Thursday, July 16, 2020

Update: Upgrades in Kashrus standards

Kosher stores, take-outs etc. have suddenly found a change in kashrus policy determining what they can sell and what they cannot sell, and it is emanating from their wholesale supplier. 

West Side Kosher Meats is under the supervision of the OU and suddenly stopped supplying raw chicken livers for stores to sell for customers to broil, or even for stores to broil and make their own chopped liver. 

Those establishments under reliable supervision who wish to process their own liver in-house must have their mashgiach fill in a special form guaranteeing that they will broil the livers properly, and submit it to the rabbi in the OU who oversees kosher meat and poultry slaughter. If he approves, they will be allowed to purchase livers.

But what is the story behind the story?
      It seems that when a kashrus expert was recuperating in Florida from his bout with COVID-19, 
he explored the local kosher establishments, and was shocked to see a supermarket under local rabbinical supervision selling un-kosherized meats such as livers and hearts with a statement they must be kashered but stating OU -glatt. His publicizing of this concern appears to have triggered a powerful response in the largest kosher supervision agency.

Update: After further investigation, the Hearts in the Florida incident were actually from a non-kosher kill aka "neveilah"


  1. Just because The meat is not teibert or soaked and salted does not mean the meat is not Glatt.
    The fact that it is not ready to be consumed has nothing to do with the fact that the meat is Glatt Kosher and not regular Kosher or treif.
    Thus the story and or reasoning does not make sense to a layman and or any kashrut organazation let alone the OU.
    The OU may now have such a policy but it’s not the above story.


    ORB were the culprits with the chicken hearts

    Are they also behind the liver scandal?

  3. "West Side Kosher Meats is under the supervision of the OU"

    Was it originally the acharayus of the OU mashgiach at West Side to make sure only reliable recipients received the raw parts?

    Or was it the OU itself being shlemazaldik for not having such a policy to begin with?

    This is even worse than when Belsky manufactured the "heter" for stores to send a goy to deliver finished product chopped liver without a choisam, because maybe the goy didn't end up switching it for treif. But with raw livers being sold in Jewish stores that cater mostly to frei or ignorant Yidden, it is zicher a huge michshol for the rabim.

  4. I remember when there was a comment here in the name of Rabbi Goldberg complaining that the last straw he couldn't stomach any more from George Gross at Negev take out on Ave J was when he allegedly let a goy be in charge of broiling livers. The next long while was a torrent of dumping on Goldberg either from George or someone close to him.

    This new OU policy back then could have prevented the machlokes from ever erupting.

    For the record I barely knew Rabbi Goldberg. I probably had, tops, five conversations with him. But he personally told me too that he was angry about the livers at Negev.

  5. if yudel had gotten up to announce the kashrus industry should enact this safeguard, we would have heard that old chorus of whiny tzebissiner haters from establishment hashgochos who start flooding the comments with cheap shots that yudel figured out a new way to squeeze money out of people


    Pesach Weitz retired but his wife is still CEO of ORB?

    1. Miami yenta, that’s an old tax return. Why not email the ORB directly to ask for current updated version?

  7. What a joke. All of a sudden the OU is holier than thou. The same OU that gives a hechsher on the tarfus in Postville.


    Shvartza savage jumps a Russian woman & beats her while stealing her shoes, beats whoever else comes to her defense, FDNY responds but refuses to detain the savage

    Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly said publicly yesterday that Jews in NYC have to enact their own measures to protect themselves because they can't count on de Blasio


    Is Yair Hoffman going to get clobbered by the OU for saying out loud that the Passaic Chinese restaurant was serving treif meat?

    The shul rabbis who are PCK tried their darnedest to cover it up and quietly got rid of Auerbach when things settled down. The cover up runs so deep that even some of the other PCK account owners will angrily yell at you if you say the word treif or hint that Auerbach is a shvantz. Because they don't want anyone to think their certifying agency is not ehrlich which may lead to some bnei Torah avoiding the hashgocho entirely which means less revenue.

