Saturday, August 15, 2020

Final call-only available till a few more days- OLIVES


  1. Who is Rabbi Saltz? I know Moshe Binik zl had a son in law by that name. I think he might have worked for NPGS. Is that the same guy?

  2. FYI, the last time someone was pitching lease of karka in EY subdivided into tiny shticklach, I heard R' Zelig Epstein zl was very unimpressed, actually critical of it, and additionally thought there was too much shtick & hype attached to it. Though I spoke to R' Zelig on a regular basis, his time was limited & I had much more important questions for him that came first so I did not ask him personally. But I spoke to R' Moshe Fruchthandler who was in the Grodner Kollel & drove the rosh yeshiva every morning from Flatbush. He said the rosh yeshiva takka complained about it that way in the car one morning.

    1. You look like a “Bnai Yeshivah“ guy who has no time to sort out ALL your sfaikes.
      So for $36.00 you can take the Gamble that maybe maybe it is something to invest in.
      Nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  3. Could this be bichlal when the Brisker Rov said nisht ken mitzva tze zuchen mitzvos?

    One example that's zicher is the mayseh that R' Shmuel Yaakov Klein from Torah Umesorah says. He is a Gerrer with levush but it didn't stop a whacked out Chabadsker from asking him 'did you put on tefillin this morning?'

    The most hilarious, tzum zach, response from an adam gadol in these inyanim was from R' Shmuel Berenbaum. When there were assifos with rabbonim getting up to offer Agudah style puffery suggestions about a particular mitzva being the solution to Klal Yisroel's problemmen, R' Shmuel would approach the podium next while shaking his head, and utter "just learn" into the microphone and then step back down & return to beis medrash! LOL

  4. Rabbi Saltz is one of BMG's Poskim who answer's all kinds of Shailos.

    1. Is he the same fellow who worked at NPGS? There was a Saltz who's father in law owned a store in Brooklyn and wanted to open in Lakewood. His son in law wouldn't allow it as he worked for Zeev ob'm

  5. Quintessential Rosh Yeshiva of Klal YisroelMon Aug 17, 11:03:00 AM 2020

    Rav Schach ztl always said that learning gives more brocha than anything, including more than a brocha from an adam gadol.
