Tuesday, August 25, 2020

ALERT- Due to all of the returnees from all over the world, Corona may be rampant-DON'T GO TO SIMCHAS, GETHERINGS, ETC


  1. Or ware a mask over mouth AND NOSE.

  2. Agudah Fresser Papal infallibility ComplexTue Aug 25, 01:52:00 PM 2020

    Mainly it's the returnees from bungalow colonies and illegally operating summer camps. Only a few of the virus outbreaks in these places made it into the newspapers. MOST OF THE OUTBREAKS ARE BEING COVERED UP. The Agudah Fressers know all about it but are still intent on shepherding all the kids in the next week into petri dish yeshivos.

    There they go again on a power trip that they are on the madraiga of Chazal that they can make a supernatural force protect us all from a pandemic if they just serve notice to the mazikim that they are on a holy mission.

    That really worked out well so far for the Novominsker, the Belzer and the 1000s of Yidden who expired when the Philly-controlled Agudah ignored all the doctors begging to shut down the Purim mesibos.

  3. How ignorant @ 12:06 pm

    Masks mostly help that infected people do not spread large particles to the uninfected.

    To be protected *from* sick people, an N95 - only if properly fitted on someone without a beard and without so much as stubble - will guard against 95% of even the smaller microscopic particles at the mouth & nose. However, properly fitted goggles are required to stop particles from infecting via mucous membranes of the eyes.

  4. Bobov 48, who have a lot of chassidim newly rushed to hospital, are warning all older & compromised Yidden to stay away from beis medrash.


  6. https://nypost.com/2020/08/25/nyc-banquet-halls-hosting-large-weddings-despite-covid-19-ban/

    Just when I was chalishing to overeat like at the Agudah Convention, the oylam started coming through again!

  7. Wed Aug 26, 12:42:00 AM 2020

    .... I was chalishing to overeat.....

    Mamesh ah moideh b'chooloy. with a name like Maniac Fresser he can't even deny what we knew all along.

  8. If they would use Hydroxychloroquine prophylacticly with zinc or quercetin instead of the Hydroxychloroquine no one would get infected and all problems solved. According to the CDC as of July 31, there is no research indicating that the masks are helpful in preventing the spread of Covid. There are actually other cures also that Hashem sent us but the cdc and NIH etc. are not interested as it would ruin their cash cow of the vaccines which the above organisations have a 51% share of profits.
    This real reason this will not happen is because we have to do Teshuvah and as Rav Eliyahu Brog (Kol Haloshon 7328068199 1,1,2,1,lecture 128) said the whole Covid19 is Midah Kineged Midah for what went on in 2019 by us. He enumerated 19 points that were Midah Kineged Midah. He spoke about how we didn't listen to our Gedolim and in 2019 terrible loshon Harah, Motzei Shem Rah and Lo Nahagu Kovod Zeh B'zeh was committed. He quoted from Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Dovid Schustal about the Loshon Harah Motzei Shem Rah that they were the aveiros for this Mageifah. He explained why it was for 10 weeks and also why people died in the hospitals due to neglect. He went on to explain how it had to do with with the kids that were thrown out of Shuls, Schools, Chasuna's were social distanced and were totally neglected in 2019 because they were not vaccinated. He said the Gedolim didn't hold that they should be thrown out but that they were anyway.
    I think Joe Biden is to scare us he will literally bring in socialism and communism into America and complete lawlessness. If we want to dictate how others should live their lives and treat people with my way or the highway and otherwise cancel them out then Joe Biden and the thugs of Antifa are the new norm.

  9. Our town had been a bright spot to recognize the danger of the virus & shut everything down early when most yeshivos followed the Fressers on the death march.

    But after R'Heshie Hirth & Rav Meir Stern were both incapacitated by illness, may they be well, the Philly-led Fressers have taken over here too with their so called poskim & their Modern Orthodox quack doctor proxy, Daniel Berman.

    There are now dozens of new infections in Passaic from camp returnees & guests at crowded chassunos. But Berman has told them to go ahead with opening the yeshivos where in the limited spaces, kids are packed sardine style on top of kids, on top of kids. Berman claims with the thousands of kids there, you can TRRRUST the parents to self report any infectious contact or symptoms. Berman of course knows there is a sizable population of anti-vaxx families, plus those pressured from work to utilize available child care aka the yeshivos, which to them comes before caring less about anyone's gezunt.