    There is another (non-meat) scandal by the way that Auerbach covered up in the same Chinese place. Very few people know about it, limited to some rabbonim outside Passaic and a couple of local rabbonim who are not part of the Vaad. Auerbach's bizarre behavior in the 2nd inyan makes me even wonder if he was on the take. I did my research into him and there are a lot of tzorich iyuns in his history before Passaic too.

    Going forward, be very wary of Auerbach, including regarding his new fancy title at KSA which may just be a PR stunt for "Rabbi" Lisbon after the OU refused to buy the hashgocho upon completing due diligence. AKO should be ashamed of themselves that Lisbon is allowed under their umbrella. Vehamayvin yovin.

  10. When George Gross split from VHF, the Queens Vaad took him with open arms.

    The Queens Vaad are also the secretive, not so proud new owners of Bolender of Gourmet Glatt infamy, as well as the chevra behind the Passaic scandal, being that the goyim there were just proxies.

    The Palestinian Arab shlachthoiz beshutfus with Spiegel in Jamaica, Queens, R' Yudel's 'favorite' shoichet from Empire.

    And there are all the internal cover ups for Queens Vaad accounts which l'halacha require mashgiach temidi.

    Queens Blvd nightclubs with mixed dancing & fressing for the Bucharees.

    The goyishe chassuna hall serving yayin nesech which Schonfeld himself was working overtime to cover up instead of trying to fix the problem.

    It's doch a mazal that Moishe Finkel didn't end up in that heiliger Boro too!

    The OU mashgiach who tries to out-defend the Queens Vaad more than Queens Vaad hacks alein also calls Queens home.

    Wait a minute! If he is a mashgiach at West Side Kosher then how are the raw livers kosher even before they end up in the hands of properly designated outside mashgichim? The mashgiach bragged for years how he acted like a violent animal by hafgonos when he lived in Eretz Yisroel including being mechalel Shabbos (despite his draying a kop that being meyached the rocks before shkiah kashers his mayhem & hezek). He thought he could claim backing of the Edah. But Rav Sternbuch has been moyche that the violent hafgononiks are possul l'edus!

  11. " it is zicher a huge michshol for the rabim."

    Its the same michshol if they the Kosher Product and cook it in their treif pots, oven or grill. Michshol problem still not solved.

  12. "But Rav Sternbuch has been moyche that the violent hafgononiks are possul l'edus!" Went shopping for this one too. Shopped (on line) and found Rav Shternbuch Shlit'a a decided that this is the Bdatz verdict. Never bothered to find out what the rest of the Bdat'z Rabbonim say. Oh.

    Just another day at CooCooGardneh's jook infested mind.

    According to this site, OU - NO GOOD. Passaic hashgacha - NO GOOD. KCL - NO GOOD. OK & Star-K
    never made it past the Bank - NO GOOD. 5T - NO GOOD. VHQ - NO GOOD. Monsey Hashgachas - AL NO GOOD. Hisachdis - NO GOOD. Bahtteh - NO GOOD. Volov - NO GOOD.

    The only good and kosher place to shop at is on Leffers Blvd the place with NO HASHGACHA EVER.

    Och un Vay. These Fressers are telling the oilom whats good and whats not.

    Just another day at CooCooGardneh's jook molested mind.

  13. No one said all Monsey hashgochos are no good except for the combative nebich who is trying to undermine any point of this website.

    The problem in Monsey or anywhere is when there is a monopoly from the shyster with the cheapest fee which is only cheap because he doesn't do much checking.

    Monsey has the excellent hashgocho of R' Dovid Miller and some Chassidishe ones.

    I can tell you that I kept checking for years on a restaurant under the Terztal Ruv to see if it's really the same standard or if they tell you one thing & then pull switcheroos like when Rockland Kosher's restaurant started using Bodek romaine one day without telling anyone.

    Tertzal always used Postiv and is one of the only places that has soy paper to replace sheretz infested seaweed sheets in sushi.

    1. One Restaurant to serve the whole of Monsey.
      One and a half hashgacha to serve all Monsey toisavim and your saying “Oh not all hashgacha in Monsey are no good ( and too cheap)

    2. Most pots and ovens in a Jewish home ( frim or not) are Ben yomos during the week.
      In non frum homes it’s Ben yomo all week.
      Besides. Frum hashgacha have no resposilbity to makes sure non frum people eat kosher. Haleetayhee loorooshoh....
      As many poskim have paskened, here and in Israel, today’s poskim and past poskim.

