Thursday, August 13, 2020

Shindler's List- Behind the scenes at 5 Town Kashrus


There are a number towns that form the 5 Towns and Far Rockaway areas. It used to be a place where others went for the summer vacation, up un-till some 60 years ago. 

Then everything changed people either went to the Catskills or to many different vacation areas. Many Frum people moved to the Rockaways and the 5 Towns areas over the past few years. Of course, people need kosher food and people have various appetites and diets to fulfill, therefore all different types of establishments must be opened. Now the issue comes as to what standard in kashrus do we have to setup. It’s usually based on the type of clientele, modern orthodox, black hatters, etc. and everything in between. Very often, what happens is that a fellow from Monsey, Boro park, etc. opens a branch in the Rockaway 5 Towns area and he brings his current hashgocha with him. A group opened a hashgocha agency in the rockaways are geared to the black hatters as that was their market at the time.

A number of Young Israel type of Rabbis decided that we have some 25 plus synagogues in the area, so we need a kashrus Organization that caters to our type of clientele. They worked hard to bring the Rockaways vaad under their wing as well it was operating on some form of Auto-pilot. And as the Administrator of the 5 Town vaad stated numerous times “the Vaad’s kashrus standards are not what I would like it to be, as my hands are tied by the local Rabbonim”. The Rockaways vaad had officially a black hatter kashrus standard, once the 5 Town vaad merged the Rockaway vaad into their own, those standards went by the wayside. 

The question is what should be the kashrus standard in the rockaways and the 5 Towns?  There is the “list” maintained by the “K’hal Nesiv Hatorah” which was put together by the Vaad’s Administrator because “Nesiv” does not have anyone versed and experienced in foodservice kashrus. Is the “Nesiv” list sufficient for the black-hatters of the Rockaways and the 5 Towns? Others felt that the “list” does not satisfy their higher kashrus standards and started the Mehadrin of the Five Towns Hashgocha, they currently certify 3 establishments. At this time, the Mehadrin hashgocha is maintaining the same standards and the same Mashgichim as was previously when the Vaad had the Hashgochas on the 3 establishments, so there is no changes in the kashrus standards that took place at all.

What are the current kashrus standards in the 5 Towns / Rockaways? The Vaad says they are straight OU all the way. Originally the Rockaway Hashgocha standard was somewhat better, e.g. pas Yisroel, cholov Yisroel, etc. The “List” is basically the Kehilla Hashgocha standards. Mehadrin is planning to upgrade to a black-hatters standard, is the community ready for that kashrus standard? Time will tell.

Is the Vaad living up to the OU kashrus standards? Is the “list” living up to Kehilla standards? Is Kehilla standards what the black-hatters are satisfied with? There are numerous kashrus issues in the Vaad’s Hashgocha and in the establishments on the “List”. Among those kashrus concerns are; Bishul-akum, Bossur-she’nisalem, infestation, unreliable sources of meat and poultry, acceptable pre-checked fruits & vegetables, their in-house Bedikas toloyim, the Vaad does not back their mashgichim, the Vaad allows Mashgichim to get paid peanuts, and to be abused by management, etc., the methods for checking and cleaning from infestation are nice in theory only, but lacking much in fact, they sell un-broiled liver-a violation of OU policy.

We will not divulge at this time the sources of our information, for obvious reasons. The Vaad kashrus standards are lacking greatly in living up to OU kashrus standards. The “List” is lacking greatly in having a true standard for members of K’hal Nesiv Hatorah congregants. Mehadrin kashrus is lacking much in administration, etc.

The “list” is very misleading and fooling the ones that follow the list and think they have some standard of kashrus that they may feel comfortable to rely on. It may not be the fault of the Rabbi and his associate that the list is lacking much in a level of comfort to be relied upon, but it’s nonetheless still their problem. Schindler’s list was very reliable. The Vaad on the other hand (also the provider of the unreliable “list”) is defrauding the kosher consumers in the 5 Towns as to the kashrus standards the kosher consumer is getting. The Mehadrin Hashgocha should get their act together.

Now we will comment on some of the items on the “Nesiv’s” Mehudar “list”.

1-    A mashgiach that goes out for errands and to daven at specific times is a serious issue.

2-    Re: convection oven by-pass, should shut the fan but not the fire.

3-    No Admiration brand products, etc. Admiration has a new name and many of your acceptable “heimish Hashgocha make their products there, so who are you fooling?

4-    Margarine from Heimish only, the OU does a better kashering that many of the Heimish.

5-    The “list” has items listed that “only heimish brands” many of them are made in non-kosher kashering required. The OU has from facilities that are “all-kosher” no-kashering required.

6-    Re: canned Tuna fish requirements; Star-K tuna, we are in possession of Star-k Tuna cans Bishul Yisroel, mashgiach Temidi that contained “clam” and were cooked on Shabbos, and no mashgiach at all.

7-    What is fish worm issues “to be discussed”?

8-    Eggs checked for blood spots, by Shomer Shabbos or non-Jewish workers? many come from farms that have roosters.

9-    The Bodek and pardes strawberries were found numerous times to be infested.

10- Blueberries have mites and scale insects and washing does not work.

11- Meat and poultry sources; the list has “Rosenblatt under KCL”, the KCL hasn’t been on Rosenblatt since 2013 (almost 10 years). We would not have had it on the “list”, even when they did certify.

