Thursday, July 16, 2020

5 Town Kashrus Vaad- The secret is out

The 5 Town Vaad Kashrus Administrator always claimed the reason they have a relatively poor
kashrus standard is the "Rabbonim tie his hands".

Now when some Rabbonim are opening up another Kashrus Vaad, why should the 5 Town Vaad Administrator be up in arms and get signatures from 53 Rabbonim that he's doing a great job, and don't let another Vaad open?

It could only help him to Upgrade the 5 Town Vaad standards- unless it was not true in the first place that his hands are tied.

His infestation cleaning is completely unacceptable to the trained eye.


  1. It doesn't davka have to be the way you are explaining it. Because this was all about money to the shul rabbis, maybe now they will finally be maskim to stop holding a gun to Rabbi Eisen's head because for the first time there is serious threat to the money that all the accounts bring in.

    1. It’s not the first time.
      Gourmet tried it and almost lost millions.
      The Vaad saved because they were nice and professional.

  2. It ain’t the first time.
    And it ain’t the last time.
    Eisen is King.
    Tough noogies RYS.

  3. No of the Rabbis twisted Eisen's arm re: kashrus, it's fake news.

    He's a Democrat with bubba maisos.

    He's a great orator, like Obama- but very dangerous in his job.

  4. You can say what you want. And Rav Eisen does have enemies who badmouth him for various reasons including from when he used to toughly criticize Gornish & Goldberg in Flatbush. He also has misnagdim from his days in the OU. And there is at least one person bashing him who had it in for him since Torah Vodaas.

    The 5 Towns rabbis put the threats to Rabbi Eisen in writing in his contract. The adam Gadol R' Elya Rominek zl saw it and was very upset by it so he went to the gedolei Eretz Yisroel to complain about the rabbis. I heard this from one of the rabbis who doesn't like how the others are running the show and from one of Rav Rominek's talmidim who told me he was a bit emotional, not just stam upset.

  5. Yehuda Shain July 12, 2020 at 7:14 pm
    1- The Mehadrin Hashgocha kept the same mashgichim in the restaurants, so the level of checking fr insects will be the same.
    2- Real Experts have checked Bodek product and the 5 Town Vaad product and found them to be infested.
    It does not make a difference how many insects were found, it only matters “was it insect free”? NO.
    3- The Vaad strawberries, blueberries, etc are constantly infested.
    4- The Vaad has constantly claimed that they can’t upgrade the kashrus standards as the Rabbonim tied their hands. If that is so, the Vaad should welcome a Mehadrin kashrus with open hands, so they’ll be able to upgrade. BUT, we know the truth of the matter.
    5- Obama was also an excellent orator, but couldn’t rely on him at all.
    6- Nothing to be proud of the current kashrus situation, ask Rabbi Forst about his secret list.
    7- It’s alleged that not all 53 Rabbis signed, but their names were put on without permission.
    8- The reason Gourmet couldn’t make it with the outside Hashgocha, BECAUSE the Vaad publicized that it’s not reliable and made a campaign by the 53 Rabbis…….

  6. Don't drag the old Gourmet Glatt Cedarhurst story into this. There were serious issues with the old owners as the mashgichim will vouch.

    It's business as usual for the old owners who simply took a trip up the Van Wyck to set up shop in Queens as if nothing happened. Schonfeld & his puppet Schwartz covered it up by putting some figurehead "owner" in there so that whatever chelek of the public who even care won't have a cow that it's really the bums thrown out of the 5 Towns. How much of a stake does the "owner" actually have? 1%? He was a young guy with no major capital. And his shver who recently passed away was a NYC employee. No money there either.

    The old owners now also have a branch of the Queens supermarket in NJ. You can bet that Schonfeld & Schwartz didn't say a word to the Metrowest Vaad over there about the "history".

    In Queens there is no problem with the behavior that went on in Cedarhurst as long as they pay the Queens Vaad on time. What would Chaim Schwartz do without that "living wage"?

  7. Sun Jul 12, 07:12:00 PM 2020

    Ikar Chasaar min Hasaifah...

    What did the gedolei Eretz Yisroel say and respond ?
    Did they calm him down ?

    From your report it sounds like they really had nothing to say other then to calm down Rav Rominek Z'l.
    If this statement is untrue then follow with the whole story.