  10. Wed Aug 26, 11:48:00 PM 2020

    Thank you for your words, Rabbi &/or Doctor.

  11. Aye Passaic.

    What does the West Coast Pope Paulie say to do?
    He is the Rosh Avoidah Zarah and we all must follow him, As you have finally succeeded in being maisis oomadiach the whole Yeshivah world with the exception of the 'Fressers'. B'H there are plenty 'Fressers' around who still are religious Orthodox Yidden.

  12. Wait a minute! R' Shmuel, while ventriloquist through the mouths of the Agudah, told us all, and lectured Cuomo, that the camps are completely safe. So how is it possible that anyone came back infected, let alone this supposed huge number of infected?

    This must all be a vast conspiracy from anti-Agudah activists like Yudel & Brisk & Slabodka & Feivy. How did you pull this off? Did you send androids back who were pre-injected with virus? Where are the real kids being held hostage?

    1. It was the Paulie oivdim who brought it to the camps. Every one knows the camps were clean (from the virus and Paulie Orthodox Christian movement)

  13. https://anash.org/shliach-saves-the-day-for-litvishe-camp/

    I liked the Krinskys better when the Meshichist were stealing their hoyzen from the Crown Heights mikvah

  14. Mamash poshut.

    2:35 pm is attacking "Pope Paulie" because Mendlowitz was not only at the forefront of opposing molester mechuton Bryks but because 2:35's wife took a bunch of girls to Florida for her travel camp at the height of the pandemic there. Talk about defying all seichel, not to mention all the halachos of shmiros.

  15. Was this mind control propaganda sent to all Agudah field offices?


    One yeshiva wrote in a letter to parents that regarding the sudden massive increase of infections by unzerra in NY-NJ, we should not refer to it as a SURGE and not even an OUTBREAK. The (benign) word UPTICK should be used (so that it is not perceived as life threatening while we herd your kinderlach into our virus petri dishes outfitted as classrooms)

    This is not a humorous post. This was actually distributed to all parents by an officer of a yeshiva. He is married to a machsheifeh at an affiliated girls school who the mental health professionals in the area say is a textbook narcissist. She is probably anti-vaxx and told the girls at an assembly that the pandemic is some kind of Trump hoax.

  16. חייבים לזכור בכל עת, שלפני כ-100 שנה באו הציונים הכופרים עם חשק להקים להם מדינה בה יוכלו לחיות בצותא במדינה עברית, עם דגל ולאום בלי שמירת עול התורה והמצוות כלל וכלל, לצורך כך לא היה משנה להם היכן בדיוק תוקם אותה מדינה של שמד, ואף חשקו להם את ערבות אפריקה כאשר אוגנדה היתה רעיון שנשקל ברצינות, וכך נכונים הדברים להיות מבחינתם, רוצים קצת שקט, איש תחת גפנו ותחת תאנתו ומה זה משנה איפה השקט יהיה? וכי למה להסתבך בפלונטר של מזרח תיכון רווי שנאה וחומר נפץ? הרי אין להם שום הבטחה לשקט במקום הזה?

    אנו לעומת זאת, יש לנו הבטחה מפורשת בתורה, 'אם בחוקותי תלכו ונתתי שלום בארץ וחרב לא תעבור בארצכם וישבתם בארץ לבטח ושכבתם ואין מחריד', ודברים אלו כבר היו לעולמים, שכאשר עמד סנחריב עם 180 אלף ראשי גייסות והצר על ירושלים, כאשר בתוככי העיר הנצורה ישב חזקיהו המלך, שעליו מספרים חז"ל ש'בדקו מדן ועד באר שבע ולא מצאו תינוק ותינוקת שלא היו בקיאין בהלכות טהרה'. נטל חזקיהו את ספר התורה ואמר: קיים זה מה שכתוב בזה, והלך לישון רגוע, ובבוקר מצאו את כל צבאו של סנחריב מוטלין מתים פגרים במגפה שהגיפם השי"ת מבלי שנצטרך לחגור כלי מלחמה כלל.

    אז מי צריך צבא? מי צריך הגנה? מי צריך שמירה? מי צריך כנסת הכופרים? מי צריך נציגים חרדים הכופרים בתורת השם? מי צריך אותם כלל וכלל??? הם פשוט ז-ב-ל ועליהם ומניגיהם נאמר וחרה אפי בו ביום ההוא ועזבתים והסתרתי פני מהם והיה לאכל ומצאהו רעות רבות ... וגו'.