12- Some of the “list” approved sources were rejected by Hebrew National’s Hashgocha as it ‘doesn’t meet their Hebrew National’s kashrus standards”.

Do we have to say more? 

Should We be working on some practical ideas on making it happen realistically?

Waiting for feedback to

That’s why there is so much “timtum Ha’lev” in the 5 Towns, R”L


  1. When you say 5TV is behind the OU, that would be an old OU standard. Belsky seemed to have been in a big hurry to downgrade all kids of OU standards in the last decade he was there with his manufacturing of heterim. Of course this applies to all kinds of infestation issues. He even had an excuse why basar shenisalaim kimat never becomes assur.

    1. It happens to be that there many many ways around Basra shenisalem which if you studied a bit of Halacha you would know them.



    "From the beginning of 1944, the bodies of the executed prisoners were exhumed and burnt"

    The Nazi animal with human appearance, Amon Goth, Kommandant of the Krakow ghetto & attached Plaszow lager, received an unusual order from Berlin. That even the Yidden they already killed must all be dug up from the mass graves & burned. The Nazis were not known to have done this anywhere else.

    It might have something to do with the infamous Moish Finkel-like character brothers who fed treifenna fleish to the gantz kehilla.

    The Nazis even tried to dig up every kever in the kehilla's alter feld. They were almost 100% successful but obstructions min Hashomayim prevented them from disturbing the Ramoh & the tzaddik nistar known as "Yagid alav rayehu"

  3. Queens Vaad Cover Up Rinse RepeatThu Aug 13, 09:10:00 PM 2020

    So 5 Towns there is still what to salvage.

    But Queens ...

    1. Yeh.
      In Queens they even cash in the salvage.
      Especially in CooGarden’s block.
      No hope there as long as your there.
      As you plaster all over, in Queens it’s beyond timtum. Only you could know something like that since it only concerns you.
      Chazsk ve’ematz. Keep up the BBQs and support all the non hashgacha establishments.

    2. Yeh.
      In Queens they even cash in the salvage.
      Especially in CooGarden’s block.
      No hope there as long as your there.
      As you plaster all over, in Queens it’s beyond timtum. Only you could know something like that since it only concerns you.
      Chazsk ve’ematz. Keep up the BBQs and support all the non hashgacha establishments.

    3. Is there any hashgacha with full transparency?
      Did 105 Clifton have full transparency? Are they still around with all the transparency?

  4. “At this time, the Mehadrin hashgocha is maintaining the same standards and the same Mashgichim as was previously when the Vaad had the Hashgochas on the 3 establishments, so there is no changes in the kashrus standards that took place at all”
    Why would you say that?
    If he is a mashgiach now representing the”better” hashgacha with higher standards it goes without saying that this same mashgiach is enforcing the higher standards. Why would anyone think otherwise? If this old mashgiach can’t enforce the higher standards why would the new hashgacha keep him??

  5. The point of this post is very simple:
    If it ain’t MY standards then it’s as treif as it comes.
    May as well go to Buger King. You’ll save money and the Timtum will remain at the current level.
    Fortunately, many many Black hatter Poskim and Rabbonim do not agree with all those “my standards” facts and figures and therefore they do approve and eat in some of those establishments.
    Another “monkey wrench” in this post is:
    The “kashrusy” folks always demand to know all details about everything and if not disclosed its automatically disqualified based on “Educated consumer has the right to know everything” motto.
    But when it comes to disclosing everything that the “kashrusy” folks know then the same educated or uneducated consumer has no right to know “for obvious reasons”. A bit inconsistent, maybe a lot inconsistent.
    Then there is the bottom line. Every local town, black hat, modern, chasidish, litvish, American or of any other denomination has no obligation to check in with every Tom, Dick and Harry to get approval for their pesokim, policies on any issue, kashrus related or any other issues. They are Rabbonim and they every right to set things as they see.
    It’s us also a bit odd that in the hometown of “kashrusy” they also do not follow any of “kashrusy” standards. Why would any one else follow them?

  6. Oh you know all about cashing in, especially client funds at the old law firm and then hiding out in the Holy Land.

    How's Florida by the way?

    Who's first in line to grab this account? Will Chaimel lay claim for Queens Vaad? Or will it be a Lefferts style operation with West Side Kosher supplying the essen?

    1. It may be the non-hashgacha guy looking for another deal to make quick $$$. While saving on expenses and fooling the customers that he is mire kosher then all others.

  7. And there are many, many ways to stretch halacha into heterim that are very veit and even bogus, which you, 10:50 pm, are obviously an insider who knows all about Belsky heterim so you don't need a tutorial.

    1. For legit Heterim you gotto study Halacha not surf and search for all Loshon Horah about gedolim who you despise.

  8. Notice that in the 31 minutes before 11 pm last night there are a bunch of comments here calculated to undermine R' Yudel's taynos on 5 Towns Vaad.

    And notice that on another Yudelstake thread there are a bunch of comments, also in the half hour slot before 11 pm, that attempt to undermine the consensus of the gedolei haposkim against molesters.

    All the comments in both places have similar style.


    Because it's the same shvantz who works at West Side Kosher who supply all the 5 Towns gesheften who this shvantz happens to have the biggest sinah of R' Yudel on the planet.