  14. OU Wakes up 97 Years LaterSun Jul 19, 11:06:00 AM 2020

    It is NOT the same michshol as the treif pots, oven or grill are only d'Orayseh when ben yomo.

    Bloody liver is cheftza shel issur which the freya are not curing.

  15. The Bahtteh only gets knocked by Queens Vaad propagandists because he is the only decent hashgocho on Main St. And Queens Vaad manufactures the lie that the kashrus there is only upheld by them watching over him.

    Lefferts Blvd the place with NO HASHGACHA EVER but CHEAP prices because they don't get ripped off by Queens Vaad which is the reason why hypocrite Chaim Schwartz is the FIRST one lining up!

  16. Cheap usually indicates tr....... let’s just say extreme caution.
    By the time you find out the truth it will be years gone by.

  17. "Frum hashgacha have no resposilbity to makes sure non frum people eat
    kosher. Ha'leetay'huu loo'rooshoh...."

    This atitude is a first and foremost red flag for kashrus! ANYONE who adopts such a policy is bound almost for CERTAIN to be machshil "heimeshe bnei Torah" as well!

    According to my hypothesis this was the one major flaw which sent the star-k into a downward spiral. The star-k was originally reknown as the most "superb" kashrus authority
    among mainstream America, and they had stood firmly on chalav yisrael long before this became "popular", as well as alerting the public that "chadash" was ever any issue.

    As their authority and popularity began to expand they began to to take certain "leniencies" regarding communal commitment, bespeaking the goyishe atitude "not our
    responsibility", and from there it went steadily downhill...

    Chaza"l's explanation of "Ha'leetay'hu loo'roosh'oh" refers explicitly to a case where a wanton sinner acts deliberately recklessly - not out of simple "convenience", and as such cannot ever be restrained. [See also Maharsh"a in Taanis (sorry I don't have the exact daf
    presently on me) that Chaza"l made a Yomtov on the day that they were m'vateil the writing of sheim shamayim on shtaros - the Maharsh"a explains that they literally saw reason to risk their lives over this - all to stop careless people from throwing paper with sheim Shamayim written on it into the garbage (as the king Yannai was liable to claim that their real reason for doing this was that they denied him the status of a kohein l'keil elyon). Nonetheless, Chaza"l took this risk,notwithstanding the fact that this would in modern day terms bedismissed as something which is "not our problem"!]

  18. There is someone here that no matter what anyone says he argues.

    I gave 2 specific examples of reliable Monsey hashgochos. I did not say none of the others are good. I in fact implied there are some others that are also good. But 12:15 pm wants to make some joke of Monsey that there is only one restaurant for all "toisavim" to stuff themselves.

    What is your baaya? Are you looking for a new scene to shtup yourself with alleh gutteh zachen? You already got tired of all the restaurants downstate? You want a list of new places?

    The next comment at 12:18 is you too? Me thinks so.

    You are mistaken.

    It is very easy to have kelim ainam ben yomo & to heat them up in a way that is aino ben yomo.

    "Frum hashgacha have no resposilbity"

    This is a common mistake that many make which is based on a Rambam so that is the halacha for some Sfardim. The Aruch Hashulchan goes with the Pri Chodosh who they tzitter to chalila allow anyone to be nichshol, even a child not mechuyev in mitzvos. The Mishna Brura goes with the Chayei Adam who is almost as concerned. All these shitos are geboit oif a Tosfos.

    You are very quick to call people reshoyim. Tinokos shenishbu all the gedolim agree are not reshoyim.

    And even not tinokos shenishbu don't be so quick to condemn them. Even on meshumod that roiv poskim hold you should or can say on them ymmach shmoi, the Chidushei Hari"m and anderreh Achronim are cholek.

  19. Careless people are not to be confused with non frum people. If one notifies customers that lover must be broiled and they decide not to broi it it’s not the sellers problem. If the seller sells meat he is also allowed to sell Milk and has no issue that some not frum person will cook them together.
    The does not have to worry that the non frum customer will cook his meat on Shabbos.
    Or in dairy pots etc.
    Thus the policy makes no sense IF it is based on this shtus. It may be correct for other reasons but not for the non observant consumer.

