Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Yoshon / Chodosh Season is here

Oats have a cut off date of July 24, 2020. At this point all oat products need to be checked before purchasing except for General Mills and Post cereals that are Yoshon through September 1. 

Wheat has a cut off of August 6, 2020 with a purchase date of August 19, 2020. After that date, products need to be checked. 

Barley has a cut off date of August 9, 2020 with a purchase date of August 20th. After that date, products need to be checked. 

The Durum wheat harvest is behind normal schedule and is proceeding very slowly. There is NO chodosh durum wheat on the market at this time and products made with Durum wheat such as Pasta, DO NOT need to be checked yet. 

Please note that the production of the guide is delayed until we have a cut off date for durum wheat. 


  1. For some reason, every year there is another story why it gets earlier that year.

    At this rate, in a few years the Yoshon season will start the day after Pesach!

  2. 09:54:00 PM 2016

    Why wait a few years? Start to be MACHMIR this year already.
    It will look great on your "resume" for a shtelah.

  3. Whats the source of this info?
    The Herman list??
