Wednesday, September 02, 2020

From Dos iz Neias

Ira Einhorn of Lakewood charged for Sexual Assault of a Minor,

Ira Neal Einhorn, 53, of Lakewood has been charged and arrested for aggravated sexual assault of a minor, endangering the welfare of a child, aggravated criminal sexual context and sexual assault of a child between the age of 13 and 16.   

Einhorn was remanded to the Ocean County Jail on Friday, August 28th where he remains as of this writing.  

No further details have been released by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office or Lakewood Police Department.
It's Chodesh Elul, a time to make a "chesh'ben ha'nefesh," unfortunately this lady made that cheshben and reportedly killed herself. What happened? What did she do that was so wrong? The answer my friends is far worse than the question... 
She was groomed as a little girl by a teacher for his sexual pleasure ....
I chose this story because unfortunately in our very own communities, sexual predators lurk in our parks, shuls and moisdois ha"torah ...waiting to pounce on innocent children, destroying their lives.
Do you know how many teenagers from heimishe homes committed suicide in the last five years? Ask someone who works for Chevreh Kadisha.. .... 
How many are going off the derech because they were molested?
So what are we doing about it? The answer is ..."nothing" ....We will call out "tznees" "long shaitels" "zionists" "chillul shabbos" ...offenders ...but coddle the predators ...
Not too long ago a chashiver rebbe in Lakewood who was also a rav in a shul, called a spade a spade ,and made a statement that the "yeshivos in Lakewood are coddling sexual predators" and named a rebbe .... 
What do you think happened?  Was the perpetrator thrown out of his position? Was he shamed?
Guess what happened? The child was accused of making this up and was thrown out of the yeshiva, the Rebbe that that revealed all this was thrown out of his position, he was harassed to the point that he had to move away from Lakewood and lost his parnassa... all because he spoke "loshon hara" on the sexual predator..
The predator? Given respect and allowed to continue to destroy lives...
It's chodesh Elul, instead of removing this scum from our midst, let's instead fight about masks, let's debate whether "minyan be"tzeeber" trumps health concerns.... let's fight how many people can come to shul on Rosh Hashana... Let's fight the Mayor, the Governor about the legitimacy of the Health Regulations...
 Let's continue to make massive campaigns with two page ads in all the Jewish publications about "Not Taking in Shul" Let's shame the "talkers" ...... Let's continue to push the "Loshon Hara" agenda ... let's make sure that we teach 5 year old toddlers not to speak "Loshon Hara" so that we never find out who is taking advantage of them.... 


  1. known as Yisroel Einhorn from 14th St area, the owner of Camp Kol Simcha

    his father is the Einhorn from Cornaga in Far Rockaway

  2. Yeshivas Philly Explained?Wed Sep 02, 11:28:00 AM 2020

    I don't know for sure where he learned but for many years Philly yeshiva's high school had a significant number of in towner Modern Orthodox boys. The place is not comprised solely of the watered down Hungarians from Boro Park-Flatbush who need cult personalities in their lives.

    I mention this because believe it or not, there is another Ira Einhorn menuvol who grew up Modern Orthodox in Philly. He murdered a woman & hid her for ages in his bedroom closet - in a trunk that he specially outfitted to do composting on her!

    When police found her & it got on the news, his father Joe Einhorn dropped dead from a heart attack when hearing it on the radio but his mother Bea (Nissenson) Einhorn was in denial he was guilty of anything until she died in 2006 at age 95. She was also oblivious to his boasts of being with 2000 women. Though it's only a matter of time until the MeToo campaign wakes up to him & starts pursuing his yerusha.

    His alter Kiever zayde Gilbert Einhorn moved to Philly & opened a fruit stand

    Gilbert was arrested in 1912 for violating the Federal Pure Food Act which was enacted partially in response to the expose on hazards from food fraud & poisoning by Upton Sinclair in his book "The Jungle" which has grada been cited several times against Rubashkin's unsanitary practices - what led the OU to falsely proclaim in their staged press conference that the place was spotless.

    The lead up to the press conference was hilariously mocked by newspaper editor Meyer Fertig in a front page headline as "the 3 hour tour, the 3 hour tour" (think the niggun of Gilligan's Island).

    Time Magazine reported at the time that the 1st wife of billionaire Charles Bronfman was an Einhorn groupie & gave him $40,000 before he absconded as a fugitive. Bronfman divorced her after that.

    Einhorn had a circle of menuvoldik yedidim like pedophile Allen Ginsberg, koifer Isaac Asimov, Uri Geller and anarchist meshugoyim Abbie Hoffman & Jerry Rubin.

    So maybe if Einhorn didn't idolize R' Elya & R' Shmuel, he learned the tricks of the trade for himself! He was also leader of the Hippies on the first Earth Day which had similarities to Woodstock.

