Thursday, September 03, 2020

Why Is Agudath Israel Defending The Democrats? By Yaakov Dovid Homnick - 30 Av 5780 – August 20, 2020

Reb Avigdor Miller (Ish Emmes), said it's Ossur to vote Democrat.
They are against everything in the Torah.
They are the cursed Liberals, etc.


  1. Rabbi Miller Zatzal is not with us for almost I’m an20 years. For current issues one goes to current Rabbonim and poskim.
    The politics is different today, the voters are different today, the issues are different today.
    One goes to ...asher yehyeh bayomim HaChaim...
    And you Homnick should know better then pull the R Avigdor Miller card.
    At least the Agudah costs with current Gedolim. Of course they don’t come to your (Homnick) toe nails. But you are also from some previous generation or soot seems.

  2. Rabbi Miller Zatzal is not with us for almost 20 years. For current issues one goes to current Rabbonim and poskim.
    The politics is different today, the voters are different today, the issues are different today.
    One goes to ...asher yehyeh bayomim HaChaim...
    And you Homnick should know better then pull the R Avigdor Miller card.
    At least the Agudah consults with current Gedolim. Of course they don’t come to your (Homnick) toe nails. But you are also from some previous generation (planet ??)or so it seems.

  3. Klal Yisroel is guided strictly by Mesorah from Moshe Rabeinu down.
    Reb Avigdur Miller passed down the Mesorah, which is still relevant today.
    The democrats have never changed their heretic liberal philosophies.

    Reb Avigdur Miller was of the opinion that one that votes democrat, are apikursim, no question about that.

    Now we see that the Democrats are also guilty of murder, thievery, etc.

    1. If the accepted Mesorah applies to current issues is the decision of the current live poskim and Rabbonim.
      Not for balle batim or surfers, posters or any one else.
      To quote other deceased Rabbonim Zatzal as ..the truth must be heard etc not for us to decide without the approval of current live ... Asher yehyeh bayomim HaChaim..Rabbonim and poskim. Not even Reb Yudel can decide this especially a quote from a 60 years past godol quoted by some very important Askan.
      It was applicable then but MAYBE not today.
      Ask before you make statements

    2. The Agudah consults with gedolim before every move. To say that they are blinded by anything is saying that those gedolim are blinded.
      Thus you have major halachic issues with such statements.

    3. There Agudah has left their mission or changed it a while ago. They absolutely don't consult all true gedolim, as was their original mission. Instead, a seat at the Moetzes is somehow inherited, as if Torah greatness is a matter of genealogy or family.

      Once apon a time the Satmer Rebbe, The Brisker rov and others were asked to come help set policy, even if they were anti-Agudah - since they possessed 'much daas Torah'.

      For the past 40 years, even pro-Agudah rabbis are not invited, unless they're sure they adhere to the status quo, or are guaranteed that they will not gain a strong foothold by only inviting one out of many who are of the kaliber to be invited.

  4. A nebech apikoiris is oich an apikoires.
    Agudah and many others are blinded by the kesef.

    Learn how to withstand animosity, And to weather unpopularity, and carry on the struggle, to uphold "Hashem's ideals". R' Shimon Schwab, Ob"m

  5. “The truth must be heard,

    Even if the public does not like the sound of it,

    Whatever the circumstances, regardless of consequences,

    The truth must be stated-loudly, clearly and unequivocally”.

    (Reb Ahron Kotler Z”l- Quoted by Bunim)

  6. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachThu Sep 03, 07:50:00 PM 2020

    The mashgiach was immediately bristling over this in the first comment. One of his big krummeh agendas is from the Agudah that you can only listen to our American gedolim in 2020. The mashgiach screams that deferring to Eretz Yisroeldik gedolim in 2020 (because they are the true gedolim today) is "apikorsis".

    And like the Agudah, it drives the mashgiach insane that R' Feivy Mendlowitz reprinted the 1923 halacha teshuva of R' Shraga Feivel ztl, being mechayev to expose corrupt rabbonim. They know this teshuva is their curtain call so they get exasperated & tongue tied, trying to find any lame argument to neutralize the teshuva. They even sent Efraim Waxman up to the microphone on the first Fresser Convention after it was reprinted to yell mitoch kaass that you peons can only listen to frierdik gedolim if we tell you you can!

    Too bad for the mashgiach that even many rabbonim attending the Convention thought it was a stretch that the college boy Moetzes think they can keep the teshuva in a lock box forbidden from viewing.