  20. Careless people are not to be confused with non frum people. If one notifies customers that lover must be broiled and they decide not to broi it it’s not the sellers problem. If the seller sells meat he is also allowed to sell Milk and has no issue that some not frum person will cook them together.
    The does not have to worry that the non frum customer will cook his meat on Shabbos.
    Or in dairy pots etc.
    Thus the policy makes no sense IF it is based on this shtus. It may be correct for other reasons but not for the non observant consumer.

  21. Degel Machane ShysterSun Jul 19, 07:45:00 PM 2020

    Cheap usually indicates X

    It takes years? It's an immediate red flag when you consider the characters with this history

    Boro Park Chuster
    Dovid Katz

  22. Of course it was the same nudnik making problems in the 2 comments within 3 minutes of each other, 12:15 & 12:18.

    Because it was Yanky the OU mashgiach hailing from Kew Gardens! Who else?

    "Ha'leetay'hu loo'roosh'ooh" is his language, just like when he calls everyone apikorsim & is mekalel them to burn in the next world.

    At the root of all that are different dynamics that converge. We will try very hard to put it mildly. He is not the most mentally stable. And he is not the nicest.

    He is also not as altruistic as people think. You really think he hocks away day & night here to provide free advocacy for all kinds of hashgochos he doesn't even work for. Nope! And even how deeply he HATES R' Yudel and likes to disrupt the blog is not driving him to such an extreme.

    It's because West Side Kosher, as a master distributor, has their hands in many of the items mentioned and is selling to many other players. So there is a practical side to Yanky after all. If West Side Kosher doesn't do well, it may not bode so well for him. He knows who is shmearing the pitter on zein broit. Fighting to protect molesters is also very practical of Yanky considering the make up of zein mishpooche.

    And nice try to cover up for yourself by smearing Rav Sternbuch, accusing him of speaking on behalf of others without their permission. You still have not a single gadol who was ever mattir your violent rock throwing by hafgonos, either on Shabbos or in the voch.

    Here's a better question for you. Lomir zuggen that you had (in your dreams) a dozen gedolim sanctioning your destructiveness. What would the Moderner & Liberal higher ups at the OU think about that? That it makes you morally fit to be an OU mashgiach? If you are so sure of your self-proclaimed hitztadkus, why don't you go down with R' Yudel as independent observer to ask all the big machers dort like Genack & Steve Savitsky?

  23. So you all agree if you go to Monsey, Lakewood, Baltimore, Passaic, Brooklyn, Queens, 5T you have to bring your own homey food. Which excludes most veggies, some fruit, all flour almost all milk products, all Beef, most poultry. What did I miss????

  24. Wait & see if the OU really means this or if there is still a way around it while they talk tough.

    Remember all the emergency meetings that hashgochos were having when the Finkel scandal blew up? How many concrete safeguards were actually enacted which was the whole point of the meetings? How many hashgochos have employees reading this blog that you know but can't admit that you did zilch or close to it?

    You know who you are!

    And why is the OU so concerned all of a sudden when they gave their blessing to Rubashkin to violate every rule in the book? The takonas rabbonei America to not sell both kosher & treif. Selling hindquarters. Taking on Meshichist clients which the OU's own poskim assered. Turning a blind eye to repeated kashrus violations. Ethical violation rule of the client being criminally convicted.

  25. "Rabbi" Lisbon ... OU refused to buy the hashgocho ... AKO should be ashamed of themselves

    includes document from KSA din Torah under Rabbi Teichman


    He'll fit right in!

  27. Wasn't the agreement between Rechnitz & the Failed Shmatta that for the million dollars or so Shmatta stops exposing scandals but Rechnitz has to leave everything up on the old website?

    Rechnitz has been doing favors to remove shmutz on mishpochos with protekzia who reach out to him. All the information on KSA has been taken down including police reports. And there are big scandals in Flatbush & elsewhere that have also disappeared from the site.

    I was wondering at first how Shmatta was getting away with coming out of retirement to start bashing everyone again without getting sued. I guess he figures if the other side is breaching the agreement then so will he and no judge will penalize him if he wasn't first.