  8. "can’t upgrade the kashrus standards as the Rabbonim tied their hands"
    So why would they welcome a new hechsher?

    " ask Rabbi Forst about his secret list"
    Just because Rabbi Forst has a secret list does not mean the other stores are no good.
    It like in your town where people want "mehudar Shchita" available at a store (if its mehudar or not we will leave to experts like you) does not mean the other shchitahs (which is sold at the very same store)are treif.

    " It’s alleged that not all 53 Rabbis signed, but their names were put on without permission"
    Nothing new about that. Its 'maysim b'chol yom". You know better then anyone else. But thats the only way to publicize a "plakaht".

    "BECAUSE the Vaad publicized that it’s not reliable and made a campaign by the 53 Rabbis…"
    What do you think they are doing now? The same ploy.

  9. "No money there either."
    Who would know about 'No money there either' by every tom, dick and harry? Only the Numero Uno Molester.
    Maybe he had investments? maybe he inherited money? Maybe.... How would you know?
    The fact that the 5T and or its mashgichim had complaints is not established other then in your head. There where no problems in Queens or in NJ. Oh because no one cares only the 5T vaad. Right. Decide. Are you a 5T guy or not. If you are then stop grepsing about them Eisen included. If your agaist them then why are you using them as proof?
    You like Moav who made peace with Midyan for the sake of Hatred and molesting.
    Your essence indeed.

  10. OU mashgiach Yanky wants to confuse the issue to protect the Queens Vaad but all he accomplished is to confuse himself.

    What kind of stupidity is that that there were no problems in Queens & NJ even if there were problems in 5 Towns? Schonfeld & Schwartz make sure no one hears about the problems. That's what came from the ferd's mouth alein when Schwartz made a fool out of himself at the AKO conference in Texas, suggesting in his speech that the other hashgochos should go along with the Queens Vaad omerta code to keep all kashrus scandals a secret from the public. (Read between the lines: If there is less money from accounts thrown out altz kashrus violations then where will the money come from when the Queens Vaad bankrolls Schwartz redecorating his house? Ayein in VHQ's IRS filings for exact protim)

    Get it through your thick skull, Yanky, that you cannot cover up that the Queens Vaad are enabling the Bolenders from the GG scandal as the real owners of Kissena in Queens. Aron Hirtz is just a figurehead to shield the facts while Schonfeld-Schwartz make a mockery of the kosher consumer public.

    the Bolenders are listed as Kissena's owner with the State Secretary of State

    the Bolenders are registered with the Federal Dept of Labor as the sponsoring employer when Pablo & his cousins need visas to work at Kissena

    Bolender is listed as owner when permits are needed from NYC DOB

    when there is a benefit auction Chaired by the Bolenders, Aron Hirtz is nowhere in sight but the event is both corporately sponsored by Kissena and an auction prize is a Kissena gift certificate

    Hey Yanky, can you imagine up any more dishonest bilbulim to cover all this up? Your twisted mind is really working in overdrive these past weeks.

  11. Here goes CooCooGardeneh again.

    For a Zadik that 'pravehs' Toiamehoo every Erev Shabbos (Friday Evening in his book) without fails; For a Zadik that keeps track of allehmenz bisniss fin ganz qveens, America AND Kanedah;
    For a zadik who wont miss a molesting opportunity it a shame that the only proof he has for his 'Koy amar ANI' nevi'ous is the internet gedolim. Ah Gemarah, Ah Chimish, Ah Alef Bina he never heard of. All he know is ah gitteh shtikel treifineh internet.

    And he expects people to be goires his kee'oy - keKelevv - DBA CooCoogardneh - choizer al kee'oy.

    When you were at the 'conference in Texas' (in your dreams) did they give some zedaakah - ah fress pass - or did you have to schnorr the stuff from the Leffers Gesheft??

  12. The self-appointed Sheriff of Kew Gardens, OU mashgiach Yanky, is something else! He's been oisek for years with everyone else's shmutz - both real & imagined - scribbling on the blogs when he's on the "job", greppsing around KG & tummeling when he's supposed to be learning as the sole yungerman in what he claims to be a "kollel". But when someone shlogs up his dishonest cover ups, he screams they are the bad guys who is in everyone's business!