    Before the mashgiach screams "moridin velo maalin", I will just point out it was R' Shmuel Berenbaum z'l who coined the term college boy Moetzes, not me.

  7. I don't believe that the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah know a tenth of the stuff that goes on with guys like Zwiebel, Shafran, Kalish, Soroka, and the others. Therefore, to say that at least the "Aguda consults with current gedolim" is probably true not even a tenth of the time.

  8. Zweibel claimed the stories are false and they do sound a little outlandish. Even if in theory the Miller Homnick camp is correct can he verify those stories. And besides there are many reasons why you shouldn’t vote democrat these days

  9. Yarmah Ruv, Reb Yankel Miller asked why Rosh Yeshiva, Motezes member etc. goes to the mishpacha, but by a badchan it doesn't".

    Because, To be a Badchun, You have to have the knowledge.

  10. Hey Moetzes Ich hob nisht eich gekentFri Sep 04, 10:27:00 AM 2020

    The Moetzes got an earful from many angry rabbonim about Kalish with his toyevah shenanigans but they wouldn't utter one word of criticism.

    R' Moshe ztl wrote in a teshuva that it is the most disgusting behavior possible. But his own son Reuven at the Torah Ohn a Mesorah conference downplayed toyevah to the rebbeyim & set policy that it's no problemo to accept kids adopted by two homos. When one shocked rebbi kept arguing, R' Reuven insisted - not like the tatteh - that toyevah is no worse than non-shomer Shabbos parents or anything else!!!!!

    Kalish also bought a membership & attends services in the voch in a non-Orthodox temple because he is trying to get his hands on the very wealthy crowd there.

  11. Thu Sep 03, 07:50:00 PM 2020

    If Paulie's name SR.. is mentioned in a comment article or whatever it is pure meenus - A not so holy Sefer torah written by a meen or Pope.
    Trying to kasher it out by mentioning Reb Shmuel's name just make Reb Shmuel have unbearable pain that he is associated with a meen/Apikores.

    If the American gedolim would of listened to the Israeli Gedolim on how to handle American issues (which they may or may not of known exactly what they Were/Are (other then some kanaee terrorist/askan deemed important to report to some of those Israeli gedolim -leaving out key issus) there would be no Artscroll which would of meant infinite damage to the American Jews.
    It goes without saying thar CG and Pope Paulie would not care about that AND they would say that the Godol Who pushed it through is "this that and the other".

  12. Thu Sep 03, 08:27:00 PM 2020

    You comment shows your ignorance planted in you by the Anti Agudah Propaganda.

  13. Thu Sep 03, 10:47:00 PM 2020 are many reasons why you shouldn’t vote democrat...

    You are absolutely right but don't base it on previous generation pesokim, advice or politics.

  14. Fri Sep 04, 07:18:00 AM 2020

    Thank you for showing your true colors and major ignorance by promoting the False anti Agudah propaganda.

    Number two:

    You also demonstrate your genuine Am Aratzoos by ignoring the fact that according to Halacha positions held by a person is YES subject to Inheritance at times. Just because you have some issues or hatred to a person does not automatically disqualify a "yoresh". That in itself is Halacha (- in your lingo daas torah).

    Last but definitely not least if you believed that G-d runs this world you would have no issues at all.

  15. Because, To be a Badchun, You have to have the knowledge.

    The same is true for Chassidesheh Rebbes. Wish they all had just a bit of 'Saichel'.

  16. Bsd:

    Re: Fri 7:18- Just adding to your words:

    Rav Elchonon Wasserman hy"d said that the Agudah must be a party which "is NOT a party" and that they must respect the opinions of ANY Gadol b'yisrael - whether or not he "subscribes" to the Agudah - either because he is NOTaware of its merits, or that he IS aware of its
    Torah is Torah-and a"political party with its agenda" is inexcuseable next to this reality!

    Oh - and regarding that first comment - it would be utterly LAUGHABLE to portray Rav Miller Zatza"l in such a lopsided manner - if not for the fact that some people have such high levels of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) that they actually begin to believe in their own
    hallucinations. For anyone over age 5 it is self-evident that for the past 15 years the democratic party is at war with anyone who espouses Biblical values.
    (-but then again - who says that you need to believe in ANYTHING [other than power and money] to be a member of the present-day Aguda?)

  17. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachFri Sep 04, 12:00:00 PM 2020

    The mashgiach is on a RAMPAGE!