  28. meORBev im habriyosMon Jul 20, 11:21:00 AM 2020

    "Update: After further investigation, it seems that the Hearts in the Florida incident were actually from a non-kosher kill aka "neveilah"

    The ORB mashgiach at Aroma must have been trying so hard to get everyone to like him so I'm guessing he was all smiles when he saw the treif.

    That would follow the pattern of the eccentric alter bochur who is an ORB rosh mashgichim for Pesach hotels. He stands there all smiles for the Yiddishe guests in his hat with the half inch brim, giving some kind of cover story how he calls R' Dovid Feinstein to ask shaylos but what he's really doing is making up his own garbage that no posek agrees with to please lowlife caterers. And he especially wants the shkotzim workers to like him so he is all smiles while they devour Dunkin donuts in the kitchen. And while setting up the Pesachdik nosh in the tea room with one hand, they are wolfing down slices of pepperoni pizza in the other hand.

    No complaints from the Moron d'asra Ner Yisroel rabbi who was mechabed one of the highest ranking kofrim in the Conservative movement to lead the public Seder after he was finished being mevazeh the Chasam Sofer out loud.

  29. Old Time Kew GardensMon Jul 20, 12:51:00 PM 2020

    True. Yanky gets a geshmak from wishing apocalyptic outcomes on other Yidden. It's understandable considering where he gets influenced from. Avadde Yanky has a big mouth & does most of the influencing himself on a tiny handful of the clueless. But there is give & take. Someone he's spent many long hours with has been labeled by an adam gadol as a talmid chochom shaino hogun who people should stay away from. The gadol said that while the aino hogun may have multiple problems, he knows of one mida ruah which is enough and all he needs to hear. Tze felt bei em rachmunes.

    I can shtel tzu a Yerushalmi mayseh. A mishpocho had an infestation of akrovim. No exterminator could help. A gadol told them to do teshuva in gemilas chesed veil der akrav zingt shira yeden free "rachamov al kol maysov". Can't remember now how I even know about it because it happened to Yanky's 'rachmunes guru' after Kew Gardens. He had another type of infestation. It's not pushet pshat like by akrav but that posuk is also meduyek a message of rachmunes. Not even talking about moving chitz lmachaneh just to shnor off moderner who he can't stand but they are good enough to shnor off. It runs much deeper than that. But the first point is still a major heurah. A gvir by the moderner tells everyone that he won't give the 'rachmunes guru' one cent because he went to their simcha where he felt byodayim mamash the contempt & disgust that the kroivim have for these same moderner being sponged off of. The guru alein expends a little bit of effort to hide his own feelings azoy. The rest of them couldn't be bothered to hide it.

    What's even more tif I am not speaking out here. Either it might possibly although unlikely lead back to me, but mostly I'm afraid someone else is going to be blamed & attacked over it. It's not just Yanky who becomes vicious at the drop of a Biber hat. The guru has his own mehalchim.

  30. Update: After further investigation, it seems that the Hearts in the Florida incident were actually from a non-kosher kill aka "neveilah"

    If you know for a fact it was non-kosher then maybe you can post it (maybe toeles).

    But if only SEEMS so, you have no right to post this (in case it turns out to be wrong and/or not EXACTLY the way you presented it) - basic Chofetz Chayim.

  31. Mon Jul 20, 11:21:00 AM 2020
    Another VERY unhappy Fress guest complaining.
    Did he leave immediately? Even just to fress at Leffers Gesheft. NO. The fress was too good to leave.

  32. Sun Jul 19, 09:13:00 PM 2020

    Say what yo want. They are still in business big time.

  33. Sun Jul 19, 07:21:00 PM 2020

    It is very easy to have kelim ainam ben yomo & to heat them up in a way that is aino ben yomo

    I guess that the first thing all the non frum people are taught about ben yomo or not ben yomo.
    Ignorance at its best here.

  34. Sun Jul 19, 06:49:00 PM 2020

    even a child not mechuyev in mitzvos

    There are specific halachos when feeding a frum child non kosher which do NOT apply to others.