    בגמ' נפסק, כי תלמידי חכמים אינם צריכים לשלם ארנונה וכל המיסים של תחזוקת ושמירת העיר, כי את חלקם הם תורמים ע"י לימוד התורה ושמירתה.

    לצערינו הרב, נשתנו התוכניות והציונים הרשעים הכופרים פלשו לארץ שאיננה שייכת להם, והתבצרו בה, ועושים את כל מה שהתורה הבטיחה שיגרום פורענויות ומקיימים בעצמם 'כאשר יורדים, יורדים עד לתהום' ממש, ובחוצפה ישראלית הם עוד באים אלינו בתלונות על אי שירות בצבא ועל בקשת תקציב לישיבות והנחה לארנונה ורוצים לכפות עלינו ליב"ה כו', דהיינו כפירה בקב"ה רח"ל, במקום לעטוף אותנו ולרפדנו במשי על השירות האמיתי שאנו תורמים עבורם.

    הוי אומר: על פיסת ארץ קטנה זו ישנם 2 קבוצות. יש 'ארץ ישראל' ויש 'מדינת ישראל' דהיינו מדינת איזראל, והם מנוגדים זה מזו כרחוק מזרח ממערב והם דבר והיפוכו, מה שהובטח לזה נרמס ע"י זה. וצריך לזכור מי השפחה ומי הגבירה? מי העבד ומי האדון?

    מסופר על הבריסקער רב זצוק"ל שהשתדך עם מחותן נכבד ונדוניה גדולה בצידה, בנו החתן היה 'בעננים', הרב רצה קצת לצנן אותו ושאל: מה אתה כ"כ מרוצה מעצמך? הרי הכל בגללי? ענה החתן: אם בגללך היה צריך להיות הרבה יותר מזה. ענה הרב: אתה צודק, אבל מה לעשות שאתה מעורב בתוך הענין?

    אף לעניינו כנ"ל: מאז חורבן הבית לא היה תקופה כזאת ותקומה נפלאה כבזמנינו, מליון יהודים שומרי תורה ומצוות רק בארץ הקודש וכמספר הזה גם בפזורות הגולה, יהודים המקפידים על קלה כבחמורה, ומפזרים ממון רב לצדקה, ולהידור מצוות, ואין סיבה שלא יקויים בנו לעת כזאת הבטחות התורה בפרשת בחוקותי ובשאר חלקי התורה והנביאים, אבל מה לעשות ו'הם' [הכופרים] גם מעורבים בענין? ולמרות שעדיין הם הרוב, מתחשב בנו הקב"ה כהבטחת חז"ל 'מרובה מידה טובה ממידת פורענות פי חמש מאות', ומכח זה אנו חיים וקיימים כאן, אבל מכאן ועד לבוא בתלונות אלינו? להתנהג אלינו כטפילים כאשר אנו שותפים במימון בתי הסוהר והוצאות תרבות יון ומכוני הגמילה ושאר ירקות?

    יָדֹ֨עַ תֵּדַ֜ע - שהשם ירחם עלינו בקרוב

  17. Science is falsh

    Maysim shehoyu are falsh

    You are falsh unless we say farkert


    An overnight summer camp in Georgia recently became the scene of a major coronavirus outbreak. At least 260 of the 597 campers and staff tested positive. The finding confirms that even young kids can get the virus. They may also play a key role in spreading it.

    Younger children had the highest rate of infection. Just over half of kids ages 6 to 10 tested positive.

  18. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2768952

    In a Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics research letter, scientists at Northwestern University and the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago analyzed swabs taken from inside the nasal cavities of 145 kids who were tested at sites around Chicago. They were tested within the first week of their showing symptoms of Covid-19 or experiencing a high-risk exposure. The researchers quantified how much genetic material from SARS-CoV-2 was in each swab and found that older kids had viral loads similar to those of adults. Surprisingly, they found that children under the age of 5 had 10 to 100 times more copies of the virus than either older kids or adults. The findings suggest that if young kids shed viral particles at the same rate as older kids and adults, they could be a significant driver of new infections.

  19. On Pinny Lipschutz's Matzav.com they have some pictures of the virus harchokos & testing in beis medrash of yeshivas Ponivizh.