    SIX jittery outbursts in a row from him, starting at 11:02 this morning. This is vintage mashgiach who is LOSING IT just like when he sometimes flies off the handle when coming to the defense of his beloved molesters.

    Take it easy, man! When is your brother hosting another Agudah Fresser Shabbos south of JFK? You need to go there & chill out, surrounded by all your favorite Fresserei.

    Your propaganda to protect the Agudah at all cost is like everything else with you - riddled with sheker. Now go gulp down some more big zetzer shticklach herring full of anisakis worms. They're blessed by Belsky at the urging of Genack and sold by West Side Kosher. What else could an Echte Fresser such as yourself hope for? Well, come to think of it, you could mooch a bigger discount out of West Side honcho Abmramson!

  18. Fri Sep 04, 11:27:00 AM 2020

    ... who says that you ....

    You said it. No one else.

    There no such thing as all people - gedolim or not Gedolim agreeing to the exact same thing.
    Thus Reb Elchanan never would say something like that. If two Eidim or neveeim are 'misnavim b'signun echod' you know they are false.

    The Satamr Rebbe Banned Israel - Who listened.
    The Satamr Rebbe Banned the kosel - who listened.
    we can go on all day...
    Don't insult previous Roshay Yeshivos with unverifiable none sense quotes as is popular today.
    Theay won't misquote today's gedolim or Roshay Yeshivos because theyll get caught with their pants down.

  19. Fri Sep 04, 10:27:00 AM 2020

    Talking about unorthodox Jews....
    The pope himself - deh Heiligeh Einikle how orthodox is he???
    Or How orthodox is deh shitef - Geltfound with the comedy routine.

  20. Yehiel Kalish's website is publicly promoted by Monsey's Twitter Rebbe, Yankel Horowitz, as one of his favorites.

    Horowitz, who heads an Agudah division, attacked Jewish Press editor Resnick last year for being critical of toyava in his column. Horowitz stooped so low as to misuse a posuk to do so!

    The publicly known kumah zekufah faygelach, who fight loi aleinu to make toyava part of the "frumma velt" were crawling all over Facebook to give Horowitz a gigantic shkoyach.

    When a long time friend of Horowitz, Stan Kotlyar, wrote asking why Horowitz is defending toyava, which is issur skeela noch dem, Horowitz jumped like a madman, threatening Kotlyar to not speak that way or else he will ban him from his Facebook account, and begs him as a "friend" to not put him in that position!

    It's alter nayess that Horowitz is mechanef freya billionaires who shtup him with a sach gelt. There are some billionaires who are passionately fighting to enable toyeva which could explain this sick behavior. Horowitz has been photographed at at least one event of a group funded by the billionaire Schusterman. He pours millions of dollars into into the group which concentrates it's efforts on guiding frumma Yidden off the derech r"l.

    Horowitz has been seen on Chol Hamoed, not in his Agudah uniform of bekishe & shtreimel, but in shorts & loud t-shirts on the golf course running around with the freya gvirim, kissing their feeselach. Mamash pathetic!

    When people come to Horowitz with real issues, but ones that don't impress the secular billionaire / multi-millionaire set, he's not interested. It's the gelt that's behind his advocacy "against" molesters which is a favorite topic of some billionaires. The real askonim know horror stories of Horowitz secretly protecting molesters like the loyal Agudanik he is, where the billionaires aren't looking.

  21. New surging OutbreakFri Sep 04, 07:09:00 PM 2020

    Gedolei Eretz Yisroel have put out bichsav that the Philly led Agudah Fressers, Litzman & the rest of the collaborator roydfim with the virus are Raikim upoichazim:

    וַיִּשְׂכֹּר בָּהֶם אֲבִימֶלֶךְ אֲנָשִׁים רֵיקִים וּפֹחֲזִים וַיֵּלְכוּ אַחֲרָיו שופטים ט, ד

    נְבִיאֶיהָ פֹּחֲזִים אַנְשֵׁי בֹּגְדוֹת כֹּהֲנֶיהָ חִלְּלוּ-קֹדֶשׁ חָמְסוּ תּוֹרָה צפניה ג, ד

    These empty men who are poichazim, which can be translated as reckless swashbucklers, a fancy way of saying they are kalei daas.

  22. Deep State FressersSun Sep 06, 01:24:00 PM 2020

    There was a secret Fresser meeting at TU which it's surprising that Pinny Lipschitz let the cat out of the bag about it in the Aug. 28th Yated.

