Wednesday, March 03, 2021

KAJ pulled the Hashgocha from Empire, due to serious issues- FYI- "only" Some Lakewood caterers refuse to use Empire's kashrus standards

Always ask caterer, "do you use Empire"?

FYI- ONLY SOME Lakewood caterers will not use the Empire poultry.

KCL is a  Lakewood political Organization, making a lot of money off of Kashrus.

KCL subscribes to PAY FOR PLAY.


  1. Reb Yudel
    What’s the background/ issue ?

  2. On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 1:04 PM Yehuda Shain wrote:
    The way I see kashrus going in a few areas are as follows;

    1- Empire took in Babad hashgocha which is a star-k in שמונה בגדים KAJ will never get along with him as he is a קל to put it mildly. So KAJ will be on the way out.

  3. How is KAJ recommending Marvid? I asked a former Sachdis dayan who now has his own bais hoyruah about the problems that R' Yudel went public with. The dayan told me he is aware of it and does not allow Marvid in his house.

  4. Rabbi Shain can you please comment on the hashgoca's that the KAJ recommended?

  5. These yechidei segulah Lakewood caterers started shunning The Empire this past year? Or does it go back to R' Shneur's days who he was no fan of the company?

  6. Empire almost doesn't sell to Orthodox retailers.
    Supermarkets like ShopRite and national accounts only.
    Even out of towners have to buy from a distributor, who don't like carrying it cause limited market.
    Apparently, it work$ for Empire, cause they've been this way for over 20 years.
    Non Jewish market works the same way.

  7. "KCL is a Lakewood political Organization, making a lot of money off of Kashrus."

    There are some 'non-political' individuals making lots of money on Kashrus as well.
    Let me check the 105 Place....

  8. Reb Yudel Shlit'a<

    Check this out:

    You Can Get Bugs in Your Instant Pot if You Forget to Clean This Part.


  9. What's the story with Fleishman's deli meats shipped from Montreal to NY with R' Usher Eckstein's shgooche?


    at the scene of his Purim day arrest for manslaughter in East Williamsburg, before he was hauled off for interrogation

    He's owned his own catering companies under RCBC & was chef for NY-NJ caterers under Star K, but is best known as the head chef for many years of the OU's Ram Catering.

    He seems to have lost his yarmulka while misbehaving but he davens in the NJ shul of the Philly boy who is rather high up in OU kashrus. This last detail may be ringing in your head as a sad irony.

  11. Oh stop it. The whole shechita is under Teitelbaum and you know it.

    KAJ left because they were insulted. They planned their exit months before and sent out that letter as a parting gift on their way out.

  12. Oy vey! That's Hochberg in the picture! And his "Philly boy" OU rabbi is Luban in Edison!

    It is ironic, terribly so! Luban has 2 sons who were arrested, one for the same crime as Hochberg! The other son was working with Rabbi Belsky to intimidate & destroy a victim of Kolko. Luban Jr was immediately arrested but because of optics, the County Prosecutor gave Rabbi Belsky one more chance with a warning to knock it off or be arrested. He still almost got arrested when he kept publicly pushing the envelope that he "really believes Kolko is innocent" (despite his guilty plea). It also almost got him terminated by the OU Board but they ultimately decided to warn him to stop issuing his pro-pedophile propaganda instead of being stuck with him through years of dinei Torah & lawsuits. Rabbi Luban is no Malach either considering he participated in the lynchings of whistleblower OU mashgichim at Montefiore cafeteria & Le Marais.

  13. Wed 5:11 was sent here to plant misinformation.

    Like it makes 'sense' that KAJ will drop a gigantic moneybag account over some little insult - not!

    KAJ is slow to drop an account even when there are kashrus violations & when they finally bail they are diplomatic about it, keeping the shmutz a secret, like when they finally got rid of Rubashkin!

  14. MiMedinat HaYam needs a tutorial in Orthodox retailing.

    Just off the bat, you will find Empire in 5 Towns frum supermarkets & Monsey Chassidishe supermarkets.

