Monday, August 31, 2020

Brocolli "insect free"?

Is It Safe to Eat Aphid Bugs in Broccoli? Read Before Feeding ...'t-make-my-mistake-of...
Regarding broccoli, the FDA allows an “average of 60 or more aphids and/or thrips and/or mites per 100 grams.” That’s the equivalent of 204 bugs in a 12-ounce bag of broccoli. That’s crazy! Ok, the FDA says aphids and thrips are ok to ‘kick it’ in our broccoli, but what are they? The bug in my broccoli was an aphid.
Broccoli "insect free"? Yes, Go to your supermarket and purchase nice heads of fresh broccoli. Cut off & discard the florets, wash the cut up stalks lengthwise.
         You have fresh broccoli, all of the vitamins are in the stalks. (the insect protein are in the florets)

Blanched frozen Broccoli can't be checked.

Due to Covid, mashgichim can't go to check broccoli at the source, so the Hashgochas take samples of the Frozen product to check 😅 and they find nothing!Regarding broccoli, the FDA allows an “average of 60 or more aphids and/or thrips and/or mites per 100 grams.” That’s the equivalent of 204 bugs in a 12-ounce bag of broccoli. That’s crazy! Ok, the FDA says aphids and thrips are ok to ‘kick it’ in our broccoli, but what are they? The bug in my broccoli was an aphid.

1 comment:

  1. Why can't blanhed brocolli be checked ??
    Either the bugs are there (and you remove them)
    Or they are not there (fell off during blanching) and its OK.

    Maybe you'll say it became treif while cooking with the bugs. Maybe. but that has nothing to do with if one can check or can't check Brocolli.

    BTW: One place that had a additional 'Shain' mashgiach found them using a frozen item with a soso hashgacha and the "Shain" mashgiach did NOT Allow it. The regular Hashgacha has now STOPPED using this item based on their experience with this "shain" mashgiach.
    Lets Give Reb Yudel the proper recognition.