    And his parents are mechutonim with infamous molesters which is why he goes around even talking in his sleep with all kinds of dishonest talking points to protect molesters.

    1. Another Sample of “Raglayim“ proof used “Same old...” and his Apikores Hero Paulie to “kill” innocent people based on their “unsubstantiated” proof.

  9. Someone was meoirer al pi R' Akiva Eiger about selfish Monsey people who en masse refuse to wear masks among the immunodeficient

    And above we have someone making a hekesh from Finkel to some alter Poilisher lowlives

    See here

    There is something more to this, it is klor, that has to do with these scandals of a whole city being sustained for years from treif. It's the word timtum which you may have seen R' Yudel apply in different instances.

    As someone who does gesheft with the oylam in various heimishe kehillos, I am sad to say that there is more genayvishe shtick as well as ohn-mentchlichkeit in Monsey than in many other kehillos combined, that even include Brooklyn & 5 Towns. Who could have imagined that some lousy Puerto Rican chickens could be gorem such unTorah-like behavior?

  10. the Sgan to King Joe at the 5 Towns Vaad is the administrator of the South Shore Vaad

    Rabbi Yisrael Moshen, Kashrus Administrator

    Rabbi Moshen, one of the areas foremost experts in Kosher supervision, serves as the Kashrus Administrator of the SSVK. A native of Manhattan, Rabbi Moshen came to Long Island as a member of the Kollel of Yeshiva Darchei Torah for the last decade. He is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the certified establishments and mashgichim. With his hands-on approach, he personally inspects each establishment multiple times a week.

    Rabbi Moshen, also currently serves as the Assistant Administrator of the Five Towns Vaad HaKashrus, where he works directly under Rabbi Yosef Eisen, an internationally recognized expert, to supervise the entire apparatus of the Far Rockaway/Five Towns Vaad. Rabbi Moshen maintains regular contact with many other Kashrus professionals to stay on top of industry developments.

  11. Belsky did away with chosamos & simanim for transported fleish.

    What school of "halacha" is that? Neolog or Zacharias Frankel?

    1. Never ever saw meat being transported without simanim.
      Not see what you saw in your dreams. It was never Real.

  12. Who's the shvantz that works at westside that has this hatred to yudel?
    Did the mohel announce at the shvantz's bris "nis'galeh-ha'atorah"?

    Well it's time to be migalleh who he is.

    1. ... announce at the shvantz's bris "nis'galeh-ha'atorah"?

      How does Horav Ginsberg Shlit’a get into your hate list?

  13. Yudel, I'll contact you about Yisrael moshen for as you call it "the rest of the story".

    But you must publicize in a way that I'm not outed, I'm not Flynn.

    I see you are very careful to protect your sources.

    1. Premeditated Moitzee Shem Rah / Loshon Horah.
      Only from the guy who is afraid to get outted for his lies.

  14. Toishav East Ramapo DistrictSun Aug 16, 02:33:00 AM 2020

    I hate to say it that I do not dispute Mr. "Metamtem Lev Monsey". I have been ripped off at least once in almost every single retail store that I've shopped at in Monsey and I have been defrauded or cheated in some way by almost every single contractor in town that I've hired. The local yeshivos ketanos are mostly acting with despicable behavior and not being mechanech properly which is theft of tuition on some level & breach of trust and duty. Loads of play groups are run by horrible machshayfos who pull so many shticklach to steal from client mishpochos that you are floored when learning of it. The worst offenders are the ones running the play groups that aren't packed - those are usually the ones where the woman is either mentally ill or a pathological thief and/or abusive to the kinderlach. There are some (& I stress some) yeshivos gedolos who are in much better shape with mentchlich, Toradik rosh yeshiva & hanhala. In one of these cases however, a rebbitzen of someone on a hanhala, who treats her choshuva husband like dirt, has been swindling people in the community. Long story.

    A lot of kashrus related details, forget it, even when Mevakshei claim they are on top of it. And why is Newday selling old fleish (probably recycled from their other supermarkets)? And why are some supermarkets pretending they have to charge tax on non-taxable items? Are they putting the "tax" in their pocket?

    When the downgraded Hurricane Yeshaya ripped through here recently wind speeds had actually picked up again to over 70 mph so there were many downed trees. It was a disgrace how all the roofing companies - both goyish & heimish - started behaving like a greedy cartel to extort victims of damage. They hyperinflated the price of everything knowing that homeowners were terrified of the next time it rains through the hole in their roof. They were all demanding the same highway robbery prices as if they all price fixed in tandem which is very likely. $700 to start with a tarp on your roof no matter how small the hole. To fix the hole in the next 2 weeks there is a surcharge of another $700. If they could they also inflated the price of the actual fix. I had a small opening that they demanded $3000 total for. I told them to jump in the lake even though I didn't know what I would do. Boruch Hashem I was sent a shaliach min haShomayim, a contractor with some roof experience who did the so called $3000 job for a 1/20th fraction of the cost which was even less because included in the price was any other repairs around the house for up to an hour.

    1. Such a terrible terrible place to reside in but your still there!!!!
      Why would you complain about the timtum, dishonesty, and all other terrible midos in that town while you seem to love your little mansion your in???
      Move. Move.Move.
      Now. Now. Now.

  15. Does Mendlovic know Margulies from Satmar? Residents filing complaints get anonymous, threatening phone calls

    After state officials ordered closure of Jewish hotels & camps for violating COVID guidelines, dozens of additional visitors arrived in the village, according to Mayor Fred Woller.