    What you won't find by Yiddishe-heimishe gesheften is Teva, because the mafia view Teva's top of the line kashrus, combined with excellent quality & reasonable pricing as a THREAT to their RIP OFF CARTEL

    1. Anon 3:51. I said they buy from wholesalers (which in NY area means Westside or Nassau K Provisions.)
      Unless you mean Stop & Shop or ShopRite or other such supermarkets.
      Remember, Five Towns is where they caught the repackaging, which Empire did not allow.


    GEFEN PEARLED BARLEY sold locally with code date 07-20-22 has been found to have infestation in some bags, and must be checked before using.

  16. Did Rabbi Heinemann pull a Belsky to put words in the mouth of Rav Elyashev - starting when it's impossible to even ask Rav Elyashev?

    This is Yair Hoffman writing in this week's 5 Towns Jewish Times:

    The Star-K worked with fridge manufacturers to develop models with a “Shabbos mode.” These models addressed the issue of the defrost cycle, but they did not address a number of the other issues. In the early Shabbos Mode refrigerators, the computer was still constantly taking readings and electronic information. The Star-K approved Shabbos mode was relying on a leniency that a computer may be utilized as long as the digital display was not seen.

    Other poskim, however, have questioned this leniency, some even stating that the use of a computer is either a biblical prohibition – of writing or of makeh b’patish.

    This author reached out to Rabbi Avrohom Mushel from the Star-K. He explained that Rav Heinemann, shlita, spoke to Rav Elyashiv, zt’l, who said that as long as the refrigerator does not take any action that is no more than a grama when it takes in any information, then there is no violation being performed. Rav Heinemann is of the opinion that these are still considered a grama and are therefore not forbidden.

    There are a number of debates as to what are the parameters and limitations of the term Grama.

    Aside from this, when Rav Elyashiv, zt’l, was consulted by poskim in Eretz Yisrael, however, he indicated that a computer collecting information would be considered a serious problem, as a letter he had signed indicates.

  17. Disregard above typo: I meant that R Belsky put words in the mouth of another posek hador, R' Moishe Feinstein, as is well known.

  18. Ask the shoochtim who left together with the removal of KAJ hashgacha.
    Of course it’s not any advantage to your agenda so you just ignore the fact that YOU CLAIM to know

  19. Reb Yudel,we need YOUR Pesach list now. People are already cooking for Pesach and need to know what to buy. Otherwise they may use last year’s list chav V’shalom

  20. The Show Must Go OnFri Mar 05, 12:03:00 PM 2021

    Rubashkin has moved from Monsey to Jackson where he is giving a weekly Farbrengen. Soon it will be standing room only with overflow considering all the warm bodies sent there by Promoter-in-Chief Pinny Lipschutz.

    Consider the toichen an acquired taste. Part casting himself "martyr" of anteh-Semitten. And part where he may have plans for a coup on the shteller of the Choizer Lubavitch, Rav Yoel Kahn.

  21. Not only was the Montefiore mashgiach terminated, but after that forced him to take welfare & food stamps, they moved to fire his wife from her OU job too. When the OU's "rabbi" Lenny Steinberg was confronted about step two of the achzoriyus, he's like well, of course, "because she's married to him"

    At that time YU was still the owner of Montefiore, who at the OU's sadistic request YU then barred the couple from davening in the Montefiore shul which is probably the only minyan in that section of the Bronx.

    The mashgiach's brother was the niftar or nirtzach by Rav Landau's in Flatbush who came to maariv one night looking white from pachad. When the oylam asked him what's wrong, he said that Belsky's associate Mendel Epstein put out a hit on him with the Italian mafia. Not everyone immediately believed it. But many came around to believing it after his corpse was found floating in the Gowanus Canal and it is widely believed that the NYPD & NYC OME botched the investigation into his death with the involvement of heimishe fixers who are known for cover ups.