    A demented ally of Philly (by virtue of their mutual loathing of the medical establishment) couldn't handle the whole inyan and completely lost it when he saw a medic swabbing a bochur. So he lashed out in the comments with this obscene outburst which is also a slap in the face to R' Gershon Edelstein shlita, who as opposed to Philly, is trying to keep safe as many bnei Torah as possible:

    Hashem Yerachem! August 28, 2020 at 9:12 am

    Any reason these malachei chaboleh have to push their swabs down the throats AND up the noses all the way to the brain? Every student agreed to this? They wouldn’t dare do this in chassidishe yeshivos.

  20. Rav Shain, please erase the comment at Fri Aug 28, 2:14 PM using dirty words that one is edited and the other is completely spelled out. The person who posted it should also be banned from the blog.

  21. Heimishe supermarketsSat Aug 29, 11:40:00 PM 2020

    The Beis Havaad has sort of spoken out against the heimishe supermarket gazlonim taking advantage of the pandemic to not allow any returns even when they disguised something rotten as viable. The beis din does not address the much worse fact that there is a huge upsurge of items brought home by customers that did not appear in the store to be rotting because the store went to lengths to disguise the rot, something they were not doing on this scale previously.

    In halacha, the concept of a mekach taus, where a buyer is allowed to return items purchased, exists in cases of damage or inferior quality of the product. Shulchan Aruch CM 232 states that even if a seller stipulates the sale is only valid if the customer does not register any complaint of a flaw in the product (al menas she’ein lecha alai mumin), it is not considered a binding agreement between the two parties since the wording of the condition is vague and does not specify what types of flaws it includes.

    For example, if one buys a set of linen, one would be allowed to return them for a number of flaws, such as if the colors are faded, the edges are ragged, or it does not wash well, since no specific issues were specified in the condition of the sale.

    Thus, according to halacha, mekach taus is not considered an allowance given by the seller to the purchaser to return an item; it is rather that the entire sale is voided because one wished to buy an A+ product and one only received an A- product. In this case, the vendor is not justified lehalacha in holding on to the money, which would render him guilty of gezel.

    Consequently, in cases of damage or inferior quality, a no-return or credit-only store policy would not be allowed lehalacha. In addition, even a time limit on returns, such as only permitting returns for seven days, would not be justified lehalacha.

  22. Thank you Reb Yudel for erasing that comment quoting Paulie.
    But wow. What apeekoorus!!!!
    And who is crazy enough to give him credit for anything.
    It’s a Sefer Torah shehKosvoy Meen which must be burned and destroyed in any and all ways.

  23. The primary accomplishment was erasing the hypocrite menuvol who thinks he can write dirty words but not anyone else. Very odd that he is patting himself on the back with that 11:32 am comment.

  24. Has the "Paulie" basher conferred with his extended mishpooche in the last week, namely Paysach Krohn?


    Because this fella who was mevazeh all the gedolim in the time of R' Moishe, R' Aron, etc, ztl, is Paysach Krohn's very own shver!

  25. There is no such thing as a Paulie basher. As per this site where all evil people MUST be exposed halachically, Paulie is the numero UNO Meen (even Reb Yudel is embarrassed to print Paulie's A-1 Apikorsus) who must be eradicated.
    Moreedin V'lo Maalin.
    Anything he or others claim he did to improve anything must be halachically burned and destroyed.
    the stuff he posted about Amoroim, Geonim, Reshonim, accepted Kabalah, Chasidim, and Achronim is mind boggling. But for a A-1 Apikores it is the norm.

  26. "Paulie's A-1 Apikorsus who must be eradicated. Moreedin V'lo Maalin."

    From the Ferd's mouth - the pathological liar mishpoochanik of Bryks clan of child rapists & molesters - zicher much worse aveiros than anything "Paulie" has ever done.


    It's completely expected from the lying gadfly after Brisk disowned the elder Bryks for being a traitor who joined the Tzionim and was a mechutzef betachlis in leading the Denver chapter of the Synagogue Council against the 11 American gedolim who signed the issur on being mishtatef with Synagogue Council koifrim at the urging of the Brisker Rov ztl.

    Everything the lying gadfly writes on blogs is garbage and the epitome of kol hapossel bemumoi possul + attacking any gedolim & rabbonim that have been opposed to his anyone in his gantze mishpooche from the Brisker Rov down to any rabbonim oisek against molesters. He should in any case stop his constant blogging when he is supposed to be on the job for the OU.

  27. ...zicher much worse aveiros than anything "Paulie" has ever done...

    We are getting places. We have an admission that its Paulie and not a name that zaideh is “gilgulling”
    from unbearable pain how deh Mumar einikle is behaving.