    So now Schwartz's AKO conference blooper is hitting a raw nerve again? The many figures in the kashrus industry who were there witnessed it. Of course Chaimel went bonkers and to this day is dying to know who leaked his juvenile speech to the internet, quoted exactly word for word. I heard Chaimel was so excited that he went running to the gullible Rebbelah who is supposed to be supervising you in the basement "kollel" to blame the leak on someone completely unconnected. But even the Rebbelah figured out it was impossible because the fellow had been nowhere near Texas. This is just vintage Chaim Schwartz, blaming anyone for anything if they somehow come up on his radar screen. How many mashgichim has he brought to tears while falsely blaming & terrorizing them when a scandal was leaked from a Queens Vaad account?

    Now you attack toiamehuh participants? Why don't you start with Schwartz who is so drawn to the chicken wings, beer & whatever the menu evolves to, mit a za appetite that he might be confused with a newly liberated Buchenvald inmate?

  13. Frankly I often do not fully understand the response of various gedolei Eretz Yisroel when they are brought reports from chutz laAretz. Sometimes they say they don't involve themselves there. Sometimes they recuse themselves because they are related to someone.

    The only terutz I've heard that I do understand is when they say the rabbonim are indeed geferlach but that's because that oylam got what they deserved.

    Why do 5 Towns pulpit rabbis force Rabbi Eisen to lower kashrus standards? Because some megushemdik ferds will have a fit if the broccoli was frozen at some point, and other minute details that lessen the geshmak by 5%. So if the gedolim go ahead & rank out the rabbis, who are they doing it for? For the guy who doesn't care anyway or may even attack the gedolim when he hears the story, while in the middle of grilling his steak to perfection? (Unpeeled strawberries for dessert)

    As is known in Lawrence, what passes for the yeshivishe crowd there lives between Washington Ave & New McNeil. Most if not all of the ones who were more recognizably bnei Torah have moved away in the last 10 years, mostly to Far Rockaway & Lakewood.

    Sometimes the gedolim will prod those bringing taynos to find a solution to work around the system. What the 5 Towns area really needs is a new hashgocho for those who really care about kashrus because the area power brokers will never cooperate at the existing hashgocho.

    Another example along these lines. A yeshivishe rebbitzen got her daughter into the BBY high school. As that sinister bum Hiller was often known for, he later was mevatel her acceptance without stating the true sibah & wouldn't listen to anyone pleading for reason or rachmonus. The rebbitzen went to the gedolei Eretz Yisroel. They asked her, why would you even want to send your daughter there after he acted like such a lowlife? Gut gefregt! It wasn't too much later that lowlife Hiller was arrested for stealing $12 million. When reporters asked Ben Brafman's gabbai if he could explain Hiller's bizarre behavior of rolling around in zein langa rekel in the dusty erd outside the Queens Courthouse, he answered "the rabbi is having a very difficult time coming to grips with the fact that he is going to prison"

  14. Tue Jul 14, 04:33:00 PM 2020

    Can anyone explain what the overstuffed toiamehuh model wants to say????

  15. Tue Jul 14, 09:26:00 PM 2020

    As do all molesters, The Numero Uno professional and leading Molester once again accuses Gedolim all over the world of issuing pesakiom, advice and otherwise listening to a potential loshon horah conversation without hearing the other side.
    That is the only way molesters get away with their stuff. With friends like Paulie and Jbac or whatever 'in deh shvarteh yoor' they call themselves - B"H we wouldnt know - what else can you expect from them ? They counn't operate otherwise especially with they role model CooCooGardneh.

  16. "because that oylam got what they deserved"

    Chutznik Gedolim also speak like that because it comes from Chazal.

    My father was once an observer at a shul board meeting because he was there to help them out with an inyan. He wasn't expecting so much excitement that evening. Also on the agenda was the shul found out that the Rav had taken another job that detracted from his duties to the shul and was very well paying. So they were holding a vote on reducing the Rav's salary. The Rav was hiding in a stairwell anticipating the vote. He suddenly came charging down like a raging bull and ran around the table waving & rattling papers in everyone's faces. He was screaming that if they go ahead with the reduction he is massering on them. The papers were a printout of an obscure law from a century ago that if any entity did episs a mayseh, in a matter unrelated to his salary, the board members can be imprisoned even if they didn't actively participate in the mayseh.