    They ordered all yeshivos & Bais Yaakovs to bdavka make remote learning difficult & very not user friendly as a way to strong arm all kids back into the classroom to get infected with little to zero CDC guidelines in place. These manslaughter / murder 2nd degree candidates are also trying to force immunodeficient children back in. If the kids' yeshivos themselves are not ordering the kids back, the Fressers are using proxies to apply extreme pressure on the mishpochos.

    A question posed to the Chinuch Roundtable on page 84 hints to this. Still, most of these Fresser affiliated roshei mosdos on the Roundtable are opposed to the secretly hatched Fresser scheme. Even establishment guys like Bender are opposed because he knows his rich baal habatim will dethrone him if he dares go along with it. One schmo is in favor of the Fresser scheme because he's just a lowly rebbi who is afraid of the Fressers obstructing his shteller ladder climbing. A nobody from yehupitz is also backing the Fressers, probably because his shvogger controls a major yeshiva system and has suddenly become a crazed devotee of the Fresser scheme. The 3rd & final backer is a TU official who would be committing suicide if he opposed the scheme, so he arrogantly huffs that this is what the Fressers have decided is in your best interest.

    This Yated edition also has an ad spanning MANY pages touting (what was then) the upcoming Agudah shnorrfest. In order to induce you to empty your pockets into their coffers, they shamelessly created a bogus timeline of how they were on top of the pandemic throughout to be matzil as many neshomos as possible. These sickos have consistently been planting these lies everywhere to protect Philly after the virus body count blew up in their bloody faces thanks to their akshening to keep mesibos Purim, yeshivos & shuls going - which they now deny. Here they go deja vu with the yeshivos!

  23. I pledge allegiance to Agudath Israel of Anerica and for what it stands;as the sole true representative of Torah jewry in America and to obey all of its proclamationa and ideas without any hesitation or afterthought;so help me ribbono Shel Olom

  24. Bs"d

    Oy, Reb Yudel.....
    How many typos constantly appear with these comments.....??

    "Anonymous Sun. 3:17" should read:

    "...the sole true representative of ANTI-Torah jewry in America and to obey all of its proclamationa and ideas without any hesitation or afterthought, or any recognition of ribbono Shel Olom"

    The mere alteration of one or more words can change the meaning of the message from one extreme to the other!

  25. Criticism of the Philly / Agudah types from the gedolei Eretz Yisroel is much more teef than first glance:

    וַיִּשְׂכֹּר בָּהֶם אֲבִימֶלֶךְ אֲנָשִׁים רֵיקִים וּפֹחֲזִים וַיֵּלְכוּ אַחֲרָיו שופטים ט, ד

    נְבִיאֶיהָ פֹּחֲזִים אַנְשֵׁי בֹּגְדוֹת כֹּהֲנֶיהָ חִלְּלוּ-קֹדֶשׁ חָמְסוּ תּוֹרָה צפניה ג, ד

    These empty men who are poichazim, which can be translated as reckless swashbucklers, a fancy way of saying they are kalei daas (various Rishonim)

    These empty ones: devoid of ANY maylah (Metzudos Tzion Shoftim)

    Poichazim: lacking wisdom (Rashi Shoftim)

    They are very low class peasants & they disgrace Hashem with their behavior (Radak Shoftim)

    [You may have been mechaven to the Radak when curling up from aversion to their Fressing hanhogos at the Conventions!]

    They are liars (Targum Tzfanya)

    They act frum while personally being oyver on all kinds of sins (Radak Tzfanya)

    Their evils are chilul Shem Shomayim befarhesya. They posken halachos falsely & they are chamsonim after people's gelt. (Ibn Ezra Tzfanya)

    Think the Philly mamzerus scandal that they were paid handsomely for and financial chicanery related to the pandemic shutdowns.

    You don't even have to make a limud for this because the Malbim on Tzfanya says the posuk is talking about niuf which of course is the required act for mamzerus!