    “Busloads of students just pulled up at the yeshiva,” Woller wrote to community members. “I'm frustrated beyond the edge.”

    Another busload arrived Tuesday, according to Janet Becker, resident.

    “We expect them, but this summer's different. They’re not protecting us if carrying the virus. The rest of us don’t want to be infected.”

    Becker, who's blind as the result of autoimmune disease that left her compromised, said “the last thing I want is COVID. I’m cautious; I don’t go to the supermarket. I can’t walk my seeing-eye dog without someone else because I can’t see who’s without a mask.”

    Becker observed an influx of 14+ year olds throughout the village & suspected it's Timber Lake Camp in Shandaken, known to host large populations of Jewish campers.

    “They argue gatherings are part of religious instruction, but they do all things a camper would, including basketball. Why are they different than any other kid? Why are they above the law?”

    The State Dept of Health issued cease & desists to 6 village businesses after finding them in violation, but Woller & other officials suspect hundreds of hotel occupants were dispersed among private residences.

    Woller met with state officials after the latest wave of visitors.

    “DOH will hold all camp operators accountable,” reps said. “As these are active investigations, we can't comment.”

    Marilyn Ringel's residence is “right in the middle. I see the show unraveling. I’d call it a circus, but a circus is organized. This is very unorganized chaos. Me & my neighbors just want a healthy community.”

    Ringel witnessed boys going in rooms at Flagstone with flashlights & driven to houses in the middle of the night.

    State Police responded to a late night campfire in the parking lot of Flagstone, she said.

    Flagstone has been site of multiple complaints, according to Troop C Info Officer Aga Dembinska.

    On July 18, troopers responded to children playing basketball without masks. With no power to enforce state regs, troopers reported the incident to the village & the state health dept.

    “We respond to any complaint, but we can only educate,” Dembinska said, adding a disorderly conduct citation could be issued if someone “adamantly doesn't wear a mask.”

    Troopers respond to complaints about chanting & singing, which disperse before their arrival.

    On July 12, troopers spoke with the director of a camp who informed them of a “no mask, no entry” policy, Dembinska said. “We didn’t see anybody not wearing a mask, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t just put one on when they saw us pull up.”

    Becker said Mendlovic’s son Abe called her an “anti-Semitic Jew” in response to speaking up about COVID transgressions.

    “This has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. I’m Jewish, but I don’t practice the level they do. They’re lovely. They have every right to be here. I don’t agree with them because of COVID.”

    Victoria Szerko, resident, said she & her friends receive threatening, anonymous calls with ominous messages such as “what goes around, comes around.”

    “People feel emboldened if there are no consequences. Mendlovic is untouchable.”

    Szerko is concerned for her 77 year old husband with pulmonary disease & lupus.

    “People walk around not wearing masks. The visitors seem to not care,” Szerko continued, citing complaints about noise & garbage in the streets. “It’s disconcerting people aren't following the law.”

    “The law applies to everybody. No one’s picking on anybody,” Ringel said. “Most are on the same page. We don’t want others getting sick. I can't wait for summer to be over.”

  16. Moshen from the hashgochos is a big Yankel Bender guy.

    Bender has been on the wrong side of every Klal issue for the last 40 years.

    He was at the first assifas ra-bonim nogaya Kolko in the early 80s which the no goodniks in attendance decided to cover it up.

    Every long while that all FR-5 Towns rabbonim decide in almost complete unison to take a stand against a lowlife, Bender is the dissident sticking out like a sore thumb who fights them tooth & nail that they have to cover up. He did it for Shmuel Hiller who finally ended up in jail where he belongs. And he did it for menuvol Dovid Weinberger. And then he did it for Belsky when Belsky belligerently stuck his nose where it didn't belong, trying to attack all the rabbonim after they FINALLY took a stand against Weinberger who many of them knew he was a rampant molester & noyef for many years. Most recently, Bender only removed from Darchei the molester brother of Elly Kleinman after it became a public relations nightmare even by the goyim, that was too difficult to continue covering up.

    Bender is also infamous at Darchei for doing all the catering to the rich, moderner Lawrence crowd at the expense of FR bnei Torah. He gives Lawrence the better rebbeyim even though FR are the ones who stay in lernen. Bender has a shtick at the Lawrence simchos that is a potch in ponim to his rebbeyim. He makes absurd comments to be mechanef the Lawrence machers, like that Darchei is proud to produce top notch talmidei chochomim, and separately lawyers / MBAs from Harvard, that both outcomes are stellar accomplishments of his at Darchei.

    Put the above side by side with the kashrus. Area kashrus was downgraded to cater to rich, selfish fressers who live on the 5 Towns side, at the expense of the FR bnei Torah.

  17. Watch out for the Monsey plumber who is a Satmar Tuna Beigel who several of his relatives were arrested after FBI raids for an unconnected crime nogaya billing the government for internet that was never installed at Chassidishe yeshivos.

    This plumber has various minhugim how to steal from you. One unusual one is when you give him a paper check that has the account # & routing # printed on the bottom, he knows how to access your bank account online, and he drains it, hoping you won't notice. The banks tell you the stolen money was transferred to his account. Electronic checks do not give any information for ramoyim to be able to do that.

