Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Yah'hadus in Monsey?

Some history is in order; When I lived in Monsey some 50 plus years ago there were no restaurants, caterers, eateries to speak about. If there was a Bar Mitzvah, it was in Bais Medrash Elyon and the Appledorfer’s made the kidush and the cholent, etc. 

Now, the scenery has changed without anyone controlling the reins of kashrus. Therefore, in Monsey and the surrounding communities are very susceptible to weakness in kashrus, shatnez among other issues of Yah’hadus for some yet unexplained reason(s). Is it that the residents or Rabbonim are not demanding anything?

We had the Shevach/Finkel episode, the KYO restaurant, King David, China Town, Monsey Shatnez tester, etc. among some smaller non-publicized episodes.

It was proven to a group of 7-8 Monsey Rabbonim at countless meetings and demonstrating to them many sets of clothing that had “non-shatnez labels affixed to them by the Monsey tester, yet contained shatnez. Other garments that had non-shatnez labels were not even opened up for testing, a total sham.

The kosher certifiers in the Monsey and surrounding areas over the past few years were generally nothing to write home about, definitely nothing to be proud of either. As long as the kosher Certifier had a title Rabbi, Dayan, etc. it was accepted, even though it just barely good-enough, sometimes not even that much.

The uneducated kosher consumers have been used to look for certain “buzz-words”, Heimish, Chasidishe, etc. In the real world of kosher, those buzz-words don’t really work.

At most one should be able to at least rely on the Owner/Management of the establishment for the kashrus standard and system when there is these type of kosher certifiers. Sadly, that is very often not the case.

Numerous times it’s the fault of some local Rabbonim/Askonim that get in the way of addressing serious issues head-on. The lack of proper Shatnez testing in Monsey area is the fault of Forshay area Rabbonim. 

The weak kashrus and the scandals in the Monsey area is also attributable very much to the Forshay Rabbonim.

We recently had the Monsey Eiruv blow-up, with valid accusations regarding the weakness of kashrus, yet as soon as the real issues of the Franklins became resolved, the kashrus issues became null and void, yet more they publicized that the failed Hashgocha will work with the dysfunctional Mivakshei-Kashrus, which they are  no more than a “Wan ’ne-be” Organization to upgrade of kashrus standards through unqualified clueless mashgichim with the best of intentions.

As the saying goes “the road to … is paved with the best of intentions”.

Where were all of the Rabbonim and Mivakshei-Kashrus for the 10 plus years? They did a Choni Hamaagel sleep, now they all turned over to the other side and went back to sleep once they got their desired green-backs, and they are calling it “ we made Shalom”, “what a sham and defrauding of the kosher consumer”.

In kashrus, one must realize that there are two main areas of concern; the system in place, and the kashrus standards. When one has a strong tight system but a lower standard, we still have basic kashrus, on the other hand if one claims to have very high standards, but no reliable system in place, we do not have any kashrus at all.

There were over the years various Hashgochas appearing on the Scene in the Monsey area which did not give any level of comfort to the ones that are looking for even basic kashrus standard. To add to that, when we tried recently to publish a full-page advertisement in the “Community Connections” that addressed many kashrus issues including some unreliable kashrus items in Monsey, the Community Connections refused to publish the advertisement.

There is a Rabbi Binyamin Taub living in Monsey area, giving some hashgochas to food service establishments. He has been in the kashrus field for many years, he’s very knowledgeable, very organized, etc. perhaps as a first step, ask the vendors to utilize his hashgocha. The Rabbonim can and should check him out, afterwards they should advise their congregants and constituents to only purchase items from a vendor that has the acceptable hashgocha.


  1. Thus your endorsing RCBC.

  2. Endorsing RCBC?, No way.
    He was the manager of their Organization, that was not Binyomin Taub's standards at all.
    Anyone working for one of the Organizational hashgochas means that it's their standard?
    Most of the Organizational hashgochas certify Cholov Akum, yet most of the ones working for them will not drink it.

    So let's call a spade, a spade.

  3. Dear Rabbi Shain,

    Would you suppose that if the control of the Vaad Hakashrus of Five Towns is broken, it would end up looking like Monsey?

    A related question, how does the current kashrus standard of Monsey compare to the Five Towns?