  22. MiMedinat HaYam, I was thinking of Empire's deli & frozen items sold in Jewish-owned supermarkets, not the fresh chicken parts sold in the national chains.

    1. Those are definitely wholesaled.
      And not repackaged.

  23. All these conspiracies of the last few days being repeated and posted here once again in soooo much detail. Whew. It MUST all be true.
    Who has the movie rights on these ‘best sellers’?

    The most amazing part is how everyone accepts rulings from the gedolay haposkim when in fact all these p’sakim are controlled by the likes of ‘Philly boys’, OU achzarim, Torah Umadah, Pinny’s & Rubashkins and all other ‘colored years’ subjects.

    The Movie sounds like it will be named “Orthodox Jewery - the number One Fraud”

    This will be a big hit and will win all or most of the awards, specifically in the non fiction department.

    Nu. Nu.

  24. Orthodox Judaism is of course not a fraud even though bad actors like yener OU mashgiach try hard to make it one.

    The mashgiach is especially upset currently because Auerbacher from the sticks of far out Queens who owns Ram Caterers is one of the favorite fress suppliers of the Rebbela bankrolling the mashgiach.

    Meanwhile, R' Chatzkel Roth ztl was niftar yesterday, a real posek who lemaan kvoid Shomayim was not afraid to threaten Philly with cherem for their mamzerus scheme. He in fact put in cherem the charlatan from Sholom Kaminetzky's posek-shopping spree.

  25. Something else touched a raw nerve on the OU mashgiach!

    It was mentioned that NYC OME botched a death certificate that should have been a murder investigation.

    The mashgiach's cousin Shea is a long time Doctor at OME who was once on the front page of the papers who blew the whistle that he was taking more than $300,000 overtime ON TOP of salary

  26. Collel Chabad is well known to be the "baby" of the Rubashkin mishpocho

    The Justice Dept says the Collel is laundering money from the same Ukrainian Burisma company as the Hunter Biden scandal that secretly funneled a cut to the President alein

  27. CooCooGarden went more bezel then we gave him credit for. Bet you he ain’t finished yet.
    Since someone is getting some overtime for work that he actually did - CooCooGarden is beyond repair. “You mean there are people who still work???”

  28. Of course overtime is legal but it's unethical and sometimes illegal to abuse the system.

    You're right I'm not finished because there is so much material on the Dokter Cantor, like davening in the tiflus & embracing a shiksa. What else can be expected from a 'good' little meshumod?

    A Catholic priest, a rabbi, a Buddhist monk and a Muslim imam gather to pray with several hundred people in a Manhattan church not far from the open wound known as Ground Zero.

    They are ... Shiya Ribowsky, director of the investigative process;

    By the time Ribowsky has taken her by the hand ...

  29. !. CooCoogarden pushut loves the name that fits him - B'H.
    2. As posted many many tmes - deh Kranke Neshoomeh nebach has no steady job and if you wondered why just read his original quote in 5:02:00 "..overtime is legal but it's unethical...
    What hes really saying is that working in general is unethical. Thus not only do we need his name and his mother's name to plead to the Lord to heal this Krankeh Neshoomeh but we also should plead that he should not end up as a lazy Neshoomeh. However, until the 'salvation' arrives we should start 'ah Schnoar' - special fund for day to day living expenses B'laaz -
    Especially that the Rosenbloom's BBQ season is strating from which CooCooGarden can not and will not be left out of.
    Also his mishpoocheh needs food and cloths.

  30. Nice smokescreen for the OU mashgiach's 1st cousin Dokter (Conservative) Cantor Shiya, but the reason why he was on the front page of the papers is because the overtime system is not made to be milked for 3x or 4x more money than his regular salary. Taxpayers fumed & the City government was also nisht tzefreeden. By the way, is Shiya's wife even Jewish? Loaded question, I know.

    "Living" wages? You must have confused me with your on & off friend Chaimel Schvartz from the Queens Vaad, heyos obsessing over pay grades to him are like Tanya to a Lubav. Same thing with the BBQs, like you'd think he never saw a chicken wing & kalte beer before.