    His parents shown here with him lived in Philly & went to the bungalow in Jersey.

    After 22 years on the run he was arrested in France by French Federal Gendarmes & extradited.

    Einhorn was recently niftar in prison from coronavirus.

  3. 'B'srika Achas' our paulie Chosid was Zoiche for about another 10 Years of "Life" due to all the above "chizuk" he posted in Honor of Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and the Yemay elul.
    I now am 100% prepared not only to commit suicide but also to jump the fence, as paulie did, and join the pope and his Chevrah.

    I now am 'enlightened' and SAVED (gotto learn the new ..Save lingo) since I know that anything and every thing that occured, occurs and will occur within 40 Parsahs of Drexel Ave (Either end) is a direct result of Reb Elya And YBL Reb Shmuel Shlit'a's Attitude to Torah, Tefillah, fraudsters, murderers AND MOLESTERS.

  4. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachWed Sep 02, 03:15:00 PM 2020

    Oy! The OU's anti-"Paulie"-obsessed mashgiach isn't telling you the real reason why he is upset.

    It's because the his brother, who is higher up in the Agudah hierarchy than most of the Fressers, is a shochen of Einhorn's parents.

    In the mashgiach's gantze mishpooche there is a perverse philosophy to hold molesters in high esteem and to not call any negative attention to them.

    Here is where Philly comes in to play on another level. The mashgiach & his brother are no doubt paraphrasing from R' Shmuel. When R' Shmuel meets old time residents of Saddle River Rd in Monsey who were neighbors of the tatten R' Yankev ztl, he remarks with his classic monotone & Litvish inflection: "Shochen Taiv"

  5. "How many are going off the derech because they were molested?"

    How many were molested and did not go off the derech?
    How many were not molested and still went off the derech?

    Molesting and off the derech really have a correlation.



  6. Thank you Rebbe Reb Fahvil Shlit'a for your drooshe WITHOUT nivul peh. Then again maybe Reb Yudel edited it out. That would make more sense.

  7. Aizehu KG PropagandistThu Sep 03, 09:54:00 AM 2020

    Is there anything the OU mashgiach WON'T do as part of his mission to cover up for Bryks?

    The way Rav Wosner's beis din explain the Chazal that molesters have a din of roidef mamash is because molesters inflict so much damage that it's as if the victim has no life anymore. And as any honest rabbonim will tell you, many OTD cases was altz molesters.

    But the OU mashgiach keeps demonstrating time & again that he will say ANY LIE if it benefits covering up for Bryks & molesters in general. And this is not the first time that he was koifer in Chazal to do so. How ironic from he who is quick to call everyone else koifrim.

    If 4:04 pm had a dime for every lie & shtick propaganda he's blogged to protect molesters & bash victims, he would be a millionaire by now.

  8. The din Rodef is because the molester is going after someone to commit a “Avairah”. Something that does not exsist in CooGarden’s and Paulie’s book. But that only if they after a Avairah not if they do anything else. If one looks where he should not it may not be right but it’s not enough to consider them a Rodef - in spite of CG or Paulie the Acher Choochem’s say so.

    All they peddle is ‘off the derech‘ which is a motto
    they picked up from some OTD guy.
    Why in the world would CooGardneh and Paulie worry, care or otherwise be bothered if someone goes OTD???
    All they care about and live for is to label gedolim, Roshai Yeshivas and Poskim with all kind of names that are or are not Nivul Peh.
    If they can reinterpret a psak to fit their Agenda ( and all it is to them is a Agenda to hurt, insult and otherwise make any person’s life miserable for no good halachic reason) then the poisek becomes their Hero.

  9. This same old OU mashgiach who is the Energizer Bunny of covering up for molesters - he keeps lying & lying - has consistently over the years misinterpreted vos heisst a roidef. He claims - and has written it in the past on blogs, lehedya, that it's only in a "rare" case "like if someone raped a kid". He hopes that his misinformation machine will convince everyone it's true. He thinks that therefore the mechuton and many other molesters will be safe from criticism.

    No such luck!

    Ervah includes other things besides machechol beshefoferess. Almost all kinds of inappropriate touching also make the grade to be a roidef bechol hatoikef. This is the halacha in both the title and as far as what any Yid is allowed to do to stop the roidef.

    It's besides the fact that the mashgiach thinks the mechuton was only accused of putting his hands where they don't belong. The mashgiach apparently is not aware there are also claims of rape mamash. But what does the mashgiach know when he was very young and the future mechuton was misbehaving up north in Canada.

  10. Thu Sep 03, 07:09:00 PM 2020

    Thank you for proposing and propagating the view of the Western Pope along with the CG church member.

    JBAC must be some Briskeh organization otherwise the Paulie Rosh Hakoohel would not be gores it (other then in his "Bible Lectures").

  11. He was arrested again on 5/5/23 . Why is he free and why does he have access to minors