    A concerned Jew

  4. Endorsing the RCBC in the sense that whatever they say it is, it really is that.
    If they no Cholov Akum at this place they can be fully believed.
    If they say veggies are checked in ABC method they can be trusted.
    And so on..

  5. I don't get it. It was a great speech until it devolved into an advertisement for Taub.

    That's the guy who took over from Zushe Blech. Blech had numerous accounts that were beyond the point of completely unacceptable, they were outright embarrassments.

    How many of these circuses did Taub get rid of when he started running the show? I don't think a single one!

    The restaurant with the ponytailed male mashgiach on Saddle River Road at Regina. This is the most Torahdik section of Monsey, the Brisker oylam lives there. Yet Blech had a za mashgiach sitting there.

    Another 'upstanding' citizen who I'm told also sports a ponytail is the owner of another restaurant. He's sitting in jail so I didn't see him personally. The money he stole from Yidden was used to bankroll the restaurant which also doubles as a bakery.

    see this mentioned at the top of page 4 as his wife's bakery

    The wife dresses terribly prust in the restaurant on top of everything else while bragging she is a descendant of an adam gadol from 150 years ago. Lechol hadeyos you cannot make a brocha in her presence.

    The steak restaurant across 59 from Wal-Mart with the television screens all over. The only reason why it flopped is because the Rebbes all got together to put it out of business.

    And does Taub have any interaction with that other Blech certification owned by an Open Orthodox so called rabbi who his Conservative 2nd wife is in charge of Canadian accounts?

  6. Did anyone check out the CURRENT situation "kashrus-wise" at the ex-Blech, current Taub places? Please do so.

    The situation with the Visnitz Dayan "currently" is a few steps down from the Blech places,at the worst situation "kashrus-wise".

    Blech left KYO because of kashrus issues, viznitz dayan then took it.

  7. Monsey Clowns for hireThu Aug 06, 09:53:00 AM 2020

    Taub never removed hashgocho from the thieves who financed the restaurant-bakery with the ponzi scheme on Yidden.

    Besides that the thieves have not been frum for many years & need mashgiach temidi that was never placed on them.

    The restaurant with the ponytailed mashgiach was only resolved because it was bought by the father of Rabbi Stendig (who has since sold it). The Stendigs did not allow the circus to continue. People who don't eat from Blech-Taub ate only in that place when Stendig was the owner.

    Don't make us laugh about Kyo. Did Blech have trouble getting paid? That was certainly very non-kosher by him.

    What about the cracker company owned by the missionary Notzrim that is called "Elohim"? Blech-Taub were always full of excuses whenever an account was a reliable payer. That makes them just as mehadrin as Sachdis. Mehadrin for cash flow.

    I'm tired of exposing these clowns. I'm sure someone else will comment baarichus on the biggest Blech-Taub scandal in Monsey that is worse than Kyo plus the others combined.

    1. Love this “לשם שמים” guy who is “tired” of exposing the fraudsters.

      Another day at Yudel comments.

  8. ..the brisket oilom lives there. Yet...

    When is the last time you saw, heard, or knew a brisket going out to any place???
    If you know anyone who goes out to eat you can bet your life that he is NOT a Brisker.
    So why bring up studio to pastel a up standing mashgiach. Maybe he fixed all Blech’s places if they ever neededfixing.

  9. Toisjov Monsey.
    Yeh. Right. Ah huh.
    How long ago did you move to Monsey?
    As long as Reb Yudel???
    Why do you consider yourself a toishov of old Monsey?

  10. 5 Town V Monsey kashrus, good question, let's try to look at it point blank.
    5 Town, has an Administrator that is a great speaker, utilizes the " Frumie-card" extensively, a manipulator of the Rabbonim, etc. and they are in general gullible kosher consumers.

    Monsey, on the other hand-In general they don't care about anything (besides the TV's, of course).

    In Monsey, the "few that do care" can work with the food establishments and kosher consumers to change to an acceptable kashrus standard.

    In the 5 Towns some Erliche Rabbonim recently started a Mehadrin hashgocha, and the corrupt Vaad manipulated the 53 to make a "boycott" with no Din Torah", etc.

    So, אל תהיה צדיק הרבה is much worse than אל תרשע הרבה. If you play the Frumie card, you can succeed with all sadistic evil....