    Is this OU approved behavior to go around being mefarsem if a nitzrach ever took some essen or clothing? Aye mashgiach? What would your OU RFR & the Big Cheese Horav Genack view such a middah "toyvah"?

  31. Shiyas wife is just as Jewish as P.... girl Dort in Maariv Ahmerika...
    The UO policy, like all others, is if a njtzrach ( not a lazy ‘don’t want to work Tzatzjeh”) needs anything they get it for them. However, the Mishpoocha always in entitled to food and clothes in spite of a good for nothing lazy household earner.
    On the subject of overtime, either you worked or you didn’t. If you worked ( usually because no one else want to complete a already started job that MUST be finished) there is nothing unethical about it other then politicians trying to CYA. And if he didn’t work , just filled in hours without work, that is outright genaivah. But what would CooCoo... know about genaivah or being ethical???

  32. More lies from the OU mashgiach to cover up. Can't say anyone's surprised.

    The Maarava one had kabolas mitzvos, ma sh'ain kain ...

    Hey mashgiach, didn't fetter Georgie almost not participate in the chassunah - gufah because he seriously doubted there was kabolas mitzvos? You can keep denying it all you want because it's public knowledge.

    And a bunch of divorces later when Shiya has burned his modern orthodox connections, what's the story with the most recent divorce in Suffolk County? They sound & shmeck vee a bunch of goyim. Did he even bother to "convert" her with the Conservative?

    And should we inquire with the Big Cheese Horav Genack if he agrees with his mashgiach's warped view that if a wife & kids are hingrik from a lazy non-earner, give them essen & malbish, while publicly ridiculing the non-earner? Don't think that would bode well for the mashgiach!

    And the mashgiach using nivul peh ? Don't think Horav Genack will appreciate that either!

  33. When you pick up a "pretty dancer" at a restaurant after 'zooching "a sheina Nekaivah" in aleh farsheedeneh pletzer' then even if there was some kind of elementry "kaballs mitzvos" (What does P...know about genuine mitzvos anyway) its null and void - Lshaim Chasnus.
    And a super duper 'frimmer then you' character as you portray yourself, should know better even if your whole essence is L'kanter....

    Feeding any mishpoocheh is a great deed (Mitzva - b'laaz) even if the head of the household
    is lazy non worker bum - the proof is Coo...himself. There is no way his mishpoocheh lives on what he does not earn...

  34. Abee to cover up for the mishpooche, yener OU mashgiach will lie to make others appear worse or outright bad when they've done nothing wrong.

    In a previous pre-gerus life, a woman on the West Coast was an entertainer b'oyfan that would not be appropriate for a bas Yisroel. (So was the case with R' Amram Blau's rebbitzen). But because the mashgiach despises the yungerman she married (after he opened a blog exposing menuvolim in the mashgiach's mishpooche), the mashgiach misses no opportunity to trash the yungerman will all sort motzee shem ra. The mashgiach smears that the shidduch was somehow inappropriate. The yungerman first saw her AFTER she was megayer.

    So not only was it a 100% kosher veyosher shidduch, but the mashgiach is a koifer in Chazal, and a pathetic one at that. The mashgiach thinks it a subject of mockery if someone looking for a shidduch happens to see a bas Yisroel who came to get lunch at a kosher restaurant. Chazal were koveyah Tu b'Av to specifically have bnos Yisroel line up to get bochurim interested in them. It was an annual singles party beyond any scale of a singles party today that the mashgiach knocks in his fits of crazy warped kanoyishkeit. One of the meforshim on the Mishnayos Taanis says Chazal had no choice because the only alternative is they all sit home until they are gray, no pirya verivya, no yishuvoi shel oylam. In the 1980s they tried to enact something m'ain Tu b'Av. They asked Rav Gifter is it mutter to make a singles party where after a shiur there are taaruvos for refreshments? Enfert Rav Gifter, NIT NOR TZIZ MUTTER OBER TZE DOCH A CHIYUV! Some crazy kanoyim who are role models for the mashgiach, didn't like Rav Gifter's psak, so they added some sheker to make the event sound more 'exciting', before presenting the mezuyef details to R' Elya. Based on the ziyuf, R' Elya was against it. The crazy kanoyim then started attacking the gedolim who gave haskomah, Rav Gifter, Rav Alpert / Rav Wolpin, etc