  26. You have to work on Williamsburgh and Crown Heights to recognize the Agudah.

  27. Perfect demo of this western unorthodox Christian cult (Paulie + CG).
    They know the Bible well and try to prove their corrupt thesis from Nach which they know very well is not studied in the regular Chareidim yeshivas, thus they think they can entrap “ ignoramas”.
    All they tack about is food, znus and alteh mayselach which are mostly not applicable to today’s generation.
    To try and be Masis umadiach more frum people they quote all the classic “bible commentary” thinking that the Yeshivah guys will fall for their Apikoorsus.
    Botto line:
    Philly, Torah vodaas , Rabbonim and Poskim have positively improved the yeshivisheh velt:
    The Paulie’s and CGs have nothing to show for themselves other then straight menus and Apikoorsous, Nivul Peh and major bizoyn for anyone who has some geniune Torah and Torah values. They despise Torah and religion other ther their “christianity”.

  28. From the Ferds MouthMon Sep 07, 03:11:00 PM 2020

    "Christian cult ... their corrupt thesis from Nach"

    Thank you for finally admitting it is all about your sick agendas while you spit on Toras Moshe & the gedolei Eretz Yisroel who were the ones who spoke those pesukim against Philly.

    1:24 pm is the infamous OU mashgiach of Queens-Bronx speaking, who when not protecting pedophiles like the mechuton and/or Agudah Fresser corruption, is shilling for farcical hashgochos including for his buddies at the Queens Vaad. In fact when the Queens Vaad attacked R' Yudel in their house propaganda magazine, their big "point" against R' Yudel was that "kashrus was never from the yesodos of Klal Yisroel". Nothing could of course be further from the truth. In one of the 1st 15 teshuvos of Achiezer chelek 4, R' Chaim Oizer collects a tzettl signed by all the gedolim of that dor, including R' Chaim Brisker, that kashrus is takka one of Klal Yisroel's major yesodos - and they bring raayos from Nach! So it's another imperative for the OU mashgiach to belittle unzerra Neviyim!

    "Philly improved the yeshivisheh velt"

    The OU mashgiach redt mistommeh of the filthy zoynah who begged Philly to help her bring a little mamzer into the world. What a way to preserve integrity of yichus in Klal Yisroel! Or could it have just been a cynical Philly stunt while taking money from the zoynah's wealthy parents because Philly figures the little mamzer may die from being unvaccinated or from a pandemic in any case when everyone listens to their orders via the Fressers to keep filling up shuls & yeshivos to the gills with people?


    The Twitter Rebbe is still busy with Yeshiva of Spring Valley.

    And befitting any "choshuve" yeshiva like YSV who have Philly's godfather of anti-vaxx heading their so called Rabbinical Vaad, he assered YSV to use the Kphone kosher zoom tablets as treif, even though the the gedolei Eretz Yisroel were mattir them. Actually the godfather himself was mattir them before the pandemic for the online Melamed Academy yeshiva. So he was for them before he was against them.

    Because now there is a new world order. As even rabbonim are pointing out, the godfather's brilliant anti-doctor advice is responsible for the corona corpses, so the whole machine is helping him to cover it up with distractions in the form of made up frum shtick. Enter YSV, Yated, Matzav, Agudah, etc

    1. Correction:
      Enter YSV, Yated, Matzav, Agudah, and all all of the Torah world and all who are frum and all who study our holy Torah etc.

  30. Not that he likes to admit it, but the Yated is same owner as Matzav, except that he took a shutef for the website. The shutef who lives in Lakewood, has a short, abbreviated name that is very easy to remember: CEO

  31. Freedom of ReligionTue Sep 08, 10:40:00 AM 2020

    Agudah Fresserism is a different faith.

    Food is keneged kulam. Mevatlin Talmud Torah to linger & Fress at the Convention tea room & meat carving stations or anywhere where essen abound.

    Vaccines are assur gomur & yehurag v'al yaavor.

    The only mitzvas asai for which there is severe oynesh is you must sacrifice your children to the coronavirus Moilech by sending them into virus infested classrooms with zero harchokos.

    Yated-Matzav is the official news organ of the faith.

    YSV is the faith's flagship school. They proved their worth by waiting after Purim until the last possible second that the Rockland Sheriff was going to arrest Menahel Yudi Frankel for not closing. The Agudah will present them with the Philly Medal of Honor that YSV staff members & a rebbi have died from the virus or are close to it.

  32. When R' Mottel Weinberg zl complained on a hot mic that the fressing was also a taaruvos problem with females dressed to kill, Moe Sherer cut the sound to end his drosha & made sure the rosh yeshiva was never invited back to another Agudah Convention.

