Wednesday, August 12, 2020

5 Town Kashrus scandal- violating OU policy-NO RAW LIVER TO RETAIL MARKET PERMITTED

Kosher Scandal- 5 Town Vaad- 

                        OU notice


I would like to reiterate that the OU policy regarding all types of meat and poultry, including livers and hearts, is that these are not certified by the OU unless they have been kashered in accordance with halacha.

If you have a commercial customer who has approved facilities for kashering livers, and has a mashgiach who is knowledgeable and proficient in the method of kashering, approval may be given by contacting myself on 347-419-0982.

Absolutely no exceptions will be made for vendors selling hearts, livers, or any other types of meat to retail customers.

Meat or poultry, which has not been kashered, bearing the OU symbol, will be considered trademark infringement.

Rabbi Moshe Klarberg
Senior Rabbinic Coordinator
Orthodox Union
11 Broadway,
New York, NY, 10004

Cell: 347-419-0982


  1. Where does Star K veal come from?

  2. I’m confused. The picture shows star-k meat under the new Mehadrin of the 5 Towns hashgacha. So the new hashgacha is violating ou policy? But the meat is from the star-k?

  3. OU Wakes up 97 Years LaterWed Aug 12, 07:56:00 PM 2020

    R' Yudel means that at least the OU is finally bothering to eliminate a loophole for major kashrus abuse, unlike Star K where it's busine$$ as usual.

  4. I can't imagine myself eating a liver steak, whether hot or cold, so it's not nogaya me lemayseh - but is there such a halacha that after you broil a liver steak that you cannot heat it up again? If we are afraid of blut then how could you eat it even the first time?

    1. Liver must be kashered by broiling within 72 hours of schechita, after which it can be cooked etc. If more then 72 hours have passed, it may still be broiled, but many poskim hold it must then be eaten as is, and it may no longer undergo any other cooking process, as they hold that there may still be blood stuck inside the liver which did not come out during roasting, but it may come out during other cooking processes.

    2. The shulchan aruch in yoreh deah siman samech zion, sif alef says that the only blood that is assur is blood that has been pirush, meaning either that it leaked out of the flesh, or it “moved around” within the flesh of the animal, even if it has not leaked out.

      The shulchan aruch in yoreh deah siman samech zion, sif beis says it is mutar to eat raw meat that has not been soaked and salted, as long as you wash the surface blood off of the meat first. The yad yehuda samech zion in pirush haaruch sif katan hey and the chavas daas siman samech tes sif katan gimmel discuss why the blood that comes out when chewing the raw meat is not a problem of daam shepirush.

      When it comes to liver, we are choshesh that if three days have passed without it being kashered then the blood has hardened in the meat, and broiling will remove any blood in the meat that is still movable, and any blood that is not movable will stay put and therefore be permitted to eat, however if it is then cooked or boiled or microwaved etc some of that blood that was not removed by broiling could then move and assur the liver


    Written psak, published 2 months later now in the Times of Israel, that all molesters should be reported to police.

    (the Feivy basher must be spinning a fake conspiracy as we speak that the dayanim must have been "terrorized" into issuing the psak)

  6. Saying the truth about Paulie is not bashing - Duh.
    Reb Yudel taught us that right here based on Rambam and Chofetz Chayim.
    That is the SPIN on things.

  7. Paulie has been hocking his apikorsus for all these years and now you come to justify his doctrine (as in Christian doctrine) with a letter thats not even 2 months old????
    The letter is a opinion of 1 bais din which ENCOURAGES and strongly suggests to go to police.
    Going to Police after going to rabbonim and being told to report it was never in question.

    You claim Paulie went to Israel to shop for some backup - after failing to find any here now you come up with Manchester? Is this the best you were able to come up with?