    Understandably, my father was shocked that anyone in the rabbonus would behave this way so he told it over to a gadol who is talmid of R' Aron Kotler ztl. The gadol told him the Chazal and that he is doing nothing about it because just watch him, that Rav will soon self-destruct. The shul complained to the beis din where the Rav was Safra Dedayna. He knew he was cooked so he immediately resigned. He wasn't at the shul too much longer either. He started appearing around town with a makeover of a toupee, tinted blue contact lenses & a long shiny leather coat. He got divorced. Today he is a nobody or even less.

  17. the OU mashgiach relative & neighbor of Bryks (comment this morning 11:35 am) is not going to get away with calling each of their critics a "molester"

    that horrible family has already caused enough problems with their mafia style intimidation tactics which include inciting others in the community to terrorize their targets

    Deadly silence

    Winnipeg-raised filmmaker explores devastation caused by cleric's depravity, enablers' coverup

    By: Randall King

    ... the real case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks, who as principal of Torah Academy in Winnipeg, was investigated on charges of child molestation in 1988. Never charged, Bryks moved to New York in 1993 when a former student, Daniel Leven, accused the rabbi of having fondled him at the school when he was 8 years old. Leven committed suicide at age 17.

    (The bochur was very distraught because police interviewed him for several hours & then accidentally deleted the tape and asked him to go through the ordeal again which was too much for his fragile mind. This is why Rav Wosner's beis din poskens that molesters are rodfim. Bryks is currently wanted for questioning after new evidence emerged.)

    Eskin, 34, is completing his masters degree at York University. He says his family had been especially affected by the episode.

    "My father was cantor of Herzlia Synagogue in the early ’80s," Eskin says. "My whole family was connected to the synagogue & Hebrew School that was part of it, as my 3 brothers & myself all attended."

    Eskin says when he was 4 years old, his parents & grandmother confronted the rabbi about allegations he'd been having affairs with some of the women he counselled, among other issues.

    "They confronted him in his office & he threatened to call the cops on them," Eskin says. "From that day forward, the relationship between my family & the Jewish community of Winnipeg changed significantly. We became social pariahs.

    All our previous friends chose sides & with a cult-like mentality, chose to ostracize us in blind faith — or possibly willful blindness to the major issues in that school.

    I remember walking by a classroom at age 4 and seeing the rabbi teaching & having a female student sit in his lap," Eskin says. "Even when it became very clear there was inappropriate behavior between him & students, my family was approached by members of the religious community who felt taking us children out of ‘religious’ school & placing us in a more secular Jewish school was to our detriment, as the rabbi in question supposedly only was doing this with girls and we, were 4 boys in my family."

  18. CooGardneh vert tahkeh CooCooGardneh.

  19. Reish kol bnei Galusa R' Joel Shoinfeld is rejoicing that Pinny Lipschutz has now started including Rabbeinu Marvin Schwartz, Adoinav Aviv shel Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz, in his Yated centerfold pictures to be farkoift as the shem davar "Rabbi Marvin Schwartz", alongside the yeshivishe nichbodim. It's a step down from the photo ops at the Lakewood Matzoh bakery, but it's episs something.

    It's not clear when Rabbeinu Marvin ever entered the rabbonus after his New Orleans law school degree, but it now all fits even better with the Queens Vaad scheme to have yeshivishe figurehead Rabbeinu Chaim whitewash the kashrus "standard" as "mehadrin" despite that it woefully ranges from less than Modern Orthodox all the way down to non-existent.

    It's one thing when Pinny used to rehabilitate convicted criminals in the Yated by calling them "noted askan". What greater kuved could we ask of Pinny to refashion someone as a rabbi?

    And surely Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz is applying not just his chinuch from Halbfinger & the Boston Vaad Conservative rabbis, but also vos er hot gelernt in shtub

    In the Matter of Marvin L. Schwartz, a Suspended Attorney, Respondent. Grievance Committee for the Ninth Judicial District

    The petitioner served the respondent with a petition dated December 22, 2003, as amended by stipulation dated May 10, 2004, containing two charges of professional misconduct. After a hearing on May 10, 2004, the Special Referee sustained both charges. The petitioner now moves to confirm the Special Referee's report and to impose such discipline upon the respondent as the Court deems just and proper.

