim also poskened he's guilty from Eretz Yisruel to the Satmar Antwerpen Dayan...

    ...your minhag from when you were in Eretz Yisruel to be meyached rocks before Shabbos to varf vee the violent lunatic vus dee bist by hafgunos?

    Aye. This is ah steerah Minay eebei.
    All those Rahboooonim from Israel to Ahnt’vehrtin biz America are the one who not only poskined to me meyachehd de shteineh (azoivee einkeh kup)
    but they themselves are meyached and actually throw dee shteineh.

    Unfotunally the local Rabbonim are more settled and me’oorav im habriyos then your favorite Rabbonim (who know nothing other then what they are terrorized to think and say).
    A perfect Mootzoo min es minoy.
    Like your life and hashkoofeh if you don’t like what the locals say you do shopping until you find the “Rabbis” that you like and terrorize them right into your bedside you can Schlaiferig with them. As in it takes one to know one.

  24. Chronicles of an OU mashgiachSun Jun 07, 03:09:00 PM 2020

    OU mashgiach Yanky in KG, in usual kindish mode, huffs that his opponents have rocks for brains and deflects back at them his own chisaron of inappropriate posek shopping.

    Yanky claims he has poskim who allowed him to indulge for years in his violent netiyos to varf shteiner on Shabbos as a roidef & mazik btachlis haterrorism. This is worse than posek shopping, this is putting falshkeiten in the mouths of poskim. Yanky indicates above 10:13 am that the Satmar rabbunim zeinen the mattirim. But here's where we catch Yanky lying because while R' Yoelish TB & his Eidah affiliates are the yechidim vus halten tze protesteeren, they were never mattir throwing rocks - even in the vochens.

    An Amerikanner rabbiner interviewed Dayan Sternbuch in 2009 to understand the Eidah's shita & published it. The Eidah assers violence btachlis haissur. Whoever is violent is possul l'eidus & mechuyev to pay the victims. And in most cases zogt Rav Sternbuch, it's an irresponsible person who was already possul l'eidus even far der onfang fun hafguna!

    All the destructive OU mashgiach Yanky has to 'rely' on to is the violent ausvarf non-posek Yoel Krauss from the Sikrikim. And it runs in the 'lovely' family as those learning in Israel in 1990 will remember someone in Yanky's mishpooche who put a Mishmar Gvul trooper in a coma mit a brick to the back of his head.

    The issurei Oraysah are poshut without the Eidah. Choshen Mishpot 378. Steipler Bava Kama 1 is mossif he's also oiver on mitzvas Asei.

    R'Aron Kotler & R' Moshe Feinstein in Hapardes 3:9: chilul Hashem. Even though the Brisker Rov would have agreed with Satmar to be peacefully moyche, it is fort assur to put yourself in sakonos nefoshos because Tzionim are choshud on retzicha.

    Many gedolim have said it is lifnei ivair, causing people to not become BTs + they will have tremendous sinah of bnei Torah.

    Being meyached rocks before Shabbos only works if it's for a purpose that's mutter. And besides, ferd vos du bist, you can't justify chaburos blit, breaking things, and certainly not being a roidef putting people in comas or worse!