    Big Poskim bring from sifrei Kabbolah that the ruchos feering pandemics hate shakronim more than other types of avaryonim. I don't wish anyone such harm and I don't know whether or not this Tuna Beigel is still around, but two other plumbers in town who were shvindling customers are no longer alive. One of them would dump water & tell you there is a leak. A baal kishron customer sensed something didn't add up so he had the "leak" audited. Turns out the shvindler was so sloppy that he mistakenly picked the wrong section of piping to manufacture the "leak", in a place where it's not shayach.

  18. An exception to all the illegal behavior in Fleischmanns is the Oppenheimer mishpocho who own the hotel under KAJ. State & local officials were praising them for their cooperation & kiddush Hashem behavior. The only reason that hotel had to briefly close was due to a sudden, unexpected change in the law, which the Oppenheimers immediately shut down to quickly get back in compliance.

  19. The owner of "West Side Kosher" is also a Pesach hotel operator, specifically of the place with non-Shmura matzos that Zushe Blech was making excuses that it's completely fine that he certifies such a menu while putting on his Charedi & mehadrin kashrus act. Did Zusha ever have the opportunity to meet the great mind that thinks alike, Chaim Schwartz?

    They've also been bringing a professional comedian to the hotel to be mekayem uvMoishov Letzim loi yoshov and various other "hiddurim". Even IF this is not the typical comedian who speaks filthy words & makes jokes about znus, he definitely has an agenda that comes from a very huge & special chip oif zein playtzes. (There is actually a Jerusalem Post article about him and his jokes vegen znus that some bottom barrel people think are entertaining)

    Wherever this funny man goes al kol ponim, he is very serious in bashing rabbonim for being makpid to not allow goyim into Klal Yisroel, only gerei tzedek who are mekabel mitzvos. Why is the funny man angrily picking this bone against the Torah? It's because while he once incorrectly said in an interview that he was raised "Modern Orthodox", other newspapers have reported the truth about funny man's background. After attending Solomon Schlechter, he went to Israel to join the IDF. When he met a girl & wanted to get married, the Rabbanut investigated & said no way, Jose! It turns out funny man's mother was aino Yehudis but claims to have converted with a "frum" rabbi. It was at best an Open Orthodoxer because beis din investigators discovered that the mother "learned" with a Conservative "rabbi" to prepare for "gerus".

    Even when there is no monkey business on the trucks or from a mashgiach blogging instead of watching the slop that they farkoif, you get it all from West Side Kosher, even "Torahdik" hashkofos!

  20. Very disappointed with the new Bingo for many reasons. Even besides that they let the Hungarian peasants refuse with tekifus to wear masks because only the bottom line of sales matters and the peasants are the roiv.

    Is there a catch to Bingo's cheap prices? I really think so. My wife was already refusing Newday beef-chicken which someone correctly notes is often old - and they've long been injecting water to increase weight. But now she doesn't want Bingo's Birdsboro which she found to be old & poor quality. And we threw out a large package of Postiv romaine from Bingo. We got the Postiv right when it was off the delivery and not yet stacked on the shelves. The entire delivery were all deep-darker than usual green leaves because they were overripe, in other words, old. The moment we opened the package it smelled funky and tasted so horrible it was inedible. Is Bingo buying what are in essence damaged goods at a discount, while the producers send the grade A quality everywhere else?

  21. Like in most kehillos there are those who put tremendous pressure to cover up for the establishment

    So we owe groissen shkoiech to Dayan Amram Honig (originally from Monsey) that he wouldn't cave in to them and had this tzettl put out after he called in the rabbonim from Belz, Satmar, Vizhnitz, Skver, Pshevorsk and more, to read them the Riot Act.


    Proposed fixes

  23. Vos iz shlecht? Agri product was old & sometimes rotting, for yeeeeearrrrs, before & after the INS raid.

  24. Spotlight on the Queens VaadMon Aug 17, 11:45:00 AM 2020

    When Joel Schonfeld received complaints about Mexican delivery boys from supermarkets dropping off chopped liver containers that were unsealed with no siman, he pulled rank that he is also a big shot at the OU and that Belsky is mattir.

    1. Mexican delivery boys delivered in Qveens ONLY. Nowhere else.
      All other places in the whole wide world everything was, is, and will be sealed (sealed here means some tape on the bag / box)
      The Sonay Yehidim checked all over and found Qveens is the only place that things are not sealed and the only place that Mexicans are used exclusively for delivering meats only.

  25. Sun Aug 16, 10:04:00 AM 2020

    Every principle in the world wishes, dreams and does all they can to have a super super successful yeshivah complex as Horav Yankel Bender Shlit'a.
    The biggest plus is he does not discriminate. Any and all students are welcome to Darchai with open hands. AND Horav Bender Shlit'a is successful with each and every talmid.

    He would even accept Paulie's children (Lucky for Klal Yisroel he lives in the boondocks, eating his Raiderette, as in Raisinette, from his infamous 'lunch bags' for lunch - To paraphrase the menuvel himself - ).

    Though luck for you fresser, Moderneh, lawrence guys lables. HoRav Bender is one of the most Choshuv'teh Rabbonim in this world.

    Eat your heart out.

  26. Sun Aug 16, 10:36:00 AM 2020

    These Chasidhishe/Rebbishe mahsis are great for Motzoay Shabbos, as is the minhag bah inns inn deh heim as brought down inn the Sfoorim Hakedoishim from sifrei Kabbolah.

