Tuesday, August 04, 2020

DE JA VU- 5 Town Vaad corruption


AN OPEN LETTER to the 5 TOWNS COMMUNITY Re: Gourmet Glatt episode in 2006

I am saddened and appalled at the way our 5 towns Vaad has handled the Gourmet Glatt issue. I have the utmost respect for the rabbis of the Vaad; however, I cannot stand by idly while an injustice is being done. I have spoken to a number of rabbis on the Vaad and have been told that Mr. Bolender was not at the meeting where the Vaad decided his fate (gave the psak that he must sell the store).

How is it possible that NOT ONE Rabbi on the Vaad (that signed the letter and attended the meetings) asked or insisted that Mr. Bolender have the opportunity to relay his side of the story???????? 

Did the thought of putting this individual (and others supported by this store) out of business without giving him the chance to speak in front of those who are deciding his fate not cross their minds??????? How can a psak like this be enforced or even given? 

I know the Vaad states in their letter "It should be self-evident that such a decision was not taken lightly." However, I am not sure it can get any lighter than not hearing the other side of the story. I would venture to say that if one of the rabbis on the Vaad were being accused of something they would think it is only fair and just that they get an opportunity to be heard. Why was it not done here? This is not a joke; it is the livelihood of 5 families at stake as well as an individual's reputation.

The Vaad's letter also calls the acquisition of a second hashgocha an affront to the unity of the community and states a claim that "When there is one universally recognized and accepted hashgocha in a community, the kashruth standards are clear to all. When one local store takes on multiple hashgocha on their premises, then there is a threat to the uniform standards we have all worked so hard to achieve." 

Yet the Vaad has a double standard, they allow their own philosophy and statements to be contradicted by a local Rav in the community who has certain "recommended stores". According to the Vaad is this not an affront to the unity of the community? Should we as a community ban him and his shul? Why is the Vaad not writing letters about him? The Vaad seems to be more concerned with the monopoly they have over all the 5 towns stores rather than the most important issue- Halacha.

If the Vaad for whatever reason feels they can't or don't want to supervise this store they don't have to. 
But why does it bother them so much if another expert in the area of kashrus, a competent halachic authority, a talmid chachom and an individual who has a chezkas kashrus is willing to take that responsibility on his shoulders? Halacha certainly allows this. Why are they making sure this store goes out of business? This is pure “rish’us” (evil) and does not allow me to believe this is being done lishma (for the sake of heaven). I don't recall seeing in the Shulchan Aruch (Jewish Code of Law- written by R' Yosef Karo) that all stores in the 5 towns must only be supervised by the 5 towns Vaad.

The Vaad has certainly done an excellent PR job of convincing the community that they must have one standard in kashrus, however as stated previously they themselves allow a local Rav to set a second standard. Also, the Vaad relies on various different kashrus organizations themselves (OU, Kof k etc.). Are they writing letters and calling for all these organizations to consolidate as well? I am calling upon our community to stand up for what is right and follow Halacha.

Halacha tells us that we can shop at Gourmet Glatt under Rav Kravitz's hashgocha. I hope and pray to Hashem that we all come together as one for the sake of Heaven and for the sake of our wonderful community. It will be intriguing to see whether our holy community follows the Shulchan Aruch of Rav Yosef Karo or that of Rav Yosef Eisen. A concerned member of the community


  1. It took 16 years to post this.
    Did it take that long to figure out the content and was composed this year and predated?
    Was it a secret until now and the writer died so we don't need his permission to post it?
    Maybe the whole letter is a scam ? it is unsigned.
    why 14 long long years to rehash long forgotten politics?

  2. So this is not the first time these "Rish'uhim" did thes mafia tactics, they never learned from the past. History repeats itself.
    I feel very bad for the people living in the 5 Towns, they have "zero" kashrus.

  3. Nothing to feel bad for the 5Ters. Most of them don't eat anything anywhere. Only heimish stuff.

  4. Sounds like a Lakewood Type of Story

    Like that old Lakewood Bais Din that would Pasken Dinei Torah after just listening to one side

  5. Note to 12:55. and all others that posted here as anonymous. myself included. The real problem with what they did to Bollander is far worse than mentioned. Are you aware that one of the Rabbonim that was most vocal in getting them out actually is a partner in Gourmet Glatt.
    Is the Vaad afraid of what Rabbi Eisen helped create in Flatbush (Kehilla Kushrus) Thanks to R Dovid Cohen Rav Sheinerman and Rabbi Auman. Since then there are now upwards of 10 hasgochas fighting the Ka$hru$ $$$$.
    When will this nonsense end.
    The only real solution is YUDEL$hain !!!

  6. Before you declare Sainthood & make Bolender into a martyr, why don't you speak to the mashgichim who worked in the Cedarhurst store about the kinds of abuses they were subjected to, both when they did and also when they did not stumble on to a kashrus problem?

    And now with Bolender's undercover act at Kissena in Queens it's 10x worse with the Queens Vaad covering up for him.

    Bolender doesn't have to do the dirtywork anymore when Chaim Schwartz gladly volunteers to preserve that "living wage".

    That poor mashgiach who innocently blabbed to customers about a kashrus problem after Kissena's grand opening practically had his head upgehakt by Schwartz - personally.

    1. So all should do like you.
      Blabber, blabber and more blabber before people find out the truth how you hate all Jews.