    Charge One alleges that the respondent was convicted of a serious crime within the [*2]meaning of Judiciary Law § 90 (4) (d) and 22 NYCRR 691.7 (b).

    On January 8, 2003, the respondent entered a plea of guilty in the Criminal Court of the City of New York, New York County, to violating General Business Law § 352-c (1) (c), (4), an unclassified misdemeanor. That section prohibits the use of any representation or statement which is false.

    Charge Two alleges that the respondent engaged in conduct adversely reflecting on his fitness to practice law, in violation of Code of Professional Responsibility

    Marvin L. Schwartz, Monsey, N.Y.,
    (2005-OB-1391) Public reprimand

  20. We understand that Rabbi Billett was the main one that the VAAD's Administrator was tying his hand to put the hashgocha on par with others, e.g. OU.

    Now that the Rabbi is retired, What's your "teretz" now? unless you are a democrat and you could keep on.....

  21. False Billet of GoodsThu Jul 16, 10:45:00 AM 2020


    You admit yourself Billet was the MAIN ONE. Therefore what? It's impossible there is no one else? No other rabbi could be morally compromised, afraid that his lawyer level salary could be in danger if the modern orthodox fressers are denied their fresh berry tarts at the bakery section?

    Rabbi Eisen was given his terms in writing to sign as part of his contract. You think Billet is the one man all powerful schmo to dictate that even if all the other rabbis disagree?

    Who's the REAL dishonest Democrat who just has it in for Rabbi Eisen even when he is truly under threat?

    When did Billet even "retire"? He's listed as rabbi on the Young Israel Woodmere website. He joined the radical Shvartza mob protest in Cedarhurst just a month ago as the YI Woodmere rabbi & signed a public letter justifying it as the YI Woodmere rabbi.

  22. @ JBAC

    Rav Wosner's beis din in the published teshuva did not "posken" that Bryks and all other molesters have a din of roydef. The dayanim are explaining the reason why the Rishonim say that is the halacha, that it is poshut that those perverted monsters are mazik children to the point that they are ruined, human profiles walking around that are feeling tremendous tzaar and are damaged as if they are no longer bachaim.

    The Rishonim didn't even make it up because as the Brisker Rov says, anything in the Rishonim comes from Chazal.

    Here is a horror story currently in the news, one where the Agudah directly facilitated the fugitive molester to escape from Boro Park to Israel before police could nab him

    The Agudah did this despite that the gedolei Eretz Yisroel had signed together with non-Agudah American gedolim like R' Yankel Yoffen that the still fugitive is a roydef with all of it's pertinent halachos

  23. "committed suicide at age 17"
    I thought the 'Yesoimim Plot Robber' mafia guy killed him !!!!

    "Winnipeg changed significantly"
    But no suicide There ? B"H Not.

    "ranges from less than Modern Orthodox all the way down to non-existent"
    By our NUM (Numero Uno Molester) one can even say that (from Modern Orthodox...Non-existent). Its not even a dream. Just ah 'Jook in Kupp'.

    Shoin augehvisht one Jew. Do you have anything on Pinny and his Father Zatza'l too ???

    Someone must of called Molester Pest control, it seems NUM CooCooCooGardneh's Jook moved to Lakewood/Monsey. B'H he out from Qveens for now.

  24. "as the Brisker Rov says, anything in the Rishonim comes from Chazal"

    What a BRISKEH chidush NIFFLEH. Only the Briskeh Rov could say something like. Mistameh the Chazon Ish argues on that.

    What a uneducated and AmHa'Aretz'dik line. Whoe.

    Wow. What a accomplishment and Sermon from the "heiligeh Farshtoonkehneh" JBCA. Paulie must be k'velling with this shtikel Shtoos. Paulie of course 'zogt ess ibeh foon Zaiden'.

  25. Queens Vaad's Chaim Schwartz & OU mashgiach Yanky, the two sons of crooked lawyers convicted of criminal offenses in the realm of FRAUD and LYING who themselves cover up their own shady inyanim and who think they are in a position to criticize others.