  27. Sun Aug 16, 01:13:00 PM 2020

    They all follow your Rebbe - Madrich - Rosh Hayeshivah Moovhawk's favorite Comdian Geltfound.

    Mostly gone in 'bankruptcy' in order to avoid spending it on his heiligeh Zaideh's (who is rolling in his 'makom menuche' from unbearable pain due to the holy einikel's mahsim toivim) Ooor-einiklach's Mammeh.

  28. Pay Yudel and all will be fine

  29. Sun Aug 16, 01:30:00 PM 2020

    The problem is Bingo has a hashgacha. If you get your delivery from the non-hashgacha Gesheft on Leffers you will not have ANY issues.

  30. Nu CooGardneh where are your proposed fixes???
    Like using stores with hashgacha and not BBQing after chatzos on fridays and evrev yontov.
    Keeping the laws of Loshon Horah etc. and following gedolim's pesoki, even if you can't comprehend them +++++ ????

  31. There is a small handful of Satmar chevra, not all of them, who have no mussag we are in Golus and for years have been causing tremendous chilul Hashem in Greene County villages such as Fleischmanns. While some business owners and private home owners have been the problem and have even battled other frumma Yidden, both modern orthodox & yeshivish, some others in Satmar have BH behaved themselves. The year round Satmar yeshiva in Fleischmanns acted in the same admirable manner as the Oppenheimers, also drawing praise from govt officials.

  32. Agudah Fresser Way or the HighwayMon Aug 17, 01:15:00 PM 2020

    Will the Philly-led Agudah Fressers ever learn?

    Telz-Chicago rosh yeshiva & Moetzes member R' Chaim Dov Keller has dropped dead from the virus and the Pittsburgher Rebbe is in the ICU.

    Meanwhile the Fressers are sticking their noses into the affairs of many more yeshivos than usual with their modern orthodox quack doctor Daniel Berman to make life miserable for mishpochos who won't send their kids back in 2 weeks to crowded classrooms. They plan to violate laws while causing politically-motivated harm (besides virus harm) to whoever doesn't submit like lemmelach to their death wishes.

    Berman is grada not only the Fresser apologist for pro-virus & anti-vaxx, but he was first discovered by Satmar & made as their tool to cover up mohelim giving deadly viruses to infants b'oyfan which was already assered in the Heim by R' Chaim Brisker & R' Chaim Oizer.

    1. Why don’t keep you Torahdik comments in CA???


    Michael Leon, who lives in Woodmere where the largest initial outbreak of Cobid-19 took place in the Five Towns posted on Facebook. “This is outrageous. Camp Shoresh apparently knew campers were displaying symptoms and did not have the courtesy to have them tested.” Leon went on to write that, “unfortunately some people in this community just do not take this issue seriously enough.”

    On Camp Shoresh’s website there is a six-page listing of its Covid-19 protocols. According to its mission it is, "a camp for teenage boys, focused on helping mold well rounded Bnei-Torah and athletes." The goal, camp officials stated on the site is to teach the fundamentals of several sports through daily clinics, leagues, and intercamps with role models and teachers. The camp aims to combine Torah, sports and fun trips and activities designed to ensure an "incredible summer experience" for the campers.

    As of press time calls to the camp for comment were not returned.


    100s of children packed in buses & brought to 6+ Jewish camps in Ulster County, triggered a battle with officials who asked a judge to shut the facilities allegedly violating zoning & COVID restrictions.

    The 6 camps & at least one operated as a school, are in Wawarsing, at the base of the Catskills.

    The town also received reports buses drive campers from Brooklyn to neighboring Sullivan Co. at night, to stay at other camps.

    Jeff Kaplan, attorney who reps the camps, said 2 camps don't host children. Rather, families stay on site.

    Kaplan said town enforcement wander from one issue to another, after it's clear children don't stay overnight.

    "The town goal was whether authorized by the state or not, they don’t want camps. Town officials grasp for areas not part of the allegations."

    After police responded to the large camp, Rav Tov in Wawarsing, Phil Mattracion, police chief in Ellenville, wrote Wawarsing Supervisor Terry Houck describing the scene.

    "Upon arrival I observe numerous buses dropping off 100s. People walk in large groups off buses filled to capacity. No one had masks or social distanced. When the pandemic takes hold & we have executive orders, the camp put 100s lives at stake, and the safety of this community."

    Mattracion said a rabbi assured him they follow DOH guidelines & take temperatures. The chief responded to assist State Police after a motorist complained a bus forced him off the road & that the town asked him to document what he saw.

    Houck declined comment on litigation & enforcement, but said the town's concerned about safety of all visitors & residents.

    John Bailey, attorney for the town, said code officers were denied access to the camps so they obtained a court order. They found inoperable smoke detectors, stove without exhaust & barricaded doors.

    "It's clear they operate overnight camps, permitted or not. Kaplan admits to the Times Union there are people sleeping in camps. It's clear there are many 100s of children ferried around jam packed buses without distancing & masks. The town hasn't been provided their plan."

    Code officers have difficulty investigating because operators prevent them from entering or only consent if given a day's notice.

    It's unclear how many people stay overnight.