    1. It seems that even in 5T thefrumies still eat Kosher. For some reason (absolutely NOTHING to do with the Rabbonim) they know what and where to eat. To the honest and serious consumer the Rabbonim do not raise or lower the standards.
      In Monsey it’s a whole different story the Heimisheh newcomers just eat anywhere and everywhere. As long as “ the Roov velt brehnen - nisht eech”.

    2. It seems that even in 5T thefrumies still eat Kosher. For some reason (absolutely NOTHING to do with the Rabbonim) they know what and where to eat. To the honest and serious consumer the Rabbonim do not raise or lower the standards.
      In Monsey it’s a whole different story the Heimisheh newcomers just eat anywhere and everywhere. As long as “ the Roov velt brehnen - nisht eech”.

  11. The place with the biggest kashrus scandal hands down is the one run by Pakkis that is full of treif but Blech & Binyomin Taub have zero shame allowing a supposedly kosher hot dog roasting machine.

    I don't want to mention the name because it gets worse than the hotdogs. It is a 24/7 hangout for the biggest lowlives. Yeshivishe looking avaryonim are misbehaving in their cars parked outside at night. When it gets really late there are heimishe lowlives coming to do something even worse. Yeshivos asser their talmidim from stepping foot. The Rebbes had the dayanim sign no one should go there. Satmar kanoyim have been making patrols to see who is making trouble behind the building.

    Even Yeshiva of Spring Valley who generally don't give a hoot about kol Hatorah kula, whether treif or otherwise, issued a letter that all their boys & girls cannot eat the hotdogs there because there is something fishy about the kashrus. Though it is just window dressing because they like to look frum in the public eye, like when they appoint rabbonim to their "rabbinical board" who they then ignore, at least they assered kids from one michshol even if for ulterior motives.

    The so called yeshiva that the gantz Finkel scandal would never have happened without them, who are the worst achzorim from all the Monsey yeshivos, not filling empty space with good kids from Torahdik mishpochos

    but make room for the biggest lowlives like this Ari Nagel character because his father was President of Moses Tendler's shul

    the reason why Satmar is worried about the place with Binyomin Taub's Pakkis with the hotdogs is in the same parsha as Ari Nagel

    1. The hate for YSV keeps growing.
      You gotta wonder if this guy is frum only on the outside.
      It seems he knows the “Raid” but for some reason does not follow the path.
      If one tells me he’s not frum all together it would surprise no one.

  12. Chazir Fresser Monsey StyleThu Aug 06, 03:43:00 PM 2020

    While they fress the hotdogs from that G-d forsaken place they wash it down with cold drinks from a machine that Taub was not giving hashgocho on. The Fressers are moyreh heter that the drink machines are so poshut that they don't need. Many of the Fressers are YSV parents who have no fear of YSV takonnos just like they make up pshetlach why using unfiltered internet is "not really" violating the rule. And right in Forshay these YSV parents are sending their daughters to illegal backyard camps dressed in skin tight pencil skirts and short sleeve shirts. YSV already has an illogical shita that girls can dress prust on the outside until FIFTH GRADE but these parents keep pushing the envelope past the Bas Mitzva. It doesn't matter that Rebbitzen Kokis is tough in school about blouses tucked in at all times and has chaloymos that she is running a Toradik school. This is the metzius in the gass.

  13. Romanisher pastrami oilomThu Aug 06, 04:14:00 PM 2020

    @ 10:18 am

    the "briskets" don't live in Monsey, they just get consumed there, especially at Mechel's under Skverrer shgooche, but only the 3rd cut that's mostly shmaltz

  14. Dear Rabbi Shain,

    Following up on your response to Monsey vs. Five Towns.

    I assume you are answering that Monsey has a higher standard than Five Towns (run by the Eisen-Forst-Feiner group), due to people in Monsey going to store owners and requesting them to up the standard.

    Any Monsey Fleishig restaurant's name comes into your thought where your Monsey-type social experiment met success? I just need you to name one restaurant in Monsey for my bi-weekly eat all you can cholent night out.

    A Concerned Jew

  15. No way Jose does Monsey have a higher standard of kashrus. It' because the don't care.
    In the 5 Towns, they are just plain gullible kosher consumers, being manipulated by professionals.

  16. Yeshiva of Gring ValleyThu Aug 06, 04:46:00 PM 2020

    Mrs Kokis is not choloming.

    She knows exactly what she's got at YSV, she is happy with the 5% of mishpochos who would fit in at the actually yeshivishe mosdos.