    And it's like the Laurel & Hardy show, the skinnier mit der baal busser, who compare notes together on their paranoid conspiracy theories of who leaked what kashrus scandal to which rabbonim.

    1. Laurel & Hardy.
      Who are these two Zadeekim?
      From Israel? The b’datz maybe?
      The Rabbanut? Agudahjsts? Modern Orthodox Rabbonim? Coffee machsheerim? Non- hashgacha store customers? Fraudsters? Molesters? Lakewooders? BMG guys?
      I think we need the surfer to surf some more and use pages and pages with cites and footnotes.

  26. OU Profiles in CourageThu Jul 16, 01:14:00 PM 2020

    "Mistameh the Chazon Ish argues on that. What a uneducated and AmHa'Aretz'dik line. Whoe."

    If you are such a lamdan & baal bekius then where is there such a Chazon Ish?

    If it doesn't exist then who is the Am Haaretz & megaleh ponim Batorah shelo kehalacha?

    "shtikel Shtoos. Paulie of course 'zogt ess ibeh foon Zaiden"

    The above line is being mevazeh befarhesya the zayde R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz ztl, which we posken like the Rambam that the bizayon zugger has a din apikoires. That's pretty 'good' for the OU mashgiach Yanky, the same zugger who has made a career of smearing every third person in Klal Yisroel as "apikorsim"

    1. Wow. Much ah Apikores. Abee nisht ah NUM as in CooGardeneh.

  27. after some complaints - not street demonstrations - were initially aired on this website about the Queens Vaad's very low kashrus standards, this same Schonfeld CLOWN went beserk and lashed out against R' Yudel in a hate filled public letter, while Schwartz was harassing possible leakers and their mercenary from the OU who employs the BLM tactics both on & offline sprung into action

    Poor Schonfeld doesn't want his beauty sleep disturbed by Shvartzas playing with fireworks but wants to keep defrauding the public durch his yeshivishe figurehead with fraudulent kashrus lawlessness, and if he finds the source of any dissent his shlock shamoshim will try to crush it with street thug tactics themselves

    Rabbi Schonfeld sees the need for counter-protests, like the one held in front of Gracie Mansion in June against illegal fireworks, against what he calls “the lawlessness taking place in our country and city.”

    “We need more like them, including right here in Queens in front of the offices of those politicians who have encouraged this lawlessness,” the rabbi wrote.

    1. Anybody know what aches this Qveens clown???

  28. Agudas Haganovim is now based at 114 Leonard St in Lakewood. I guess Hersh Ginsberg is the father of Elozor Yonah Ginsberg who lives there. Is the Agudas active in shtot?

  29. Mechoah lemaan Hatorah velomdehaFri Jul 17, 02:36:00 AM 2020

    Thu Jul 16, 12:27:00 PM

    "uneducated and AmHa'Aretz'dik"

    Shocking disrespect of the Brisker Rov who the younger gedolim of his time considered him the gadol hador!

    There definitely has to be a limit to what kind of abuses are posted by that boor whose acidic comments are spiraling out of control.

  30. If the Briskeh Rov never said it then it ain’t disrespect.
    In fact to attribute such a basic postulate to the Briskeh Rov is not only disrespectful it’s embarrassing for anyone with such sayings to say he is a Briskeh and even move embarrassing g for the Rov Zatzal.

  31. Reb Yudel. I have this great money making idea for you.
    Offer shipping of groceries to all the cities that have 'so so' Hashgacha from the stores that you know 'B'vahday Reliable' and most Kosher 'L'Chol Hadayous'.

    You'll have a great mitzvah and also 'matan Secherah B'tzidah'.

  32. Yudel is not looking for any business ideas? especially when it's matan sichurah…..

    If you think it's a great idea?, go do it and be matzliach.

  33. By all others most hashgoochis are good, fine and dandy.
    But for some zadeekim they are not only not good but they want to be mezahkeh et harabim.
    Thus, Yudel falls right into place for this zechoot.
    Yudel don't just talk the talk he does the do...

  34. Anonymous is Yudel !!! Do you think we are all Stupid here ? Wait we must be to waste all this time on your being a Soneh Yisroel.
    Its people like you that brought on the Churban Habayis !