    Camp operators waged a counterattack, obtaining temporary residence permits from the County. And a group representing many camps filed a federal suit challenging Cuomo. The lawsuit is pending.

    In a parallel battle, Wawarsing filed in state Supreme Court asking a judge to order the camps shut down, alleging violation of zoning & state virus orders.

    The town argues facilities permitted as "overnight" violate permits by hosting day camps with 100s of children bused each day, and failure to follow distancing & other requirements.

    The camps obtain temporary residence permits from the County & assert permits allow them to operate. But Kaplan, who's also mayor of Ellenville, said the permits were used at camps where parents & children stay in bungalows.

    The town contends temporary residence use "must be a permitted use for the District in which located & the owner must receive approvals + COs & permits." That hasn't been done.

    The petition includes an affidavit from Arkady Aleksandryants, neighbor of Rav Tov, who said camp buses park illegally on his property & he's observed 100s of children & buses loaded.

    "I observe children not wearing masks & not any distancing," Aleksandryants said.

    Agudath Israel's Assoc. of Jewish Camps didn't respond to request for comment. State DOH couldn't be reached.

    With courts slowed due to the pandemic, it's possible a permanent injunction shutting down the camps may not be resolved before they close for the season.

    1. Nebach. They won’t respond to this “Oihayv Yisroel” who’s sole purpose in life is to defend Jews and get positive from all sources.
      I wanna cry with him....

  35. Bending the truth for BenderMon Aug 17, 10:15:00 PM 2020

    "The biggest plus is he does not discriminate"

    What a joke. Yankel Bender opened Darchei's learning disabled division because $$ Ronny $$ had a child in need. But as soon as the billionaire's kid cycled out of there, it was suddenly & 'mysteriously' no longer available for other nitzrochim.

    Always a personal agenda with your propaganda. How many of your nephews & how many grandsons of molester mechuton Bryks are enrolled in Bender's place? Not everyone is as Liberal as Bender takka to take from families populated by multiple child rapists and where the father has a gambling problem. So yes, you will argue to death to defend Bender.

  36. How many readers were burned in the 1990s & are still owed money by that con artist Sfardi Chassidish wannabe who started opening seforim stores in Lakewood & elsewhere that suddenly went bust?

    He's been in Monsey for a while where he's got a new scam going. He is living the high life while crying poverty. It helps to have a cash business & weasel out of paying yeshiva tuition, but he also shnors wherever he can with both traditional and original methods. Except for Tomchei Shabbos, it's not small potatoes he's busy shaffing either. He's got it down to a science how to pull in the big bucks by duping gvirim and entire kehillos that he's an oremmer rachmunnes case. He also just finished building his THIRD shul in Monsey. So much for the old saying 'build it & they will come' because no one came to the last 2 shuls he built. He couldn't even get a tzenter when the first nine were his mishpuche + a bunch of volunteer Chabadskers trying to help out.

    At his house that looks plain outside but is a palace inside, he has been busy for the last 10 years fixing it up. He may have spent as much as $1 million on it!

    His latest shul is on Ackertown Rd. He was the big organizer at the height of the pandemic for illegal minyanim when even Rebbes were davening beyechidus at home. But even the idiots spreading the virus wouldn't daven by him so he had to go a Vizhnitzer ferd's garage minyan. The Ackertown house converted to his latest shul was put in the name of his eidim who is about 20 years old and doesn't have a cent. He himself has no credit to be eligible for a mortgage, especially after his vacation home in Fallsburg was foreclosed on.


    A source familiar with Israel’s Health Ministry told the Haredim 10 website this week that the increase in Haredi “red cities” is due to some Haredi Israelis’ disregard for the coronavirus guidelines. For example, the source mentioned a 19-year-old yeshiva student whose extended family members went on a weekend outing. The young man, who had been in contact with a verified coronavirus patient, did not want to miss the fun and decided to travel with his family, contrary to every conceivable Health Ministry guideline. As a result, 60 members of his family became infected – brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and children.

    In another case, a family that celebrated a bar mitzvah “did not abide by the rules, they put them down, they said, ‘Nonsense, we are just a family, no one will know.’ Everyone was infected by one brother-in-law who came to the Bar Mitzvah celebration even though he was supposed to be in solitary confinement – but decided to defy the guidelines. Now one of the family members is begging to arrange good care for their mother who has difficulty breathing and is suffering from high blood pressure,” the source said.

  38. All the above in preparation for Elul.
    At the rate we are going here they are postponing Elul for some more Summer fun.

  39. Over 80% of Pennsylvania summer camps did not open this year. The percentage is even higher in the Poconos.

    The #1 reason cited in many newspapers is because the operating restrictions were so severe that it just wasn't profitable or even feasible.

    So what does that tell you about inzerra heimisher camps that opened en masse in the Poconos as the 99% of the remaining percentage when including many more camps switching over in droves from NY, instigated by an organizatzia with a one track mind?

    You guessed! They are not following the laws! They are putting kids & staff lives at risk. And just wait until they all start coming home infected to a kehilla near you!

    What would Klal Yisroel do without Philly-controlled Agudah Fresser "leadership"?