  8. Goody Goody HenchmanThu Aug 13, 02:59:00 PM 2020

    No one said Feivy went to Manchester at the beginning which you are now trying to twist around to make a "point" that doesn't exist. You were just being shtoched to come up with an explanation how Manchester was "terrorized" by Feivy, being that it's your big shpiel to claim any beis din poskening against molesters is only after the imaginary terrorizing.

    Manchester clearly does NOT say to consult with rabbonim first. That is because Rav Elyashev & major gedolei haposkim have already poskened that anyone with firsthand knowledge or even if there is a raglayim l'davar, people do NOT have to consult with rabbonim in any Westernized country where the legal system is bederech klal fair.

    It has long been a stunt of the Agudah Fressers and ulterior motive guys like you to grumble that rabbonim must be consulted first. The real reason for this deceptive invention of yours is because every single time the Agudah "dealt" with a molester, they weaseled out of doing anything with the excuse that the raglayim l'davar was not shtark enough. That gig was up when an earlier expanded version of Rav Elyashev's psak was discovered that says l'hedya that even a weak raglayim is sufficient to bring it to the police who have the tools to sort out what actually happened. But you and the Fressers still won't budge because you don't care about halacha & the hezek to victims. You only care about your nunter molesters and how molesters being brought to justice can make things inconvenient for you personally.

    1. ...people do NOT have to consult with rabbonim in any Westernized country where the legal system is bederech klal fair...

      Another blanket Heter to just go to “arkoois” without going to Bais Din first.
      This really is mootzoo men es meenoy.
      Paulie and you.

    2. How many “innocent” molesters has “Reb Elyashev’s” so called alteh “Heter” killed?
      There were plenty of Paulie type self made shvitzers who went to report innocent people as molesters based on Paulie’s self made classification of raglayim ledavar.
      And that’s one reason why you must consult with some accepted oisek first.
      Being a goody goody won’t get you anywhere in the Religious World.
      Thus Paulie (and maybe you too) can not be considered religious even if you play the religious act.

  9. Goody Goody HenchmanThu Aug 13, 03:16:00 PM 2020

    "after failing to find any here"

    No one said that either.

    Feivy did have some poskim backing him here but they didn't control the shots like the corrupt Fressers.

    In any case, this is a dor yasom where the major gedolim are in Eretz Yisroel. If there are any major gedolim left in America, they are few & far between.

    Keep showing your true colors. Stopping sexual deviants who destroy children is "apikorsus" and the doctrine of the Cross, you say. This is even "better" than your famous war cry that Rav Yudel Shain is "WORSE THAN HITLER!". I have a funny feeling that the oylam Hatorah couldn't care less what you think in defense of Bryks and the other menuvolim & will stick with Feivy, Rav Elyashev, R' Shlomo Zalman, Rav Waldenberg, Rav Wosner, Rav Sternbuch, etc, etc, etc, that the deviants have a din roidef and their antics outside a prison cell is a shter in yishuvoi shel oylam.

    1. If there are any major gedolim left in America, they are few & far between.
      Another shtick apikoorsoos.

    2. Love the way you combine the current American “Achar” with all accepted Israeli gedolim in one meen/apikores sentence.

      And you have no clue who these gedolim are/were. Och oon vay that Paulie is considered you hero menuvel.


    Someone should tell Yahoo that it's not nice to operate illegally and then cover up a viral outbreak.

  11. A kid gets mad at his rebbi the next thing you know he is fired, jailed and ruined for life. By the time the bilbul is established it’s too late.
    All based on a menuvel‘s say so about “raglayim”. Blaming every godol for it.


    If you really KNOW Yahoo you won't be surprised that right after he was fined & ordered closed - which probably also means they have permanently banned him from operating camps which Cuomo has angrily ordered for violators after the Agudah spat in his face - this place in the Adirondacks which he owns & doubles as a hotel the rest of the year, has 'mysteriously' gone up in flames!

  13. Goody Goody HenchmanFri Aug 14, 10:05:00 AM 2020

    "Another blanket Heter to just go to “arkoois”

    WRONG! Going to the police about a crazed murderer with a knife is not bichlal arkoois. And our gedolei haposkim have ruled that there is no difference between the murderer with the knife & the molester with his weaponized hands.