    She is not very happy with the balance which is the vast majority. And you see it. Why does she stay then? I'm guessing because the more modern the school it usually means the higher the salary.

    So maybe in her case you couldn't call it 'easy money'.

  17. tight pencil skirts and short sleeve shirts...

    Who but a fresser himself would know what this means.
    The YSV parents, according to the holy hot fresser, keep the rules at a certain point of time, but the fresser himself has no rules at all. He brings these “skin tight pencil skirts and short sleeve shirts” to his fress experience so that he can “fress”up& down at the same time. He must of gone to some holy moly yeshivah AND had to move to Monsey to figure this one out.

  18. Blech & another fake Monsey hashgocho were on a place that was owned by a Chassidishe who went completely off the derech, even when Lipa Schmeltzer begged him to come to his ex-shul on Yom Kippur to say Yizkor on his father he would not come. He had shiksa staff wearing revealing clothes that all kinds of heimisher bums were coming there to get farshmizt with them.

    1. Not only the bums came. They all came.
      Revealing stuff means more business.
      Some look. But some come to conquer the yetzer horo by not looking ( maybe a peek so they can tell Gd exactly how they beat the YH.)
      This reminds me of CooGardneh in Qveens.

  19. Does anyone know what 4:55 pm is talking about? I don't think he knows himself.

    Maybe his name is Sir Drinkalot. You practically hear the slurred speech while he's rambling unintelligible divrei bilbul.

    The holy moley shprach was grada made up by the DC Comics writers in the 1940s for the female superhero Captain Marvel who does not dress tzniusdik. Figures that Sir Drinkalot would adopt that shprach as his own!

  20. "to conquer the yetzer horo by not looking"

    Chazal say this is assur altz Darka Achrita but it's far from the first time that OU mashgiach Yanky is koifer in Chazal. (Much more revealing in Florida of course than in Monsey or even Kew Gardens)

    1. It’s “ee efshar b’ darks achritah” for our zadeek CooGardneh.

  21. ....was grada made up by the DC Comics writers in the 1940s for the female superhero Captain Marvel who does not dress tzniusdik....

    Here goes CooGardeneh once again with his ‘bekeeoos’ in untzneeoos women.
    Another Zahdeek from CooGarden.

  22. Taub has a mechuton who is the type to hold superficial appearances to be very important while ignoring what's in the toichen. One very shallow thing he does is tell everyone he lives in the great big house on the corner of Rechov Ploni & Avenue Plonis. His particular neighborhood happens to be full of larger & more luxurious than average mansions. But when you pass by the corner you can't find the house because the one he lives in is actually small & much humbler in comparison to his neighbors. Rest assured he is not living in a dream world altz a high madraiga of ruchniyus.

    I know Taub from somewhere & saw indications he may also be valuing the superficial over toichen. But we see as soon as there was some money in it, he just follows Zusha's lead that who gives a darn over any appearance whatsoever, no matter how bad, even when indicative that the toichen is also garbage.

    1. Is there ANYBODY in this world who has a decent mechuten or a decent family???

  23. Ever since the Finkel scandal there has been tremendous timtum in shtot that leads to all kinds of bad behavior & general attitude to cover up for the bad behavior. It was not normal for instance how gantz Monsey turned into one big festivity even bigger than Crown Heights when Sholom Rubashkin's sentence was commuted to time served. He was celebrated in the streets like a hero bigger than Moshiach when he is just a criminal who should quietly go on with his life.

    1. If you are really a Monsey or Ramapo toishov you should know that Monsey was ‘far tumtumed’ from day one.

  24. Nagel's father at Dokter Rabbiner Moses Tendler's shul, along with MIT scientist Philip Fishman are the 2 most well known figures who have publicly identified the molester from when they were Pirchei boys at Agudah Willy. When they were young they would immediately come to play in the building when the day seudah was over, long before Pirchei started. The BIGGEST Agudah askan of that era knew boys were playing there & came to victimize them. The askan's sons & grandsons are big machers today in Monsey, Toronto & Lakewood. I asked a prominent rov about this. He said it is true though it was not brought at that time to the attention of the gedolim. Although the askan was even arrested multiple times, things worked differently back then. He would place calls where he had protekzia, going as high as Senators, and the police would release him without charges.