  40. Sounds like “Christian Orthodox Jew” is taking over this site in cahoots with CooGardeneh. (The possibility that they are the same Apikoires is high)


    How dare that poster make fun of the people of the Cross when the Agudah keeps joining them in their corrupt, I mean righteous agendas to obstruct legislation that exposes both the Agudah & the Tiflus as enablers of crimes. Who cares that the gedolei Eretz Yisroel assered this behavior? Der ershter zach is to protect the Agudah pocketbook from lawsuits! You don't have to be any religion to understand that! What you am haaratzim out there really don't farshtey is that there are a lot more similarities between the Vatican & Agudah Fresserism than you realize. Agudah gedolim are completely infallible, just like the Pope they can never make an error. And just like Yoshke ben Pandora was a za rachman that he said to be moychel anyone for anything, the Rosh Agudah in Philly says that Kolko did teshuva despite Kolko not even getting to first base of hilchos teshuva vos shteit in Rambam & Shulchan Aruch. This brings us to another shita in Agudah Fresserism, that you cannot listen to gedolim from frierdik doros, whether the Rambam, Shulchan Aruch or Paulie's grandfather who wrote in a teshuva to fight corrupt rabbonim. You can only listen to Agudah gedolim of this dor vos voinen in Amerika!

    1. If Paulie could of done Teshuvah ( which he didn’t) according to the biggest COJ Chosid and shamash kal Vochomer Kolko already did Teshuvah.
      Teshuvah does not mean following that LA Christian with the Shitef GeltFound.


    A fire started in the kitchen destroyed the bunkhouse at The Zone in Gilboa, 2 days after owners were notified they face $60,000+ in fines for violating COVID regulations.

    The fire remains under investigation by New York State Fire Prevention & Control.

    While COVID concerns - Oorah's charged with illegally operating a childrens camp - are new, safety concerns at the former Golden Acres Farm & Ranch Resort are not.

    Code Officer Brian Caron updated Town Supervisor Alicia Terry & councilmen on issues inspecting the campus & getting needed repairs done.

    And 2 years ago, 6 fire depts were called to a full structure fire at Boys Zone Jefferson at the former Deer Run.

    Thick, black smoke from Wednesday’s fire could be seen miles away & it took 17 fire depts from 3 counties from 1:30 pm till midnight to extinguish it.

    Schoharie County Health Director Amy Gildemeister's office found significant electrical issues at the bunkhouse the day before the fire & an overflowing toilet may have contributed to the blaze.

    “We’ve been trying to shut them down for weeks,” for COVID violations, she said.

    According to Dr. Gildemeister, $60,000 in fines came after Oorah ignored a cease & desist on July 29 after the Health Dept determined it's running a childrens camp - illegal under COVID & not what Oorah claimed in its safety plan & permit.

    Girls Zone had been allowed as a hotel after State DOH gave its okay, Gildemeister said; by definition, that means children under 15 must be with their parent.

    But when staff visited the camp after complaints from neighbors - immediately after it opened - that crowds both there and out & about weren’t following COVID restrictions, Dr. Gildemeister found 30+ underage children on their own.

    Campers were using facilities like bumper boats - specifically not allowed under the permit - and Instagram showed a large group of singers, unmasked & no social distancing with arms around each other.

    “It’s a children’s camp,” Gildemeister said.

    On July 29, her office issued a cease & desist shutting down the camp but because of Sabbath, Oorah was given until August 2 to leave.

    They didn’t leave - and filed their own stay order which was denied by a judge. On August 6, officials put up 80 notices of closure at the camp, but “Still they did not vacate,” Dr. Gildemeister said. “We heard many reports of activities over the weekend.”

    By the day before the fire, it did appear many campers left & others were getting ready to leave, she said.

    Fines are $2,000 a day Oorah remains open & owners could also face jail time.

    If campers test positive back home, her dept won’t necessarily be notified, she said.

    “There are a lot of wild cards.”

    Among them: whether campers, most from New York City / New Jersey, would even share they’d been upstate.

    Dr. Gildemeister said her office received several reports of girls with fevers allowed to return to camp or sent home; Oorah 'said' there have been no positive cases.

  43. That shvantz mit der dritter shul is the worst example in the shtot's history - and one of it's worst residents as there are hair raising reasons why he can't get a minyan. Ober fort, the head of Tomchei Shabbos Rockland, Alan Rosenstock, wrote a public letter a few years ago decrying the greedy & show off types or even those who don't have a clue in financial planning, who overextend themselves on mansions they could never afford. A little while after moving in, they are banging on Tomchei's door and they are running around shnorring to make simchos. Someone moved in to one of the most shpitz mansions in the Chestnut Ridge section and then these funny duck askonim start ringing doorbells for him. It came with a gantze hakdumma that the askonim have no money to give themselves but are asking the oylam to help the nebichel who is making a bar mitzva in 2 weeks and the bochur doesn't even have a suit.

    1. Kupas Ezra and Tomchay Shabbat have a lot more class then you.
      They would never ever second guess anyone in their finances. If he is needy, no matter why, that take care of them as is appropriate for a Eidel Zedakah organazation.
      This non sense you post here is just your angle on them and the world in general.

  44. Yosef Mokir ShabbatThu Aug 20, 07:38:00 PM 2020

    If you don't like the public musser then take it up with Rosenstock who was the mechaber.

    He's right. No one has a license to live like Malchus unless they were once rich & lost their money or someone who truly erred in financial forecasting. These con artists who use the Klal for personal get rich quick schemes should be exposed. The Mishnayos even say that if they lie in certain ways they will takka be exposed.