    "How many “innocent” molesters has “Reb Elyashev’s” so called alteh “Heter” killed?"

    We see already! The gadol hador wrote a psak in his own handwriting which you belittle as a so called alteh heter and LIE that there was a terrible poel yotze (that never happened), thus smearing the gadol hador as not knowing what he was doing! You found your min takka - tzuzamen mit the molesters. And min is pun intended, another word for apikores which you are quick to label everyone else with. Geb a keek in shpiggel.

    "plenty of Paulie type self made shvitzers who went to report innocent people as molesters based on Paulie"

    You LIE, LIE, LIE! It is very rare that false molester accusations are made. One reason in fact why Rishonim accepted accusations against molesters without regular edus is because a normal person will not announce they are a victim of such crimes unless it is true. For the rare abnormal person who makes it up, there are techniques to sort out if it is true or not which the police & courts can do, azoy vee shtreibt inzerre posek hador Rav Elyashev ztl.

    "A kid gets mad at his rebbi the next thing you know he is fired, jailed and ruined for life."

    Wow, you & mechuton Bryks are still trying to get mileage after all the years, out of that dumb, untrue line! It does hoodwink a few very ignorant people however which is why the Agudah Fressers briefly started repeating it when they were embarrassed that NY Magazine exposed them that Belsky, with his bloodcurdling screams that he was known for when getting angry, terrorized Kolko's little victims tze shveigen in Camp Agudah.

    After your 5 angry outbursts in a row last night in a matter of minutes to pollute Yudelstake, you've got nothing except having insulted a bunch of gedolim. Now tell the mechuton tze gein tzerik tze Vinnepeg where police want to question him.

    1. So let’s see what your “Rebbi moovhag” Paulie had to say about Gedolim.

      Will start with 1 sample and pre- apologize on the chillul HaShem.

      Here is one of those Paulie’s pesakim (direct quote):

      "R' Elyashiv today is doing more harm than good to the ENTIRE klal, that includes all jews from all stripes."

      There is plenty more on all gedolim including those from hundreds of years ago.

  14. Goody Goody HenchmanMon Aug 17, 11:21:00 AM 2020

    Now you are following in the footsteps of Belsky's hitman Neuhoff and some Skverrorists who are angry that Feivy exposed gabboyim of the Rebbe molesting kids in the mansion when the Rebbe was home but in a different room. When the police came for them, they had already been tipped off & put on a plane for Israel. Their shtick is go look for lame diyukim in the blogs to scream gotcha!

    First of all, the older version UOJ blogs are full of ziyuf because they were hacked by agents for Margulies who then proceeded to make Feivy look like a monster. After they managed to breach a few blog versions, Feivy hired a couple of tech mumchim who were finally able to stop them. One hire was a VP from IBM and the other was a computer whiz from the NYPD Intelligence division.

    Let's assume for a moment the particular Rav Elyashev shtikel is not mezuyef. When a ben Torah expressed shock at the post, the explanation he is given by someone signing as Mendlowitz is that the intention is not against Rav Elyashev personally but the band of gangsters who surround him.

    On the final version of the blog that was never breached, Feivy speaks highly of Rav Elyashev ztl himself.

    Now try to delicately extract your foot from your mouth without injuring yourself. Surely even you will not dare attack the many roshei yeshiva as "apikorsim" who have issued the same complaint about a band of gangsters around Rav Elyashev who controlled the guest list and the topics of conversation.

  15. Some more ‘ heiligeh ‘ Thoughts that has deh zaideh spitting wooden nickels in his what he thought would be a makom menucheh:

    SHEINBOOR YOU'RE A MISERABLE SHEIGETZ!!!!” “Now this behaima wears 80 pairs of tzizis and walks around all day in his Tefillin.

    From the holy son Paulie.