    Some more classic 'balleh boss' logic applied to halacha here. Shame on us that we have to deal with such balle batishkeit

  35. Sun Jul 19, 06:49:00 PM 2020

    Tinokos shenishbu all the gedolim agree are not reshoyim.

    In this day and age you can't find a 'Tinokos shenishbu' according to today's gedolay Haposkim such as the Chazon Ish and many more.

    Welcome to some more kroomkeit.

  36. To Fress or not to FressMon Jul 20, 02:26:00 PM 2020

    For Shiva Asar b'Tamuz this year, the poskim were a mixed bag of taanis as usual, or only at-risk category people eat, or everyone eats.

    What's the story for the quick approaching 9 days & Tisha b'Av?

    During an 1800s epidemic that the smelly Indians started in that disgusting Ganges river & the Muslim ones took it to Mecca which then spread to the gantz Europe & NY, the 3rd Hornesteipler Rebbe who was a major talmid chochom who gave haskoma to a sefer from the Aruch Hashulchan, poskened that the oylam should eat meat & not fast on Tisha B'Av. An epidemic is not as widespread as a pandemic like there is now. And the 1800s machala was not nearly as contagious as coronavirus.

    During another similar 1800s epidemic, R' Yisroel Salanter was mechayev to eat on YOM KIPPUR and made a brocho & ate befarhesya to drive the point across.

  37. ... why don't you go down with R' Yudel as independent observer to ask all the big machers dort like Genack ...

    Reb Yudel is a nice guy. Especially if you use him to check as a 'independent observer'.

    However, its pretty strange that the 'independent observer' has no real hashgachs vs Rabbi Genack who controls most of todays Hashgachas.
    There is good reason for that - VERY good reason. Let alone the fact the RG is a Talmid Chochom miflaug in spite of the fact that he may not play the yeshivish game as most do.

  38. Who is this NUT who breaks down every single comment into 55 parts to argue on each part AND he has ZERO IDEA what he's even saying?

    When the Chazon Ish pointed out tinok shenishbe, the category was just getting started. Today he would include the vast majority into tinok shenishbe!

    The machlokes Rishonim which the Achronim build on for feeding treif to a child is a kal vachoymer for feeding others because there is a tzad to say another's child not mechuyev in mitzvos is not your worry even though we are generally bound by arvus to other Yidden.

    Or could it be the NUT knows he is wrong but will never admit it?

    1. Timbuktu’s shenishbeh is not a modern invention it’s been around for hundreds of years.
      If someone HEARD of the concept of Shabbos and he knows he’s Jewish he is NOT a tumultuous shenishbah.
      Same if he knows about kosher.
      You can’t compose Halacha even on this site. You can fahrkrim them here but not invent them here

  39. Mon Jul 20, 12:51:00 PM 2020

    The akrav was the mazal for Av nothing to do with any ones house.

  40. meORBev im habriyosMon Jul 20, 05:12:00 PM 2020

    The ORB complimentary chometz was not caught until Acharon shel Pesach in the afternoon after the seudah.

    For other problems identified earlier there were safeguards implemented. Some Briskers & other bnei Torah lemoshol were not davening with the minyan because it emerged that there was sort of a regional convention going on of the Conservative movement and any shvantz was given aliyos and allowed to be shat"z. ORB reaction to that should have been on a late night comedy show. They asked with serious voice tone, you mean the caterer didn't warn you that he was bringing all those frey dignitaries and their oylam, that it's not for Torahdik Yidden? Ha! The caterer was struggling to fill rooms and today is on the brink of bankruptcy from that Pesach. ORB seriously expects he was going to chase away paying customers? Basically the ORB's "position" is that we warned the caterer to warn you frummies and we didn't expect him to do anything less. Hey ORB, please don't insult anyone's intelligence!

    This story came up once before with someone jumping all over it that Briskers don't eat in hotels. Some American Briskers after doing a lot of extra checking eat in hotels when the elteren or shver pays the way. Sometimes there end up being huge surprises that you would never expect from a certifier that's even remotely orthodox.