    1. Nebach.
      You could not wipe the floors with you new discovered molester. How will you keep busy now?

  25. the comment before should be deleted. The alleged person died over 50 years ago. You dont have to be a nuclear physicist to figure out who the previous blog is referring to.

  26. When abusers are no longer living they still have victims who should be assisted with therapy at the very least. And that therapy is expensive. The estate should provide for the victims in such cases. It is not just the NY Victim Act that addresses this but lehavdil there is a teshuva written by Dayan Sillman, the Av Beis Din of R' Shmuel Wosner's beis din, stressing the life long harm that abuse from such rodfim causes.

    Why do you think the Agudah shamelessly joined with the Vatican tiflusniks to fight the NY Act for years? The gedolei Eretz Yisroel said the Agudah has no recht to fight it. But Sherer, who R' Yaakov ztl had taynos on, was the askan's cousin & made it official Agudah policy to not even allow mention of the word molester. And that's how Sherer trained Bloom & Shafran to set policy.

    Until Shelly Silver was arrested he always blocked the NY Act from being voted on as Speaker of the Assembly, the most powerful rank in the State Legislature. He also had a very immoral ulterior motive. His shiksa mistress is the lobbyist for the Catholic Church. The Dept of Justice was tired of Silver pulling stunts during trial to portray himself that he's such a frumma, holy guy. So they produced FBI surveillance video that Silver couldn't even control himself when he was riding the elevator with her.

    1. The Agudah and Rabbi Sherer Zatzal, nay, the Moetzetz itself should of consulted with you first and then Klal Yisroel would looked like you CHAS VESHOLOM -HaShem Yishmereinu.

  27. Enough with your old wives tales.

    We wouldn't be caught within a mile of Vatican officials to discuss anything with them.

    Now let us get back to our important work of shilling for our camp owner shvitzers & help them spread false propaganda against the so called virus so they can keep giving us donations. If some kids are sacrificed on the alter of the Corona Moilech? Nu nu. We have our orders from Philly.

  28. The Agudah Fresser must of walked into a Bar since the free food was not enough for him as you can see from his comments

  29. If the Moetzes listened to the real gedolim instead of their Fresser baal habatim & lawyers then there wouldn't be a problem.

    Things started going downhill already after R' Moshe & R' Yaakov were niftar when R' Shmuel Berenbaum started calling the Moetzes "the College boys".

    They do whatever they want shelo al pi Hatorah even when the real gedolim (mostly in Eretz Yisroel) are moyche zeyer shtark.

    And now with the mamzer manufacturer in charge, fuhgeddaboudit! Will they even survive themselves? Mamzerim for gelt - YE$! Protect molesters while throwing victims under the bus - YE$! Vaccines - NO! Infect everyone with the virus - YES! Zein zun Sholom was very sick & the Novominsker is toit. Will they ever learn?

    1. As was said above:
      This is what it looks like when our dresser zuhgt deios without being asked.
      Imagine what it would look like if asked.
      Also, if your “real shopped “ gedolim are in the Medina what the gaihinom are you doing here?
      And with you “real chopped and shopped gedolim” there would be no Artscroll among many other things. Of course freezers like you don’t need Artscroll or the Talmud and not the true Torah either.

  30. One who transgresses the direction of doctors in preserving one’s health during an epidemic is a great sinner before G-d, for the halacha is: Chamira sakanta m'issura (Chulin 10). Especially when his actions can cause the spread of the sickness, it is gadol avono minso.

    (Rav Akiva Eiger - Igros - letter 73)

    The selfish people who crowd Monsey supermarkets without masks are not only breaking the law but there are immuno-compromised people coming to shop who you are putting in danger. There is no vaad in Monsey who shop for these people and it is not so easy to get deliveries so they come to the store in person. You selfish people should be ashamed of yourselves that even when a store manager tells you to put your mask on you wait until he walks away to remove it again. It is shocking how in supermarkets the roiv of shoppers are not wearing masks and the worst of all is Rockland Kosher that only a few yechidim are wearing masks.

  31. Sorry. There is no Covid in Monsey as is quite evident.
    Its ah groiseh bilbbul......

  32. There are still people catching it in greater Monsey & will continue catching it as long as morons like dem vos hockt in denial open their mouths.

  33. The greater Monsey oilom must of found some “Alteh Breeve” from some alteh Briskeh.