    Compare the above behavior to how the mashgiach reacts against anyone including gedolim who have a problem with molesters / embezzlers / Conservative Cantors / intermarriages in his own mishpooche, the OU, and especially WEST SIDE KOSHER!

  35. So there is such a thing as “crazy kanoyim” in this world. Can’t believe CooCooRiCoo finally agreed to this concept. He denied its existence for years because it didn’t suit his corrupt agendas.
    But now that the truth is out about these kind of nut jobs - the number one nut job here who went against most gedolim until he shopped around and found some “Godol” on sale who he claims backed him - and on top of that PUBLICLY cursed all the accepted Gedolim who were against his corrupt and anti Torah innovation - is no other then Horav Hagoon Paulie shlita mit the Raiaonette he shopped for and got “after minimum corrupt kabolas hamitzvos ‘al menaus’ “ to find another corrupt ‘shitef’ in life.
    Don’t let CooCooRiCoo tell you more mayselach.
    In fact I’m surprised Paulie is hooked up with more shitfim since he bases all his narishkeiten on things brought in the Mishnah and Talmud before Rabbeunu Gershon and ignoring all today’s Gedolim kal Vochomer to all previous Gedolim including reshonim etc.
    Unfortunately, CooCooGardneh will be seething very soon upon hearing the Emes - according to our holy Gedolim and Poskim. But that never meant anything to him or the MaaravahRebbe Paulie and some more of his poisonous hashkafah will be posted here very soon.
    Can’t wait to see how he’ll attempt to turn some Emes upside down -as he is so well known for.

  36. Hey mashgiach, I heard about your mudslinging today, bain hamishpesoyim of the aisles in non-Queens Vaad / non-OU (Boruch Hashem!) Rosenblum's grocery. Never a dull moment in quaint little Kew Gardens.

    No one's interested in reading you bash some fella in Beverly Hills who you declared war on when he publicized convictions & criminal investigations on your clan.

    We already have the scoop on the embezzlement scandal, flying the coup to the Holy Land & mechuton Bryks needing a straight jacket. We would like to know more about Shiya however. So why don't you answer the hard hitting questions from your 'shochen toiv', instead of creating more boring smokescreens with your favorite pastime bashing Feivy?

  37. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachWed Mar 17, 10:43:00 AM 2021

    Is it ever laughable that the mashgiach - of all people - ridicules one of his neighbors as having a poor work ethic!

    The mashgiach spends half a day at some bull session (he does all the ploppering, kdarkoi) that's labeled a "kollel" to the outside world. Then he sits around, supposedly for the OU, in da Bronx. All the while in both places, he is blogging on the "job" all kinds of mostly untrue shmutz. Since he started camping out on this website years ago, he must have been motzee shem ra on more than 100 people, including trying to ridicule R' Yudel himself. Lately the mashgiach has appointed himself pseudo-archivist of jibberish which in his view "exposes" the grandson of an alter Torah Vodaas rosh yeshiva. This new project is certainly more time consuming than all his spur of the moment slander. So how does a "hard working" OU mashgiach justify his 'ground breaking research' when he's supposed to be on the clock for the OU????? This has surpassed even Genack. This outrage should be addressed by the OU Board.

  38. Who is Feivy?
    You mean Paulie...Don't you.
    No one is BAD mouthing Pope Paulie just quoting The Ferd Himself.
    His quotes are so bad and vile that even aa most tolerant Yudel won't or can't post such Nivul Peh and/or Chiruf and Giduf..