    1. ...and then he was niftar ( moes fault)

  33. Agudah Fresser Derangement SyndromeTue Sep 08, 05:08:00 PM 2020

    Two behaviors popping up at yeshivos who are following Fresser protocols

    Despite public claims of these yeshivos that (while jammed together like sardines with improper ventilation) the kids are wearing masks, the kids are actually being told by their instructors that's it's avadda too shver to wear a mask a gantz tog, so fuhgeddaboudit.

    The SURGING OUTBREAKS of infection that they sanitize as "upticks" are being blamed on chassunos instead of the much more dangerous mediums of community spread: yeshivos & shuls. No mention either of the jam packed supermarkets. Therefore, guided by Agudah-TU, the mosdos are implementing takonnos against chassunos that are a farce. But the takonnos are not an exercise in futility. They are cover to fool the oylem goylem into believing that it is "safe" to keep the yeshivos open instead of closing them. Meanwhile the mosdos are also illegally hiding infections from State authorities.

  34. Mashgiach Rocks the HouseTue Sep 08, 07:03:00 PM 2020

    Yener OU mashgiach is also like a clone of the fictional character "Eddie Haskell".

    Haskell's tafkid is to argue against anything & everything, no matter how far fetched his "logic" is, usually as a means to cover up his own chesronos.

    When Haskell was not able to shoot a basketball hoop in his neighbor's driveway, he farentfered that the hoop was not regulation. They replaced it with a regulation version. Then he complained the ball was not regulation so they replaced that too. When he still couldn't make the hoop, he kvetched there was not enough air in the ball.

    I was wondering if the character was invented by the mashgiach's 1st cousin who went off the derech & became a Conservative Cantor who moonlights as scriptwriter for the television shows "Law & Order" and "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" where a character is named after the mutual zayde of the mashgiach & Cantor.

    In one episode called "Bible Story", there is a kitzur of the script online which gives a glimpse into the type of mindset in the mashgiach's 'upstanding' mishpooche. Someone is hired to destroy a sefer Torah in a shul which he does by ripping it apart like a savage. Whoever hired the hitman covered up by eliminating him, the only potential witness, so he was beaten to death & left in the same shul. Ooh-ah, such violence & savagery! Episs doymeh tze dem who acted like a violent savage in real life at Yerushalmi hafgunos after being 'meyached' his rocks vos fort bleiben muktzeh! The Cantor actually acts in that episode in a role that is easy to guess.

    1. The Christian Rosh hakooel is mane she ah mimcheh in ahles except in being plain old fashion religious.
      He has a great Rebbe/ Pope for that mit GROISHEH GROISEH yichis.

  35. Freedom of znus in addition to Shifeechas domim ( Malvinas play....) and avoideh zooreh (calling Talmiday chachomim the worst names imaginable).
    Check out the popes site for straight out illegal por..... photos.
    Showing Klei hoilodah even of a newborn baby is still por....
    and coming from the “anybody and everybody is a molester” guy, he just earned the triple crown of the 3 cardinal avairos which is no Surprise.
    Once again the Pope and his ROsh Hakool ( CG) have absolutely nothing to show for themselves except terroristic hate red to frum and religious people.

  36. Gomco and Communicable Disease BrigadeTue Sep 08, 10:31:00 PM 2020

    Ot azoy! The OU mashgiach is up in arms that Feivy's website has a picture of a baby waiting for a Mohel but ends up with a barbarian poser.

    What really hit a raw nerve on the mashgiach is that Feivy is exposing exactly the frauds who the mashgiach covers up for, dehaynu Paysach Krohn who is part of the mashgiach's extended mishpooche. And Fisher who a mashgiach associate aids & abets to illegally infect more kids with his deadly virus.

    1. Like has been pointed out before the Western Pope is just about against ANY type of brissim.
      If you do it traditionally - metzitzah b’peh - the Pope rejects that ( against most poiskim especially from Israel. He get you one so called godol to say something to be misquoted as backing him but that occurred after he Shmeared him BIG time).
      OK so will do the Bris the modern way - as Pope Paulie dictates - that’s no good either.
      And when you follow the modern way then you, your Mishpoocha, your friends, all become molesters.

  37. ... a picture of a baby waiting for a Mohel...
    If the picture is of a baby totally naked down there it’s outright por... and worse then molesting.
    Of course that’s right up Paulie’s mehahlech and religion along with his numero uno Rosh Hahkoohel CG.

  38. Thank you OU mashgiach for showing you have contempt for lamdan hador R' Chaim Brisker & posek hador R' Chaim Oizer who "Paulie" holds by their shita in Bris Mila.