    1. If you go to any hotel other then the shvehr and shvigehs place - not the hotel they schlep you to you are not a Briskeh by a long shot. No matter how much extra checking they do. Even if they bring the ‘ independent checker’ that still won’t help to keep the brisk status.
      Just by thinking that you can go to a hotel for pesach no matter who pays proves that you are either not a Briskeh or that you have no clue about pesach thus the Briskeh classic name can’t apply to you.

  41. At Mon Jul 20, 02:38:00 PM

    Very cute, but the scorpion story is published and no one chalked it up to any particular month.

    1. A lot of Bali net is published.
      Just start right here

  42. Much like the news today sources are hidden and names withdrawn. This post is so full of pure garbage and lies. Hillary Clinton would be very proud.

  43. Uber for you weekly fress BBQ you couldn’t survive without Genack.
    Another version of Briskeh Hakoras hatorah.

  44. As long as at home they have pella chicken and some yoshon Chalkah to fress at the shul kiddush that’s enough brisk in you that you can go on the fress party for Pesach and bring in the independent observer to suggest some new fresserei not offered by the caterer

  45. Oy what a dray kop at 8:03 pm.

    Dem vos farshtait nisht iz an anderra sort tinok.

    The Chazon Ish was not talking about the ancient mussag of nishba. He means the new mussag in the velt. Before WWI most Yidden were frum. After WWII most Yidden were frey.

    It is not enough in the new mussag that the nishba just heard something. It has to be a proverbial knock on the door from shluchei Shomayim that really gets his attention, al pi R' Chaim Volozhiner.

  46. @ 6:58 PM

    Many people know who the baalei davar are, from the kashrus industry and from the places where the characters are located.

    There are obvious reasons why they are not being named in full. But if you are really, really curious, I'm sure some readers will throw you some tips to help figure it out.

  47. Were they mattir again listening to music in der drei vochen like they did mitten Sefira?

    If kids cannot go to camp, was anyone mattir swimming (privatta shvimming pool) for them, at least until shavua shechal boi?

  48. Mon Jul 20, 10:29:00 PM 2020

    Just another invention from CooGardneh.
    Emes ? He Never heard of that word - A genuine tinuk SheNishbah by Paulie And that other JACB or whatever (Who cares to know other then CooGardneh) terrorist org.

  49. Tue Jul 21, 10:54:00 AM 2020

    We ARE talking about shavua shechal boi. shavua shechal boi Lockdown. And the next week and the next....


    this Yated article doesn't mention that ORB founder Kenny Brander is Riskin's right hand man


    R' Yitzchok Yosef mattir music for this 3 weeks if it's audio only with no video and no one else can hear it

  52. Someone attacked Mon Jul 20, 10:29 PM as having "invented" an explanation of the Chazon Ish.

    Not clear who the attacker is calling a "terrorist" after that with code names, but that the Chazon Ish should be understood like 10:29 is lichoyra poshut, and there is a rosh yeshiva, talmid of R' Aron Kotler, who tells over the Chazon Ish under 10:29's backdrop.

    I think I know where 10:29 learned in mesivta because the shiur under the R' Aron talmid was a Shneur talmid who likes to say over that Rav Chaim Volozhin pirush on a Chazal.

    1. Once you start reading into a psak you lost you trustworthiness on interpreting Torah.
      Oh it was for then but not for now. Trouble ain’t far ahead if not already begun.

  53. Brisk is not makpid any year on music that is not live. If you tell that to a posek he may be more noiteh to be mattir during this pandemic.

    There was also an alter Mirrer who told a vildeh bochur that rock music doesn't have a din of shir so even when live it's mutter afilu on Tisha b'Av. But I think we have to assume he was being sarcastic LOL, not that he was giving a psak.

  54. Kaj just terminated their hashgacha of empire poultry, I just received a email letter from kaj today.

  55. How dumb can the Yudelstake disrupter get? The Torah itself gives the power to gedolim to read into things.

  56. "gives the power to gedolim to read into things."

    Gedolim yes. Molesters - NO.

  57. Not even quoting Gedolim by Molesters.

  58. Molesters - NO

    So then the extended Bryks mishpooche should stop disrupting the comments section.

    That includes Wed Jul 22, 1:22 PM

  59. Nobody is disrupted other then you, CooGarndeh.