    And thank you OU mashgiach for revealing more of your true colors. When police apprehend pedophiles, one of their drishos vechakiros is to hook them up to a nerve detector to measure their reaction when they see images of children. Apparently your overreaction at seeing an infant is so OFF THE CHARTS that no machine is required.

  39. "at seeing an infant is so OFF THE CHARTS"

    A woman went to jail for 30 years for posting nude infant photos.

    The zechis from the Zaideh wont allow Paulie to 30 years - not sure if he still has that many years ??? - but its por...neverthless.

  40. You mean al the Briskehs and the Soloveitchik guys don't do metzeetzah b'peh CHAS Ve'SHLOLOM ???????

    Or is that a Pope Paulie psak?????

  41. What an am haaretz gomur!

    The gedolei Lita assered metzitza altz the sakonna of viruses that the mohelim pass to the babies, often enough even killing them r"l. There are also many mental illnesses & learning disabilities in heimishe kinder which doctors have linked to viruses transmitted on the 8th day. The Chassidishe get excited over a Chasam Sofer which many hold they are not interpreting correctly. The Fressers will do anything to keep wealthy Chassidim in their ranks so they buttered them up by going to battle for metzitza. Rav Elyashev was not concerned about metzitza when Mayor Bloomy had a hava amina to make problems. He just pointed out that meshumod Bloomy in zein hartz really wants to abolish milah in gantzen.

    But the am haaretz OU mashgiach will continue being the big kreineh d'igresa for metzitza which gives him a long list of "advantages" that give him geshmak:

    He can keep acting like he's a mon deomar.

    He gets to keep bashing the gedolei Brisk.

    He gets to keep bashing "Paulie".

    He gets to keep hocking about porn - ken zein his biggest geshmak

    It's good for Paysach Krohn, gomco or not.

    He can keep covering up for his basement associate who is secret agent for Fisher continuing with illegal milos after NY State banned him. When's the last time Fisher performed services in the Eastern Queens basement? He even gets a free overnight guest suite on Grand Central Parkway service road when he comes.

    He can keep shilling for the Agudah Fressers on multiple fronts. Because the same corrupt doctors discovered by the Fressers or Satmar, who they share the doctors & their $ fees $ with each other, are maching avek concerns for the whole package of metzitza, anti-vaxx & coronavirus.

    1. So now not only are Talmiday chachamim worthless so are the doctors.
      Where is the A team (as in Avoudeh zarah team) going?
      Straight to Geiheenom.

  42. Ich farshtay nisht takkeh why the Chassidisher get so emotional about metzitzah. They are generally not makpid on Yoshon, one of the reasons being that Yoshon over time became more prone to become bug infested. So if metzitzah one day became disease prone, why don't they drop it for the sake of the kinder?

  43. The head of Israel’s first coronavirus ward in Sheba Medical Center slammed the Israeli public for disregarding human lives by failing to adhere to health regulations, Yediot reported.

    Dr. Gadi Segal wrote a post on Facebook urging Israeli to start viewing the coronavirus pandemic more seriously.

    “I’ve posted the names of the people who have died as a result of the disease,” Segal wrote. “Many of them I knew, some died in my arms,”

    “Their blood is on the head of anyone who thinks that his theories, his parnassah, his personal liberty, his freedom of speech, his right to refuse and in general, he himself, is more important than the lives of others. As a human being and a doctor, I’m ashamed of the society I live in.”

    “And perhaps this is the main problem – there’s no shame left in the world. Perhaps that’s the cause of all the tragedies we see around us.”

    In an interview with Ynet, Segal said that denial of the pandemic and non-adherence to simple health guidelines will bring about a lockdown.

    Dr. Segal also noted that “underlying illnesses” are far more common than the public is willing to believe. “In Western society, starting at age 50, the proportion of people with underlying illnesses is huge. These are not sick people, but functional people who live normal lives but they have diabetes or high blood pressure. There are so many people in the population who have high blood pressure.”

    “All that’s necessary is to realize the fact that there’s a very problematic illness here and use a mask and avoid gatherings. There’s a very simple equation here. There’s a pandemic. A lockdown has devastating and damaging results and people don’t want it but instead of adopting steps that will prevent infection, they deny the pandemic. It’s a catastrophe.”

  44. Ah. Paulie halt zich fahr ah litvisheh when all he is is a Hungarian mumar, meen and Apikoorsous.

  45. "Straight to Geiheenom"

    Mamash a za nut! Still with the hell curses after all the years.

    He curses people over nothing.

    He curses even when it's not nogaya him at West Side Kosher / OU / by his beloved molesters or anywhere else.

    When the Kissena supermarket first opened (owned by the shvantz kicked out of Gourmet Glatt for kashrus violations and covered up with Queens Vaad complicity by a front man "owner"), there was a kashrus goof up that Chaim Schwartz was trying to contain. A shopper who stumbled across the bumbling Queens Vaadniks commented on it here. As he often does, the OU mashgiach jumped at his keyboard to curse the shopper spilling the beans with "Geiheenom!"

    OU mashgiach, be careful what you wish for!

    Maybe he's just an Erev Ravnik einikel that Chazal warned would be working for Yiddishe organizatzias in this dor. It doesn't say that Avrohom Avinu blocks the entrance for Erev Ravniks.

    There is for sure one shnit who Avrohom Avinu davka does not block the entrance for. And there was a major Telzer mayseh that recently became public nogeye dem. The alter Clevelander mekubol Rav Gruman was involved with yungerleit from Telzer kollel running the Chevra Kadisha years ago. Some bochurim in Telz had a father who was a kenakdik baal habus in his kehilla. When the father was niftar, the Chevra Kadisha were stunned beyond belief that he was an Orail!!!!! There are all kinds of special halachos when it's discovered l'acher misasoi. Tze geven lebedik!

    With all of his bizarre, over the top misbehavior, what category is the OU mashgiach in?

  46. Bs"d

    Re: Anonymous 12:21

    Thank you for exposing us to the stinking filth of "yediot" and "ynet" who've suddenly become "tzaddikim" to have "utmost regard for human life" and have become "super-frum" to quote "Harav hagoan Dr. Gadi Segal shlit"a". Apparantly, the prospect of slamming the Israeli public (when the REAL [local] culprits are all sitting in the Knesset and in Misrad Habriyut - deciding when and where to arbitrarilly force the Israeli public to comply to their dictates and when and where to rescind them - apart and removed from the most basic "cause and effect" catalysts behind the spread of the pandemic in common sense terms) causes them to choke up in "religious zeal" against all non-subscribers to their lopsided approach.... (I.e. allowing the country to "function as usual" - even as the severity of this current outbreak dwarfs the previous one half a year ago when everything was "shut down"!)

    But - let's just say that they're not alone - they follow the absurdities of the world population; and with their "pintele yid" they really DO care after all to preserve human lives of their brothers - just that their modern day "education" and "intellectual knowledge"causes them - like everbody else - to go off the rails.

    For those of you whom are learning daf yomi - we find (Eiruvin 29 I think it is) that one who ate the inner leaves of a scallion (less than the shiur of a "Zeres" long) and then died - we don't ask "why they died" (i.e. they ate poison.) However, if they also drank wine - then they need not worry.
    From here we see that one MAY put themselves in a makom sakana wherever there is a known remedy on hand.

    So, you'll claim that the known and repeatedly denied, denied, and denied again remedy of 200 mg. HCQ twice daily + 500 mg. Azithromycin + 220 mg. Zinc is only 99% effective (when taken at the outset of symptoms); and therefore maybe the danger here is still "not
    insignificant" - particularly among those whom are liable to come into contact with the elderly and those with comorbidies. - I'm not coming here to argue this point, but the two obvious absurdities remain:

    1. Those who slam, smear, lambast, and threaten others for not following all the safety measures which are mandated are paradoxically THOSE SAME DENIERS of HCQ-zinc-azithromycin treatment; and what's more - they don't cease to highlight skewed "trials" which "indicate it not to be effective" (i.e. because they were not done properly and/or EARLY according to Dr. Zelenko's protocol. As Dr. Zelenko himself said, "It's like proving that a firehose can't put out a forest fire raging out of control".).

    2. In addition - many of these liberals BLITHELY VIOLATE THEIR OWN MANDATES WHICH THEY'VE IMPOSED UPON THEIR OWN CITIZENS - as is evidenced by the liberal governers of Michigan, Virginia, Oregon, and most lately by W/H speaker Nasty Policy. Poor Dr. Gadi Segal is just
    one of the many "concerned" doctors blindsided by the world's political/economic interests in overriding common medical sense!

    Hence, without being entirely dismissive of Dr. Segal's plea - the public still has the right to know whom the REAL culprits are!

  47. This is an alt-right blog.
